Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Black Ninja
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Black Ninja

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Written or imaginative?
There were two forms of magic in the world - the written form and the imaginative form. Both had their own unique abilities and disadvantages. But the few who practiced the forms swore by them, declared that their was the only correct way.

Once there were many who knew how to use the magic but over the ages of the world, only two survived. Adamently stuck in their ways, they continue their argument using taught students as pieces to show that "their" way is the best.

Both aspects of magic can heal the individual using it (without a lot of focus or detail - if it's on them). It also (if known) can help you slow your aging. But that's not something the masters really focus on as much.

Needless to say, the two types of magic are varying and have their own pros and cons. And thus the argument continues, the two oldest magicians often finding a new pair of students to launch at each other, the stakes growing higher and higher on if one wins vs loses.

First off, if this sounds at all familiar and that particular book calls out in your mind - you are awesome! Yes, the concept is taken from the book. Don't spoil it mwuahahaa.

One thing to point out, is there are not that many magicians. You have the two masters who have been around forever and then you have a few of their surviving students here and there. Not that many, maybe one or two. Not everyone can do magic but those who are able do not always learn. It's extremely rare to find someone who can innately do it without being taught.

Our MCs are two respective students (both masters in their own right by time the story starts), one of each school of thought. They are the only students at the time of each master (the masters only teach one at a time and not that often - usually more to challenge each other and prove theirs is the correct way).

I do have a preference of which magic my character has but its flexible and I can do either.
What I'm looking for is a pairing - male and female - for a romance aspect which might be interesting [though note I'm not just having one character. I love bringing in NPCs, secondaries, and possibly depending on how it is - a second major MC).
In this particular story, I am preferring to have the female student as my MC. I will have secondaries of magicians pairing, I am looking for someone to write the male MC.

As stated, at the start of the RP both can be considered Masters in their own rights, each being taught as early as five or six, pending the master. Both are aware of a challenge though neither know who their opponent is or what the challenge fully entails. I'm thinking though, pending how we want to start it, one might realize the other is their opponent or both realize it. But we can discuss.

The venue will be set (we'll discuss - though I'm thinking that together they run their own 'company' that does amusement rides, haunted houses - or various sets infused with magic) for the game, I'm thinking at first they might think of it as a competition and then eventually they might team up. Each type of magic has its pros and cons. Collobaritevely it can be a masterpiece. Of course, they might team up initially. Really depends on what venue we do. I have a couple in mind but we can discuss.

This is not just a RP about magic (though it will be in there). In fact there won't be a lot of time "detailing" out the various magic used. It's more of a story between two individuals with amazing abilities caught between two Master chess players. Friendship, romance, and use of magic. But we can discuss.

Please PM if you are interested.
I do work for a living and December will be picking up and becoming busier.
I don't guarantee a post every day but I try to get you something at least (though usually more frequently) once a week (Probably more often but I like to err on the side of caution vs. over promise and not deliver).

Either way, thank you for reading my short inquiry.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by shylarah
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shylarah the crazy one

Member Seen 17 hrs ago

Dropping in to give this fellow a bump and an endorsement. Seriously, you like writing, you like intelligent partners with ideas, you like words and emotions...talk to this awesome dude.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Black Ninja
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Black Ninja

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Thanks @shylarah! :)
You're a fantastic partner as well!!!
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Black Ninja
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Black Ninja

Member Seen 5 mos ago

~ Magical Bump
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Black Ninja
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Black Ninja

Member Seen 5 mos ago

The line for the haunted mansion slowly moves forward. You've never been but you're excited. It only opened two nights ago and everyone who has gone through said it was the scariest thing they had ever seen or felt. None could explain it exactly, they couldn't tell you why it was so terrifying but all could not wait to go back.

As you wait eagerly, you look at the brochure. On the back, near the bottom indicates the creators of this place: Miremini, Inc.

Screams from the haunted house filter out to you, sending chills down your back even as the words send wonder through you. Another person goes in and the line moved up

~ La bump
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Black Ninja
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Black Ninja

Member Seen 5 mos ago

The Defier was no ordinary roller coaster. According to the Times, it "pushed the boundaries of modern physics". The Tribune declared: "It truly lives up to its name, defying gravity itself". Though speed wasn't the main factor, the Defier did go nearly two hundred miles per hour, fifty miles faster than the current world record. In addition to the insane speeds, there were aspects of the ride that seemed, impossible. Though there were no gaps in the track, everyone who rode could swear that there were a couple times the car actually jumped through the air before landing back on the track. That and the fact that some of the turns made should have been impossible, the physics of the coaster nearly defying the laws of nature itself. Nothing that could be proven when examining the roller coaster, everyone just passing it off as an amazing experience. And yet despite the insane speed, the daring twists, turns, and plunges - all of it - not one person who rode it got sick or hurt. In fact, every visitor was left with a feeling that was difficult to describe. Though they felt the intense thrill and possibly even fear when riding, there was an almost content feeling, a deep sense of satisfaction from the ride itself. The ride touched them in some way. If asked though to put their feelings into words, none could quite do so.

"The ride was amazing. Thrilling. It had an almost...magical feel to it"

And so the
Defier continued to gain national recognition. The owner of the amusement park once again praising his luck that the illusterious and slightly mysterious Miremini, Inc., had even approached him with the concept of this ride. He just wished he could find them again and have them make yet another "magical" ride.

~ La bump
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