Name: Saori Nishihara; usually uses "dokuro24" as a username for forums and the like
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Short Bio: Saori grew up in Akihabara, Tokyo, the only daughter of two parents who were both very big fans of video games of all kinds. Together, the family frequented various arcades in the region whenever they weren't too busy with their jobs or school work. Eventually, when she was much older, Saori applied for a job of her own in the area and ended up working in a maid cafe because she had "the right equipment for the job", as her employer put it. As much as she wasn't keen on the idea of having her cursed body essentially being used as eye candy, the job payed well enough for her to get away with spending the rest of the day at home. Considering how absorbed she was into GBO, she really needed a well-paying job if she was to play it just about every day of the week and still be able to pay her bills.
Gun Burst Online Character
Name: Dokurohime
Gender: Female
Level: 90
Skills: -SMG Skill MAX -Shotgun Skill MAX -3000 Points left over
Signature Weapon/Combat Style: Saori specializes in speed and raw damage output, her weapons of choice being the Heckler & Koch MP5A3 for peppering foes with rapid fire SMG bullets and the Franchi SPAS-12 for pump-action shotgun mayhem. While running around like a blur on the battlefield, she catches her targets off-guard with a barrage of SMG fire and finishes them off with her shotgun when they're at their most vulnerable. Saori has said on 2channel and various forums in the past that the strategy more or less came from an old class-based team FPS she used to play, with a few minor differences here and there.
Inventory: -8000 Credits -600 Photonic Crystals -A scope attachment for her MP5A3
Saori gave a sigh as she clicked through the various tabs she had open in her browser. She figured she had enough GBO for one night, and needed something to distract her in the meanwhile. Thankfully, 2channel and some of the forums she frequented were good places to visit for a quick laugh. One particular 2ch thread, however, left a bad taste in Saori's mouth.
"are any of the gbo players here with female characters actually girls irl? i cant go 2 matches without finding an insanely stacked chick with an ak47 or other such assault rifle"
"OP, I hope you realize how the internet works"
"i do. girls are guys in real life" Saori couldn't help but chuckle, but it still left a bad taste in her mouth. This kind of problem needed immediate attention.
"Girls have means of escapism, too, y'know. Some of us just share them with guys. There's a reason the character I play as doesn't have big boobs like I do." Immediately after posting that, Saori realized she had made a big mistake.
"big boobs? hot"
"haha, funny joke, tell us about the one with the running refrigerator next"
"And here I thought the thread wouldn't get any more degenerate once someone spoke up. I'm out" Saori felt the same way, and decided to back off of 2channel for the night. Instead, she figured it'd be wise if she checked for any news on the upcoming Bullet Break tournament. A better use of her time, for sure.
Misc: English Voice Actress: Sarah Blandy Japanese Voice Actress: Rie Murakawa
Dream: "My dream? To fight the strongest warrior the skies have ever known. Living, doesn't matter."
Home: Homura is from a small, remote island in the easternmost skies of the world. The island's aesthetic and culture is very similar, if not identical to, those of Japan, especially the feudal era. In its native language, the island's name means "Shrike".
Gimmicks: Homura is an adept and fierce sword fighter who specializes in settling scuffles with a single blindingly fast slash; a fighting style known as "iaijutsu". The first strike means everything. If the fight doesn't immediately end after Homura's first slash, she switches her tactics to confusing the opponent with swift movements, waiting for an opportunity to present itself where she can finish the battle with a few more strokes of her blade.
Personality: Homura is a lone wolf, through and through. She's usually quite aloof, not one to strike up a conversation out of the blue because of friendly intentions. As a result, she often keeps her true thoughts and feelings to herself, only revealing them when she knows the other person or people in the conversation are trustworthy. Given the opportunity to be by herself, however, and she is constantly focused on one thing: Becoming stronger. Whether it be to protect those she cares for or surpass the beliefs and expectations of her peers and elders, Homura constantly works herself to the bone to become as strong as she can be. Some even say that the support of those she can truly consider friends motivates her to work even harder.
