Shiara Cazarin ~ Dark ~ Year 10 ~ rebel other images
Name: Shiara Cazarin Year of Education: tenth (Academy) Age: 14 (born in spring) Gender: female Element: Dark
I N - D E P T H A P P E A R A N C E
Shiara is a slender youth with deeply bronzed skin in the way of the Peledan islanders. Her hair is untamably curly, a problem she solves by tying it back most of the time, or occasionally putting it in lots of little braids. She keeps it shorter than most noble girls, but there's really not much she can do with it and dealing with it is time consuming. She has a round face; dark, gently tilted eyes; a wide, flat, and slightly upturned nose; high, thick brows; and full, expressive lips. She's still got the stick-straight figure of a young girl, with long limbs that will eventually match her solidly built frame, but for the moment Shiara looks like she couldn't figure out if she wanted to be gracefully slender or strong and stocky.
Her attire is as outlandish as her appearance. The child wouldn't be caught dead in the heavy, hot, restrictive swaddling Eskoran nobility calls clothing. She wears a combination of loose tunics, crop tops, lightweight breeches, and knee-length skirts. She often goes barefoot, but she can be convinced to wear sandals or shoes of supple leather. She loves bright colors and patterns, though she does own a number of darker things (great for sneaking about at night) and earth or cream tones (less notable in town). She has a variety of jewelry, most made of beads or shells. She'll sometimes braid such things into her hair, or add a bright flower behind her ear. One particular necklace she always wears, a simple leather thong with two pendants. One is long and thin, like a claw or a tooth. The other looks more like a large scale or shaped piece of abalone.
She always has one of her knives on her person, sometimes two or three depending on where she's going. While she knows how to fight with her fists, she's not particularly intimidating and a sharp blade does a lot to convince people to leave her alone if they give her too much trouble. Shiara often carries a small satchel either on a shoulder strap or belted at her hip. It's a good place to put a bit of money, and anything else she might need. It's likewise a good place for Ainel, the little dragon that is nearly always with her. He's in good condition, for a zombie, but no need to take chances. Unfortunately he doesn't always want to stay in there, and often climbs up to her shoulder. She's taken to wearing drapes or scarves, so he still has somewhere to hide.
Shiara's speech carries a gentle Peledan accent imparted by her father and grandparents. Her words and manners mark her as common-born, and she's never seen a reason to change that. She carries herself with confidence, and moves with more energetic athleticism than grace. She's neither clumsy nor particularly awkward, but she would never pass the tests of posture and poise that many young ladies of breeding are subjected to. If she could balance a stack of books on her head, it would only be because her hair is more supportive than the thinner locks of most Eskorans. She's disposed to large gestures, her movements and stance saying just as much as her words. She also tends to fidget a lot, bouncing her leg or toying with a piece of jewelry. Petting Ainel is sometimes an acceptable alternative for the latter.
Shiara started as a bright, cheerful girl. She loved watching the stars or playing in the waves. She enjoyed wandering the beach or the woods, and was eager to try new things. She was always rather independent, encouraged to be self-sufficient from a young age. The questionable acceptance of the townsfolk was never an issue in the mostly-Peledan part of the outskirts where she lived, and she never saw any reason to bother with people that didn't want her around. She took to her grandmother's teaching with solemn dedication, eager to prove herself worthy of her gift of magic, and the sort of respect she saw people giving Nisme. She absorbed stories and music with a wide-eyed eagerness, as if they could show her a glimpse of the world beyond her horizon. Shiara wasn't sure she wanted to be a bone woman despite her dedication to the training. She craved adventure, and there was always a driving curiosity in her constant questions on anything and everything.
Following her move to the Academy, she grew resentful and defiant. Forced to deal with those who neither liked nor accepted her, she developed a thick skin and a sharp tongue. She was never good at sitting still, and being forced to sit through pointless lessons made her eager to avoid them altogether. Their attitude towards dark magic left her with little respect for most academy staff, and her impatience soon turned into barely any tolerance for their foolishness. Shiara is under a lot of pressure just by being at the academy, and as a result she has a short temper. When worked up she hurls insults with a will, and if someone gets in her face she is not above punching them. Those that treat her with casual disrespect may be called out on it, or may be subjected to passive-aggressive baiting until they react or go away. When Shiara gets an idea in her head she can be incredibly stubborn, and she refuses to let others intimidate her, no matter how much bigger or stronger they might be. The way her family encouraged her curiosity is at odds with the school's style, and she's been taken to task many times for questioning teachers or otherwise disrupting classes with tangential discussions and outright challenges to accepted facts.
She is very defensive and prickly, even to sincere efforts to become her friend. Shiara's had too many people act friendly only to cut her deeply to be willing to trust quickly. She is slow to warm up to most strangers, though other islanders have an automatic advantage in this regard. Her respect is hard to earn, and only given to those who show themselves to be intelligent, able to look at the facts instead of trusting blindly in what "everyone knows", willing to back up their words with actions, and possessing a certain level of integrity. She's a clever girl, and it has been remarked that it's a shame she turns her wits to things like slipping off campus. She's been blamed for a number of unkind pranks, but very few were her doing. She's a convenient scapegoat, and other students take advantage of her generally combative manner, knowing that Shiara's indignation at an unjust accusation will look the same as her normal behavior to most adults.
Despite her conduct during classes, Shiara is a driven individual. She means to show all of them just how wrong they are. If the school won't teach her proper magic, then she'll practice on her own. If they want to twist her into a docile, complacent noble lady who can't even hear a bad word without having a case of nerves, then she will go roaming in town and what wilds she can find, pitting herself against challenges to make herself stronger. She's not quite reckless, but she doesn't stick to approved locations and activities. She has a decent idea of what she can handle, and she's not afraid of commoners, nor is does she look like a gilded sign for thieves as many of her classmates do. This lets her enjoy a wider range of locations without any real risk to herself or her possessions.
