Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Skallagrim
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Skallagrim Walker between Worlds

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

This is a place to deposit your NoW Multiverse Characters. Please use the format below and read the tier ratings to understand where your character belongs.

Character Sheets for the Multiverse:

To begin playing, submit a character of your creation in the format detailed below.





Random descriptors: As it sounds, the very basics are simply stated here, such as height, weight, eye color etc.

Character Tier: Low, Intermediate, or High.

Character Type: Critical Character- Active Multiverse Participant, Non-Critical Character/Secondary Character or Background Character.

Physical Description: Describe your character's usual appearance in more detail here. This includes attire, as much as how they walk, their mannerisms, and so forth. Remember that if your character's physical appearance radically changes, then you will need to submit a new profile for reference purposes.

Personality Description: What motivates and drives your character—money, morals, power, love? What kind of person are they? What's their goal? How does their mind tick?

Skills, powers and abilities: List and justify your powers in this section, and list their Level. Detail, justification, creativity and attention to detail are all paramount. If you simply write out 'I have Big Bang attack!!!' then we shall not accept it. There is no limit to the number of abilities you may possess, however you should stick to the general theme of your character, and Judges will review the unity of powers.

Character Equipment: What items does your character carry? You must describe how you obtained them, and if your explanation is deemed to be unrealistic, the equipment might be removed from you but may be “found” in the Multiverse. All equipment must be listed with their corresponding Power Level Low, Medium or High given.

Character History: Write a little bit about your characters past.

While there are tiers to delineate power rankings among characters, the rules specifically state that there is an equality of posts. However that equality of posts falls under each classification of character tier.

Thus Low tier characters have an equality of posts, however if a Low and Intermediate character decide to fight there is an inequality of a +1 prep advantage given to the Intermediate character. If the same Low tiered character decides to fight a High tiered character there is an inequality of +2 prep advantage given to the High tiered character.

What does this mean? It means a Low vs. Intermediate requires at least one prepped action to affect the Intermediate character, and conversely his normal attacks act as a one prepped attack.

The same goes for a High tier character; they have either a +2 or +1 prepped action against either a Low or Intermediate character.

This system is used to delineate the power differences between characters. This of course does not mean that a group of Low tier characters cannot attack and defeat an Intermediate or High tier character. It just means that they will have to act in concert to do so.

While it recommended that equal tiers face each other in combat, there will be times when lower tiered characters will attack Non-Critical characters, such as Kings, or Leaders of other player created worlds and they will necessarily be Intermediate or even High tiered.

Low, Intermediate and High Tier Comparison Chart: Use this chart to place your character powers and equipment.

Low || This is the general human level, encompassing the power attainable by the average Joe and is limited to the most basic of technological weapons, like guns, crossbow and knives—maybe even a scooter if in the wrong hands.

Human abilities at their peak, but still nothing overtly supernatural. Examples would be a genius IQ, very minor spell-casting ability (I’m talking sparking dried brush into flame). Technological objects such as laser guns fall under this level.

Genetic, cybernetic, divine or magical enhancements that allow you to run as fast as a sports car, jump anime style, or bench three-hundred pounds without breaking a sweat—as well as other physical modifications of that level. Dexterity level equal to an expert marksman, low level psionics and spellcasting ability, super-genius intelligence quotient and martial arts master are other examples of Low rating abilities. Equipment falls under the same range of power.

Intermediate || Examples of Intermediate powers and abilities include Mad Scientist level genius and scientific ability, long ranged telepathy, magical powers that to not involve a divine patron, and the ability to shoot flaming bats with magic arrows of light without the aide of that damnable fairy partner. In general, the range of ability to be expected from a Jedi Padawan of Star Wars or a Gennin Ninja of Naruto—as well as the use of cybernetics, alchemy, and so on to simulate any of that.

The basics of nano technology capable of regenerating minor wounds, or alternatively wizardry or clerical ability capable of the same. You can pilot your own short range star fighter and have access to technology so advanced as to be almost magical in nature. The ability to fly for any reason you can think of that makes any rudimentary amount of plot logic. Your character may have the reflexes and skills of an elite Jedi Knight, the speed of Saito Hajime, and the power to take down Trinity of The Matrix with ease.

The ability to heal major damage taken bother personally, or by others, through the method of your choice. The charisma and influence necessary to muster an army of elite soldiers, and access to the technology needed to build and operate a small space craft capable of interstellar travel (or a magic dragon from the future, whatever floats your boat). Your powers and skills rival those of Gandalf the White, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Himura Kenshin at their best.

High || Personal shielding and an Imperial Star Destroyer for a flagship; computer expertise that can take down Borg Cubes, and you may have weapons so slick and high tech that they make the ladies hot and bothered. You can distort space-time at will with your magic, enough so to influence events worlds or even light years away, and your physical strikes can no longer even be seen. Armies of grizzled veterans--wearing too much steel to stand up on their own—will carry your banner to war and ride really expensive looking horses across the battlefield. You could out gun an Agent in the Matrix or beat him down with your martial arts, and powers and abilities compare to Mace Windu of Star Wars, Ultimecia Final Fantasy, and Hyuuga Ricdeau of Xenogears.

The firewalls of the Death Star and Magi Supercomputers fall with ease before your unbeatable hacking skills. You can repair lost limbs and destroyed vital functions expediently. Your powers can cut down small armies, and shield you from the effects of nuclear weapons. You are no longer merely limited to visiting other worlds and epochs from afar, but may now visit them personally. Powers are of comparable scale to Marvel’s Magneto and Doctor Strange.

Not Open for Play at This Time:

Composite Beings|| That your powers rank less then omnipotent and have finite energy requirements are essentially your only restrictions at this point.

Universal Abstract Entity || Anything becomes possible within the restraints of the rules of the forum and common sense.

As far as characters and abilities go, let your imagination free, as long as it isn't too ridiculous. i.e. No conjuring black holes and throwing galaxies…because if I have to explain why, don’t apply.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Skallagrim
Avatar of Skallagrim

Skallagrim Walker between Worlds

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Full name: Skallagrim
Title: Cughtagh, the Walker Between Worlds.
Race: Xindhi
Age: Ageless

Random Descriptors:
Height: 6’5” Weight 210

Character Tier: High.

Character Type: Critical Character- Active Multiverse Participant,

Physical Description: Skallagrim is tall and skeletal, standing a little over 6 and a half feet tall. His eyes glow with a hideous amethyst light. His face is covered with only his eyes showing. He wears the dusky black plate and mail of the Cughtagh and Aeryn, the queens own explorers and bodyguards. He wears the crimson lined heavy cloaks that signify a Champion and rarely reveals his form unless he has a measure of respect for his opponent..

Personality: Cold and aloof, he has very little patience for most beings. He is a good ally and better friend but he has few of those. He is the favored Walker Between Worlds of the Dreaming Queen, traveling through the vast multiverse seeking experiences and understanding for the eternal sleeper. Though he is a loyal subject, he has his own desires to dream a place where he can become flesh and blood again to marry and raise a family free of war and strife. Indeed since the multiverse is a strange place where the impossible is limited only by the desire to challenge it, his dream may yet come true.

Skills, powers and abilities:

Inherent Powers:

(Intermediate) Being Xindhi, when damaged he can slowly regenerate himself, however the extent of the damage dictates the amount of time it takes him to reassemble. However even Xindhi regenerative power is limited as overwhelming damage, either magical or physical can be more than the regeneration process can handle. Healing only happens when out of combat. Surprisingly he is able to move with grace and agility. He has the increased strength bestowed upon him by the very nature of the Xindhi, equal to 20 human men, (able to lift/press roughly 2,600 pounds).

(Intermediate) He can summon his shadow mount by touching his necklace and calling it from the dreaming realms, the space between worlds via his galdhr mastery.

(High) Inherent Skills: He is a master of sword combat as well as close-quarter-combat skills involving both weapon and weaponless combat techniques. Having trained through the aeons of existence in these styles.

Xindhi Esoteric Powers, the Galdhr and Seidhr, Patterns of Aesr (Resonance).

What are the patterns of Aesr? According to the Gothi of the Xindhi, the whole universe is composed Aesr, the energy of life, both seidhr (visible) and galdhr (invisible).

The Aesr is the energy that courses through everything. It is the electromagnetic surge that is the firing discharges between synapses that produce thoughts in the brain; the impulses that race through nerve endings and is the aura that surrounds all creatures. Since all living animals and plants have the aura, they have some aspect of Aesr residing within them.

Why is it called the Patterns of Aesr? The patterns of aesr refer to the vibrational energy that resonates and emits from all living creatures. It is this pattern, this thrum of life that weaves its way through the multiverse and can be felt, tracked and manipulated by anyone who has learned the twins aspects of aesr. Aesr manipulation provides control over more conventional paradigms, such as the origin of life, consciousness, the observable laws of probability, and the nature of subjective experience. Aesr creates a shared experience between the user and those who are recipients of the effects, be it a living organism or an area where a discharge of vibrational energy (aesr) imprints itself into the landscape. These events are called occurrences. Occurrences are recorded in the vibrational patterns of the aesr and it can be drawn upon at a later date and “replayed” for understanding. Those skilled in aesr are adept at reading the events, the occurrences of experience to glean understanding of their surroundings.

(This is also know commonly in real world magical theory as the principles of Vibration, Polarity, Rhythm and Causation.)

So aesr refers to a collective field of consciousness (resonance/vibration) that manifests in any perspective, context or occurrence Aesr can also be referred to as self-moments which organize themselves as a holos ( a Greek word meaning whole) or complete occurrences that are imprinted in the greater whole of the multiverse. A holo is both a part within a larger whole and an individual event comprised of smaller parts of separate events or occurrences. Thus the occurrence exists as a unique event within a larger collective; and the occurrence also exists as the larger collective within which the individuals experiencing the event in question exists. The Multiverse is an example of a holos, or a whole system and every holos we are aware of is a part of this larger holos.

So what is the seidhr? It is the manipulation of the aesr energy that becomes the bodies of all living creatures and plant life. At the end of the cycle of all things; the solids, the liquids and the gasses all melt and coalesce into the aesr again. This is part of the law of the conservation of energy. Those adept at manipulation of seidhr can convert energy of aesr from one form to another, but the energy itself cannot be created or destroyed. Seidhr created effects are usually seen along the electromagnetic spectrum.
Since the adept possess aesr within themselves, they can convert their own energies to create effects from energy on the electromagnetic spectrum. It includes radio waves, visible light, electricity, magnetism, microwaves, and radiation. They can also draw the energy from other objects and creatures via electrostatic induction. By creating an electrical field of their seidhr, an adept can create some immense effects.

(Intermediate) Seidhr Sense- At the most basic level, the adept can sense different forms of energy, "seeing" up and down the EM spectrum. This ability is the basic "senses" of the adept, they can "hear" and detect sound waves. They can see in the infra, ultra and visible spectrum of light as well as x-rays. While seemingly powerful it is limited by objects which can obscure their vision. An adept can also spread their senses across the EM spectrum, they can search for specific objects or creatures as they extend their senses to look in the various parts of the EM spectrum at once! The adept senses everything going on along the entire electro-magnetic spectrum. The greater the mastery of the seidhr the greater the range the adept has.

At this most basic training he can infuse the “runes” on his sword with some aspect of the EM Spectrum.

(Intermediate) Seidhr Induction- This ability allows the adept to create an induction field around them that can fuel their other abilities. An adept can overload or shut down electrical equipment, jam radio signals, bend or negate light, create shimmering images that “ghost” around them and other similar effects.