Background: Homura was born as the youngest sibling of four to a pair of veteran warriors for parents. As a result, she was always being pushed to overcome her older brothers and sister, which began developing a bit of an inferiority complex inside of her psyche. Every day, she would train with her peers and superiors, with the majority of fights ending in losses for Homura, at least for a while. Eventually, though she didn't quite reach the same caliber as her older siblings, she decided that she had reached a point where any other fighters on her island home weren't on the same level as her or above, and set out to sail across the skies as a wanderer, searching for stronger and stronger opponents to temper her strength as a warrior.
Homura's penchant for actively seeking out powerful foes and challenging them to duels has, on multiple occasions, resulted in bad situations for her. Most recently, a public, large-scale scuffle that involved multiple people resulted in Homura being thrown into Ziggurat, where she now waits, planning her escape.
Inventory: Homura's inventory consists of Ichigekimaru, her prized katana, a few bottles of sake (AKA rice wine), and her "armor", traditional clothing from her island that discards defense in favor of maneuverability.
"I exist for three things: notoriety, money, and myself. Anything else is a means to an end."
Name: Victor R. Splint
Alias: Ghost, Bone, and Skull are more formal aliases; other people refer to him with more colorful vocabulary, such as "Jackass", "Nutcase", and "Bonehead"
Age: 45
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Occupation: Freelance mercenary/bounty hunter
Residence: Currently a vagabond; his home is Earth colony C-1D
Physical Description: Victor is very well-built, thanks to the space pirate biotech he was outfitted with, and stands at a solid 6'5" tall. His standard mission attire consists of a suit of full-body battle armor, a vest, and a helmet with a skull carved into the visor; Victor has explained that his reason for doing so was to strike fear into targets and general adversaries.
Personality: Victor could very easily have been a criminal. He is cold, ruthless, and very selfish. One thing he isn't, though, is a fool. Instead of resorting to banditry and a criminal life style, he chose the path of a mercenary and bounty hunter because it allowed him to satisfy his bloodthirsty urges while still keeping him safe from criminal charges. Taking this lifestyle into consideration, it makes sense that he isn't one for idle chit chat, preferring to either talk about the job or shoot first and ask questions later, depending on the scenario.
-Space Pirate Biotech: Victor's body has been modified with stolen space pirate biotech. It significantly improves various physical capabilities, such as resilience, physical strength, and speed. It also heightens his senses, allowing him to see, hear, smell, and feel things that a normal human typically wouldn't be able to.
-I6CD: The Infantry's 6 Cylinder Devastator, or I6CD for short, can best be described as an unholy mix between a Tommy gun, a shotgun, and a grenade launcher. While the main body of the firearm is comparable to a shotgun, it has a drum magazine similar to a Thompson SMG, which contains 6 cylinders housing rounds that violently explode upon impact with a target.
-Battle Armor and Vest: Victor is very rarely, if ever, seen without his trademark helmet, armor, and vest. The vest stores ammunition for Victor's I6CD, the helmet has a built-in HUD which syncs up with Victor's armor to give him real-time updates on his health, ammo count, and the status of his surroundings, and the armor itself is made of an alloy which resists most physical forms of attack.
History: The inhabitants of C-1D were always known for being quite skilled with all sorts of technology. Even when the space pirates raided their home, the survivors managed to salvage the biotech that the marauders had integrated into their bodies, and with it, managed to birth an entire generation of vastly superior human soldiers. Victor was one such individual, and one of the youngest survivors of the raid and one of the first soldiers to be outfitted with the salvaged biotech. However, the experience scarred him tremendously, leaving a lasting impact on his mental state and drastically altering his personality. With all he could think of after that experience being revenge and survival, Victor eventually left C-1D and started life anew as a bounty hunter and a mercenary. His travels thus far have led to him partnering with the Galactic Federation to stop an infestation induced by a particular parasite.
Zodiac Sign: Leo (August 11) Special Talent: Helen writes as a hobby, and, as such, has quite a way with words; she can rhyme on a dime, and her puns can give imitators a run for their money. Profession: Helen works as a nurse at Sol Memorial Medical Center.
Personality: Helen is a very cheerful and friendly individual, and definitely a social butterfly. She's always making new friends, all of which she cares for deeply, just like a mother would. Whenever the situation calls for it, she's willing to lend a helping hand, a shoulder to lean on, and an ear to listen to the other person's woes. She absolutely, positively cannot stand any sort of negative behavior, be it bullying, bigotry, or just plain sadness. As a result, she's always the first to intervene whenever something goes awry.