Shiara cannot wait to be free of her restrictive cage and allowed to stretch herself for real. She wants to travel, to visit the islands where her father and grandparents were born, to see other countries and have real adventures. She wants to find somewhere where her dark skin doesn't make people look down their nose. She wants to learn about other peoples, too, and about things where the answers her teachers give her aren't ones she trusts. They have so much wrong about the Peledan people, after all. Who knows what they've screwed up beyond that? Above all, she wants to show all of Eskora that they are as backwards about dark magic as they accuse the islanders of being in general. She'll be a hero like in the stories, maybe, or she'll find some brilliant use for dark magic that helps everyone in the same obvious, undeniable way life magic does. Or maybe she'll just write songs and tell stories like her grandfather. But she's sure there's an adventure waiting for her just beyond the horizon, if only she can leave the Academy behind.
Shiara's father came to mainland Eskora as a teenager with his parents and elder sister in the wake of a volcano eruption that devastated their island home, along with a number of other refugees. His mother, Nisme, is a bone woman -- a spiritual leader among the Peledan tribes native to the eastern archipelago. The Peledan see dark magic not as a curse but as a highly-regarded skill, and it approaches divine blessing. The bone men and women work with the healers as medicine men; they work with the rare speakers of souls to placate restless ghosts; they are the ones sought for blessings and guidance, and to ease the passage of the dying. Nisme's husband Yuriah is a musician and a keeper of stories, and though their daughter returned to the islands they decided to stay with Zelias following his marriage. The Peledan are a highly communal group, and if their son and his wife would not join them on the islands, they would bring the community to the young couple.
Shiara's mother Rosalie lived in the coastal town where most of the Peledan refugees settled. She was studying to be an herbalist like her own mother, and her father worked as an assistant to the harbormaster. She and Zelais met during the worst of the difficult times that faced town and refugees, and married several years later. Shiara was born within a couple years into a warm and happy household that didn't care what the townsfolk thought of the mixed family.
As a toddler the child was much like any other. She was extremely curious, and loved stories and the sea. If other children gave her a hard time she shrugged it off, and played instead with the children of refugees-turned-citizens and the dragon Ainel, who'd adopted her as his. Nisme recognized the girl's magic as soon as it started to manifest, and began lessons the moment they would be retained. Shiara learned of her rich island heritage from her father's side of the family, and while she didn't disdain the more structured life her mother encouraged, she was never very good at sitting still. There was always something to do, somewhere to explore or an adventure to find. Skirts and "proper" clothes were restrictive and got dirty or ripped. She did pick up bits of herbcraft from the instruction of mother and both grandmothers, but she heeded it only because it was her duty to learn in order to fulfill the responsibilities of her magic. She greatly preferred "playing" her grandfather's various flutes and whistles.
Ainel became sick when Shiara was still a little girl and the little dragon passed away soon after. Shiara was distraught, and tied his spirit to his body, creating a zombie that retained all of its former intelligence and personality. She was severely scolded by her family for it, for while she had asked the dragon's permission there were finer subtleties to the creation of intelligent zombies and she was too young to understand most of them. Additionally, dark magic was taboo in the town proper and her parents worried what would happen if hers became common knowledge.
Unfortunately Rosalie's mother, who'd always been less than pleased about her daughter's choice of husband, was less than tolerant of someone exhibiting evil magic. She reported Shiara to the authorities, and at age six the girl was taken to the Academy. She and her family tried to resist, but there was really nothing they could do, and so her official schooling began.
Compared to what her grandmother was teaching her, Shiara found the Academy's magic instruction sadly lacking. They wouldn't teach her anything useful, instead emphasizing how her magic had to be hidden. The students were little better, most of them looking down on her if not outright disliking her for one reason or another. Some were afraid, some were prejudiced, some just didn't care to get to know her before judging her by her appearance, her heritage, or her magic. The rules made little sense, the structure chaffed, they wanted her to wear ridiculous clothing and do nothing. The child quickly gained a reputation as a rebellious and unruly student. Her first room assignment ended in an outright fight, and she wore her half-shorn hair proudly until it grew out enough after to be cut even. Her second roommate was much better, and Shiara became friends with Loren.
With one friend on her side, the misery of academy life was greatly lessened. She still skipped lessons and showed a cavalier disregard for the rules, but at least she was not so alone. Shiara is only a reluctant student, though her inattentiveness and disruptive questions stem from a general boredom and her low tolerance for things she sees as ridiculous. She often challenges teachers when they present things that contradict what has either been taught previously, or what her family has taught her -- especially on the topics of islanders and dark magic. All in all, Shiara can't wait to graduate, though in her heart she knows she probably won't be permitted to go home but instead made to attend the Institute.
Muffled shouting including some words Shiara really shouldn't know at her age preceded her furious exit from the advisor's office. She slammed the door behind her, hard enough that it bounced open again, giving her an excuse to slam it once more (though slightly less forcefully). She shouted a last frustrated insult and stomped off down the hall, fists clenched. Insufferable idiots!
In short, Shiara's got a few ideas, and the advisors have their own ideas, but the two are /very/ different, and they really don't like hers.
Shiara has a dragon companion, Ainel (aye-nell), who she turned into a zombie when he passed away from disease. She did get permission from his spirit, but her grandmother was not pleased. Ainel is in good shape for a zombie of his age. He still has all his scales and frills, though his coat is closer to matte and his eyes are rather flat. He also possesses all of the personality and intelligence he had in life. He's quite affectionate, and while he has no need to eat he will often try to take tidbits of Shiara's food, with or without her permission. The little dragon was originally wild on the Dragon Isles. He was one of the dragons to adopt Nisme as his person, though not the alpha among them. Not many dragons came to the mainland with the refugees, so when Shiara was born he took her as his person.
