How long do you usually write?
I prefer, for single post wise, at least 1-2 paragraph per reply. I give what my partner gives back in quality and expect the same in return. In the longer run, I enjoy long stories with heavy collaboration between the involved parties both OOC and IC wise.
Do you enjoy writing collaborative posts for things like conversations, combat, etc.?
Is grammar and depth of writing important to you?
Yes, mainly to the point I can read and understand it.
Are there any writing subjects you particularly enjoy exploring?
Character exploration through challenges, experiences, and connections to others causing character development. Shades of grey stories.
Is there anything you really dislike and want to avoid like the plague?
Stories where a fight or conflict is completely one-sided for no reason other than not to look weak. Characters that don’t really develop at all or seem to perfect at all angles.
Is there something you are uncomfortable with happening to your character?
Yes, auto-killing without permission or being auto-brain washed.
Do you have any short-term or long-term goals with this character?
Explore the Sith/Jedi teaching for an older force user.
Explore the galaxy from the perspective of a pirate and get into trouble.
Have a bounty hunter track Dash down and attempt to bring her back to the Exchange, then play that arc out while her friends try to save her.
I prefer, for single post wise, at least 1-2 paragraph per reply. I give what my partner gives back in quality and expect the same in return. In the longer run, I enjoy long stories with heavy collaboration between the involved parties both OOC and IC wise.
Do you enjoy writing collaborative posts for things like conversations, combat, etc.?
Is grammar and depth of writing important to you?
Yes, mainly to the point I can read and understand it.
Are there any writing subjects you particularly enjoy exploring?
Character exploration through challenges, experiences, and connections to others causing character development. Shades of grey stories.
Is there anything you really dislike and want to avoid like the plague?
Stories where a fight or conflict is completely one-sided for no reason other than not to look weak. Characters that don’t really develop at all or seem to perfect at all angles.
Is there something you are uncomfortable with happening to your character?
Yes, auto-killing without permission or being auto-brain washed.
Do you have any short-term or long-term goals with this character?
Explore the Sith/Jedi teaching for an older force user.
Explore the galaxy from the perspective of a pirate and get into trouble.
Have a bounty hunter track Dash down and attempt to bring her back to the Exchange, then play that arc out while her friends try to save her.
Name: Dashara Horizon
Species: Half Human and Zeltron
Homeworld: born on a ship
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Specialisation: Espionage/People handling and Close Quarter Weapons Combat
Current area of operation: Mid-Rim
Species: Half Human and Zeltron
Homeworld: born on a ship
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Specialisation: Espionage/People handling and Close Quarter Weapons Combat
Current area of operation: Mid-Rim
Short description of looks & style.
Dashara is a proud example of her lineage, showing both human and Zeltron traits to their fullest. Her fiery red hair reaches down to about the end of her shoulder blades, parted a little right of the center of her forehead. Each strand drifts in thick waves that add to her confidence and often left free to roam. She stands at about 5'6" with her skin being a mix of lavender and light pink, the later's influence slightly stronger. When she glances your way, her green eyes seem to give off a hint of mischief and flirty energy.
She loves clothes that don't restrict her extreme flexibility and movement. It's a bonus when it shows off her feminine allure too, her mood often factoring in the day's attire. Right now, her favored gear is a simple short tunic and dark pants, the later held up with a silver pyramid designed belt. Her feet are topped off with worn ankle boots. In the toes, metal prevents any unexpected damage and can knock out a few teeth when she gives a sound kick.
Simplified report on known skills and estimated levels.
Dash is an innate force user with a little training thanks to her friend Neith. So far, she has only found the motivation to develop a few force abilities in the recent year. With time or different motivation, she can develop more skills and become stronger.