During time off from work, Helen likes to write stories, get a drink at the local bar, or visit the arcade to get her gaming fill. She has an affinity for horror and sci-fi themed works, with her favorite film of all time being the very first Alien, all the way back in 1979.
Bio: Helen was born in Montpellier, France, and is the oldest of two siblings. Her mother works as a nurse and her father is an artist. Her younger brother is an artist, like his father, and demanded a lot of attention when he was still a baby, which Helen and her mother were very happy to give. Growing up, Helen admired her mother's kind and caring demeanor and aspired to be just like her. As a result, once she turned 21, she decided to travel abroad as a nurse, eventually ending up in Sol City at the age of 26.
Aside from her cheerful and friendly mien, some people also remember Helen for her stories and poetry, often inspired by her favorite shows, movies, books, and video games. Her writing covers a variety of themes and topics, ranging from horror to adventure to survival to romance. She dreams of one day becoming a published author, and is currently working towards achieving that goal during her time in Sol City.
Name: First Last (Required) Alias: (Optional Nickname) Title: (Optional. What prestigious title can they claim? Age: 12-100 (Required. I put the start age at 12 just in case your character is some sort of out-of-the-gate-prodigy, but I don't want everyone to be doing this.)
Personality: (Required. One paragraph.)
Biography: (Required. Two to four paragraphs.)
Pokemon Party: (List your trainer's six starting Pokemon as shown in the example below. Be sure to use follow the rules outlined in the first OOC post. Don't worry about listing moves or items, as they can be changed before each battle, and don't worry about happiness or shiny status, because that's silly (just don't change them and we're fine.)
Pkm_1_Name, Gender, Ability, Nature
Pkm_2_Name, Gender, Ability, Nature
Pkm_3_Name, Gender, Ability, Nature
Pkm_4_Name, Gender, Ability, Nature
Pkm_5_Name, Gender, Ability, Nature
Pkm_6_Name, Gender, Ability, Nature
Reserve Pokemon: (Make a list with question marks only, as shown below.
[name] stands at a solid 6 feet and two inches tall. Because of her body structure making normal clothes a challenge to put on, she wears custom made outfits ranging from a frilly red dress to a similarly red academy uniform and pilot's jumpsuit.
Personality: (you can leave this blank, but if so everyone will assume the worst stereotypes)
Mech: (if you're bringing your own) Callsign: [What you call it] | Type: [Power armor, Mobile Suit, piloted "Mecha" of small medium and large flavors]
Name: Something starting with "Val". Valerie, Valencia...something like that.
Quick (-ish)Personality/Blurb: In short, dorky, tease-y, and in possession of a MASSIVE sweet tooth. While not horribly interested in romance or anything herself, she likes seeing people getting flustered about silly comments like having cute hair, pretty eyes, etc. She also gets super excited about nerdy stuff like books she's a fan of really easily, and as for the sweet tooth...well, she always carries around a box of chocolates that she always, ALWAYS refills whenever she has the funds and/or gets the chance. Also loves cats, and is terrified of dogs.
Since time immemorial, the earth has been inhabited by all manners of life forms: Humans, perhaps the most versatile and advanced of all species on the planet, the various animals that coexist alongside them as pets, livestock, and sometimes even co-workers, and, of course, the mighty and diverse monsters.
What is a "Monster"?
What isn't a monster? Put simply, monsters are incredibly diverse creatures that come in all different shapes and sizes, ranging from the small, chicken-like Yian Kut-Ku to the massive Ceadeus, a horned, aquatic giant not unlike a whale. Just as their appearances vary, so, too, do their roles in the world: Monsters like the herbivorous Aptonoth and Gargwa serve as food sources and livestock, while other monsters, such as Rathalos and Lagiacrus, are deadly apex predators at or near the top of their respective food chains. Of course, these ferocious beasts and even lower links in the have a tendency to act with hostility towards those that wander into their territory or even just stumble upon them on a leisurely stroll. When the time comes, there is a certain group of humans that will always be ready to answer the call to action...
What is a "Monster Hunter"?