Ainel's scales are a rich amber color, lightening to pale yellow on his underbelly. A double row of bright red spiked frills runs along his spine, and his claws are a deeper variant of the same color, nearly black. In life his eyes were the color of fine sapphires, but they've turned flat navy now. A number of protrusions on his skull give the appearance of horns in addition to a full complement of frills, mostly reds with accents of blue and gold. He's small enough to perch comfortably on Shiara's shoulder, or to hide among the folds of her drape or in her satchel, should he choose. He's a little larger than the popular teacup-sized dragons that are all the rage among Eskoran nobility, though only by a few inches. Nor is he a pet in any way: Ainel comes and goes as he pleases, and his girl has no authority with which to tell him to do things (not that she doesn't try for certain things). It's simply that he chooses to stay with her, like a very small and brightly scaled guardian.
Shiara can play flute, ocarina, and lute. She's got a good singing voice, too, though most of the songs she knows are either Peledan or the sort of thing one might hear in a tavern.
She swims like a fish, and she loves the ocean. The river's okay, but it's not at all the same. She's pretty good at paddling a coracle about, and her aunt has taught her a little bit about sails and how to manage them. She can't do more than the basics for a small sailboat alone, though.
Shiara had a mentor from the Institute, at one point. The fellow had an overinflated idea of his own importance, and very little idea how to use his magic. She ignored him.
Shiara attempted to run away from the academy several times following her not-quite-kidnapping. They pegged her as a potential runner immediately, and she was caught fairly quickly (though not before making it across the river). Her next few attempts were foiled much faster. However, she kept trying. She made it a full time job, keeping her corralled, and eventually they gave up on it. By then she'd realized she couldn't really go home, but she did need her freedom.
Shiara ranges all over the island that holds the academy, as well as swimming or boating in the river and venturing over to the town. She knows all the best ways in and out, and all sorts of little places that are especially pretty, or unlikely to be disturbed.
She runs a lowkey gray market for various items purchased in town and sold at a small markup to students. Generally she has another student front the business for her, so as to facilitate matters. It's hard to sell things to folks that don't want much to do with you, after all. Shiara will also do various errands for her friends when she hits town, and she has run messages or made purchases for others, but only for a fee.
Shiara does a bit of jewelry-making in the Peledan style as a hobby, and she generally sells her work in town. It doesn't make her much after the cost of supplies, but she does net a small profit, and it adds up over time.
grandmother Nisme, a dark mage and a Peledan bone woman. grandfather Yuriah, dust mage, musician, storyteller, and Peledan lorekeeper. father Zelas, earth mage, mediator and teacher. aunt Ameli, air mage, wanderer. younger brother Cory, life mage, about five years younger. mother Rosalie, water mage, herbalist. grandfather Roland, storm mage, harbormaster. grandmother Alicia, water mage, herbalist.
Loren - (roommate) Joshua - His little sister is Shiara's age, and went out of her way to get to know the young islander. Ruth then introduced her friend to her entire family, and Shiara finds the Steds remind her a lot of the cheerful noise of her home. Their warm, helpful attitude is likewise comfortably familiar, and Shiara will do just about anything for them. Tihomir - She's seen him and his dragon around. Her opinion of him is low, for various reasons. May have some small respect for his intelligence, but that's it. (in progress) Wren - Identifies with an outcast taken away from her home. Shiara's willing to just hang out if Wren's feeling down, or missing her folks. Lyra - Shiara doesn't know the princess well, and doesn't care to. She has, however, heard a great deal about the girl. to be determined
Name: Edelessa Sofia Valentine Blanchefluer (born D'Argent, granted the name Blanchefleur upon ascension to crown princess) Nicknames: Valentine, Val, Bits (by some of her friends, as well as castle servants when people of rank are not around), Tina/Blue (by Anton) does not respond to Edelessa or variants thereof! Title: crown princess of Luxième. She's to be coronated in a couple years, once she's old enough to be queen. Age: 16 (born May 1st; just had her birthday) Gender: female Sexuality: primarily uninterested (heteroromantic; may be some form of asexual) Betrothed to: none
Even among Blanchefluers, Valentine has particularly striking eyes of vibrant blue. They're easily her best feature, but like the rest of her face they are all too often hiden behind her dark hair. She never pins it back, and prefers to let it serve as a barrier between herself and everyone else. She has calluses from riding and helping look after the horses. She keeps her nails trimmed very short but even so there will often be traces of dirt under them if she's just come back from somewhere she wasn't supposed to be, and she is prone to ink and graphite smudges on her right hand. There's indication that she will be a tall woman, but right now she's just a leggy teenager.
Val prefers simpler dresses and very little makeup, though she does enjoy painting her nails. She favors burgundy, navy, and deep blue in her wardrobe, as well as pastels, but never *ever* the shade of sky blue that is Luxième's traditional color. She has an unseemly fondness for oversized hoodies and comfy sweaters, especially during the colder months, and if she can get away with it she'll wear jeans or other informal pants for her day-to-day wear. She's got a soft spot for bellbottoms with embroidery on one leg, so long as it's not a floral design.
Valentine is a quiet and often sullen girl. She is afraid of a great many things, and covers her fear with anger when she can't just ignore the cause. She prefers not to talk if she can help it, and spends a lot of her time with her eyes glued to her phone, her tablet, her camera, or a book. She likes to keep a barrier between herself and others, and she's found she's happier that way. There are one or two tutors that have reached her, and of course she adores Anton. Beyond that, she's friends with a handful of the palace servants and few others. She has opened up a little since her arrival in Athens, but not nearly to the degree desired of her. She still hates the role she's been forced into and resents those that try to trap her in it. She is always slipping away to the stables, to the nearest field or forest, to the library, to any corner where she can be on her own. Most of the time she takes her camera with her, though she sometimes brings her sketchbook instead. She can sit for hours sketching, or wait without moving as long as it takes to capture the perfect shot of wildlife. Valentine is stubborn, but it tends to be more silent protest than screaming. She is not comfortable enough with others to yell at them, but if she doesn't wish to do something she just won't do it, and most of the time there is nobody around comfortable forcibly dragging her. The only time she really makes a lot of noise in public spaces is when she is so thoroughly distraught that she can't manage to stay quiet, and usually she escapes the situation before she reaches that point. Even when it comes to standing up for Anton she's more likely to use quiet venom and bodily get in their way than yell -- though she does have a very unladylike vocabulary if she wishes to use it.