By generating a field of electrical energy they can create these effects which can be expanded to encompass a radius out to a minimum range of 300 meters effectively. Further mastery increases the range by a 1000-fold every level of mastery, and it can only obscured by objects hardened or capable of defeating this field. This induction field allows the adept to use their powers in a nearly limitless manner as they are not using their own aesr to fuel their effects, rather the electrical field is drawing energy from the area and converting it for use by the adept.

At the next level of mastery this field is 300,000 meters in size, then 300,000,000 meters etc.

(Intermediate) Seidhr Projection- An adept can project bolts of pure energy, generate electricity, electromagnetic pulses, and so forth. The adept at this point of control begins the transform of their body into pure energy, losing the flesh and becoming skeletal, only powered by their aesr. They no longer eat, sleep or breath and begin losing their humanity. The now flesh-stripped bones are wrapped in the energy signature of the aesr, creating a haunting skeletal being laced with energy tendrils. The adept loses the ability to emphasize with others, and begins seeing and experiencing events that are imprinted in the holos. This loss of flesh is the price of power paid by those adept at using the aesr.

(High) Seidhr Manipulation- The adept can control and manipulate the equivalent electrical power of a small city. They can shed enough light to see for miles. They can drain the heat of an entire forest fire, and convert it to another form of energy. An adept can also suck all the light and sound out of an area and transforming it into heat, the adept then can cause an area within their aspect of control to suddenly burst into all-consuming flames. There are a host of things that an adept can do that at this level that make them dangerous. This coupled with the induction field can create a living dynamo of immense proportions, capable of incredible feats based on the electromagnetic spectrum of energy.

(High) Seidhr Generation- The adept has full control of the energies of the electromagnetic spectrum, generating its various energy fields at will. The induction of energy at this level of mastery is incredible, adepts are like living stars, able to create explosions powerful enough to devastate a planet via scalar wave discharges of energy. Their mastery also allows them to focus on individual particles or waves of energy. An adept at this level can affect a planet or planetary system with their power. With time the atmosphere of a planet can be sucked away or can be ignited to burn everything a chaotic gaseous explosion.

Just as the visible universe is composed of seidhr, the Xindhi Gothi claim that the unseen universe is made of galdhr.

So what is galdhr? Galdhr is the unseen and unsensed dark energy universe. All matter and energy exists in the multiverse and while the visible universe is felt and manipulated by the seidhr. The dark energy can only be sensed by thrum of its patterns, which can be heard, can be felt, can be controlled by galdhr. At the end of the cycle of all things unseen and in the “dark” universe, the dark energy solids, liquids and the gasses all melt and coalesce into the galdhr again. This again is part of the law of the conservation of energy.

Adepts have the ability to sense the dark energy at the most basic and fundamental levels. This "sense" coupled with the ability to "see" along the electromagnetic spectrum is what gives the adept their perceptive senses of the multiverse.

(Intermediate) Galdhr Sense- The adept can sense dark energy and its various and often frightening fluctuations. Among other things, they can sense when others are manipulating this dark energy, and the lingering effects of such manipulations. While perhaps not able to identify the exact nature of the manipulation, the energy signature can be used to trace it back the source. When any magical effect is attempted within the adepts range they may detect the weaving of the etheric threads, i.e. magical energies via this method as it deals with energies that natural seidhr senses would not detect.

(Intermediate) Adepts can create a “mount” from the same foamy dark material, which are often skeletal in appearance and shimmer and shift in and out of reality. These mounts cannot exist in the visible world without focus by the adept. This ability is taught once an Adept has learned to “see” dark energies, as their focus for further understanding of how and why dark energies make up 95.1% of the entire multiverse.

(Intermediate) Galdhr Impression- The adept has a strong sense of spatial relationships and can sense nearby "dark space" without using the normal five senses. The adept can also detect the presence of any spatial anomalies, because of the displacement of dark energy. This perceptive ability can detect things like “worm holes” between dimensions. The adept can detect the sudden displacement of objects into "dark space" out to a minimum range of 300 meters effectively.

As with seidhr perception further mastery increases the range by a 1000-fold every level of mastery. At the next level of mastery this field is 300,000 meters in size, then 300,000,000 meters etc.

(Intermediate) Galdhr Insight- The perception of tracing the dark energy particles as they interact with gravity allows the adept the ability sense the pull of gravity waves. Thus they can detect the displacement caused by objects as they move. The less massive the object, the more difficult it is to detect. (All objects "fall" and this rate of fall and the interaction of dark energy is what is observed by the adept.) Thus a human walking across the face of the earth can be detected by their rate of fall in relation to the gravitational center of the earth. This insight is the basis of how an adept travels between worlds and dimensions as they simply follow the gravity trails along the dark energy paths.

Because of the Galdhr insight ability an adept can easily translate their perceptions into accurate measurement units such as amperage, volts etc. This ability of quantification includes kinetic energy, which allows an adept to determine an object's speed in relation to them if they know the mass.

(High) Galdhr Manipulation- The adept can manipulate dark energy particles to "fuel" the creation of matter or energy out of the unseen multiverse. An adept of Galdhr Manipulation can also change how certain elements interact with other elements through infusion of dark energy or matter. He can make one element unable to interact with another element, he can create material that's insubstantial to certain substances. Thus a sword can pierce body armor or could pass through the epidermis without breaking it. The adept can also make matter take on the properties of some other matter or take on entirely new properties, so a piece of matter could be made superconductive, incredibly strong and somewhat ductile, despite originally being a sheet of paper.

The adept at this level can essentially create a “things” out of "nothing." One of the most commonly created objects are the dreaming gates. It is via these gates that the adept can travel between worlds and dimensions. Travel between dimensions is dangerous and the traveler can easily get lost by the rapidly changing nature of the space between worlds. The dark universe is a type of “foam” that bubbles and vanishes in such rapidity that it seems as if they never had existed at all. Travel along this foam which can be viewed as a torus in space that intersects with all spaces and times in the multiverse. The dark foam folds and twists and provides "paths" which can be ridden between dimensions. An adept cannot walk between worlds until they have mastered this level of control.

(High) Galdhr Understanding- The adept can “read” and “imprint” experiences in the vast dark energy multiverse. This makes use of the incalculable energy that resides in the unseen multiverse as a repository of knowledge. While seidhr imprints exist in the visible world, an aesr adept often scribes messages, histories or other information within the dark universe. This is akin to the akashic records theory of a vast database of cosmic knowledge and experiences accessible by those who know how. This is the Grand Master level of Galdhr control. A Grand Master of the Galdhr can affect things on a planetary scale easily.

A Grand Master can connect their psyches with any other Dreamer living or dead, even those in the stasis of Slumber. By doing so they can harness the experiences of the Dreamer to better understand a current problem. Grand Masters can connect too many Dreamers, but the more they connect too, the greater chance they will enter the Slumber themselves as their energies become entwined with those of others.

The idea of the Seidhr and Galdhr is comprised in the saying of Hermes Trismegistus, "As Above, So Below" . The visible and invisible universe work in conjunction to create the greater whole. Mastery of both aspects of Aesr allows an adept incredible powers over creation.

While all Xindhi have Aesr as part of their structure and form, not all Xindhi are skeletal horrors. The more adept and powerful the user is the less human-like they look until they are ghastly skeletal beings with the Aesr evident in their skulls and coursing along their bones in arcs and flashes of energy. Naturally if a Xindhi no longer uses or employs the Aesr they will slowly revert back to their flesh forms over a number of months until they are fully flesh and blood again.

Limitations to Powers:Limitations: If pushed beyond their limits, Dreamers will begin slowing and ultimately falling into what is called the Slumber. They will not wake until 12 hours minimum have passed in which their bodies have recouped lost energies. Some Grand Masters have Slumbered for several of Eons.

Character Equipment: His sword and dagger also confer some powers to him.

(High) His sword Keefe is a war sword. The 36” long black blade is nicked and notched through years of use, the heavy steel hilt has runes carved into it from a language long forgotten, the 8” handle allows for both a single or two-handed grip. The sword is 44” long giving him a very effective reach. The runes allow for aesr effects to be enacted upon the sword, creating a thin sheen of seidhr that rides as a shimmering glow a few millimeters above the actual blade. The seidhr-enhanced sword can affect preternatural creatures as easily as it can slice through armor plate.

(High) His dagger Rhiannon is wide with its blade measuring 17” long and two inches wide, the blade is shrouded in a black pulsating mist that seems to have a life of its own. The thick 5” handle is covered in hide from an animal that only legends only speak of. The pulsating mist is an aspect of galdhr with a simple thought from Skallagrim the dagger can transform into a shield of dark energy/matter. This shield can blunt energy and preternatural forces as easily as it can mundane.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Skallagrim
Avatar of Skallagrim

Skallagrim Walker between Worlds

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Real Name: Stephan Archibald Wallis.
Occupation: Superhero, Defender of Alternate Earth
Other Aliases: General Freedom
Place of Birth: Des Moines, Iowa, Alternate Earth
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Harold Wallis (Fa) and Maude Wallis (Mo), Kerry Samantha James-Wallis (Sis.), Marvin Emerson Wallis (Bro)
Age: 31

Random Descriptors:
Height: 6’3 (7’3)
Weight: 245 ( 545 lbs.)
Eyes: Cobalt Blue
Hair: Mahogany brown.

Character Tier: Intermediate

Character Type: Critical Character- Active Multiverse Participant

Physical Description: His costume is navy blue with a three-inch white strip along the outer portion of the legs and up the side, under the armpit, twisting along on the inside of the arm and folding over the forearms near the wrists. He has red flared gauntlets and red thigh-high boots folded over so the flap rides just under the knees. Around his waist rests a thick, wide blue leather belt and a strange tetrahedron as the buckle. He wears a three-quarter navy blue mask covering his face, leaving the jaw and mouth uncovered with white colored panels where his eyes would be. On his chest is a single white star, surrounded by a red border.
Personality Description: Driven protector whose has chosen to become the champion of the billions of humans on Alternate Earth. As such he is willing to face any threat to protect his home world. Not cocky, but he has a cool confidence that some find annoying as he is supremely confident in his own abilities and powers.

Skills, powers and abilities:

Known Powers: Zero-Point Energy manipulation-

ZPE-Physical Alterations: His muscles and bones have become much denser than an average human being, adding nearly 300 lbs. of muscle to his body, adding a foot of height to his frame. As he gains experience with his powers they grow and develop over time.

(Intermediate) Super-human strength: Dead lift 50 short tons. Thunder Clap- General Freedom can generate immense pressure in the air by clapping his hands together. The force is enough to hurt unprotected people, and can break windows and cause minor structural damage to buildings. This does not affect hard targets such as buildings or soft targets like cloth or malleable oozes. Only living things and brittle targets are affected, radius is 60 meters.

(Intermediate) Super-human stamina: Heal rate is five-times a normal human beings, by using ZPE he can actually regenerate bone, muscle and soft tissue damage. General Freedom can participate in several (6-7) triathlons in a row before starting to tire. His life span has increased to 180+ years as his body slows down the aging process to a virtual crawl.

ZPE- Powers: These powers General Freedom gained from the Zero-Point Energy that fuels his body.

(Intermediate) The bolt has a range 4,828 meters or 15,840 feet at the speed of 7,690 feet per second, with the kinetic impact of 360 tons of TNT. General Freedom can regulate the kinetic impact from a gram of TNT to its maximum potential and anywhere along that spectrum.

(Intermediate) ZPE- Shield: With the ability to create a shield, General Freedom can blunt both natural and preternatural damage to some extent. This shield can parry or block incoming attacks. This shield powers up using ZPE to meet and match incoming attacks, at its most basic it can withstand a 120 mm tank shell at point blank range. By fueling the shield with ZPE he can increase the protective value.

