Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Legion X51
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Legion X51 Cap'n Fluff

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Character you have created:
Katarina von Rysech / Katarzyna z Ryzsecz

Various names that have been bandied about in the ages, though most simply call her The Red Countess.

Speech Colour (Actually say what you're using):

Character Alignment:
A true Villain of the ages, Katarina is bent on unlocking the deepest secrets of the arcane and of the ultimate goal of unlife - to be free of the need for blood and to no longer fear the sun... And she will do *anything* to get it.

Only known to a handful of those versed in the dark arts of necromancy and vampirism.

Character Personality:
Selfish, undependable and duplicitous, von Rysech is not a woman to be trusted or relied upon for important duties, though she is capable of loyalty to some causes, so long as they suit her own purposes ultimately. She plays the long game, willing to allow the mortals about her play along with their own little flickers of energy, their brief moments of glory before the cold embrace of death takes over. She is willing to grant others the mercy of the Blood Kiss, though any that are turned by her are subservient to her every whim and desire, no matter how dangerous or damaging it may be. When in battle, she is utterly merciless and ruthless to a fault, willing to sacrifice even the largest and most powerful of their servants in her search for power and her birthright - her lands in what is now Kaliningrad, the old Holy Roman county of Preussen-Konigsberg. Ultimately, she wishes to create her own vampiric paradise, where the hateful rays of the sun are obscured by the mists of undeath, and those in her thrall toil for her benefit, and finally, von Rysech will rebuild the Tower of Spires, and within, she will retire to her libraries once more. She lusts for knowledge and arcane arts, and will not hesitate to jump at any opportunity to expand her collection of spells and arcane magicks.

But... anyone can change.

Katarina often sports Renaissance-style clothing (in spite of the changing times) as she is more comfortable with the clothing that she knew in her mortal life.

Origin Info/Details:

Hero Type (Select one):

Power Level (Select one below):
World-Level. Katarina once ruled the mightiest vampiric empire the Baltic had ever seen, and though it was lost to the Christian foes of the Empire, she aspires to see herself rise to such levels once more.

- Knows English, German, Polish, French and (some) Russian
- Can shift shapes from humanoid to beast (bat swarm) to monstrous (known as the Gheist) forms.
- Superhuman strength.
- Blinding speed and reflexes.
- All of Katarina's abilities can be strengthened when she has fed from one of her unfortunate victims.
- For spells and relics, see below.

Attributes (Select one at each category):
As Katarina:
Height: Five feet and eleven inches.
Weight: 148 pounds, or 67.1 kg.
Strength Level: About 10 to 20 tons at maximum humanoid strength
Speed/Reaction Timing Level: 100+ MPH at maximum reflexes
Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: About 4 hours per feeding
Agility: 15X Normal
Intelligence: Not quite Genius, though she plays the long game...
Fighting Skill: Mastered. The Red Countess is a vicious and powerful fighter, particularly with her rapier.

As the Gheist:
Height: Well over ten feet tall from feet to head, including wings possibly as many as 15 ft
Weight: Unknown, possibly as much as two and half tons
Strength Level: Between 70-80 tons comfortably
Speed/Reaction Timing Level: 80-90 MPH
Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: About 4 hours per feeding
Agility: Slightly slower than humanoid, perhaps about 12-13X that of a human
Intelligence: The Red Countess maintains her intelligence level, even as a Gheist.
Fighting Skill: Mastered. Bestial, bloody and brutal, Katarina as a Gheist can rip through whole squads of men all by herself.

Limited at best currently. Katarina is slowly returning to power, and lacks much of her repertoire and her infrastructure, including her library of ancient tomes. Katarina currently has herself, her power and that's about it.

Though a Vampire, Katarina is still susceptible to physical damage and if her mortal form is destroyed, she will flee back to Neuhausen as the proverbial mist to regenerate. Depending on her level of power, this can take any time between minutes and weeks, during which time she is still vulnerable to her coffin being attacked and destroyed, which will kill her. None but the most powerful gods can save her undead soul after that. Katarina is still vulnerable to the sun and will suffer very serious consequences in direct sunlight, though she can somewhat tolerate overcast conditions due to her power. Christians beware, however, for she is no stranger to the symbols of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Some say it is because of her Prussian heritage, others that even God has a plan in mind for her, others still that her latent atheism protects her, but whatever the reason, crosses and religious artefacts will not stop Katarina.