Online Valentine is a different creature. She loves the faceless anonymity granted her by the virtual world, and the escape it provides. She follows a handful of webcomics, chats on several forums, runs a photography blog, and is a member of two different MMOs. Her digital life is colorful, bright, and far more social, to the point where even her few irl friends note that she's much more responsive by text or voice chat than in person. But through it all she is very careful never to reveal who she is. She never posts photos taken inside the palace walls, and she does not talk about her personal life beyond very general statements. She does, however, occasionally use some of that unladylike vocabulary on party members who do something exceptionally stupid (and where do you think she learned it?)
L I K E S & D I S L I K E S
LIKES: ~Anton ~pastries, especially danishes ~fruit, especially blueberries ~grape leaves ~the library ~crosswords ~anime (she loves the art style) ~her cellphone ~anonymity ~match 3 games, mahjong matching games ~high fantasy rpgs, including a couple MMOs ~rain ~the ocean ~spiders (but not the really big ones) ~horses, especially hers ~wildlife ~ferns and ivy ~fall leaves ~photography ~sketching ~climbing trees ~hoodies ~bellbottoms
DISLIKES: ~people ~crowds ~blood ~the dark ~fireworks ~fresh laundry ~centipedes ~dating sim games, dressup games ~her given name ~people who call her by her given name ~people who want her to act all proper ~people who try to cut her hair or pin it back from her face ~people mocking Anton ~any clothing in Luxèmi blue ~flowers, especially white ones
Born the daughter of a younger son's younger son, Edelessa escaped the slaughter of the revolution through sheer luck. She had snuck off to visit a friend and ended up spending the critical hours in a cart full of sheets that needed washing. To this day she cannot stand the smell of a laundromat. She survived off canned goods from the kitchens until she was found by the Athenian team sent to help rebuild. Her eyes and the fact that she'd not gone anywhere were a good indication of her pre-revolution status, and her identity was later confirmed. With most of the ruling family dead -- including all of her immediate kin -- and the Senate in shambles, Athens was deemed the best place for the traumatized girl, now a freshly minted crown princess.
Edelessa wanted nothing to do with any of it. She was terrified of crowds, of blood, of the dark, of anyone and everyone. She refused to eat at proper meals, shut herself in the bathroom rather than sleeping in her bed, and wouldn't talk to anyone. She set about finding the best ways to slip away from her minders and made liberal use of all of them. Many of the servants tasked with caring for her viewed her with pity, the exiled princess who jumped at her own shadow. Some were genuinely kind, hoping to make her feel more at home.
In the end it was the young prince who finally got through to the girl, and over the months and years that followed the two became very close. Anton introduced her to horseback riding, and he bought her the first proper camera she ever owned (she still has it). He was the one to proposed the idea of online courses when the princess had to be dragged to lessons.
Discovery of the internet was immensely liberating for Valentine. Online she could be anyone, not an exiled noble shoved into a role that didn't suit her and that was never meant to be hers. Besides, what government remained in Luxième had little power and it's become increasingly evident that she will be at most a figurehead unless she puts serious effort into changing things -- an effort she has no interest in making.
Four years ago she and her "big brother" discovered that the plan was for the pair to be married once Valentine was old enough. She was absolutely horrified at the idea, and the first serious interest she's shown in statecraft has all been directed at finding a solution that she can live with. She has no interest in marriage, no interest even in ruling, but she's made little progress. She hopes that this business in Aciras means that Anton will be marrying someone else, and she'll be left in peace.
~Valentine has two horses, an older Andalusian blue roan gelding that's almost as old as she is by the name of Balios, and a younger Kinsky palomino mare called Chloé, given to her as a filly. ~multilingual
Country: Luxième Capital: Lumèrie Current Ruler(s): none at the moment (deceased). Officially the kingdom is run by their Senate and a special advisory council of Athenians; in reality it's pretty much under control of the Athenian government. Current Heir: her royal highness the Crown Princess Edelessa Blanchefluer is heir apparent, to be coronated once she comes of age Kingdom Colors: sky blue and silver (represented by white on their flag) Known For: wine and vineyards, excellent local cuisine, silk and related textiles, artisan crafts, complaining, protests, bloody revolution
Luxième is a tiny country just inland of the Athenian coast. While rich in natural resources they have always been too small to do a great deal with mining and factory production, and so focused more on grape and silkworm cultivation. Blessed with weather suited for farming, if not a great deal of actual land on which to farm, they rely on lucrative exports for profit and imported produce to supplement insufficient food production of their own, and a bad harvest can mean a difficult year for the whole country. As a result, farming techniques that maximize stable output are a main focus for research funded by the government and private institutions alike. The Luxèmi are aware that they cannot overfarm despite the short-term gains, and monitor their soils carefully. Not only can overfarming be harmful, but the perfect bottle of wine requires the perfect nutrient balance in the soil.
