Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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And so, our doomed adventurers would arrive...

The Ruins of Norn were ancient, untouched, not even by the various nations would would benefit from their bounties. In the past, great empires, mighty kingdoms, and federations of some of the most promising and powerful counties tried to utilize their resources to reap the benefits of Norn. For a few years, they've proven successful, accelerating their own progress and granting them powers to rise above all else. But ultimate downfall always came from the same treasures they've raided, destroyed internally and their lands simply expanding the ruins of Norn. Even now other nations, who continue to feud and battle each other for whatever reason they had, would never step foot in the ruins even if they were all bout wiped out.

This made the ruins a lawless place. Clever individuals have tried to take advantage of this to start a new world, and like those before them, success was short lived. Towns built, infrastructures formed, and for a while there was even a city where people could come to Norn and possibly seek their fortunes in the ruins. But of course, a few years passed and the city was now a ghost of it's former self. Brighthaven; it was suppose to be the first bastion to help discover the secrets of Norn. Now a gutted, rotten place where only vermin and trash live. The only civilization are small clans and tribes who live like nomads throughout the ruins, feuding with other clans for resources or being eaten alive by the various threats within. At least Brighthaven provided a usable port for anyone to use to arrive to this place; for steep fee brave sailors would be more than willing to drop you off here and leave before anyone could have second thoughts.

Those who arrive would be greeted by nothing but the smell of sea rot and the sight of decayed corpses. Animals, birds, and people who have been killed and left behind by whatever murdered them. Most don't look to have been eaten, but torn apart by wild beasts. And still left whole enough for everyone to identify their remains. Even the animals derive some sick pleasure from cruelty. Yes, the Ruins of Norn were indeed a nightmare... But for those brave enough to venture here, it was also the only solution they had to their problems. Perhaps they seek wealth. Power. Knowledge. The Ruins have these things for those capable of taking it.

But could they survive? We shall see.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Searat
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Searat The Aqueous Rodent

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@Lucius Cypher

It was at moons highest when a lone passenger with a wide brimmed hat stepped off a barge at the poor excuse of a port this town had to offer. The captain of the barge called out to the man.

"You sure about this, Roy? This land would eat you alive if the locals don't get to you first!" The lone passenger turns to talk to the captain.

"I have no choice, old friend. The curse will take me and many others within a year. I need to find a way to break the curse...and the ruins holds the answer." He could not fail this endeavor. For the sake of his countrymen. For his family. For his wife.

"Return here in two months on the same day and time. If I do not return by a week's end. Assume the worst has happened and leave."

"Roy..." He closes his eyes and opens them with a steely determination. He places a closed fist onto his chest and speaks. "King and Queen Guide you, Roy."

Roy smiles and returns the gesture in kind. "And may the stars always guide you, Erik."

Roy then walked away from the port and into the town proper. Through the filthy and almost desolate streets of Brighthaven he walked...a vile and wretched place he was forced to reside in until he could accompany a group of adventurers to the ruins, or at the very least a map with legible writing and drawings. Until then, this rat infested corpse of a town would be his base of operations until that day comes.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Riaxh
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It was different than he had imagined. He'd been expecting something blighted and decadent. A lawless town ruled by chaos, but a place that was thriving and living nonetheless, like a tumour. But from where Raugar stood on the abandoned wharf among what few passengers his chartered vessel had deposited, it was clear the cancer had long since run its course. Brighthaven looked every bit the corpse as those rotting along the shore. It's crooked buildings were still, and there was no hustle and bustle. Only the chill wind broke the silence.
He had seen many a settlement that had needed grinding into shape, and on his journey he had wondered frequently why his Order did not march here to civilise such a place of holy power. This first glance was enough that he now thought he understood. One could not impose order on what was dead.
Yet it was in such an irredeemable place that his pilgrimage must begin.

He shadowed his eyes with a gauntleted hand as he raised his gaze to the sun, trying to gauge how much of the day he had left to spend gathering information. Here his strength would be tested. If he was worthy, he would find power. Else he would die. The dragonborn inhaled one last lungful of clear sea air through his reptilian nostrils, then set off down the quay, flimsy boards creaking beneath his weight.