(Intermediate) ZPE-Shield effect: Cage- General Freedom can create a ZPE cage to imprison opponents. It does no damage but requires strength of force equal to the charges placed on it to break free of. The cage is made of blue-black ZPE energies and hums and sparks. Range is 250 meters.

(Intermediate0 ZPE-Shield effect: Bubble- General Freedom can create a shimmering blue-black semi-transparent sphere/hemisphere around a target. This bubble can protect or harm a target within it. If doing damage, the equivalent of 2 tons of kinetic impact will press on the target per tier ranking. It takes an equal charge to break free or resist the damage of the bubble. Range is 1,000 meters.

(Intermediate) ZPE- Second Skin: General Freedom can harden the air molecules around him by charging the air with ZPE. This creates a layer of armor roughly an inch from his body surrounding him. This armor can blunt normal and preternatural forces. This armor can stop a 120 mm tank round at point blank range. Every moment charging adds strength to the layers of the armor.

(Intermediate ) ZPE- Flight: General Freedom can defy gravity and fly.General Freedom’s maximum flying speed in an atmosphere is 1,750 mph. By channeling all his ZPE and focusing it into his speed, he is capable of breaking Earth’s gravitational pull, reaching a speed of 17,500 mph.

Abilities/Skills: Sniper, Breaching, Surreptitious Entry, Electronic and Media Exploitation, Technical Surveillance, High Threat Protective Security (PSD), Advanced Weapons Training, Advanced Driving Skills (Urban/Rural/Security), Advanced Climbing/Rope Skills, Advanced Air Operations: HALO/HAHO/Jumpmaster/Parachute Rigger and Packer, Diving Supervisor, Foreign Weapons, Advanced Special Operations.

General Freedom is an expert in MCMAP, the Marine Corp Martial Arts- equal to a black belt. He is well versed in general CQB training, both with and without firearms and is a Tier 1 operator equivalent. He is a dedicated practitioner of Escrima both in single and double stick/knife, practicing in the Philippines as often as he can. General Freedom also has trained with Jorge De la Cruz, renowned boxing trainer out of Panama, learning boxing techniques in order to round out his martial arts expertise.

Limitations: General Freedom has normal human weakness regarding the need for air, food, water. Although his physiology is much greater than any normal human being is, he does tire after extended periods of maximum exertion. General Freedom in the past has been susceptible to magical effects, especially those regarding dark or negative energy. However, it is unknown, if those effects were able to overcome his ZPE or he simply was unfamiliar with them and hence was unable to formulate a proper defense to them.

Weapons: None.


(High) Tetrahedron of Transport ToT: During a fight with the notorious villain Red Mercury, General Freedom obtained the Tetrahedron of Transport. The Tetrahedron allows General Freedom to venture across the multiverse, by adjusting the movable sides so that a different series of symbols align to a corresponding gateway, he can venture to places that the ToT has a quantum energy alignment. He wears the ToT as part of his uniform as the buckle of his belt.

Character History: Stephan Wallis was a normal kid growing up in Des Moines his parents were both blue collar folk who did the best they could to raise their 3 children. Steve was an excellent student and athlete obtained entrance to Annapolis, where he graduated and served his 2 years in San Diego, CA. During his second year, as a URL he found himself drawn to the SEALS. After contemplating the commitment to reenlist, he did so with the understanding he would he enter the SEAL’S program to see if he was good enough to be a Navy Seal. After completing the intensive BUDS trials, he graduated as the only one in his class. Stephan, after further training general combat and survival training, is assigned to SEAL team Six, where he obtains a great deal of counter-terrorist training along with intelligence and medical knowledge.

Ribbons earned. National Defense Service Ribbon – NDSM, Bronze Star Ribbon, Global War on Terrorism Service Ribbon, Purple Heart Ribbon, Navy Sea Service Deployment Ribbon, Navy Good Conduct Ribbon, Combat Action Ribbon, Navy Expert Pistol Ribbon, Navy Expert Rifle Ribbon, Meritorious Unit Commendation Ribbon, Navy Marine Corps Commendation Ribbon, Navy USMC Presidential Unit Citation PUC, Navy Marine Distinguished Service Military Ribbon, Silver Star Ribbon.

After four years, he is given a new assignment as the special combat consultant to Eastern Regional Wordsmith for their research for DARPA. Steve discovered ERW working on some reversed engineered technology they obtained from an alien crash site.

After nearly a year where he encountered some very disturbing things and seeing the great harm done to American citizens by the experiments conducted, Steve tried to halt the program. During a scuffle he was knocked back into an oscillating blue field, as the alien energies coursed through his body he felt the as if he collapsed into nothing. The machine exploded causing the R&D facility to come down around him. It took several days before they found Steve barely alive.

He spent 7 months in Bethesda Naval hospital before he is honorably discharged from the Navy. Little did he know that the energy in him had altered his molecular structure giving him control of the zero-point energy that coursed through his body.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Skallagrim
Avatar of Skallagrim

Skallagrim Walker between Worlds

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Real Name: Sir Dou’far Klaast
Occupation: Gladius Dei Senechal- General of the Angar-Ryllan Sword of God Elite Knights
Other Aliases: None
Place of Birth:Nas’Gadur
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: None
Race: Nas’Gaduran

Random descriptors:
Height: 6 ft. 3 in.
Weight: 535 lbs.
Eyes: White
Hair: Black
Skin Color: Deep blue

Character Tier: High.

Character Type: Critical Character- Active Multiverse Participant, This is the main character (the central or primary personal figure to the roleplay).

Physical Description: A tall man with deep-set eyes and long hair pulled into a top-knot pony tail. He has some stubble on his chin and cheeks as he shaves but once every few days. A quick smile and a hearty laugh are part of his charm. As with all Nas-Gaduran’s his skin is a deep blue color, and being that he is from an Earth+1 gravity world this gives him a strange bouncy gate when in a gravity lesser than his normal.

Personality Description: Dou’far Klaast was just a boy when he was conscripted into the Home world legions each planet in the Empire is required to provide. After going through his test he was found to have a high intelligence and the personality that lends itself well to the Gladius Dei, a single mindedness bordering on fanatical. Dou’far Klaast is a highly motivated and extremely driven man, who is supremely confident in his own abilities and expects the same from his troops.

Skills, powers and abilities:

(High) A skilled swordsman and trained with all the knights weapons to a high degree, he is often seen in the training fields showing recruits techniques and tricks he has learned over the many years of training and combat.

(Intermediate) An accomplished hand-to-hand combatant, using his greater strength to his advantage.

(Intermediate) Due to being born on a high gravity world his muscularity and bone structure are far denser, and heavier. His strength is such that he can lift/press 3 tons with ease.

(Intermediate) His conditioning is above par for a man of his size, and this is due to his increased lung capacity.

(Intermediate) His skin and muscles are highly resistant to damage offering him a degree of protection against cutting and slashing from weapons of equal or lesser rating. Not impervious but resistant to base attacks.

Character Equipment: Gladius Dei (sword of God) armor/weapons--

(High) Vibro-Blade appears as a Bastard Sword-- These are the standard Templar issued blade weapons. They are surrounded by an invisible, high-frequency energy field that gives them damage capabilities equal to energy weapons. They can slice through armor very quickly and given time can cut through the heavy fortifications or doors on ships and on worlds.

(High) Sonic lance -- This is a sophisticated Templar weapon. It unleashes powerful vibrations in a considerable area in front of it, literally shaking apart all unlucky enemies in the area, no matter the bulk. The longer the knight charges it the stronger the effects of the sonic burst.

(High) Shimmering Shield of Faith--This is a force field, sometimes known as an energy shield, force shield, or deflector shield comprised of a field of tightly bounded boson particles of significant magnitude so that objects affected by the force shield are unable to pass through the central axis of the field and reach the other side. The shield is usually somewhere between 26-28 inches in circumference allow the knight a good deal of bodily protection against frontal assaults. This shield can be powered up with energy to allow it to disperse or block incredibly powerful attacks.

(High) A favorite weapon is the Heavy Plasma Pole-arm--He carries this weapon and employs it against the armies of the unbelievers. The heavy plasma pole-arm fires over sized, armor-penetrating plasma bolts capable of causing extreme damage to whatever target they strike. Like other burst plasma bolts, the projectiles from the heavy plasma pole-arm detonate upon impact, showering the surrounding area with damaging plasma shrapnel. Powered by their armor this has an effective range of a hundred meters. The pole-arm head is also a vibro weapon and can be used in combat to slice down the unbelievers with deadly ease.

Templar Knight standard issue armor.

The armor comes with the full range of sensors including thermal, radioactivity (an alarm function alerts him of dangerous conditions, like the presence of plutonium), neutron detector, also targeting/tracking, and telemetric sensors. A new Detection Unit is capable of picking up outside radar-tracking devices that lock on or "paint" him (e.g., incoming missiles), while a psionic tracer can detect and track even small traces of psionic energy. Ultra-sonics allow for a form of ground-penetrating radar (for finding underground chambers, etc.).

(High) Helmet optics include an energy detection unit that can sense power sources, power cables, and so on. Advanced Audio Receptors allow for eavesdropping and can detect people sneaking up on him. The integrated Sound Scanner is capable of separating out the frequency of all other noises, even a single whisper under tons of rubble. Meanwhile cooling systems maintain climate control inside the armor.

(High) Covered with an incredible refractory coating, the Templar armor's exterior can deflect thermal rays, lasers, and other energy weapons to a limited degree. However, a charged attack can ignore the deflective abilities of the armor.

(High) Templar armor also absorbs incoming radar signals, preventing them from bouncing back. Together with a built-in radar reflector, (that supplements the radar-absorbing qualities of the refractory coating), Templar armor is extremely stealthy against technological sensors.

(High) The outer fabric of the armor can also absorb many forms of energy, including magic. Linked to a new aether-magnacouple, this system allows the Templar to absorb the energy from normal energy attacks or magical sources. However the Armor must power the defenses to match incoming damage. If the incoming energy is far superior to the allotted defense energies the outer fabric can and will be rend by the force.

(High) The Templar can emit a high-solar burst that radiates Ultra-violet light from the armor in a 30‘radius. This burst is capable of blinding unprepared opponents and with the aether-magnacoupling can inflict injury to traditional undead opponents.

(Intermediate) The armor can also be magnetized, allowing the Templar to stick or walk on metallic surfaces. These systems run off the nuclear power supply and when taxed can actually shut down the armor for an hour or so to cool down.


Running: 60 mph (96 km) maximum
Leaping: The powerful exo-skeletal legs can leap up to 22 feet high or across. Add 20 feet with a running start. Jet thruster assisted leaps can hurl the power armor 350 feet up or across. If necessary, the thruster can shortly hold the powered knight aloft as high as 52 feet off the ground for up to 90 seconds. The thrusters are not made for flying.

Statistical Data:

Height: 12 feet, 5 inches (3.1 m)
Width: 4 feet, 4 inches (1.3 m)
Length: 4 feet (1.2 m)
Weight: 900 lbs.
Physical Strength can lift/press 50,000 lbs or 25 tons.
Power System: Nuclear; average energy life is 20 years. All weapons are powered from the power system.

Character History: At the age of 5 Dou’far was conscripted into the Home world legion on Nas’ Gadur and after testing was sent to the great Monastery of the Gladius Dei at Bright Gate on Angur-Rylla itself. Here he devoted his life to the order learning the arts of fighting with lance and sword as well as the strict lifestyle required of all Knights.
Having fought in numerous campaigns as commander of the elite shock troops known as Gladius Dei, he discovered a thread of myths on all conquered worlds and even in the records of Angur-Rylla as well as his own home world. Over the next few years and over the course of several more campaigns he found more references to something called the Nexus of Worlds.