Four centuries ago Trèlins split off more or less peacefully, citing the difficulties of crossing the mountains and a history of inadequate attention since the lands were ceded to the Lux clan as the dowry of the chieftain's daughter that married the Lux chief to cement an alliance. The clan she came from was eventually absorbed into other forming nations, but the Trèlins territory remained with what would become Luxième. The Luxèmi king of the time was dealing with a round of bad harvests and could not support a war across the mountains. In a bold diplomatic move he agreed to grant the territory its independence under the rule of the current royal governor, a man he knew and respected. In exchange, Trèlins sent a one-time tribute and came to future negotiations on equal footing. It turned out that respected equals are much more open to requests than bitter subjects, and the two nations have been allies ever since.
Luxième has always been tumultuous, but nobody thought the tradition of highly-vocal protest and the occasional small riot would ever turn truly nasty. However, after several poor harvests in a row and with economic tensions due to global events as well, a serious revolutionary core gathered enough support to make a move. First they incited a riot during a major event at the castle. A handful of sleeper agents already in place started the massacre inside, and the resulting chaos did most of the rest, along with a few strategically placed explosives. Another team took care of the designated survivor and his family elsewhere at the same time. During the emergency senate meeting that followed, a small moving truck full of explosives took out a significant portion of the Senate.
The Athenian Federation stepped in and imposed order on what had turned into anarchy in the capital city of Lumèrie. Most of the core group were brought to justice over the following years, having gone to ground when they could not quell the riots on their own. But even before that, when a little girl with eyes of Blanchefleur blue turned up in the castle ruins, the Athenians put enough pressure on the remaining members of the Senate that she was sent to the Federation. They have more or less annexed Luxième at this point, and the Senate holds little power.
The original plan was to marry the princess into the Athenian royal family, but as the harvests improved and the remaining core members were brought down or chased out of the country, most of the nation did not much mind Athenian governance. Yes, there's a great deal of discussion about how they should go about being represented, but it's a matter of details more than direction. The princess has had little to do with her public and is mostly seen as a tragic figure but not a leader -- though she is adored all the same, and expected to return to the palace eventually. So long as they have good harvests and a government to complain about it doesn't seem to matter so much what the government is, though there's been a lot of resistance to dissolving the nation of Luxième entirely. The white flowers still fly proudly on their sky blue fields atop flagpoles across the country.
~The fleur-de-lis is a symbol of the country, and a white one that of the Luxèmi royal family (the Blanchefleurs).
~Only members of the royal family may carry the Blanchefleur name. The king's spouse may use it, but the spouses and children of princes and princesses may not. Generally the wife and children of a Blanchefleur prince take the name D'Argent, indicating that they are of a cadet branch of the family.
~Many of the Blanchefleurs (and a number of the Luxèmi high nobility) have bright blue eyes. This is seen as both highly desirable and indicative of noble status. Not all of them do, particularly when there is a dark-eyed spouse, but there are even fewer "common blue" eyes among the Blanchefleurs and the D'Argents than there are non-blue. As a result, there's a saying that "the bluer the eyes, the bluer the blood".
~Luxième is closely allied with both Trèlins across the mountains and the Athenian Federation on their coastward side. The Athenians are seen as good trade partners with a respectable military. The Trèlinians are viewed as supportive and amicable, although the running joke is that they're good people but not ones you want living in your house. There is some rivalry between Trèlins and Luxième but it has always been a friendly one.
"I do what I must, but that doesn't mean I can't have any fun."
Name: Rhiannon Heledd Cadfael Nicknames: Rhia Title: crown princess and heir to the throne Age: 21 years old (nearly 22; her birthday is July 20th) Gender: female Sexuality: pansexual with a preference for ladies Betrothed to: no one yet (but soon)
Rhia has lively brown eyes, a generous (though faint) sprinkling of freckles across her cheekbones, and skin that looks great without any makeup whatsoever. Her wide nose, full lips, and darker complexion she owes entirely to her mother, but also some of her hair difficulties. She has a curly mane of rusty brown that takes a considerable amount of effort to look after, and as a result she usually cuts it once it gets past shoulder-length. She's not really fond of hats or hairpins, but she does like headbands. That's about the limit of what she can get to work, as her hair doesn't straighten well and she can't stand the work it takes to comb out her mane and put it in lots of little braids. She's a curvy young lady, 5'6 in flats (but she likes heels of all kinds) with a fondness for bold and colorful clothing patterns. She likes skirts even for casual wear as often as not, and loves tops that show off her shoulders. Her taste in jewelry runs from chunky modern pieces to woven metal designs, and she's especially fond of animal themes or things that are just plain silly.
Rhiannon is generally level-headed, though she can have a bit of a temper. She is equal parts girly and sporty, and has learned to handle the media presence in her life by mostly ignoring it. It's frustrating, but just a fact of life. She prefers casual gatherings to stiffly formal functions, though formal events not hosted by the government tend to be more relaxed, and thus more enjoyable. She's learned to handle even the most snobbish ones with patient equanimity, as befits a future queen, and knows how to talk without saying much of anything when she needs to. While she's trained to keep a regal reserve in public, Rhia is openly emotive in nature and prefers to be honest with her feelings and direct with her words. She enjoys the privilege afforded by her position and tries to keep it from weighing her down. She's independently-minded, and while she understands her obligations she also wants a chance at a "normal" life, or as close to it as she can get. She's not particularly fond of politics, and is perversely glad that her parents are young enough that she probably won't need to worry about inheriting for many years yet.