Depending on who you ask, monster hunters(or simply just "hunters") can be many things: Friends, allies, employees, miracle workers, and, to many of their clients, saviors. The textbook definition, however, is a lot more humble: A hunter is someone employed by an organization known as the "Guild" for the purpose of completing many jobs and requests from various people hailing from all walks of life, be they fellow hunters, average citizens, or the higher-ups of the Guild themselves. These jobs and requests, typically referred to under the simple name of "quests", can be as simple as delivering a certain amount of a specified item to a client, or slaying or capturing a specific monster as assigned by the client. To many, hunters are the lifeblood of the society they live in, saving lives and serving as valuable friends and allies to just about everyone they meet(with exceptions, of course).
Where Do You Come In?
You and several other would-be hunters have just arrived by airship at the capital city of New Dundorma, located in the middle of a previously uncharted continent far from locales such as the Coral Highlands or Ancestral Steppe. Monsters on this continent have evolved or migrated from all around the globe(though there are, of course, a good number of native species), making it a paradise for those fascinated by the exotic beasts that hunters from Mezeporta Village have long become familiar with, as well as more universally-known species. Your combined task is to simply explore the continent and familiarize yourself with its various locales, while also providing aid to anyone you may encounter on your travels that requires it. Despite the task seeming quite simple on paper, it is highly recommended that you and your fellow hunters form teams and band together on your journeys; hunters, especially inexperienced ones, seldom travel alone. For a hunter, their greatest strength comes from the tight bond between them and their comrades, a bond that only becomes stronger the more they hunt as a single, unshakable team.
-Standard Guild rules apply. 18+ content must go to PMs. -No godmoding. Attacks will hit, and attacks will miss in equal balance. -Avoid OOC drama if possible, please. -I expect 1 or 2 posts a week from you at the minimum. I will make exceptions if circumstances make this inconvenient for you. -Posts should be, at the bare minimum, at least 2 or 3 paragraphs long. One-liners aren't gonna slide with me, but other than that, make your posts as long or short as you like while keeping in mind the minimum length. -Making/Acquiring armor/weapons here will function quite differently from the games; upon successfully hunting (Elder Dragons and other monsters being repelled does not count as a successful hunt) a monster, you will have the option to either make one of its weapons, or craft its full armor set. Pick one of the two, not both. -Armor sets here, especially sets from Frontier, World, and the Generations duology, will occasionally have different skills than they would in the games. These skills, which follow the point threshold system of games prior to World(Generations Ultimate, 4 Ultimate, etc.) would be ones that I feel fit the armor set or respective monster in question. Weapons will function similarly, having statistics that I feel suit the weapon at hand. -I will generally choose monster encounters for you myself as the RP goes on, but if you have any specific requests that I deem are appropriate for the current point in the RP, I will see what I can do to fulfill your request. Just...don't ask for anything silly, like a Valstrax encounter as soon as you leave the starting city, or a Royal Ludroth in a volcanic area. -Your character is recommended to have an anime-style picture as their appearance, but, for the most part, anything except a real-life photo is fair game. -Have fun, and feel free to ask me questions if you're unsure of anything!
Name: Gender: Age: Appearance(No real life pictures, please): Weapon Class of Choice(Pick from the weapon classes included in World/Generations Ultimate): Current Weapon: Armor Set+Active Skills: Personality: Biography: Other:
Description LUX is a humanoid robot with the build of a very, very bulky female. Her body is a very pale orange in coloration with some darker orange spots here and there. Her shoulders, or pauldrons, are perhaps the largest parts of her body, moreso than the breastlike protrusions on her chest. LUX's overall figure leans toward the hourglass side of the spectrum, thanks to her very slender waist (which, according to all known laws of physics, should NOT be able to support her comparatively massive upper body, unless some aspect of her construction possessed minor localized gravity manipulation abilities at the very least(which it, of course, does)), accompanied by incredibly wide hips (which just so happen to house those hypothetical localized gravity manipulation engines mentioned earlier) and an overall stunning physique that would, aside from certain aspects such as a hulking upper body and, well...being 100% metallic, would appeal to a very large fanbase (please note: there are absolutely people who find robots attractive (which include the writer of this biography), so please take the above statement with a grain of NaCl). LUX's height is approximately 7'0", and her weight is estimated to