Assembling the evidence he began speaking to other generals until he had convinced many of the command throughout the military that this was something they should pursue. After a meeting with the Counsel or Lords he convinced them that the Nexus existed and that it must be their focus. Whomever controls this Nexus between worlds held power over all others, power that should belong to the Angar-Ryllan Empire, under the command of General Dou’far Klaast and his Holy Knights.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Skallagrim
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rilla
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Rilla SuperNova Generation / The Lazy Storyteller

Member Seen 2 mos ago


Adinraen Barriurden
(Audin = Monstrou.
Raen = Desciple
Barri - Spawn of
Urden = the Darkness)

- Nickname:

Devil Elf

-- Infamous Names:

Devil Elf
Demon Elf of the Dark Forest



- Feigned Age: 110



Date of birth:

First Winter during the Year of the Demon Elf Emergence

Character Tier: High.

Character Type: Critical Character- Active Multiverse Participant


Brother: Rosuto Barriurden

Born during the First Fall, Year of the White Elf Queen, Rosuto was meant to inherit the small fortune of the Barriurden clan. However, his dreams were not realized, for he was given a brother. Adinraen. Barriurden, in itself, means Spawn of the Darkness, and Adinraen strived to live up to this ideal. When the Demon Elf King declared war during the 80th Year of the Emergence, Adinraen made his first act of loyalty slaughtering his entire family, proving that the name Barriurden would live as it should; in utter darkness.

-- Rank: C

He was never a fighter, but inherited some degree of military tacticianism.

Father: 'The Hunter' Barriurden

Adinraen never knew his father by real name, for all called him 'The Hunter'. A famed warrior turned War Strategist for the Elven Clan they belonged. During the 80th Year of Emergence, he was horrifically killed by his son, Adinraen. His head was offered to the Demon Elf King.

-- Rank: High Class S

A name etched into every mind of school-age elves. 'The Hunter' was best known for making strategies that led the Elves in numerous wars, to unfathomable victories. His fame became so much that, should he have wanted too, he could have easily been a top military advisor for the Elf Queen. Instead, he chose to start a small business. His military strategies and intelligence were second to none, and passed down to his sons, Rosuto and Adinraen.


Demon Elf Elite

As an elite in the armies of the Demon Elf King, Adinraen boasts significant martial abilities. His skill with twin elven blade, his skill in nature manipulation, particularly thick forests, and his uncanny ability to form strategies(reminiscent of his father) quickly saw him rise through the ranks. However, for each level he rose, the mark of the Demon Elf grew upon his body and disfigured it into the horrific shape it takes today.


Military Strategist [Intermediate]

Were not for his father's untimely death, Adinraen probably would have made him proud with his knowledge in military sequences, movements, history, and strategy. With intelligence on par with his father's, Adinraen has effectively solidified himself as a valuable asset. By virtue of pure knowledge of all existing forests, Adinraen can, will, and has, provided logistics for them all; down to the last blade of grass.


Demon Elf Elite Strategist [Intermediate]

His father's position became his own in under the new lord, the Demon Elf King. Mixing his intellect with his intricate knowledge of the land and armies at his disposal, Adinraen threatens the entire wellbeing of the world. Even on his own, as a emissary of the Demon Elf King, he is highly dangerous. There are whispers that he has been plotting to take over as Demon Elf King, even if it means massacring the ruling family.


Chaotic Evil

Martial Status:

Single, aside from those he's raped and enslaved.


The Forest of the Black Elf

His father and mother were traveling with the armies of the White Elf Queen, when he was born. The elves of the forest, dark in complexion, allowed them several weeks reprieve in their abodes. Only when the first glimmer of darkness tainted Adinraen's skin did they find they overstayed their welcome.

Blood Type:


Eye Color:

Once they were a vibrant green, but now, due to the influence of the Demon Elf Mark, they are all white.


Fix foot flat

-- With Shoes: six foot one


One hundred fifty

Hair Color/Style:

Long, flowing, black hair.


- Left:

Perfected - Uses for powered strikes

-- Right:

Perfected - Uses for deceptive, quick strikes.

--- Both:

Perfected - In conjunction, his strikes become nearly unavoidable without getting out of the reach of his arms and blades.

Skin Tone/Condition:

Ghastly white, coated with blood and scars.

Physical Condition: [High]

Optimal. His body functions at a high rate, increased reflexes and speed. His durability is just a tinge higher than a normal elves, but still relatively less than a humans. Well trained muscles lay coiled, increasing the power of his strikes, past their normal limits.


Demon Elf Mark

Appearance: A knobbed ended arrow. The arrow points go out and downward, pointing back to the knobbed end.

Function: Given by the Demon Elf King to all under his kingdom, the mark horridly distorts the image of the person it is bestowed upon. In reward, subjected people gain more power in both mental, physical, and metaphysical artforms. The longer one holds the mark, and the more ranks they gain, the more the marking does to them.


Raspy, devoid of anything other than killing intent


Two Feet


Originally the mark of the Barriurden Clan, but it has long since been consumed by the Demon Elf Mark.


Adinraen, as described earlier, is nothing short of a socio-psychopathic murderer. In his mind, only the organized Chaos od the Demon Elves is worthy of his attention and this has greatly affected his mind. While he does possess grand social skills, these are only afforded to those in his clan, to anyone else his appearance is indicative of his mindstate. Often it sounds as though the Demon Elf, many are unaware that this is him formulating strategy on top of strategy in a multitude of mixed langauges, some dead and some newly formed. The rest of his mannerisms are more-or-less ingrained into the minds of young elves, to love nature and all its inhabitants, and while he does, he is also subject to using them as pawns in his dangerous war games. More than one facet of nature has been subject to these and has never been the same since.

Fighting Skills: [High]

In battle he is ruthlessly aggressive to the point of seeming like a berserker. This could not be further from the truth. Combining his hellish skill with blades, ring blade, or a bow and arrow, with his high intellect and tactical prowess, Adinraen can effectively back and lead his opponent into any position he wishes. He shows no mercy, for he believes his weapons, the Bones of the Devil Elf, need the taste of blood to quench their thirst.

Spirit Animal:


The adverse effects of the mark on his mind, and his outright disregard for his own well-being and spiritual upbringing have caused his spirit animal to become naught more than a broken haze.

Equipment: [Intermediate]

-Upper Body:

--Demon Elf Chestplate:

Appearance: Made from the most durable, lightweight elven metals of the new Demon Elf world, this armor features bi-ridged layovers, that increase the defensive capabilities.

Function: At a glance, it is meant to ward off any would-be physical attack; however, its truest properties lay in minor spell deflection. Anything with one-charge or less glances off with minimal damage done and nullified effects.

--Demon Elf Arm Coverings:

Appearance: Similar to that of the above in appearance, with the addition of three blades jutting out on the back of the elbow; the smallest of which on the side of his hand, and the longest on the side of his head. Gloves are included as well.

Function: To slash opponents behind him, as well as the added effect of the above.

--Elf-Metal Sheathes:

Appearance: For Bones of the Devil Elf, they rest on his back and follow the curvature of the oddly shaped blades. For the Ring of the Demon, it as well rests on his back, however layering on top of the sheathe for the swords.

Function: To hold his weapons, and offer defense from attacks from behind.

-Lower Body:

--Demon Elf Greaves:

Appearance: Light-weight, yet highly durable. Sharp objects out of the knees.

Function: Defense and a potential weapon

---Left/Right Leg: Demon Elf Greaves

--Devil Elf Belt:

Appearance: A Elf-Metal Fashion, Demon-Elf Marked belt

Function: A secondary sheathe, and a designator of his rank. It carries his insignia.


Bones of the Devil Elf [High]

While not actual bone, these blades were blessed by the Devil Elf himself. To Adinraen these blades are akin to his family, the only family he refused to part with. His mind tells him they speak to him and whine for fresh blood. In his hands, these blades carve through obstacles with obscene ease. They are also made out of an abnormally strong metal, that feels lightweight in his hands. Just his skill with these weapons alone gained him a great deal of respect and rank within the Demon Elf Militia.

Elf Skeletonbow with Devil Hair String [Intermediate]

This Bow and Arrow set is arguably the most feared in the ranks of the Demon Elves. It is never shown to be on Adinraen before usage, in fact, it is rumored he can pull it from any portion of nature he chooses. The bowstring comes from his own hair, magicked to have a high tension and release at a high rate of speed, 2,000 feet a second. It is called a SkeletonBow due to the fact that the design is indictative of a creatures spine, curved to form the base. His accuracy is high, and his profiecency with nature makes his arrow supply starts at 25, and are made of something representative of the land around him. However, when dominating the land, at the lost of not using a magical attack during the term he can create five more.

Ring of the Devil Elf [Intermediate]

By far his most unique weapon, the ring blade is essentially a close-long range mixed weapon. Using his dominance over the natural energies of nature, when he tosses it, he can control it without touching it. When its in his hands, its true prowess is shown. His already unpredictable movements and his unstable mind, make this weapon a prodigy in destruction up-close. The sharp edges cut as easily as those of the Bones of the Devil Elf. However the drawback is, it is easy for him to damage himself with his double-edged weapon.


They Never See the Devil [Low/Intermediate]

In nature, when dominant, he becomes camouflaged. This breaks when he attacks but reinstates when the attack is finished. It remains so, even if he is prepping an attack. Moving lessens the effective nature of this passive ability, but overall it remains intact.

I am Nature, but it is not me! [Intermediate]

When he gains his dominance over nature, he also gains the ability to hear through it, effectively making hiding useless. Normally, this works two ways if the opposer has the ability to manage it, however this is moot to Adinraen. As he is the dominator, nature actively cancels attempts to backtrace, or affect, him via his magical effects on nature. Also, pinpointing him via nature is impossible, as his energies and nature's energy becomes mirrored. This also grants him some degree of resistance to illusions, particularly environment changing ones. He also gains some resistance to natures elements, however the resistance to element that opposes his current domination is only an increased 25% instead of the decreased 25% to the rest, and 75% to his current domination. This means, for Forest to Fire, the latter will cause 25 percent more damage. However, for Fire to say, Earth, he'd have 25% more resistance to it. For Fire to Fire, he'd have 75% Resistance.

All roads lead to Rome! [High]

Nature for him is nothing but a compilation passive portals. Once he exerts the needed energy to gain dominance over nature, then he can pass through them and appear at similar areas. Examples include ice-berg to icebergs, fires to fires, bodies of water to bodies of water, etc., etc. He cannot appear within five-feet of an opponent, however.

Asepsis [Intermediate]

Quite simply Adinraen is somewhat immune to contaminants, that cause disease. However, he is adapt at using these on his weapons, if he can find such things that contain them.


Nature Dominance [High]

In the myths, there are three types of nature control. Famaliar, the lowest and most commonly accessed. Control, the mid-rank that is the highest many can achieve. Finally, Dominance, the complete and utter mastery over nature. Not only does the forest protect him from the ones that would do him harm, but quite literally bends to him. For the exchange of minimal energies, his powerful magic is cast at full strength. The wildlife in any given area becomes naught more than a pawn to his chessboard if he expends the required amount of energy to exert his dominance, this includes slight poison generation. Once done, his mastery is so absolute that it is said he literally becomes the forest in some abstract way. This does not simply include the forest, but all areas of Nature. However, others require a bit more of his energy to be expended.