Supporting Characters:
- Lord Franz Siegfried Philipp Ludwig von Sigmaringen, Katarina's ally and vampire of Swabia. Franz Siegfried has been Katarina's constant companion since early in her reign, and accompanied her as she fled into the catacombs of the Tower of Spires. Weaker and bent to Katarina's will, Franz Siegfried is nevertheless a potent physical adversary in battle, though he lacks much of Katarina's power. Currently is unaware of Katarina's re-awakening.

- Benjamin Reeves: A werewolf that Katarina met during her brief sojourn in New York City. Katarina was instantly charmed by his mild manner and physical appearance, and has inwardly vowed to protect him from all danger as best she can. The two of them have formed an unlikely alliance, and possibly even more.

Do you know how to post pictures on RPG boards?: I've already posted two of them, damn it.

Theme Song: Katarina, The Red Countess

It had been almost four hundred years since her Fall. Four hundred years of suffering, slow regeneration and isolation from the world in her coffin. The surface-dwellers, the living, the mortals above - all thought that she was dead, that the Red Countess was perhaps never anything more than a myth, a legend that lived only in folk tales from Prussia. Four hundred years of archaeological digs had failed to unearth her, and so she was allowed to rest in peace... until now. The magics and balance of the world had changed, with the rise of the superheroes and supervillains, and the age of metahumanity had begun. From deep within the bowels of an abandoned ruin, a coffin stirred and slowly came to life, as a dull red glow surrounded it from within.

The Red Countess awakes from her torpor.

Katarina staggered forward and fell to the dusty stone floor, the coffin lid falling to one side and the ashes of her once-sumptuous attire swirling about her in a mockery of her old status and power, brought down by Sigismund Vasa, the Polish bastard. She could feel her old wounds aggravating her, and she thirsted... by God, she thirsted. Her energy levels were such that even opening her eyes felt an unimaginable task, let alone standing up. She lay on the cold stone for what felt like an eternity, before slowly, and painfully, she reached out a nailed hand and tried to drag herself forward, finding no strength in her tired and blood-starved muscles; despite her best efforts, she remained stubbornly immobile, her rage increasing, until finally, her will snapped and she screamed as loud as she could in pathetic defiance of her condition. She found herself practically unable to move from lack of energy, and had anyone been aware of her... they could have ended her right there and then. However, there was only one who was with her - Franz Siegfried, the man who stood by her as her world burned, as her whole dreams were cast down and shattered, as her lands were slaughtered and devastated. And now, it was he who stood above her, looking down, a broad, fanged smile on his face, with a hand extended to help her back to her feet. "Katarina, my sweet love... it has been a long time. "

Her arms protested as she slowly crawled over to his closest leg and gripped it tightly, using his clothes and frame as a structural aid as she slowly crawled to her feet. "Franz... please... help me... let me feed." Her throat was dry, her voice cracking with the strain, but Franz smiled, nodded and proceeded to open up his neck, allowing Katarina to sink her fangs into his throat and drink deeply of his tainted blood, infected as he was by a fragment of Katarina's power. She gasped involuntarily as power began to course through her torpid veins and her old strength returned to her. She withdrew her fangs as Franz staggered back, holding a hand to the bite wound, and she wiped her mouth with her hand. "Thank you. I knew you would come to save me from my torpor one day, Franz. Perhaps there is hope for us yet... hope for Neuhausen. Hope for the Tower. Hope for us to rebuild what we had. Our empire. Our future. Our... our love." Katarina looked over at a glass display case where Franz had laid out her most treasured outfit of luxurious fabrics and leather, as well as her fabled sword, Black Sun. She walked over to the case and smashed through the glass with but a light punch, and took hold of her new clothes and her sword. Dressing herself, she sheathed her sword and turned back to Franz, who looked upon her with adoring eyes, as ever.

