Wrath of Darkness

History and Where it All Went Wrong

Who's Who, What's What, and Where's Where

Monster Codex

Monster Template

Where To Go and What To Do

With the backstory, special places, and oddities part done, we can all finally move onto what this RP is all about, what the CS looks like, what the rules are, and a bit about how I run my games!

To get the boring things out of the way...

Since I didn't say it before... Welcome to the Wrath of Darkness RP! First things first, thanks for giving this page a look! If you've given the first few hiders a look then I need to salute you for making it through my mad ramblings.

Yet now we get to the part about what will be happening. The goal of this RP is to have the members of a particularly varied Expedition Team to leave the safety of Anselmo to search, explore, and find out about a wild world destroyed and now on the verge of total insanity. The primary goal is to seek out the Monster Killing Weapon. With that the Leviathans can be beaten and once again humanity can reclaim the world. However, just because the main goal is to seek out the weapon that doesn't mean it is a direct route or even one that has to be 'on the beaten path'. I made a world and I'd like to visit it with some good players!

For anybody who thinks this may be up your alley the RP has been posted in the Casual chat and I'd love to see new folks! roleplayerguild.com/topics/170319-wra…