Drudic Magics [Intermediate]

In addition to being Dominant over Nature, he is also a practiced Druid. Capable in healing arts, shape-shifting, and animal control, Adinraen can effectively treat his environment like a giant game of chess. In terms of his shape-shifting he is quite adapt at its application and is steadily gaining new forms to fit any situation he is thrown in. He is not adapt at healing, however, due to his merciless personality. His control of animals extends to mythical ones as well, but the rarer and bigger they are, the harder they are to control. He once had a totem pole to symbolize his Druidic nature, but he left it behind at the Demon Elf Stronghold, thinking it useless.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by LeeRoy
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LeeRoy LeeRoy Brightmane

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Name: LeeRoy Brightmane

Age: I dunno, what year is it? He was born in 1672

Gender: Male

Race: Godslave, Human, Caucasian

Random descriptors:

Height: 6'2"
Weight: 270 lbs.
Eye Color: None.
Skin Tone: That skin tone you get when you don't leave your house for a month.
Hair Color: Reddish brown.
Character Tier: Intermediate

Character Type: Critical Character- Active Multiverse Participant

Physical Description:

Not much deviation from the image above at any time, always wears a button up collared shirt with a pair of pants tucked into his steel toed boots. Uniformity is comforting for him.

About how he moves and his mannerisms, every movement he makes is quick and deliberate. Even though he's got all the time in the multiverse he still understands that time is valuable, and HATES when people waste it. He finishes everything as quickly and efficiently as possibly, even walking.

He sometimes forgets to breathe and blink, those are just sidenotes.

Personality Description: LeeRoy is a scientist above all, everything he does and ever will do has been for the expansion of knowledge. That said, he goes to great lengths for discovery and experimentation. Violating several natural and social laws in the process on some occasions. Sometimes the laws of physics, when studying sub-atomic particles. He has no concept of right or wrong, and is genuinely a true-neutral individual.

Although he's neutral he has a tendency to do things just to spite people. And since there's a voice in his head that he frequently speaks to, he'll sometimes do the right thing just because the voice in his head is evil Though when he was younger he was always taught to be polite and to respect everyone. Unless they disrespect him. As such, he's a polite and respectable individual. A fast talker and a brilliant wordsmith, he'll talk you into buying your own clothes if he has the motivation.

Skills, powers and abilities:

-Genius Level Intellect (High): Nearly a savant from birth he was an astronomer by the age of 16. (Not unreasonable, as he was born in 1672.) By 24 he had become an apothecary. By 32 he had become a renowned scientist. After his death and revival he has done nothing but expand his knowledge. Since 1720 he has read literally every document on science, written more than a few of his own, and perfected his own studies. Since then he has become obsessed with robotics and cloning, creating clones of himself for whenever his body wears out (or is destroyed). Other than that, his thought process is around thrice that of the average human, quickly analyzing and solving issues at hand in one third the time. Sometimes figuring something out two seconds before the other guy can save your skin.

-Enhanced Physical Abilities(Intermediate): After having his jaw destroyed by Maxwell he decided that it was just about time for a new body, in his ship he had the equipment for cloning a new body to transfer himself into. Because his patron god hadn't bothered to give him the enhanced abilities he usually outfits himself with when he swaps bodies. During the cloning process he induced electric stimuli to enhance the growth of musculature and tendons in his body as it grew to match his physical age. This allowed for overall enhanced physical ability. Later in the process he introduced mechanical stimulation, on an organic scale he improved the overall sensory reception of the average human body. Every new body that he creates has enhanced abilities, it assists with his tedious work for the first twenty or so years. Unfortunately, after 20 years his body starts to totally degrade, as he cannot sleep.

  • Supersoldier Strength: Well beyond the peak of human ability, straight from the cloning tube, this body is capable of thrice that of the strongest human being. Capable of lifting 1,700 lbs. His enhanced musculature is unnaturally stimulated, his physical appearance from the neck down is not what you would see on a bodybuilder. More of a lumberjack look.

  • Supersoldier Speed: Above that of Olympians, he can run at about 45 mph.

  • Supersoldier Reflexes: This is a given, with the enhanced body able to keep up with his advanced intelligence and quick thinking, he's able to react twice as fast as the normal human.

  • Supersoldier Senses: Enhanced sense of smell, hearing, touch, taste, you get the idea. About twice that of what normal human beings are capable of.

- Cannot die, period(Intermediate): Now let me explain. Back in 1720 LeeRoy died. Now, what would your last wishes be? LeeRoy's last wish was to live. To continue his research. For eternal youth. Unfortunately someone heard the wish. This someone just so happened to be a god. This god granted his wish. But this god is an asshole, there's more than a few rules to this immortality.

His consciousness now belongs to that god. Here's how it works.

If his body is destroyed but his brain is (mostly) intact: His consciousness remains with the brain.
If his brain is destroyed: His consciousness is trapped in the general area of the body until that god wills him to live again.


If his body is destroyed and he has no means to repair or replace it with cloned body parts, he has to wish upon that god again. Now, every time you wish upon this god you lose a distinguishing feature of yourself.

If his brain is destroyed, then the god automatically assumes you've made the wish, so you come back with something missing of yourself.

LeeRoy has made this wish 3 times. That is why he has such large hands, that is why he cannot sleep, and that is why his eyes have no visible pupils or irises.

Next time he makes the wish his voice will no longer be his own.
After that he'll lose his hair color.
After that his skin will become much like leather in appearance.
So on and so forth.

Sometimes it's benign, other times its horribly disfiguring.

Character Equipment:

- The Space Grazer (High): LeeRoy's custom constructed star-ship, took upwards of 50 years to construct. All the materials were incredibly difficult to come by, seeing as a guy who has no social security number can't really get a job. So LeeRoy resorted to bank robbery, and used that to pay off a large number of police and military groups. From the military groups he managed to haggle for the resources to construct it. The design is simplistic but effective for off world travel.
  • From stern to bow it measures 38 meters long.

  • The frame and inner shell are boron steel castings, rather than being welded together it was cast into this shape for maximum efficiency. Boron steel is one of the hardest materials in the world, as such the ship can withstand quite a beating. Though, space combat is not the purpose of the ship, it was implemented to protect from crippling damage during a crash.

  • External layer is a heavy ceramic that allows for safe reentry without burning up in the atmosphere. The ceramic layer protects against heat by dispersing it evenly across its surface and then quickly cooling off.

  • Three MACs mounted port and starboard, small sized MACs are used as compulsory weapons for defense. MAC stands for Magnetic Acceleration Cannon, as the name implies it takes a chunk of metal along a path of powerful electromagnetic coils and fires it at just faster than the speed of sound.

  • Atmospheric recycling allows the ship to function as long as the fuel keeps it going.

  • A center gyro that constantly spins, the rotation creates something similar to gravity. Allowing for movement with ease within the ship.

  • A form of Hyperdrive similar to Warp that allows for near-instant travel from one point in the universe to another.

  • Full armory of basic human crafted weapons and enough ammunition to start a small war.
    - 9mm Handguns (4)
    - .50 Caliber Sniper Rifles (2)
    - H&K G36 Assault Rifles (2)
    - Claymore Mines (20)
    - C4 Explosive Charges (5)
    - Custom Crafted Thrown Explosive Plates (20)

  • Advanced Medical Bay: A full medical suite for whenever LeeRoy gets injured. The suite contains sealant gel, pain killers, an automated medical bed (Similar to the one in Prometheus) and a sphere with arms. The sphere is mobile and can be triggered remotely to come hunt down LeeRoy's broken body. (Cannot travel through space, water, or lava. Acid is a question of how long it takes, it can't last very long in strong acid.)

  • [/list]

    - The Bio Enhancement Combat Suit MKVII (Intermediate): Seventh in the line of suits built by LeeRoy, an environmental suit designed for combat in this hostile multiverse. When LeeRoy's last suit failed him, he reconstructed it from scratch. Only using certain leftover materials from it to save time. Everything else, however, was purchased legally on Darashal.

    • Strength amplification/Strength moderation: Designed to match any planet the suit itself is heavy and it can increase and decrease the amount of force exerted by the wearer to equalize the difference in gravity. On a planet with Earth-like gravity it remains at peak performance, whereas a planet with Neptune-like gravity would make it weaker in combat but the suit allows you to travel at the same speed. A planet with gravity like that of Mars would decrease the amount of force put out by every step, decreasing the amount of push you have, thus reducing the accidental lift created by every step. On an earth like planet this suit enhances his already impressive newfound strength by 50%, allowing him to lift upwards of one ton of weight. (2,550 lbs) It also enhances his newfound speed as well, allowing him to run at 50% higher than without the suit. (67 mph)

    • Thruster Pack: This is basically a jetpack that doesn't run out of fuel, it is a back mounted series of thrusters that allow for in flight course correction and flight speeds up to 240mph. It needs recharging after a three hour flight.

    • Water Recycling: This one is pretty obvious, much like a Stillsuit from Frank Herbert's "Dune", it recycles all water passed from the body into drinkable water. Not every planet has water so you need every drop you can get.

    • Assisted Breathing Apparatus: Three oxygen tanks with a filter that prevents toxic atmospheres from decimating the wearer's lungs. In a breathable atmosphere the tanks refill on command.

    • Unlike its predecesors, this suit is designed for combat. It is not lightweight, it weighs around 70lbs, distributed across the entire body. This encumbers the wearer slightly, however, that weight is attributed wholly to the material it is made from. Made from the same materials as his ship, it is constructed with boron-steel plating with an underlying carbon nano-tube weave, and coated in a durable layer of blast resistant ceramics. It is wholly bulletproof and the plates are resistant to explosive force well beyond that of 10 lbs of TNT.

    - The ZUB15 Semi-Automatic Air Pistol (Low): A battery powered side arm made in LeeRoy's spare time, inspired by the Pistol Shrimp it is a powerful air compressor contained within a pipe shaped barrel. The compressor puts the air under so much pressure that once released it creates enough energy to sublimate lead and punch holes through plate armor. The gun itself compresses three shots worth of air at a time and once those are spent automatically reloads. The batteries are under extreme strain and cannot be used after 25 shots.
    - Vacuum Lance: A four foot long double edged weapon with a hole at the end of it. This is attached to a hose and that hose is connected to a very efficient air compressor. It vacuums in air and much like the ZUB15 it can fire this air out like bullets. These bullets are similar to the ones from the ZUB15, however, they are much faster. Like the rounds of a sniper rifle, these air bullets punch holes through foot deep concrete. This weapon's compressor does not need to be reloaded, however, it takes much more time to actually fire this than the ZUB15. Taking about 10 seconds to vacuum in enough air to fire. (One turn.) The bladed edge is ceramic, very durable ceramic at that. The kind used in divers's knives. This allows it to resist shattering on impact and providing a lethal cutting edge. It is used very similarly to a sword in its usage, however it is only a slashing weapon. It has no point.

    Character History: Born in a colonial settlement in Egypt in an Alternate Universe Earth number who-gives-a-damn LeeRoy was raised in a rather priveledged lifestyle along the Nile River. He took a liking to reading, and that evolved into a love of knowledge. With his parent's money he was sent to a rather prestigeous college and became an astronomer at a rather young age. Astronomy was a foothold for other sciences and he wound up expanding his knowledge to every science of the time. Nothing in particular was truly interesting about his life up until the day he died. On his death bed he had made a horrible mistake.

    A wish for eternal youth.

    Unfortunately a god heard his wish, a God of Mentality.