"Franz... We have much to do. We must find allies, resources, power, and we must find it elsewhere. We could escape our foes in the New World... And there we could build up our empire with which to strike back at the hated Church, strike back at those who wronged us! Those who envied our power, our glory!The Poles, the Germans, the Lithuanians... they all will die at my hand! Let the world know... The Red Countess returneth!"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Legion X51
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Legion X51 Cap'n Fluff

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Character you have created:
Raeviir El'Anadar, The Spider Queen

See above. Very few know of the Queen's existence, let alone her true identity.

Speech Color:

Character Alignment:

Secret - her existence is barely known to the world at large.

Character Personality:
The Spider Queen physiologically is utterly alien to humanity. Her thought patterns and processes, however, are most certainly not. Driven by a hatred - and some might say fear - of humanity at large, the Spider Queen stops at nothing to bring the surface dwellers to their knees, either to serve the Queen themselves, or die at the chittering, snickering masses of the Queen's minions. Some unlucky cave-searchers have been able to report webbed humanoid corpses serving as breeding grounds and larders for masses of arachnid hosts - slaves or food seems to be the Queen's idea of humanity at large. Whether there is an underlying purpose to the Queen's actions is at the moment unknown, and may yet never be known.


Origin Info/Details:
Humanity has no real knowledge of the background, history and even origin of the entity known as the Spider Queen. Some say that it is a demon, spawned from some ritual that took place aeons ago. Others say it is simply a magician of the old days gone mad. Others still argue it is a natural spirit that has somehow been corrupted into the form that it currently possesses today - possibly corrupted during the events of the last century or so, through violence and bloodshed. Some others even deny the existence of such an entity, simply dismissing any talk as superstition or coincidence.

And yet, deep within the bowels of the darkest underground passages underneath Lost Haven, and perhaps other cities around the world, the domain of the Spider Queen grows ever larger. At its core is the Nest, a place so foul and dangerous that none have successfully ventured there, and any who have tried have never been seen from again. Even those armed with modern weaponry and equipment have been lost to the caverns beneath Lost Haven, and now those brave - or foolhardy - few who attempt to clear the infestations caused by the Queen's minions in the upper caverns and extending into the civilised areas of Lost Haven must do so with the utmost caution and care, lest they be overwhelmed by swarms of arachnid monsters. Firesweeps are considered to be the most effective - or at least efficient - method of controlling the arachnid swarms that vomit forth from the Nest and various other locations yet to be discovered by humanity, but even they are limited in scope and effectiveness, for fire can only keep monsters at bay for so long. There have been disturbing reports of the Queen's minions developing fireproof carapaces and chitinous membranes to deflect the worst of any flame weapon used against them - evolution, or forced change?

The truth of the matter is that the Queen is a single individual, brought by a transdimensional gate that erred in its form and function. It was supposed to be the beginning of cross-dimensional travel by those who called the Queen kin, supposed to be the beginning of a new era of power for her race. But it failed. The Queen was the only one to survive the tumultuous travel through time and space, arriving upon Earth, shorn of all earthly possessions, friends, family... only herself to survive in the frigid darkness of tunnels and caverns long-forgotten and thought lost to mortal eyes. Cold, naked and starving, the Queen resigned herself to her fate - a miserable end to an existence, inevitably reduced to naught but a skeleton to commemorate the failure of her kind. And yet, whilst the caverns sought to snuff out the Queen's brief flicker of life, the Queen resolved to hold on, and to force her way to survival. Disregarding all that she had come to appreciate, the Queen lived off the meagre foodstuffs that she could obtain - fungi, insects and what scarce water she could obtain, until eventually, she was able to stave off starvation and death for as long as she could. It was then that she turned her attentions away from death and toward life - to make something of this debacle, this miserable attempt at an expedition. Thus began the inexorable march towards the Spider Queen's rise to power...

Hero Type:
Mystic Supernatural Shifter.

Power Level:
The Queen's current level of influence would best be described as 'City Level' by the power rating system. Her power level herself is approaching Cosmic.


Control - The Queen seems to be able to control the movements and behaviour of many arachnid species. Attacks on humans by arachnids under the control of the Queen are common, sometimes fatal. This seems to be the most minor of the Queen's abilities.