L I K E S & D I S L I K E S
LIKES: music, especially classical, folk, blues, and older rock folk dances of all kinds sports, especially archery, cricket, and football (soccer) thrift stores shoes earrings whimsical jewelry turquoise (color and stone) bold patterns bonfires fireflies birds, especially raptors long showers fresh fruit bean sprouts noodles
DISLIKES: muggy summers formal dances nail polish rugby long airplane flights jet lag excessive profanity reporters that try to invade her privacy designer brands that charge just for the label skinny jeans brussel sprouts
Pedr and Simone were an arranged match, the heir to the throne of Wales and a member of the extended Aciran royal family. Rhiannon is the eldest of three children, though the twins are younger than she by almost eight years. Her parents had her at 19 despite precautions, and then delayed having additional kids until after Queen Generys was pronounced in remission after being diagnosed with cancer. Rhia was too young to understand most of what was going on at the time, and she has many wonderful memories of her grandmother, with whom she had a close relationship. Queen Generys passed away when Rhia was fifteen, and the young princess took it hard, especially between her parents ascending to the throne and media coverage. She had a few extremely rough years where she threw herself into various wild and rebellious activities, though nothing so outlandish as to cause serious backlash. She dyed her hair black and shaved half of it off at one point, and she got a couple piercings. She's let her nose and eyebrow piercings close, as well as the second earlobe piercings, but she's kept the ones in the cartilage of her ears. It was during this period of her life where she discovered that she really prefers women over men, though she's not disinterested in the latter.
Unfortunately she's always known that she'd have to marry for politics, not love, and while she's had a few short relationships Rhia is mostly resigned to her duty as the crown princess, though she managed to convince her parents to delay the process a few years. They're all looking to find a match that looked both useful and tolerable. Rhiannon has a hand in the selection, in exchange for taking on a few minor duties at court, and she vetoed a few options for personality reasons. She knows that she won't find a perfect match, but she's looking for someone with a less formal side that she can work with, from a stable country that provides some benefit to Wales and the greater Britannian Empire.
~Simone Tiffany Lynton is first cousin to the current Aciran queen, via her father (a younger prince). This means Rhia and the Aciran princesses are cousins as well, and they have done some visiting back and forth. ~She's also related by way of her grandmother Generys's younger brother Pryce to the Reverans, though she's not talked to them as much the past few years. ~Rhia has two younger brothers, Emry and Harri, who are nearly 14. ~She plays harp, piano, and guitar, and also sings a little
Country: Wales (part of the Brittanian Empire) Capital: Cardiff Current Ruler(s): King Pedr Ithel Cadfael and Queen Consort Simone Current Heir: Crown Princess Rhiannon Kingdom Colors: green(s) and gold Known For: sheep farming, fish, shellfish, beautiful landscapes, historical sites, vine and interlace motifs
Conquered by Britannia eight to nine hundred years ago, and has been a vassal nation ever since. Wales is not particularly large, and it was easier to let Britannia handle the majority of military matters with mainland nations instead of trying to win independence again (though they didn't realize that right away). They have a lot of agriculture, though it tends to be animal farming rather than food crops.
~The previous ruler of Wales, the beloved Queen Generys Olwena Cadfael, died of complications from cancer six years ago, a year shy of 60. Her husband died (or was possibly assassinated) early in her reign. ~Wales has ties to many countries in the Brittanian Empire, as well as direct ties to Aciras and Revera.
"Have you tried turning it off and back on again?"
Name: Johnathan Quinn Nicknames: Sparks, John Title: none Age: 21 Gender: male Sexuality: gay
John is not a subtle man. Though of average height, his spiked, sky blue hair guarantees he stands out among the Aciran castle staff. He could probably do to lose a little weight, but he keeps himself in good shape. He has light brown eyes, a squarish jaw, and an easy smile. His natural hair color is blond, but he greatly prefers to keep it dyed blue, or occasionally another bright color. His taste in clothing runs to jeans and graphic tees, but he looks pretty good in a suit when he has to wear one. He doesn't have any piercings, but will occasionally wear a single screwback earring, or an ear cuff.
John is an easy-going man with a good sense of humor. He falls a bit on the nerdy side -- oh who are we kidding, he's a total nerd, but he's also a geek, and geeks are in. He loves hearing about a good prank, though he's too polite to actually play any himself. He's used to dealing with royalty, as he grew up in the serving rooms of the Aciran palace. He's quite clever but puts his intelligence to good use behind the scenes, and doesn't seem to have much desire for the spotlight -- despite his hair color.
L I K E S & D I S L I K E S
LIKES: computers coding robotics AI vidya interactive fiction memes electronics in general the color blue Firefly (huge browncoat) anime puns NotAlwaysRight ThinkGeek reptiles, especially lizards
DISLIKES: people with no sense of humor having to wear a tie people who don't get technology people who think they know what they're doing when they clearly don't cabbage people who play their music super loud in public areas moths
John is the child of two palace servitors, and had an easy time of it growing up. He graduated college with honors and a degree in math&computer science, and went straight into the tech field. Robotics is his hobby, but his actual job is palace IT, helping make things run smoothly. He runs a tumblr blog that mixes fantasy and tech, called Technical Wizardry, and occasionally dabbles in interactive fiction with a couple friends.
Name: Ianos Clerides Age: 42 Gender: male
Bio: Ianos is the personal manservant of Andronikos Telesphorides, which also means he helps look after Valentine a good bit of the time. He is the very soul of discretion, and does his best to look after his charge(s).
Name: Lord Elais Arin Valerian, Earl of Vosnell and the Lord Felsen, also Lord Elais of Inglemarch Year of Education: Graduate (3rd year of Institute) Age: 20 (born in early fall - almost 21) Gender: male Element: Wind
I N - D E P T H A P P E A R A N C E
Elais was born a small, sickly infant, and he still has an air of fragility about him. This is in no small part because of his deformed legs and the splints supporting them. He is always in a chair fitted with small wheels or else leaning heavily on a pair of crutches. Standing at all is not comfortable, and if he pushes himself too far it can be extremely painful during and for a few days after. He's had his legs just give out on him more than once when he pushed himself too hard.
He has always been small for his age, tending toward waifishly thin despite his mother's and then his stepmother's efforts to get him to put on a bit of weight. He has his mother's fair skin, but instead of her glorious golden locks his own hair is simply pale. Elais inherited a great deal of Megaran's delicate features as well, and as a child was often mistaken for a girl. Maturity has granted the blessing of slightly more masculine features, but he still appears effeminate, and his attempts at growing a nice moustache or beard are best left unmentioned.