It feels good to be on solid ground again. Raugar thought, striding past the silent warnings of the beach carrion, and into the gloom of the city without a backwards glance.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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During his wanderings Thokk had heard of Norn and the dangers that resided there and while for most of his journey he had been smart enough to avoid those dangers, now they were the very reason he came there. If he wanted to save and protect his surviving tribe members from the Shadow Trashers he needed strength, power and riches.

"I still think you're crazy, just like all the others who go to this hell willingly." "You might be right Captain, you might be right." With that the half-orc exited the ship and set foot on the beach. When he noticed he wasn't the only living creatureout there he placed a hand on his sword but didn't draw it. Not bothering to be stealthy but also not saying anything he followed the dragonborn at such a distance that it was unlikely he would be mistaken for trying to attack.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by rush99999
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Angus MacAlister

The moment he stepped off the boat, it had weighed anchor and put to sea at full sail. That alone was enough to make Angus wonder if coming here had been a smart move. Then he saw the corpses. "Why the nine bloody hells did I think comin' here would be a good idea?" Angus asked himself as he began to make his way off the harbor. Angus had heard that the Ruins of Norn, while incredibly dangerous, were a place where adventurers would find no shortage of adventure. From the looks of things, Angus had underestimated the 'incredibly dangerous' part a tiny bit. "Well maybe it gets better further in" Angus said, knowing all too well that he was lying to himself. As he walked, Angus began to play a cheery song on the set of bagpipes hanging off his shoulder.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

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Soon after the adventurers arrived, they would be greeted by silence and rot. For the longest time the four would walk through the ruins of Brighthaven, finding nothing but the remains of those who have tried and failed. They were not mere wasters and poor souls either; the remains of their battered, rusted, and destroyed equipment were all that remained to tell their tale of trial and failure. There was one place that seemed to remain standing compared to the rest of these gutted buildings. Some sort of temple given it's belltower. Compared to the wooden buildings, the temple was made of stone, and unlike the towers and other stone structures, this temple wasn't in ruin or had broken windows.

Of course one does not simply walk towards this temple. Up ahead was a wretched stench, one that these four could easily smell even though they weren't downwind. They would see the decaying remains of some sort of large, ocean creature, and on this creature were naked lizard-like humanoids tearing out chunks of flesh and eating them raw. One of the ruin's many inhabitants. And in the distance, there was a crack of thunder; it would seem that a storm was coming. With it would come rain and darkness.

There were other places the adventurers could go as well. Perhaps they could take shelter in the ruins. Or they could explore further on their own, using the temple as simply a landmark in which to navigate this rotted port.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Riaxh
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I've picked up a tail Raugar mused, as the sound of steady footsteps continued to follow him from the pier through the ruins. He wasn't being shy about it either, but maintained a tactful distance which was a good sign. From brief glances over his shoulder it looked like a half orc, but he couldn't be certain in the dimming light. Whoever they were, Raugar doubted they meant him harm, and he didn't blame them for following the only civilised thing in sight. It was as sound an exploration strategy as any. He didn't know if they could be counted on in a fight, but perhaps they could mutually benefit from one another, so he let them be.

This unspoken arrangement continued as he meandered through the dead streets and decaying buildings, being careful not to get disorientated. He took what looked like they had once been the major roads, occasionally stopping to try and figure out what purpose a building had once served, or to try and glean something from the rusty remains of former adventurers, to no avail. he headed towards the nearest visible landmark, a large bell tower, Eventually nearing it enough to notice it belonged to some kind of stone temple. A last bastion of solidity that hadn't rotted away in this profane place.

Storm's coming he thought, eyeing the dark clouds looming beyond the bell tower and sniffing the air. The temple would provide sanctuary for him to wait it out.

The stench hit him like a brick just as he rounded the corner onto the thoroughfare towards the temple, making him gag, even after spending so long in the putrid city. Something huge and dead lay across the road, whilst large things crawled over it, tearing hunks of meat from the whole.

