This is Asnao. A once-beautiful world, now scarred with the wounds of war. After long years of fighting between the inhabitants of the planet, the paradise world has been defiled by destructive magic and spears of fire.
But it was not always like this, in the beginning, the creator gods, Tyrius and Atris, upheld harmony in the heavens. Tyrius represented order and control, while Atris was freedom and chaos. Together, they molded the planet from the bare ingredients of the cosmos, because where their is Order there must be Chaos. In this time of creation, Tyrius created Life, and decided to devote all he had to the creation of life on Asnao. But his sister, Atris, was jealous, and attempted to create life as well, but her creations knew only anger and hatred. As her creations waged war against Tyrius’ creations, killing many in the process, Atris attempted to destroy her creations.
In response, Tyrius imprisoned his sister within a prison of rock, and set her adrift in orbit of the planet. In his solitude, Tyrius created the three base races of Asnao; the Alwen, powerful magical casters. The Duegvar, great builders and warriors. And finally, the Terrians, a diverse race of beings that learned to adapt to their surroundings with astonishing defiance.
These three races lived in peace for sometime, and advanced at their own rate. The Terrians began to build great walled cities to protect against the harsh world they had been set in, the Alwen used their magic to raise a city into the sky, where they could hone their magic away from the ‘inferior races’, and the Duegvar began to set their eyes underground, mining for rare minerals beneath the surface of the planet.
Tyrius was proud of his creation, but felt weakened by his sister’s absence. To watch over the world, he created the Va’loi, a race of supernatural beings, created to watch over Life on Asnao while Tyrius slept within the moon, alongside his sister.
Thousands of years have passed, and in that time, Asnao has become a shadow of it’s former self.
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Only 5 years ago, the Armistice between the Terrian nation of Cieria, the Alwen city of Shell, and the Duegvar kingdom of Moorn, was agreed upon by the military leaders. They would cease their fighting, and look to rebuild what they had destroyed. The unofficial end of the Clockwork War has left many former soldiers with nothing, many became homeless, or became employed by various criminal organizations. Cieria, once a military superpower, has been reduced to bickering politicians, continuously arguing over how to rebuild. Shell has rebounded, and is now holding a festival in celebration of their peace, however, an influx of disillusioned refugees from Cieria has caused some issues racially. The Duegvar have not been heard from, their strongholds have been placed under martial law, with no import or export. However, word in the underground says that they are rebuilding their mechanized military in case of a secondary conflict.
However, in these dark times, the Alwen corporation: Arcenaeu Industries, has extended their hand to taking in the influx of refugees and ex-soldiers as workers and to integrate them into their private military company Arc Guard. However, their generosity is overshadowed by their greedy intentions, such as their extended mining operations, and surveying teams on the Moons of Asnao.
It is a strange, chaotic chapter of history. In the darkness, sinister agendas are being filled. The future is uncertain, but one thing is clear...
Asnao will be changed forever.
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Alwen, High-born magic users. The majority of their population lives in the floating city of Shell, above the Izulia Isles. They are gifted in magic and bladed combat, with many styles being perfected far from the eyes of Cieria.
They have interests in arts and humanities, but are known for their distaste for other races. While Terrians are typically accepted in Shell and surrounding cities, Duegvar are seen as untrustworthy.
Shell Alwen are typically light skinned, with hair in various light almost-metallic colours. Their cousins on the Isles are of darker skin, and have much more bright, vibrant hair colours.

The largest race on Asnao, who occupy seventy-percent of habitable space of the continent of Voi. They are an extremely varied group of people, with many different interests. While one Terrian city may be dedicated to the study of magic while another may be heavily militarized and industrial.
They are a determined race, willing to fight for what they own. It was their defensive nature that propelled them into the Clockwork War, as Alwen and Duegvar troops moved through the borders of Cieria, looking to war with each other. However, their defiance would put them at odds with both sides.
A Terrian’s appearance can vary largely, mainly due to heritage and their homeland. Terrians’ physical appearance can change vastly, from porcelain white skin and ashen-hair, to dark-blue and deep umber tones.