    Well, this wish was granted, and LeeRoy was brought from dead and to the dimension of which this god held domain. He woke to find his hands thrice the size they were before and realized with a god looming over him. Quick to realize he had made a mistake he was on the verge of wishing to return home. But the thought of exploring a universe totally alien to him was riveting. Unfortunately he was attacked by a group of savages, and his body was completely destroyed.

    So he had to make a wish.

    This second wish took away LeeRoy's ability to sleep. Now he is a sleepless eternal being, unable to escape the world of consciousness for the comforting grip of sleep. Though now he never has to worry about over sleeping, a lack of sleep decimates the body. After a few hundred years his body destroys itself, unable to heal. So he had to perfect cloning, every few hundred years he has to completely transplant his brain into a new body.

    Along with cloning he perfected robotics, and space travel as time went by. Though. Teleportation still evades him.

    And by evades him.

    I mean.

    The last time he tried to experiment with teleportation he wound up with a "demon" from "Hell" permanently fused with him on a psychological level. Yeah, the problem here being, LeeRoy has to listen to her. Constantly. Day in, day out.

    He avoids experimentation with teleportation because he couldn't bear to have another voice in his head.

    After the incident with the "demon", which he has now come to call: "The Voidman" He found out that he's not the only Godslave, that they're an entire sub-genus of EVERY race. That there are countless beings in the universe who have come under the curse of eternal life.


    LeeRoy decided to visit them.

    Though there were a few issues along the way. Example: His first space flight was a catastrophic failure, and his body was incinerated on his way back into the atmosphere. That's when wish number three came in, and LeeRoy's eyes were cursed to look horrendous.

    Now he's a disfigured genius with the ability to explore the universe, and he loves every second of every day. Because if he didn't love it, he'd hate it. So he forces a facade of comfort onto a dull and boring lifestyle to make eternity comfortable.
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MelonHead
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    MelonHead The Fighting Fruit

    Member Seen 4 yrs ago

    The Clockwork Man, the second arc is the character I'm entering NoW with. For reference sake, he's definitely somewhere in-between Intermediate and High, probably low high at most.

    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Skallagrim
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    Skallagrim Walker between Worlds

    Member Seen 3 yrs ago

    Huzzah...I told you before I thought he was your best character.
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MelonHead
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    MelonHead The Fighting Fruit

    Member Seen 4 yrs ago

    Damn I'm having trouble with hiders though. They don't seem to work how I remember.
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by GreivousKhan
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    GreivousKhan Deus Vult

    Member Seen 3 yrs ago

    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Salroka
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    Salroka Antivan Crow

    Member Seen 1 yr ago

    Name: Cathak Talon

    Age: 274

    Gender: Male

    Race: Terrestrial Exalt - Fire-Aspect Dragon-Blooded

    Random descriptors: When his anima banner flares, the plates on the back of Cathak Talon's armor appear to melt and stretch into skeletal steel wings, which then burst into brilliant flames. These steel "bones" then melt and reform constantly, with no apparent detriment to Cathak Talon's armor whatsoever. The anima banner of the Dragon-Blooded is a raw, powerful effect. While those of the other Exalted can be intense, and even have lasting impact on their environment, that of the Terrestrials can be so powerful as to inflict considerable damage on their surroundings. The effects of the damage is different for each type of Terrestrial, but the source is always the raw power of the character’s Essence.

    If the Dragon-Blood’s anima banner is at the 8–10-motes level of display, it inflicts light heat damage for every minute of contact to everything within a number of feet equal to the character’s permanent Essence. This damage is sufficient to destroy cloth and soft wood in a minute or two. It can eventually reduce even treated hardwoods to junk (within five minutes). At the 11–15-mote level, the banner inflicts moderate fire damage for every few seconds of combat. At these two levels, characters who are able to endure lethal damage without the use of armor or defensive abilities (such as other Exalts) ignore the damage inflicted by Terrestrial anima banners. At the 16+ level, however, the banner generates that same damage every single second, and all beings and objects (except the Exalt’s personal equipment, which is immune to the effect at all levels) suffers this damage.

    This anima flux effect has had obvious impacts on their Terrestrials’ fighting style and architecture (among other things). At the expenditure of five motes of Essence, the Children of Hesiesh can draw on their inner passions, forcing their anima banner to erupt. For the duration of the scene, the Exalt is surrounded by a corona of flames, which inflicts no damage on his body or possessions but affects anything else he touches as normal flames would. Any bare-handed or grappling attacks against the Exalt cause the attacker to suffer severe elemental damage, and any similar attacks made by the Dragon-Blood inflict additional elemental damage as well. The Exalt can also ignite flammable materials with a touch.

    Character Tier: Intermediate

    Character Type: Critical Character - Active Multiverse Participant

    Physical Description: I'm terrible at writing descriptions... he looks pretty much like THIS

    Personality Description: Brash and bold even for a Fire-Aspect Terrestrial, Talon was not well liked among his peers on the Blessed Isle. This culminated in him being stationed in Lookshy. It was there that he went from devoted to the Realm, to hating it. Always an honorable person despite his outright willingness to do battle, he saw the oppression of others as a personal affront.

    He is not beyond fighting with someone at one instant, then offering to buy them a drink the next. Talon can fly off the handle if he feels insulted, or blush like a newlywed bride if he is openly flattered. This makes him a bit of a wild-card in the opinions of most people. However, there's nobody better to have on your side if shit hits the fan. In that regard, Talon is an honorable man... but rarely is able to sit idle if there's some action he could be a part of.

    Skills, powers and abilities:

    Character Equipment:

    Red Jade Wavecleaver Daiklave named "Flame of Freedom"

    Speed: 4
    Accuracy: +3
    Damage: +8L/3
    Defense: +1
    Rate: 2
    Minimums: Str ••
    Attune: 5
    Cost: ••
    Tags: O

    Red Jade Reinforced Buff Jacket named "Cloak of Heshiesh"

    Soak: +7L/10B
    Hardness: 5L/5B
    Mobility: -1
    Fatigue: 0
    Cost: ••
    Attune: 3
    Tags: N/A

    Yellow Jade Hearthstone Amulet - Cathak Talon regains one additional mote of Essence per hour.

    Gemstone of Last Resort equipped into his sword. This smooth, dull-brown stone is speckled with black. Its bearer can ignore all wound penalties during a combat. When the character reaches Incapacitated, this effect ends immediately, and he can still die. The bearer can choose to invoke or cancel the stone’s power at will. Wounds sustained while the bearer used this power take twice as long to heal, and the Essence cost of any Charms or other magics used to heal these wounds is doubled.

    Bag of 50 Blood Berries - Blood berry vines grow in Wood-aspected demesnes throughout the outer edges of the Northeast. Since they root in tree branches high above the ground, however, they are seldom harvested outside the arboreal Haltan Republic. In the last months of Descending Fire, these vines produce clusters of tart, red berries, which people who know of their properties then pick and dry in the sun. These berries owe their name to their curative power as well as their oozing, crimson juice. A character who eats a dozen blood berries a day can halve the time required to heal one lethal wound that caused a great deal of blood loss when it was inflicted. (For instance, the berries help heal gashes but not broken bones.) Dried blood berries keep for a year, after which they lose their potency.

    Character History: The story of Cathak Talon begins many years before the present day. Born to Cathak Jura and an un-exalted human male, Talon was expected to exalt just like his mother. And indeed, at the age of 16, Talon was imbued with the might of the Elemental Dragons. He was then sent to a sort of "basic training" program that his mother had herself gone through more than a century before. The training Talon would receive on the Blessed Isle was fairly standard for Dynasts, with an emphasis on his martial prowess and athletic ability. He quickly mastered the charms and skills taught to him in the program, and moved on to command training.

    Here, Cathak Talon learned to give orders to troops and mercenaries, as well as strategize on the battlefield. In time, he was even given command over a small regiment of soldiers. Pleased with his progress, the powers that be passed him through the rest of the program rather quickly... allowing Talon to pursue his own interests. Wanting to become the best fighter possible, and to more easily overcome any "Anathema" he may come across, Cathak Talon began to study the Even Blade Style of Terrestrial Martial Arts under Lord Chaowin Registrophe. Over the next fourty years, he learned nearly everything there was to learn about Even Blade. The form, the techniques, the history, and even the deadliest attacks that the style had to offer. Now nearing his first full century of life, It was time for something... more.

    However, before he could request a posting... some of his former rivals in the academy had used the last fourty years to rise in station rather than better themselves... and had Cathak Talon stationed far from the Blessed Isle, in the city of Lookshy. It was there he remained for over another century. After many years, he befriended a group of young men and women from the local guard force. But unbeknownst to him, these men and women would change his life. One day, a man by the name of Yuri did not report to his post. Yuri was one of the mortals that Talon had befriended since coming to Lookshy. And while the missing man wasn't worried about at first... three days passed without so much as a word from him or his family.

    It was time to investigate. Luckily, being an Exalt among mortals had many advantages. When Talon said he was leaving to find someone, the guard forces not only didn't stop him... but sent him on his way with a token force of around one-hundred soldiers. This was in addition to the nearly fifty mortals that swore their service to the Dynast over the last ten years. They investigated any and all leads they could find, and learned that for some reason... Yuri had traveled to the city of Nexus. Consulting his map, Talon saw that Nexus was over one-thousand kilometers to the east. "Why would he go there?" thought Talon as he and his forces marched to the city.

    The horrifying truth quickly came to light shortly after Cathak Talon arrived. Yuri was an Anathema... a Solar Exalt. Had he been one this whole time? Had he simply exalted and left Lookshy to avoid his friend? The Dyanst needed answers... and he would only find them with Yuri. Finding the Solar took only three days... and it seemed like he wasn't even TRYING to hide. Indeed, when Talon approached, Yuri greeted his old friend as if nothing had changed. ... he had been born to fight them, he had been taught they were evil, he had SEEN them kill his comrades! Then WHY could Talon not attack this Anathema like he had done with others in the past?

    His mind torn, Talon instead chose to find out what had happened. As his friend, Yuri was more than happy to explain. While Nexus was known as a popular gateway to the realm of Yu-Shan, few knew why it was truly named as it was. The city was built over a far more mysterious relic... a gateway to a UNIVERSAL Nexus. His Solar soul had once used this nexus gate and traveled the cosmos, venturing to realms that no one in Creation had ever seen and bringing back several objects of immense power in an attempt to thwart the usurpation. However... there was a catch.

    Yuri explained that this gate required something to function. It required the heart's-blood of a Solar to operate. And suddenly the truth hit Talon like a great-maul to the head. Yuri had been waiting for him. He wanted his friend to see that there was more to the universe than what he knew. Standing in stunned silence, Talon could not stop Yuri as he slammed a knife into his own chest and pierced his heart. It was then that a blaze of golden light erupted from the floor and enveloped both Talon AND the forces he had brought with him. ... when they awoke, they were in a place most unfamiliar... the Planar Nexus.
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Asuras
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    Asuras Into her woven halls, her children cover the walls

    Member Seen 23 days ago

    "Neither side will go unscathed."

    Name: Vera Threi Shivan
    Aliases/Nicknames: Catastrophe Fang, Airguard, She Who Avenges, Ashstorm
    In Vera's Dragonborn culture, both human and traditional names are given to as to function in both their own societies and elsewhere without causing confusion. Each is born with a traditional name (in this case, Vera's was Ashstorm), but this can change with time according to miraculous deeds the individual has committed. During her time as an Auroran sphere guardian, Vera was given the name Airguard due to her diligence. After the end of her sphere, she was given multiple names (Catastrophe Fang, She Who Avenges) by sympathizing non-dragonborn.