Looks like it came from the water... how did it get up here? he wondered as he watched from a distance, unsure if he had been spotted by the creatures or if they were simply content to keep their distance as long as they were allowed to enjoy their meal undisturbed. In any case, they were blocking the entrance to the temple, and that meant they were in his way. Here at last was his first trial. He was almost glad of the chance to finally release some of the tension that had been building in him since entering the city.
Reaching a decision, he drew his blade, planting it point down in the ground, as he looked back and waited for his silent pursuer to arrive.
"I trust you know how to use that" he said warily as he approached, gesturing to the half-orc's own sword. "First them, then the temple." he said, gesturing down the road at the monsters. "Are you with me?"
He had to hope the two of them would be enough. Although... perhaps it was a trick of the light, but he thought he saw another figure watching the monsters from a different entrance to the road. He couldn't be sure though, because at that moment he was distracted by the last thing he thought he would hear in a place like this.

Is that... music?
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by rush99999
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Angus MacAlister

As he pressed on through the city, Angus felt his unease slowly but surely melt away as the songs of his homeland issued forth from his pipes. He felt the eyes of his ancestors upon him. Ever watchful and ever ready to answer his call and aid him in battle. Angus took comfort in this. In knowing that he was never truly alone, he was never truly afraid. Angus was pulled from his thoughts by the sound of distant thunder. A storm was coming. Angus wasn't sure how bad the storms here were. But if they were as bad as the storms back home, he knew that not being in good shelter when the storm arrived would be bad for his health. Fortunately enough, Angus noticed a temple that looked to be in perfect condition shortly after hearing the thunder. It seemed whichever god that temple was dedicated to was not as quick to abandon the city as the mortal inhabitants were.

Just as Angus finished a riveting rendition of 'Am Màrt de an Camshron Fir', he turned a corner to see two fellow adventurers, a half-orc and a white dragonborn, standing ahead of him. And further ahead of the other adventurers was the carcass of a large sea creature being eaten by a group of reptilian humanoids. As he drew level with the half-orc and the dragonborn, Angus had a clear enough view of the creatures to figure out what they were. "Troglodytes" Angus said "I dinnae ken much o' their kind, save fer the fact that they reek like shite and ain't the sort that enjoy makin' friends. If either o' you know more, feel free to share. Especially if ye know 'ow strong they be".
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Searat
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Searat The Aqueous Rodent

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@Lucius Cypher

Roy had wandered the streets of the streets of Brighthaven, or more accurately, what was left of the town. The town was devoid of life...at least that's what Roy assumed. Bodies were scattered everywhere, some seemed to even belonged to adventurers. The thought of scavenging maps and other supplies entered his mind as he walked past the numerous remains of both townsfolk and would be adventurers. He frowns deeply and casts away the thoughts of plundering items from the dead, it was something Roy considered below him. It was then he heard the sounds of what he could assume were from a musical instruments of sorts. The cheery music was something completely out of place in this dead town. 'Hmmm...It would appear that I am not alone in this accursed place.' Roy pondered as he walked toward the source of the music. Soon discovering a small group of three individuals. 'Adventurers maybe?' He notices that the group was observing something further, past the half-ork and the dragonborn.

Roy sneered in disgust at the sight of what the adventurer carrying the strange instrument called a 'Troglodyte'. They seemed primitive, if not out right barbaric in nature. Not even willing to cook the meat of the diseased ocean giant they were so merrily feasting on. Roy would stay hidden away from the group to observe if their nature was one of the friendlier ones. He was not unfamiliar with working with mercenaries and adventurers, but it was better to be sure that these individuals were to greet him if he shows himself or charge at him with weapons drawn.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

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@Riaxh @Lucius Cypher


While Thokk wasn't sure he believed that the person he was following knew he was there. If that was the case then either he didn't want to start any trouble either or he had no interest in someone ready to fight back. Either option was fine with the half-ork. Eventually Throkk and his guide approached a temple, which seemed to be in a much better condition than any of the other buildings they passed on the way.

Unfortunately simply entering seemed to be impossible. While the stench of the decaying creature nearby was almost enough away to drive him a group of scavengers seemed to be drawn to it. "I trust you know how to use that.First them, then the temple. Are you with me?"