Growth - The Queen has been proven to accelerate the growth of arachnid species to many times that of their normal size. Sporadic reports of swarms of 'huge' arachnids have been circulated, with some estimates placing the spiders sometimes standing over ten or twelve feet tall, and with potent venom and webbing glands to match.

Transformation - The Queen has the power to transform certain members of her broods that she deems worthy into fully sapient beings. Such creatures are gifted the power of humanoid senses, and are endowed with a humanoid torso that allows them to speak freely and truly. The foremost instance of Transformation is that of Iraqlae, First of the Brood, who was the first to be transformed in this manner, and as such is the most powerful of her kind. Iraqlae has the capacity to even wield magic of her own, allowing her to act semi-independently of the Queen's influence, enabling her to act as a form of vanguard or forward commander for attacks upon the surface.

Demonic Summoning - The Queen has yet to use this in open battle against the surfacers, but it is commonplace in the deeper darkness of the lower caverns. Creatures not of this world are summoned by the Queen to act as advisors, assistants and subordinates in her vast underground empire. Humanoids, arachnoids and other forms can be found advising the Queen on matters, from illithid to balors and bebiliths. Such denizens of the deep caverns have yet to be sighted by mortal eyes, but they lurk, ever waiting for their Queen's command.

The Winds of Magic - Such power is not available to merely any who try. The Winds of Magic are a force unique to the caverns beneath Lost Haven itself - they are not regulated by ley lines, energy levels or other forms of mortal magic known to humanity. The Winds of Magic are an ethereal form of energy, given off by all who know the touch of the Queen, however great or small. The Winds guide the denizens of the deep dark towards their chosen targets, and they also emanate from a single point. The Winds can be manipulated to cause many different effects, ranging from a pall of darkness descending upon an area for days on end, to a fearsome raging storm that lashes against all that know its power. However, the Queen has not made use of the Winds for such events... yet.

Telekinesis - The Queen knows many forms of magic, and telekinetic psionics are but one form of the Winds of Magic that she has mastered. Whether it be a person or an object, the Queen is capable of telekinetic ability, though it is not as powerful as those who have extensively trained and studied the art of psychic power.

The Strength of the Queen - The Queen herself is no ordinary person. Fuelled by magical arts outside human comprehension, the Queen herself is a deadly, agile combatant, able to move at the blink of an eye, and capable of feats of strength one would not expect from a humanoid of her scale. She commands a vast array of magical spells, ranging from dimensional transportation, to creating huge web-filled minefields of exploding runes, to even creating vast firestorms to sweep through caverns of her enemies.

Attributes (Select one at each category):

Height: Six feet and eight inches (203.2 cm)

Weight: Two hundred and forty-six pounds (111 kg or 17.5 stone)

Strength Level: Above normal human, but lower than any of the 'numerical' scales. The Queen relies on telekinesis for heavy strength work.

Speed/Reaction Timing Level: Around 60-70 mph.

Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: Some three or four times human levels.

Agility: Between ten and fifteen times that of humans.

Intelligence: The Queen is intelligent, but slow to act, though when her rage is roused it is swift and decisive.

Fighting Skill: Currently unknown, estimated Elite.

Resources: According to the scale, the best estimate of the Queen's resources would be 'Large'. She was a vast array of creatures serving at her command, and plenty of power to fall back on were she to be threatened with attack.



Do you know how to post pictures on RPG boards?:
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Legion X51
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Legion X51 Cap'n Fluff

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Character you have created:
Chorąży Kseniya Stanisława Zielinska

RUBIS (French for the gemstone 'ruby')

Speech Color:

Character Alignment:
Walking the Line

Known to some, but mostly 'secret-ish' in the United States. Those with sufficient intelligence clearance could be able to find out who she is by consulting with Polish intelligence networks.