    Gender: Female
    Race: Dragonborn, Weredragon
    Called many names across the multiverse, they all share the common trait of being capable of shifting into a larger draconic form at will, among other dragon-associated abilities.

    Age: 26

    Origin: Aurora Universe
    Aurora is an especially peculiar universe in that it is devoid of an "outer space" as if found beyond the atmosphere of earth-like planets in other universes. Instead, it is an endlessly flat plane covered in an unfathomably deep ocean that is seemingly off-limits due to an invisible and impenetrable barrier. Above, small spherical bodies, dubbed "Spheres" for simplicity among the countless races in Aurora, hang forever. Each is varied in size, sometimes being as small as a mountain, or as large as an entire country. Each displays the same level of gravity upon its inhabitants regardless of size. A bright "sun" looms overhead, periodically dimming and brightening to simulate daylight and nighttime. Through use of magic airships, individuals from Spheres can visits others, powered by the dense mana-streams that circulate in the sky.

    Vera hails from the Drerie Sphere, home of the dragonborn and ruled by its people as a sort of tribal government. The Drerie Sphere has since been obliterated and its pieces fallen into the ocean below. She is the last of her kind, save for an unhatched egg of hers.

    Height: 5'10
    Weight: 140 lbs

    Family: As-of-yet unborn child in the care of dear friends.
    Occupation: Formerly a Sphere Guardian working in the Drerie Dracon's Canopy, now unemployed and wandering the Multiverse.

    Alignment: True Neutral
    Personality: Unbending, vengeful
    Vera is an individual seeking justice upon all who wronged her kind, be it intentionally or by accident, she sees no difference and offers no extra mercy to those one might see as deserving of it. Her goal is simple and etched as a burn into her mind, and no one can deviate her from this path. Though volatile and angry, Vera is still willing to accept aid from others, and is a powerful compatriot to those she teams up with; anyone would be lucky to have her as an ally, as her devotion to good-hearted souls is fierce.

    Character Tier: Intermediate (Low-Intermediate)

    Natural Skills/Abilities:

    - Dragonborn Strength/Dragon Strength: In her human form, Vera exerts physical prowess that can compete with most any huamnoid being, even a beefy ork or a werewolf. As a dragon, she can sweep aside armored infantry with a simple swish of her tail, and crush metal in her jaws.

    - Fire Affinity/Immunity: In both forms, Vera gains increased physical prowess and energy when subjected to heats upwards of 3,000 degrees F. At a certain point, however, the heat begins to damage even her dragon form.

    - Pyromancy/Fire Breath: In human form, Vera can ignite the air around her to create flames, and furthermore manipulate them with telekinesis. In dragon form, Vera can unleash a jet of flame from her maw that can melt steel within seconds.

    - Flight: In dragon form, Vera is capable of flying for long periods of time at up to 80 MPH.

    Attained Skills/Abilities:
    As of yet, Vera has achieved no extra powers beyond her own, or any mystical objects for that matter.

    - Clawed Gauntlets: A pair of weapons she holds over her hands and forearms, these gauntlets can serve each as a small shield, a blunt weapon, or as a bladed claw.

    History: Vera was born a child of the Iron Keep Clan, one of the many tribes calling its home on the Drerie Sphere in the Auroran Universe. While at an early age she displayed a certain docility compared to her brothers and sisters, her adherence to tradition and driven attitude proved that not even the largest of boys her age could stand against her tenacity. Vera proved herself a worthy addition to the Iron Keep, and soon her renown had attracted the attention of the Sphere on a greater scale.

    The victor of a smaller gladiatorial tournament, she was invited to participate in a training regiment, the final exam of which involved involvement in the largest arena match of Drerie. Vera accepted the invitation, went through the military training, and came out in third place at the tournament, just behind two of the most powerful Dragonborn already well accustomed to the military. Despite her own feelings of shortcomings, the clans at large still saw her usefulness and granted her a spot on the Drerie Dracon's Canopy as a guard; one of the highest-ranking jobs in Drerie.

    In the Canopy, she worked as a well-paid but often quite bored individual, as few nations in Aurora were brave enough to attack their Sphere. Instead she served her time fighting off dim-witted bandits and banished Dragonborn wishing to do harm to more remote towns and cities. During her years as a guardian, Vera met and fell in love with another Dragonborn of the Gale Clan, a man by the name of Rorark Ven Innes "Earthtower". As her term as a guardian began to close, the two married and Vera eventually gave birth to several children.

    Amidst turmoil in the Iron Keep Clan vying for power as the Lord succumbed to old age, Vera and Rorark found solace in awaiting for their family to hatch. But in a flash, their hope for a peaceful life was shattered. The attackers of Drerie came not form outside, from Aurora, but from beyond their reach of time and space. A vast force known as the Angar-Ryllans steamrolled across the Sphere with a superior force, held at bay for a few days towards the end of the short war only by the ferocity of the Dragonborn. Apparently they had arrived en masse through an inter-dimensional portal of sorts, right on the very surface of their home. With no hope left to spare and their numbers dwindling, the rest of Aurora took action, but not a way favorable to Vera, or the Dragonborn for that matter.

    As the war raged, Vera took her brood to a nearby Sphere for safety, a place called Wulpat, and home to Aurora's largest population of dwarves. Rumors spread of the Bulwark Sphere readying to take action with its most powerful tool; the Deep Cannon. Word of the Angar-Ryllans wishing to invade Wulpat too forced the nation to completely prevent any transit of air vehicles to or from the Sphere, and so Vera was left stranded. She could only wait, and watch, as her Sphere burned for several days until the fire was extinguished in a single, bright flash. Drerie was vanquished, subject to the power of the Bulwark Sphere's superior technology.

    The power of the Deep Cannon was so great that even the Angar-Ryllan's portal was warped, turned into a lingering maelstrom that tears apart everything that approaches. The remains of Drerie fell upon Wulpat from above, and the meteoric storm that ensued destroyed much of the hemisphere she had taken refuge upon. In the fiery chaos, all but one of her children were left alive, which she took with her into the company of the fae of Wulpat. Trusting in the peaceful nature of the fae, she entrusted her child to their care for the time being.

    She would find a way to take revenge upon the Angar-Ryllans... and the Bulwark Sphere.
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Alphakoka


    Member Seen 9 days ago

    Moving this directly from the previous Omniverse.
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Skallagrim
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    Skallagrim Walker between Worlds

    Member Seen 3 yrs ago

    Asuras your fire immunity allows you to withstand the surface temperature of the sun...I think you are safe from most people able to generate heat/fire as I doubt, save for a few anyone can generate that great a temperature.
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by LeeRoy
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    LeeRoy LeeRoy Brightmane

    Member Seen 10 hrs ago

    Name: Sukoh the Spirit Bear

    Age: 51

    Gender: Male

    Race: Spirit Bear

    Random descriptors:
    There's really not much to say beyond; Sukoh is a gigantic and chubby bear.

    Character Tier: Intermediate

    Character Type: Critical Character- Active Multiverse Participant.

    Physical Description:
    Except 14 feet tall from shoulder to ground on all fours, 32 feet tall on his hind legs.

    Personality Description: Sukoh is no primitive animal, his mind is well developed and has human level intelligence. Sukoh has a full range of human emotions, but is kind and peaceful to all beings. Except other bears. Sukoh is compelled to cannibalize on other bears for some reason. Though in the long run he's an incredibly kind individual with only the intention of being nice to everyone.

    Sukoh can actually cry, and is easily insulted. He doesn't get angry when insulted he'll just sit down and cry because you hurt his feelings. If you decide to physically hurt Sukoh he will not hesitate to crush you. He is a kind bear, not a pacifist.

    Skills, powers and abilities:
    - Being a big fat bear:

    • Big: Being this massive has some advantages, example, he weighs 64,000-ish pounds. This size can be thrown around like an enormous battering ram. It also makes him difficult to strike a deadly blow on, as his head and heart can be kept well out of the way of danger.

      Despite him seeming incredibly fat he's primarily comprised of muscle and dense bones. These muscles are dense enough to resist some slashes and stabs by unkempt blades, but sharp weapons will cut through them easily. Though like all meat it doesn't cut like paper, you might need to take a good few swings to cleave cleanly through his muscle.

      His bones aren't quite proportional, to compenate for the extra weight they are a bit thicker and more dense per square inch than a normal bear. At their thickest they are almost a foot around, they're as hard as normal bone, but a lot thicker.

    • Fat: His fat is almost five feet thick, every step he takes makes him wobble. Your sword better be pretty long if you intend to seriously wound him. The fat itself is from almost constant consumption of creatures as big, or bigger, than buffalo.

      As a bear he is incredibly carnivorous, but he does not survive on a diet of solely meat. Consuming practically anything green to fill his stomach when meat is low. He doesn't need to eat, but he doesn't like to go without. He never kills without reason, and will always consume anything that he kills.

    • Bear: His teeth are around seven inches long, and his claws are over two feet long.

      His jaws can crush an Elephant's femur with ease. The average bear's bite can tear a hole in a cast iron frying pan, so with as much weight and strength behind Sukoh's jaw, one shudders to imagine what it would do to a human. Though a proper comparison would be: Can bite through an Abhrams Tank.

      He also has an incredibly sensitive nose and ears. Both of which are bigger than normal bear ears and noses, so he can pick up sounds and smells from incredibly far away. His nose can pick up a week old smell from 20 miles away. His ears can pick up sounds from all directions over the distance of 1 mile.

      His strength is proportional to his size. He is capable of moving objects equal to his weight. Which I remind you is upwards of 18,000 lbs. He is capable of dropping every single pound of that force in a single blow.

    - Is a spirit, has no biological requirements. There's not much to describe here, he doesn't need to breathe, eat, drink, or even excrete what he takes in. His body just reuses whatever is inside of itself. Effectively he's self sustaining unless he doesn't want to be.

    - As a magical being he can freely travel with magical portals that have been set up, he's able to find them without guidance.

    - Animal Dominion: As an animal spirit all animals respect and fear him, they bow their heads and cower behind trees should they see him. Any animal that he wishes to hunt will allow him to feed on them. No wild animal has ever attacked Sukoh, and no wild animal will. If any animal is under the control of another being, usually as a pure spirit he supercedes their control, unless they're more powerful than he is.

    Character Equipment: Nothing, he is a bear.

    Character History: Like many animal spirits Sukoh was just a normal bear, until his kind was in great danger. An army of warriors from the north cut a swathe through the beautiful forest that he was born in. Apparently a rabid bear had killed a group of children and this army had vowed to put bears to extinction for what this one bear had done.

    Sukoh attacked them and was slain. But rose again as a gargantuan bear spirit, the warriors were terrified, they fled north and a human has not been seen in the forest since.

    Other Important Info:
    - He's massive, but almost half of that is fat. Sukoh is not a fast character by any stretch of the word. He can move around about as quickly as a human on a casual stroll, and in full sprint he's about as fast as a human in full sprint. He can cover large tracts of land quickly, but only because his legs are incredibly long.

    - Even though he's a spirit he is a young spirit, he has no resistance to anything besides getting stabbed. But that's only because of his fat. Set him on fire, and he'll burn just like anything else covered from head to tail in hair.

    - Sukoh may be a bit too nice, and if you treat him well he'll follow you to the gates of hell and back. His loyalty is undying.