Did the stranger really think Thokk was crazy or stupid enough to come here unless he could defend himself? If the half-ork thought he could handle both the dragon born and the scavengers he might have shown what he was capable off, but this was not the time. "I am, for now."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

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As the adventurers continued to observe, the storm was growing closer now. They could feel the winds pick up as thunder cracked just a mile off the coast. The sea water was starting to shift and splash, sending salt and grim onto the broken shores. This didn't seem to bother to troglodytes who were more than content to continue feasting on their meal in peace, though one trog looked up and noticed the others in the distance. It squinted and let out a shrill screech that made the other troglodytes stop eating and also look, having a bit of a hard time seeing the others from their position. But they'd notice the other adventurers well enough. However they didn't attack. They simply looked at them, staring down at the other three. Deeper in the ruins were more screeching, echoing off of the walls in response to the first trog's cry. It seemed like more guest were being invited to the feast.

In a few more minutes the storm would hit Brighthaven, as well as more trogs. The party would need to figure out what they were going to do soon if they didn't want to deal with more of these bestial creatures or the wrath of the storm.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by rush99999
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Angus MacAlister

"Sod it!" Angus said as he pulled out a javelin "It's time fer action". The storm was getting closer. And on top of that, more Troglodytes were on their way. Time was now of the essence, and Angus wasn't about to waste anymore. Angus charged forwards and pulled hurled the javelin at the closest troglodyte, hitting it in the shoulder. "COME AN' GET IT YE REEKY SCUNNERS!" Angus roared at the monsters as he drew his claymore.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

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@Riaxh @Lucius Cypher @rush99999@Searat

Thokk had barely agreed to help the dragonborn out before someone else attacked the troglodytes. Considering the distance between him and the scavengers he considered using Chromatic Orb or Chill Touch but he didn't trust the two strangers enough to reveal some of his tricks that easily. Instead he drew his blade and dashed towards the carcass ready to the first troglodyte he came across.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Riaxh
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Against all reason Raugar suddenly found himself questioning whether he was in fact in Brighthaven at all, and not out skirmishing in the northern territories, about to be set upon by barbarians pouring like a flood out of the forested hills. But as the growing racket cut out the startled dragonborn reminded himself there were no hills, he was miles from the frontier, and there was only one figure strolling towards him and the orc. He joined them as calmly as if they had been sitting at a tavern table and the monsters a patch of rotten weather. He dressed differently from the savages Raugar had tousled with in his brief posting in the north, but he could have sworn that they too had brought similar strange instruments to battle.

"I am, for now." Raugar gave a grunt and a curt nod to show he understood. Now was not the time to be reliving old war memories. The creatures had finally noticed their presence. There were more of them than he'd first thought. Troglodytes. The name was familiar but Raugar was sure he'd never encountered this particular brand of abomination. The stranger's accent was thick but he gathered that the outlander was interested in taking them on as well. One of creatures suddenly gave a bloodcurdling scream, which was answered from far away. Blast, there's more of them. And the storm's getting worse. We need to strike now if-

But the barbarian was way ahead of him. With a stream of curses he hurled a javelin at the beast unfortunate enough to be closest, taking it right in the shoulder, though it remained on it's feet. Raugar strode forward, drawing a javelin of his own as the orc charged past him. Grasping the sacred spike which hung around his neck, with a harsh word and a gesture he felt radiance suffuse him. The spear took on an angry glow as he cast it from his fingers, where it joined the first, hissing where it struck as he tried to finish off what the barbarian had started.

He planted his feet in a wide stance as he drew alongside the kilted warrior, making sure they would both have plenty of room to swing their large weapons as he waited grimly for the onslaught.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Searat
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Searat The Aqueous Rodent

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@Lucius Cypher @Riaxh @rush99999 @Duthguy

As the roar of the troglodyte echoed in the abandoned streets of the town, Roy cursed under his breath as the cries of the first one was quickly retorted by roars from within the ruins. 'Nine hells, I can't stay here and wait to be ambushed by a group of those troglodytes.' He quickly glances behind him, but the sounds of the incoming storm as well as the sudden need for action didn't offer Roy much of a good approximation to determine how far or how close the damnable beasts were. It was then the trio attacked the troglodytes eating the carcass. The adventurer with the strange instrument was first to act, then followed by the half-orc and the dragonborn. It was apparent that all of them were capable combatants but it would sully his honor as a noble and a musketeer if he were to idly stand by while they fight.

