-Currently Closed-
So I'm looking for someone, anyone, who is willing to do a roleplay surrounding the Queen's Thief book series. Canon, non-canon, eleven wooden cannons, it's all game. Mostly. There are some characters I don't think I can pull off very well, but that's later.
I'm looking for a partner willing to take on multiple roles (as will I) and develop a plot with me. The setting can take place at the critical point sometime after the most recent entry, during any of the 'absent' periods throughout the series, or before it altogether (my personal favourite). Even playing the Medes or the gods themselves are options. I have no idea how popular this series actually is, so I'm being as open to ideas as possible.
That said. Here are the restrictions I do have:
- Plot; I'm not here for Gen/Irene, Helen/Sophos, or any sort of tortured romance fanfic. I want a wide array of characters focused on keeping their tiny countries peaceful and independent while surrounded by conquering empires. I'm not going to do smut.
- Length; don't force it. I'm not going to write paragraphs to respond to one of your character's yes or no questions and don't expect anything different from a partner. Of course, with multiple characters, over a large areas, there will be a lot of longer solo-posts. I don't expect much, just so long as I can tell you're trying or at least enjoying yourself it's all good.
- Frequency; I don't have the time to respond much at the moment. This will eventually change, but even then I've rarely been a daily poster. For now you can probably expect a post or week depending on any number of things. Quick ooc chatter is fine, I won't ignore you.
- Length; don't force it. I'm not going to write paragraphs to respond to one of your character's yes or no questions and don't expect anything different from a partner. Of course, with multiple characters, over a large areas, there will be a lot of longer solo-posts. I don't expect much, just so long as I can tell you're trying or at least enjoying yourself it's all good.
- Frequency; I don't have the time to respond much at the moment. This will eventually change, but even then I've rarely been a daily poster. For now you can probably expect a post or week depending on any number of things. Quick ooc chatter is fine, I won't ignore you.
Canons I'm comfortable playing:
If you'd like to hear any of my loosely developed plot ideas shoot me a PM.