Given the difficulty that dressing can be, and the stains or damage that can come of his research, Elais prefers simplicity in his clothing. He has a jacket with him on all but the very warmest of days, a habit instilled in him by his mother who believed even the slightest sniffle could kill him and would subsequently keep him from doing anything until she was sure he was well again. He favors colors that bring out the stormy blue of his eyes and don't make him look sallow. This means a wide range of blues, creams, ivories, with some darker grays and other subdued colors. These are also less likely to attract a great deal of attention from others. His clothing is always well-tailored -- a Valerian would wear nothing less -- but it is often on the older side, as going to the tailor is a hassle and often humiliating even if he does manage to stand as long as needed.
Elais is a quiet, thoughtful young man. He is not particularly outgoing, preferring to linger on the edges of things and let others come to him. He's not quite shy, but he does question his personal worth and is reluctant to expose himself to unwanted mockery. Most people don't, of course -- the Valerian name is too prominent to risk so open an insult -- but that doesn't stop the whispers. It's simpler to let other people do as they like, as he does not have the temperament nor the desire to engage in the subtly nuanced art of political maneuvering or conversational fencing. His placid acceptance of insults has, instead of causing him to lose face, gained him a reputation as someone who is above such things, and now failed attempts to break his composure are more likely to make the his opponent look bad than anything else.
Perfect poise and unbreakable calm help cover the fact that he really isn't sure where he fits into things. Elais is far happier with the company of a handful of close friends than a large group, and he dislikes crowded, noisy events and the inevitable jockying for position that comes with them. His accomodating tendencies mean he does not always make his opinions known, but he does have them. Just as surely, he knows they often do not matter much -- so why bother sharing them? He has a fondness for questions of philosophy, and he often finds himself playing dark's advocate to anyone that cares to indulge him in a discussion.
He has a tendency to come across as distant or preoccupied at times, even disdainfully aloof if he's not careful. He's a sweet, gentle man, painstakingly considerate and tries to avoid giving offense. He is, however, a bit oblivious, and more trusting than he should be. His uncertain status among the Valerians protects him to some degree, as do those who are genuine in their friendship, but there are plenty that would take advantage of him. His apparent serenity helps shield him against some of the worst effects, but he's paid the emotional price for several different instances of misjudged character.
His thoughts are often complicated and he tries to choose his words with care, but the habit makes him appear to lack passion. This could not be farther from the truth, though said passion emerges best when alone or in trusted company. Elais is a visionary, and while he does not have the ability to understand the inner workings of things at a glance he has a knack for gadgetry. He has a hundred ideas for things that might be made, and he finds great pleasure in improving a good design or fixing a flawed one. Failure is far easier to accept than uncomfortable social dynamics -- at least a failure is still progress. More than anything else he wants freedom -- freedom from his father's demeaning neglect, his stepmother's cautious oversight, the extended family that pities him but doesn't quite want to acknowledge him where anyone else can see, and above all, freedom from the limits of the body that causes him so much trouble. Humanity did not reach where it is today by accepting its limits, and he dreams of pushing those limits until he may not just run, but fly.
The Valerian name is known throughout Eskora. Countless generations past a lowborn commander was knighted for his service to one of the early Eskoran kings. Following the loss of nearly all ranking nobility in the wake of a brutal raid on the Davenport crossing, Arne Vanya rallied the remaining soldiers and took charge, holding the bridge and keeping the river crossing from being overrun. Of particular note, he personally saved the life of the king's second son. He was awarded the lands he'd held, by way of marriage to the only child of the now-deceased duke, and given the name "Valerian" in honor of his valor. Subsequent generations produced a number of men and several women noted for their tactical acumen and devotion to the crown. Valerians have won the hand of a couple different princesses, though never the heir -- nor have they tried for that particular honor. Combined with revenue from the flourishing Davenport and trade along and across the Ingleway, the family prospered. They are now considered one of the greatest families in the kingdom, with close ties to the royal family.
Inglemarch is currently a duchy, though it contains almost all of the lands in the original march (now just called Oldmarch) -- some were lost to Zinlen during the revolution, but those are across the river. It is a land of gentle hills, wide prairies, and countless steep cliffs and chasms. The Ingling is a fast-running river that comes down from the mountains to the west, cutting deep into the rock and with a number of rapids. The Galloway is a larger, steadier river that meanders south from central Eskora, making a spectacular waterfall where it drops from the higher northern latitudes to the lower valley that holds the Ingling another dozen miles south. A bit of a lake has formed beneath the falls, and another spreads behind the dam that makes sure ships on the river don't go over the falls, and this is where the Valerians make their home, overlooking the steep road carved into the cliff rock that takes goods from the lake's shore to the docks along the upper lake. Where the two rivers join into the Ingleway, the way widens and the current slows, and the Davenport crossing was at one time the first (or at least the first reliable) large crossing once out of the mountains. The town is quite large now, handling trade that goes downriver and out to the Dragon Isles, as well as a large portion of what comes from Iavros and up into Eskora proper.
Elais's mother Megaran contracted a serious disease while carrying him, and nearly died in childbirth. He was a premature child, small, sickly, and not expected to live more than a few days. Both survived, but his childhood was one of illness and restrictions. From birth his legs were visibly twisted, and when he was permitted to make his first attempts at crawling it was immediately obvious that they would never work properly. Unable to stand unaided, and allowed little contact with other children for fear of him catching something that would overwhelm his frail constitution, Elais found refuge in his studies. When his father slighted him for his physical flaws -- a disgrace to the name that had sired countless proud knights -- books provided him escape. When his mother refused to allow him to travel on account of the risk involved, art provided him with a glimpse into what he might see, were he permitted to go.