Roy moves out of the alley way and moves closer to the group. Close enough for them to hear him but far enough for him to safely discern if they were friendly. He then proceeds to introduce himself to the group. "Hail, Adventurers. I am Sir Duncan of Briston. Sub-lieutenant of the Bristonian Royal Musketeers, 1st company." He proceeds to draw his pistol and his rapier and offers them a quick fencing salute. "I will aid you in battle. My sword and my gun are at your disposal."

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

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The adventurers took the initiative and attacked the trogs first, though the trogs were well aware of their intentions once they began to approach. They continued screaming but seemed to retreat, heading towards the temple while focusing their efforts into avoiding any attacks. More trogs could be heard screaming deeper into the ruins, and it would appear that they were coming. When, it was unknown. But they were coming, and these trogs were wait for them while the adventurers tried to fight them off. A trog was killed in the opening skirmish, it's body releasing some sort of sickening miasma that would spread and create a putrid cloud that sickened anyone nearby.

The storm was fast approaching. Any second now it would be on Brighthaven, and the Trogs have taken up some sort of defensive position on the temple itself, hiding behind statues and stonework.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

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@Riaxh @Lucius Cypher @rush99999@Searat

Thokk had been in enough storms to know that the one approaching would hit them soon and it wouldn't be much to fight in. If he wasn't desperate to become stronger and acquire money he would have simply walked away from the battle and looked for shelter. Instead he chased the trogs, while staying clear of the foul smelling substance leaking out of the dead one. He attacked the first one using half cover he came across.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by rush99999
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Angus MacAlister

Angus growled in frustration as he watched the troglodytes flee to the temple. The monsters that were smart enough to fall back and wait for reinforcements were always a pain to deal with. Angus became even more frustrated when he heard someone introduce themself and offer their assistance instead of doing something to actually assist them. "Well then quit yer yammerin' an' aid us ye daft sod!" Angus barked back at Duncan "In case ye dinnae notice, time ain't exactly on our side right now!". With that said, Angus sheathed his claymore and moved towards the dead troglodyte. "Nine bloody hells!" Angus exclaimed as he entered the miasma "It reeks like an orc's loin cloth in 'ere!". Angus had a feeling that had he a weaker constitution, he would have a lot more to worry about from the miasma than the smell. Upon reaching the corpse, Angus pulled the two javelins out of the troglodyte's shoulder and stowed them away with his other javelins.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Riaxh
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The offensive Raugar was expecting did not come. Instead the Troglodytes appeared to retreat behind the corpse. What? Are they afeared? Surely not, they outnumber us...

Meanwhile, an animated character had emerged from the ruins to further bolster their ragtag group. "Your weapons are welcome here, soldier. These things need gutting!" he said, bounding forwards and scaling up the fetid ocean creature that lay across the road as best he could. From there he could see that the monsters had taken up defensive positions at the temple entrance. It unsettled him that the primitive creatures had the cunning to hunker down and wait for reinforcements. He'd underestimated them, and with the storm on the way this could rapidly become a grim battle indeed.

"Cowards!" he cried, incensed at their timidity. Seeing the half-orc engage one of the trogs that was seeking cover, he hurled another javelin lit with divine energy. "Fight! You want your meal?" he challenged, smearing the rotten carcass on which he stood with his boot. "Come and get it!"

1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Searat
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Searat The Aqueous Rodent

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@Lucius Cypher @Riaxh @rush99999 @Duthguy

Roy frowned deeply at the rude reply of the adventurer with the strange instrument. At the very least the dragonborn was courteous enough to welcome him. Though the first one was right, the storm was coming in fast and the troglodytes had enough brain power to decide that fighting them in the open would have been suicide. Roy had a disadvantage of being the last to enter the fray of battle, but as the saying goes: "better late than never." Roy then hastens his pace to help the adventurers dispatch the beasts. He had not come close enough to the corpse of the fallen troglodyte for him to be affected by the miasma, but he grimaced in disgust as the miasma the corpse produced was noxious even from this distance. 'Nine hells! The beasts are dangerous even in death. I need to be careful when dispatching them...' Roy quickly thinks to himself as he runs past the sea creature's corpse, heading closer to the temple to help the half-orc adventurer and the one with the strange instrument.

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