Ah! I see my mediocre title has drawn you in! I won't take too much time in introducing myself, because I know you're more interested in the meat of this post. My name is Pierce, but you can call me P, Prince, Pierce, and Lucian, because that's my middle name. I'm 19, almost 20, and I'm a sophomore in college with a major in Animation and a minor in depression. This means I can be spotty, and I can be very slow on replies.
Now that that's over with, let's get to the necessary evil thing, then to the good stuff.
First things first, I only to fade to black. No ifs, ands, or buts.
Please talk to me OoC, regardless of if it's just to drop our RP or to chat me up. I like conversation and I am a lonely bean.
That being said, your comfort is very important to me. Something makes you uncomfy? Let me know and we can fix it real quick!
I ask for about a paragraph per reply. More is always appreciated, and less is sometimes all you can muster, but on average, a paragraph or two is good.
I've got a couple things content-wise that I don't really want in my rp. Heavy gore and explicit drug use (like describing the use, not the fact that it's happening).
I'm bad about messaging you. I'm extremely forgetful when it comes to contact, especially when I get blindsided by my brain. I will try, but I can't always promise. I'm sorry ahead of time.
I like OCs. OCxOC because I don't want to butcher a canon character, and OCxCanon seems weird to me.
Good stuff time! I've got it broken down into categories.
Pokémon Tokyo Ghoul DragonBall Z Naruto Baccano! Ouran Highschool Host Club Inuyasha
American Horror Story (Seasons 2, 3, or 6) Harry Potter Avatar: The Last Airbender Wolfenstein Homestuck (will play canons) Overwatch (will play canons)
Modern Day
Victorian Era
Ancient Greece
Ancient Rome
Ancient Ireland
Uhhhhh... If you don't see it, just ask!
Steampunk Fantasy Slice of Life Romance Supernatural Anything regarding anthromorphs Anything else, just ask!
That's the jist! PM me, please, if you're interested!
I've been on a Harry Potter fanfiction reading rampage this last week, so the idea of a potterverse RP is horribly interesting to me. Especially something with possible romance and/or friendship between different houses maybe?