“Unity, through innovation!” Is the unofficial motto of the Duegvar. They are hardy and resilient, being known to endure extreme heat and cold. They inhabit the Western region of Voi, and the smaller continent of Khol. They dedicate much of their resource and time to industries such as mining, manufacturing, and munitions.
But they are not as cold as the metals they work with, in reality, they are a cheerful race, who take pride in their craft and society, however if they feel threatened, they will unite and wage war with ferocity, the Clockwork War was a good example of this.
Duegvar are known for their small stature, with the average Male Duegvar standing around 5’1, and a female at 4’10. Their skin is ruddy and dark accompanied by hair in varying colours of bright red and dark orange.
The Clockwork War

The name used to label the overlapping conflicts between Duegvar of Moorn, and the Alwen. The most recent conflict brought the Terrians of Cieria into the war. The last war lasted nearly four years, before an armistice was reached after heavy loses on all sides.

On Asnao, magic and swordsmanship can easily best a man with a gun. So to stand a chance, bullets have been created using the shards of various magically-attuned crystal formations. This ammunition can be imbued with various effects, such as added kinetic force, incendiary effects, or reality-warping science.
However, not everyone has access to these crystals, or magic users to charm them, so many weapons manufacturers use alternate materials and smelting methods to stand next to crystal ammunition. The largest of these manufacturers is the Duegvar city of Grimhold.
The Art of Magic

Magic and Swordplay stand side-by-side on Asnao, as many warriors use a combination of both to defend themselves, or inflict damage on others. Magic can easily be divided into the four caragories: Astral, Summoning, Elemental, and Healing.
Astral is an extention of an individuals energy and connection to cosmic energy. This form of magic can be used to project magical barriers, or fire beams of energy at enemies.
Summoning is the art of bringing mass into existence that was not there before. Many Summoners pull otherworldly beings or energy into their realm using this magic, it is also used for teleportation and transmutation.
Elemental magic is more basic, and relates to the basic elements of Life; Water, Fire, Earth, and Soul. While the three basic elements embody the mastery of the control of an element, Soul is much more mysterious. Some say that a select few can utilize Soul magic, those who have tremendous amounts of energy within them. Others say that only those who have been touched by the Va’loi can truly unlock this magic.
Finally, Healing magic is the sacred art of using energy to rebuild and envigorate a being. This is perhaps one of the oldest form of magic, and most commonly used form. Healers include Priests and Battle Doctors. Though this magic is effective, many hospitals and doctors use modern medicine, which is as effective, if not more effective than magic.

Created by Tyrius, The Creator, to watch Asnao as he regained strength. They are mysterious, and many people are skeptical to their existence. However, the common belief is that each Va’loi is individual, and has their own agenda and interests.
Many claim to have seen Va’loi, and say that they are the source of magic on Asnao, though some disregard these as just stories.

Capital city of the Alwen race, held in the sky by powerful magic. The Alwen find the solitude and isolation as a form of detachment from the other inhabitants of Asnao, however the end of the Clockwork War has brought refugees flooding into the floating city.

Once seen as the pinnacle of Terrian civilization, the great city is slowly falling apart. Within the walls, the Cierian government squabbles over how to properly rebuild their nation. While their broken military attempts to repair their defensive measures against the natural dangers of Voi.

The Duegvar kingdom of Moorn has been isolated from the rest of the world since the Armistice, following a plan they claim “ensures political stability”. Their capital of Grimhold is nearly impenetrable, a monument to their technological might.
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Hello, and welcome to The Divinity Crisis, an RP inspired by various JRPGs and pop culture series, most notablely Final Fantasy. I drew inspiration for various Final Fantasy games, mainly VII, VIII, Advent Children, XIII and it’s sequel, XV. Also, the Xenoblade series, Lost Planet, and a few other games, books, television series, and manga.
This will be a very story-heavy, character-driven RP. Don’t expect a huge open world, I’m looking to get a group of committed characters who want to complete and develop a story.
Our story will revolve around a mixed group of people, who are brought together by fate to save Asnao. I hate to be so vague, but I would hate to spoil the story.
Feel free to add to the lore of this RP. If you have an idea or concept that you think would be interesting, just say so! This is as much your roleplay as it is mine.