be around 5255 lbs, or roughly 2.6 tons. Username PsyEmbrace, formerly GarlandChaos Username 46935714 Full Name Ladylike Universal eXecutable Fake Name Quite Ladylike Universal eXecutable Nickname(s) LUX Alias Quite Qadylike Qniversal QXecutable Title All-Purpose Servant Gender Technically genderless; physically and programmed female Sexual Preference Asexual Age Discovered 20 years ago; exact creation date unknown Year First Birthday Discovered August 18th Astrological Sign Leo Traffic Sign Species Robot Class Tank LUX, being a mechanical, tireless robot, is built to both soak up damage and consistently dish damage back out. This offensive and defensive prowess comes at the cost of vastly reduced speed and mobility, however. Core Ability Like A Stone A passive ability that allows LUX to robot and not fall victim to fatigue of any kind. Simultaneous having 0 and infinite stamina, LUX can consistently both take a beating and give a beating with the only limitation being the strength of her armor. If that gets removed, then she has to get repaired ASAP or run the risk of getting her systems fried and (optionally) eaten. Weapon I AM My Boomstick LUX, being a robot, of course has the perk of being pre-equipped with ancient, cutting-edge weapon and defense systems scattered throughout her body; for example, her hands/arms? They can morph into either small gatling guns or two halves of a massive shield, useful for protecting both herself and any comrades who may find themselves in danger; her shoulders can open up to reveal a flamethrower inside each pauldron, perfect for roasting both marshmallows and enemies (note: please don't roast marshmallows this way if you plan on actually eating them); the sides of her legs can open up to reveal built-in missile launchers; and finally, her chest can open up to reveal a laser cannon that, while very powerful, renders LUX immobile and unable to aim for a few seconds, and has a very hefty cooldown time between uses. Of course, if none of the above options suit the situation at hand, LUX is more than capable of old-fashioned hand-to-hand combat. World
QUIN-5 is a planet-sized city inhabited solely by robots and the very occasional cyborg. Once a peaceful, organic world covered in organic life and pure, pristine air, it was taken over an unrecorded number of centuries ago by an advanced race of mechanized aliens, which eventually succumbed to the toxic, overwhelmingly strong aroma of a native plant. The now extinct civilization left many machines behind as a reminder of their long-past splendor, several of which adapted to life QUIN-5 and wiped it of all native organic life, turning it completely mechanical.
Biography LUX was one of many, many, many machines left behind by the half-machine alien race on QUIN-5, designed by said race to be a sort of hyper-durable Swiss army knife. Her personality was programmed to be helpful and supportive; her body was outfitted with incredibly durable armor and state-of-the-art weapon systems; and, most importantly, her memory chip was encoded with the following:
LUX was discovered ages after the flower that killed her creators was eliminated from QUIN-5 and the world was fully mechanized; while it's safe to assume that the "ULTIMATE LIFE FORM" in question is the same flower, what still remains a prominent question is why LUX had not been activated at all prior to her discovery. Some speculate that her creators perished before they even had the chance to after finishing their work, while others simply think that they forgot entirely. At this point, the answer is not important.
On the topic of her discovery, LUX was actually discovered close to the area that is known now as the largest shopping district in all of QUIN-5, taking up 15% of the world's surface area. She had been used as a decorative "mannequin" until one of the janitors accidentally bonked her noggin, booting her up for the first time since her creation, the exact date of which long since lost to time. Afterwards, LUX became a welcome, very well-recognizable sight all around QUIN-5, wandering all around its monolithic surface area and assisting whoever she saw however she could. Being nomadic, she never had a fixed mailing address.
...well, except herself, actually. Personality [This is usually better fleshed out in the Roleplay itself, so describe your character's outward personality in a sentence or two, or as above, go as overboard as you'd like.] Partner [This can either be assigned to you or you can figure out who you want to partner with.] Fear(s)/Weakness(es)/Limit(s) [What is your character weak to? What are they afraid of? What are some of the limitations they have to deal with when fighting?] Skills/Abilities/Traits [Does your character have photographic memory? Can they predict the weather? Are they able to produce small amounts of fire? Basically anything they get from their personality or race goes here.] Quirks [Not like My Hero Academia] Quirks [Like My Hero Academia] Theme Song Red Hot Chili Peppers - Can't Stop [Does your character has a song that they can relate to their life? That they'd use in battle? Feel free to share!] Other English VA: Lia Sargent Japanese VA: Eriko Hara [Any random, trivial fact about your character? Do they have a pet? Are they a good singer? Anything you think might fit well here. Must have something here.]