Description & Personality:
Kseniya takes no shit. From anyone. She's a fearless veteran with plenty of military experience under her belt, including brief stints in combat with the Polish Army and the French Foreign Legion. She's a hard-bitten woman, and her age sometimes shows in her demeanour, seeing those younger than her as childish and irresponsible, particularly those new to the 'superhero' malarkey - such an attitude is perhaps unsurprising for someone with almost 30 years of armed service behind her. Her English is slightly clipped and spoken with a Polish accent, though it has improved since her sojourn to the United States began. She is slow to trust and slower to befriend, preferring to keep others at a respectful arm's distance, but she will not hesitate to speak her mind. If it's stupid, she'll say so. If it's wildly out of proportion, she'll say so. In combat, Kseniya is a commanding presence, whose voice rises above even the din of combat to yell orders to those under her charge. She is a disciplined, demanding squad leader, though she will never order one of her own subordinates to do anything she herself would not consider.

Origin Info/Details:
Born on the 14th of September, 1968, Kseniya Zielinska is the eldest of three children by Viktor, a career soldier in the Polish People's Army, and Krystyna, a largely self-made woman who ran a successful launderette in downtown Warszawa. Her upbringing was perhaps much different to those used to Western comforts - food queues were a common occurrence, as the Polish economy, despite several attempts at liberalisation, was slowly being ground down to support the struggling Soviet economy. (WIP)

Hero Type:

Power Level:
High Street Level/Low City Level - though she's no slouch, she's only one woman. Though a one-woman army.


The Immovable Object - Pretty much does what it says on the tin. Rubis is, for all intents and purposes, physically indestructible. She is immune to physical injury caused by significant emotional events such as, but not limited to, being shot, being stabbed, being gassed, and being submerged in water/boiling oil/molten metal and rock. She is not limited by the vagaries of age, disease or any such other damaging source or substance. However, she is still subject to the laws of physics - blast her in the chest with a shotgun, and she will go flying. She'll also be quite angry, so you'd better have a Plan B to restrain or subdue her when you realise that your little gun isn't going to stop this Polish juggernaut.

Attributes (Select one at each category):
Date of Birth: September 14th, 1968
Height: Five feet and ten inches (177.8 cm)
Weight: Twelve and a half stone (79.37 kg)
Strength Level: Above Human (but not by much
Speed/Reaction Timing Level: Human
Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: Effectively limitless
Agility: Human
Intelligence: Above Average
Fighting Skill: Mastered. As a veteran of 30 years, I'd hope so.

Medium. As a veteran of over 30 years' service, Kseniya has amassed quite the small fortune, due to her service in the Soviet Bloc being more lucrative due to her status. She has most of her cash invested in several bank accounts in Poland, Switzerland and Sweden, though she prefers to keep a sizeable sum of money on hand in case of 'emergencies'. Her estimated net worth is approximately €650,000 in her bank accounts alone, with another €75-€100,000 on hand immediately. However, given most of her arms trades are with the black market, such monetary reserves are not inexhaustible.

Rubis is not invincible to non-mundane forms of assault. She can be affected by psychic attacks and abilities targeting her mental health, though as a veteran of 30 years, she is quite hardened to horror, and she is strong-willed. She's also just one person. Surround her, capture her and restrain her. She might be immune to bullets, but she's still just a person, though perhaps stronger than one might expect, given how she can use her muscular structure to its fullest extent.

Supporting Characters - Family, Friends and Acquaintances

Pułkownik Viktor Zielinski, 64, M, Father - Resident of Warszawa. Colonel in the Polish Land Forces.
Krystyna Zielinska, 60, F, Mother - Resident of Warszawa. Retired launderette owner.
Jozef Zielinski, 44, M, Brother - Resident of Warszawa. Investment banker. Helps Kseniya with her financial matters.
Jan Zielinski, 40, M, Brother - Resident of Kolobrzeg. Fisherman in the Baltic Sea.
Jean Duchene, 54, M, Family Friend - Resident of Lost Haven. Retired Capitaine in the French Foreign Legion.
Charles Lerroux/Konstantin Tchorzewski, 51, M, Family Friend - Resident of Paris. Retired soldier, FFL/Polish Land Forces.
Caporal-Chef Arielle Francoise Lerroux - 19, F, Friend - Resident of Toulouse. Soldier, French Army.
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Legion X51 Cap'n Fluff

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Legion X51 Cap'n Fluff

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