    - Is not immortal, he can be killed just like any other creature. His spirit status is only a placeholder until he proves himself worthy to become a divine being. Though his life is greatly extended, time will also kill him.
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Skallagrim
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    Skallagrim Walker between Worlds

    Member Seen 3 yrs ago

    He is not a high tier character. Intermediate yes high no.
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by LeeRoy
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    LeeRoy LeeRoy Brightmane

    Member Seen 10 hrs ago

    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ImportantNobody
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    Member Seen 4 yrs ago

    Name: Evvie (No known last name)

    Age: 16

    Gender: Female

    Race: Half human/half dragon

    Random descriptors: 5'0" (including horns), 121 pounds, light purple eyes, light purple messy hair, ivory horns, light green dragon tail and wings

    Character Tier: Intermediate

    Character Type: Critical Character

    Physical Description:

    She has a short, sturdy looking body. She doesn't have too much fat due to her level of activity, most of it collecting on her thighs that make them a tad pudgy. You can see some muscle but it's not like a body builder look. Her Caucasian skin tone, due to it's ability to heal itself, has no scars or any other traces of damage such as sunburn, leaving her not as tan as someone who would spend so much time outside. Her chest size is almost as flat as a board. She has some dragon body-parts coming off of her body. First are her two inch long ivory colored horns, a little thicker then a thumb, sprouting from close to the top of her head but slightly foreword and pointed a few degrees off to the side. These are a portion of her skull. She has a two foot long tail extending from the bottom of her spine, starting at it's base as thick as two fists and slowly tapering into a thin tip. The dorsal portion (facing to the outside) is covered it very soft and small green scales. The ventral (inner-side tissue) is a light shade of green, feels kind of muscular like a snake and has small ridges. She has two wings sprouting from her upper back that are about the size of her torso when spread out, revealing tan, leathery feeling tissue that make up the portion of the wing that catches the air. The bone portions of the wing have the same green scales as her tail.

    Her face is surprisingly soft and unassuming. However, her light purple eyes with slitted pupils like a cat (although note quite as pronounced) can look very fierce, but only on rare occasions. Her eyelids are a tad pointed. She has a button nose and narrow lips. Her two "canine teeth" are more pointed then in normal humans, but not enough to stick out of her mouth. Her hair, including her eyebrows, which has nothing out of the ordinary beside the color, is light purple. She very rarely fixes her hair, and given her active outdoor lifestyle makes it more often then not a complete mess. She does cut it on occasion when it's so long that it rubs against her wings, so the length could be anywhere between shoulder length to midway down her back. She often cuts it herself so it's rarely done properly. Like her hair, it's unexpected for her to have fixed up other areas of her body. She almost never wears makeup, nail polish, etc.

    For mannerisms, she growls and tucks her wings inward when angry, often accompanied by sharp flicks of her tail. Flicking of her tail doesn't always mean she's angry, however. If the tail is loosely flowing around from side to side with some playful flicks then she's clearly content. When she's very excited her wings can flap like crazy. It's obvious when she's worried by if her tail tenses up. She likes to let out "ferocious roars" during battle or at other times to psych herself out. If wanting to mock someone, she very commonly sticks out her tongue. She sometimes bites people when angry, but not always to cause serious harm, just to prove a point that she's angry with them.

    She often wears dark green colored bikini armor. She was given this outfit for free by a particularly worried group of women for her lack of attire, who got her to wear it by saying how awesome she looked in it. She has trouble wearing any normal clothing due to it burning, her not liking it to begin with, and her wings and tail in back need freedom of movement. The top portion of this armor has small chains clip together above and below where here wings sprout from, and her bottom portion has the chains clip just above her tail. The armor is designed to look like dragon scales, although this is an imitation. It has average defense for iron armor, but obviously doesn't cover much. She doesn't wear anything else unless forced to by others.

    Personality Description: She's stubborn, overconfident, and almost never backs down from a fight. If something is boring to her then she rarely does it. That being said she can be incredibly lazy at times, putting off stuff she doesn't like to do until the last minute. She's prone to pouting and throwing temper tantrums when things don't go her way, and that being said she hates to lose, especially if someone does something that she considers to be cheating or they make a fool of her. She's okay with loosing if it's an epic battle that was fun and made her look cool despite the loss, such as if she was able to dropkick a God and lose, it would still be something to brag about. She's an attention hog, enjoying boasting about accomplishments and entertaining people with what she considers entertaining, such as her feats of strength. She's not a very good listener when it comes to other people, however. She has little patience, especially for long, boring tales.

    Despite all of her flaws she tries to be a good person. She's not a bad girl, being more like a misbehaved one, especially when she doesn't understand all of the human rules such as personal property, which resulted in most of her more serious crimes at first such as unknowing theft and trespassing. The more time she spends with humans the more she's getting the hang of how to properly act, although she still has some issues on occasion and doesn't care much for formal etiquette even if she does understand it. Related to this fact is her lack of understanding of the purpose of clothing. She thinks it's mainly just for protection from the cold and has no concern or concept in the slightest for modesty. Her naivety in this matter, and in many others, know no bonds. She often has poor posture and behaves in ways a lot of people are too embarrassed or find socially unacceptable to do such as putting her feet on the table, picking her teeth, etc. Her behavior is often considered very tomboyish. Her grammar and pronunciation can be terrible and she's not completely fluent, but has been taught most words that commoners in a fantasy setting would often use. Just don't expect her to be quoting Shakespeare. She has no knowledge in writing. She's not very intelligent, although she has her clever moments from time to time. It's more accurate to say that she's uneducated rather then dumb, although she's still not the sharpest crayon in the box by any means.

    During combat she has no problem killing monsters or other enemies, although is not completely unmerciful so won't strike down those who no longer pose a threat unless they're clearly going to die anyways and should be put out of their misery. Sometimes if she gets worked up her dragon instincts take over and she feels an almost sadistic urge for battle and enjoys wiping out the enemy, and in such a mood it's harder to stop herself from getting carried away. She may even start behaving animalistic like a predator stalking her prey. However, normal fighting won't trigger such a response. The enemy has to be particularly cruel.

    For good qualities she never betrays anyone (well, in a serious way), is playful, stands by her word (if she says she'll do something. She does tell lies), protects those weaker then her, and lends a helping hand for a variety of tasks. She's not motivated by money, having few personal possessions. She's self sufficient, so doesn't have to rely on humans for her survival for most aspects of her life. However, when she does do things for humans she often gets compensation usually by way of food or a place to stay for the night. She doesn't mind sleeping outside and hunting for her own food, but also doesn't mind the human way of living from time to time. Her primary motivation for helping humans in the past was that she enjoyed the attention and praise that her heroic deeds brought to her. Another motivation was her enjoyment of combat. Fighting monsters that threatened the humans not only fulfilled her primary objective, but it also gave her things to fight in the meantime. However, as she spent more time with humans then she began to actually feel some attachment and willingness to protect those she cares about.

    She likes fighting (for fun, not necessarily serious conflict), winning, praise, attention, massages, meat, warmth

    She hates loosing unfairly, being ignored, boring stuff, cold, vegetables

    Skills, powers and abilities:

    Character Equipment: She only wears what is found in her physical description. Although she has had possession of some weapons in the past, she will not start with any for this.

    Character History:

    Her birth is a mystery to most, including herself, both from a scientific standpoint and who her parents are. The truth is that she was born from a once wicked dragon god named Grethalroune, who had slowly became infatuated with a human woman that he had kidnapped from a village he was terrorizing for it's wealth. He transformed into a humanoid body in an effort to trick her as if he was a knight coming to the rescue. However, she caught onto his ruse and put up a good fight to escape due to him not used to his humanoid body. During the struggle an actual knight came in and wounded him severely with a sacred weapon able kill gods, so it took all of Grethalroune's strength simply to escape with his life empty handed, and he was too wounded from the attack to even regain his power of a God. Only he himself knows what he was up to for the next couple of years, but it was clear that he was angry and wanted revenge on the knight and then recapture the woman. However, he was once again defeated in the attempt, only to surprisingly be spared at the request of the woman. He didn't understand human emotions well so was left baffled for a long while at this, contemplating his predicament while locked in a cell. He was able to regain his god form, but human emotions gained from his experiences spent in his human body had changed him and he couldn't bring himself to use force to break free, much to his own dismay. He suffered severe atonement, but at last had changed his ways and tried to help undue the damage that he had done. The woman, who he found out was named Liralith, forgave him as he slowly began developing a true relationship for the first time. They had one child together, Evvie, before Grethalroune's death while fighting together with the knight to protect his family against the rival Dark Dragon who was angry at his once ally changing sides. Both Grethalroune and the knight died from their wounds but the dark dragon was forced back. He apologized one last time before moving on to the afterlife together with the knight.

    The different reincarnations of Evvie usually follow the same trends unless placed in a different scenario then normal or something extreme happens. Most times she wants to be independent and travels out into the wilderness, exploring and occasionally visiting human settlements when she needs the interaction. Due to her human mother being a relatively normal mortal she had only been around for Evvie's first life, so since then she has either had adopted parents or, more often then not, none at all. She is one of the most powerful beings on her planet, so certain reincarnations of her have gotten a lot of notoriety and legends. The most famous story tells of an immortal dragon goddess covered in glittering emerald scales who single handedly defeated the Dark Dragon and his army; a slight exaggeration to be sure. Her second reincarnation did in fact "slay" him in an epic battle, but with the help of many allies, and the Dark Dragon's resilience allowed him to live on.

    The most common Evvie I'll use, from which this character sheet is based on, is six "Evvies" down the reincarnation line, still well within the fantasy time period. She was found as a baby outside in the snowy wilderness by an old hermit named Ithrus, who saved her from nearly freezing to death. He raised her as his own child, feeling responsible for her due to no other villagers around the area wanted to raise a half dragon girl. Evvie was largely independent even from an early age, and she even ran away at the age of six, falsely believing that she could make it on her own and didn't feel like she belonged with humans. She fled south, away from the cold, but she came back to the old hermit near death from wild animals and the blizzard. After Ithrus nursed her back to health for a second time she began to form a bond with him and realize how much he truly cared for her, and how she couldn't do everything on her own. However, this revelation didn't stop her from wanting to grow more powerful and be able to fend for herself, and maybe even help him out in the future. She ventured south a lot once she got further into adolescence, but she never stopped visiting up north on occasion despite her hatred of the cold. There are some warrants out for her arrest due to people claiming that she burnt down an entire village and slaughtered it's inhabitants. The only witnesses around claimed to have all seen a half dragon girl running from the scene of the crime, and Evvie was the only one of her kind that they knew of. A lot of the more friendly villages ignored this rumor and don't believe that she'd be capable of such a crime. On occasion she'd help them out and defeat monsters that would have harmed civilians, so to most people she's more of a guardian then a destroyer.

    It would turn out that she was framed by another half dragon/half human girl known as Avris, who has red wings and a tail, black hair and black eyes, and larger horns. She was born an illegitimate daughter to the Dark Dragon that Evvie's father and the knight fought against long ago, causing their deaths, and Evvie fought before, not succeeding in killing him either as it turned out. Avris's birth was probably used completely as a power play by the Dark Dragon. Avris has all of Evvie's abilities and then some. They fought many times, and despite the odds Evvie was able to kill Avris after disabling her wings during an aerial battle and having her plummet down into a canyon far below. Evvie didn't think to check for the reincarnation egg, which survived the fall and went on to reincarnate Avris. With the constant cycle of reincarnations and resilience present in Evvie, Avris, and the Dark Dragon, such battles showed no sign of stopping. There was some technique that killed Evvie's father, who was equally resilient, but it's probably unknown by all but the one who killed him, the Dark Dragon himself.

    At some point she found, or more technically stumbled upon, a portal that sent her to the nexus, where she has now been exploring the new worlds without any actual goal in mind at the moment.
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Skallagrim
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    Skallagrim Walker between Worlds

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