Elais' father Willard was a a proud man of conservative views, and he was severely disappointed by his eldest son's unfortunate condition. Had it been an option, he would have had the pathetic child hidden away, where he could not cause damage to the Valerian name. Inglemarch had never gone to anyone save the eldest male child -- and after Elais, his wife gave him a daughter, and then had two miscarriages before dying giving birth to a stillborn son. He married again, this time a lady named Helene, and she gave him the son he wanted, but Raynar was considerably younger than Elais and has thus far been a flighty child unsuited to ruling, with a tendency to set things on fire by being careless.
Willard may not want to let his crippled son inherit, but for all that the boy is a cripple he is still a Valerian. With the death of the mother who babied him far too much (Willard never could say no to Merga) and his father's remarriage, Elais found in Helene someone that understood him far better. She was still more protective than he would like, but he tended to challenge the limits of his body, and she knew it. The difficulty they had in persuading his father to let him attend the academy was more because of how visible the boy would be than any thought that he would do poorly. Willard is quite aware of his eldest son's intellectual prowess, and has found grudging acceptance of the boy as an academic and encouraged these pursuits, though he's not fond of the obsession with strange contraptions and
Elais' personal valet, Cenric, accompanied him to the academy. Cenric is a younger son of a minor house under the Valerians, sent to the capital in hopes his service there will earn him some sort of position and secure his future. He's a decade older than his charge, but the two are good friends, and with his help Elais has flourished at the academy. Elais is always willing to help a student with difficulties, and his kind, patient nature makes him an excellent tutor. He soon found himself in high demand for such things, and is known to hold informal study and practice sessions for those more comfortable pestering another student for help instead of the instructors. It's also helped him network when the usual places for such activities are uncomfortable for him. He has made the acquaintance of a large circle, as he's not entirely oblivious, but counts as his friends a considerably smaller number of people. He's found a dubious popularity, especially now that he's in the institute, as his gentleness does a great deal to balance the stigma of being a cripple, and any number of academy students will overlook a lot to gain a skilled tutor. Elais is happy at the school, and has plans to continue his research and projects once he graduates.
Elais has dreamed of flying since the start of his childhood spend in the windswept lands of Inglemarch. He'd watch the eagles that made their eyries in the cliffs, and the gulls that floated above the sister lakes, even the occasional bat he managed to make out at night. Ships were another interest, their sails catching the wind, and oars propelling them along. He's tried various things to improve his independence, though none have worked as well as he'd like (and some of them his father has vetoed as beneath the dignity of a Valerian, not that being almost entirely dependent on another for his travels is particularly dignified).
He means to find a way to allow humans to fly like their feathered neighbors, though it is a project of many stages. He started with a study of kites and sails, as well as the wings of various flying creatures. He's working on a scale model for the moment, but consistently runs into difficulties. Anything sturdy enough to support the weight of a human does not lend itself very well to staying aloft, and there is the issue of propulsion as well, though that is a later issue. For the purposes of his final project, his goal is a simple glider, and he's noted that the first fliers will have to be wind mages, until a way can be found to strengthen such flying frames for multiple passengers.
Elais' title as Earl of Vosnell is a courtesy one, and often omitted since his father does not wish him to inherit. However he is Lord Felsen in his own right and has been since his eighteenth birthday, though he does not yet have a great deal to do with the running of the small barony. Regardless, he generally prefers to be called Lord Elais or, among close friends, simply Elais.
It should be noted that usually the heir to Inglemarch is styled Marquis Nehera or occasionally Marquis Oldmarch, and given the barony of Ilmara in his own right upon turning eighteen.
Elais actually graduated the Academy a year early, at 17, but given the nature of his research project he may spend a few extra years at the Institute.
Cenric Alymer
Cenric is a man of nearly thirty, and he has been Elais' constant companion since the boy was four. A younger son of a minor noble, service to his liege lord was seen as a chance to secure his future. As a life mage, he was perfect for the role of the child's caretaker, and he was one of the first to recognize the the boy's brightness and nurture it. He enjoyed the chance to be the older brother for a change, and his quick if sometimes offbeat humor helped when he had to deal with a child who felt the sting of parents that didn't accept him for who he was. Despite the difference in their ages, Elais and Cenric are fast friends, and they share a rapport that the younger man has not developed with any of the friends he made at the academy.
Cenric keeps an eye on his charge's health, but does what he can not to pen Elais in. Likewise, he can be suspicious of others' motives, to balance out Elais' tendency to accept things at face value. Appearance-wise, the two could not be farther apart: Cenric is dark of hair and eye with tanned skin, wide shoulders, and a tall, sturdy figure. He's been known to have a sharp tongue, though his time with Elais has definitely blunted the worst of it. He takes insults to his friend far more seriously than Elais himself, though he generally defers to the young man's wishes for actions taken against those who give it.
Despite an intimidating tendency of looming, Cenric is actually quite caring. He laughs a great deal, smiles even more, and generally is pleasant to be around. Some find his humor abrasive, but he believes nothing is so awful that one cannot find something to laugh about. Furthermore, if you can't laugh at tragedy and hardship, then what's the point? He also has a habit of taking in injured wildlife, and has even recruited Elais to help with looking after them. He doesn't do it quite as much as he did in his teen years, but it is not uncommon to find the pair with a bird or hedgehog that has suffered injury and needs time to recover nestled in a box in the corner of their room.
father Willard Valerian, wind mage (His Grace the Duke of Inglemarch, though he generally goes by Duke Valerian) mother Megaran, light mage, deceased stepmother Helene, fire mage (Her Grace the Duchess of Inglemarch; Duchess Helene Valerian) younger sister Lady Indra (19), wind younger half-brother Lord Raynar (11), fire younger half-sister Lady Cassia (7), light