Force Speed-Dash had learned her fear gives her more speed. Toss in some force ability and she's about twice as fast as she is normally. She tends to reserve this for when things crumble as a way to escape. It's suited for combative situations. [ basic training]
Force Jump-Out of her physical-based abilities, this one is Dash's favorite. It shows in her ability to jump at least two to three times her normal distance. The bad part, her landings can be rather rough when she's in a hurry. [ basic training]
Force Throw- While Neith finds this natural, Dash struggles with it. She can move hand-size objects easily across the floor. She uses this to her advantage whenever she is disarmed or need to keep her enemy's weapon out of their reach. However, trying to pry it from others hands or lifting heavy objects is a challenge. At most, she can lift a single rock of her own weight up by two feet but nothing more. And that is only for a few moments. [novice training]
Empathy- This force sense enhances, rather than replaces, her natural empathy. She can feel others emotions through walls and thick barriers. The max range is half the size of a football field when not keeping it in check. If she allows it to run wild, the area can increase to over twice its range. [intermediate talent]
Precognition - Dash is always aware of her surroundings and ready to react at a moment's notice. At a young age, she was able to use this ability and it only got stronger over time. It was first discovered when she met Neith as a child, the sixth sense finally having a name in her mind. Since then it's become her best tool to survive by. [basic talent]
Non-Force related
Vibro-rapier and Dagger training- Dashara has always held a love and appreciation for the weapon. It's quick style and harsh damage fit her well, matching nearly with her sharp words. While she is a force to be dealt with in close combat, her skill level is not mastered and leaves room to develop. [ intermediate training]
Close-Combat training- Dashara has some decent knowledge and ability to fight without a weapon. She learned the skills to specifically deal with opponents who are stronger then herself. [novice training]
Ship Piloting training- Dashara knows how to fly most ships when she figures out their basic controls. During her time with her crew, she was usually the get away pilot. According to their Captain, she was extremely talented. [intermediate talent]
Parkour- Dash is very lithe and fast, even without her force ability adding to her natural skills. Obstructions don't slow her down in the least when she is navigating around the maze-like cities. Depending on the familiarity over the place, her sense of direction can suffer in the unknown. [intermediate training]
Pick-pocket- From the age of ten, she learned to pick-pocket or starve. Those who aren't careful will need to watch their pockets or caches. They might become empty if she's bored. [intermediate talent]
Slicing- In order to steal credits or information, she had to learn some skills in slicing. She's not an expert, but she's not a slouch or novice about it. It takes her longer than someone that does this for a livelihood. It also increases her chances of getting caught if she's not on her toes. [novice training]
Infiltration/Stealth- One wrong move could easily cost a high price. She knows the value of credits and information. Few criminals took kindly to her pilfering them. This requires her to develop numerous ways to not be obvious. These included diversion tactics and avoiding getting caught at it. There were times it was best to snatch and run too, especially when things fell apart. [expert training]
Empathic reading and manipulation- Being apart of the Zeltron lineage, Dash has a natural gift for sensing and manipulating emotions. This doesn't change the individual's personality but it can cloud their common sense or association with her. This is done with a mix of pheromone sensitivity and force ability. [expert talent]
Silver-tongue- Dashara is very smooth and picky about her words. With a few words, she can easily slip into high society or the back streets of Nar Shaddaa depending on her mission. Most the time it's easy to talk her way out of trouble with a convincing lie and some truth. [intermediate training]
Disguises and Forgeries- Dash has a keen eye for detail. This pays off in the form of various disguises and forging documents, all used by her crew in many of their missions. Only the highly trained eye could ever tell they were fake, and even then there's room for doubt. She does need a realistic copy in order to copy it accurately since she doesn't like guesswork. [basic talent]
Languages fluent in are Huttese, Basic and Durese - Being an Escort and needing to collect information required her to understand more than basic. It made overhearing things, especially when someone believed she didn't have the intelligence, tidbits of conversation easier. [fluent]
Excessive Drinker- Thanks to a second liver and high metabolism, Dashara can drink excessive amounts of alcohol and not feel the side effects. This includes really rich food.
Quick report on favored employers, associates, contacts, and rivals.
- Nimat’ualin - Twi’lek - Captain of the Steel Hearts pirate crew (ally)
- Gene - Human - Second Mate of the Steel Hearts pirate crew (ally)
- Nieth - Sephi- Member of the Steel Hearts pirate crew (ally)
- Ikle Garix- Former employer from the Exchange (enemy)
How freely can the courier move in the galaxy? Are there or have there been any outstanding bounties?
For now, she's been unhindered by the current bounty. That is likely to change the longer she is free. The bounty is posted by Ikle Garix, a member of the Exchange.
Psychological evaluation of Courier.
Having worked in the escort service before, Dash is a highly charismatic character. She knows the value of words and how to wield them properly, usually thinking before she speaks. It helps her looks made her easy on the eyes. Mix that knowledge in with her natural empathy manipulation her race holds and it’s a recipe that will surely alter the atmosphere in her favor.
Dash prefers to avoid physical conflict if she can. Words, while painful, never actually cut into a living body as her weapon could. Since Nima found her in the hotel room as a crying, panic mess, she’s been determined to make something of herself. The Steel Hearts seemed like one path to achieve it.
Most would describe her to be a golden-hearted scoundrel who has her own set of morals. She rarely steals from people who can’t afford to lose it, preferring not to add to the less fortunate suffering. Her loyalty lies with her family, the members of the Steel Heart, above all else.
List and description of known and suspected flaws. To be put into a restricted database.
Her species are known for their bubbly, and positive reputation. This will likely lead to others failing to take her threats or skills seriously. Unless it is in areas of pleasure.
Dash takes pride in her skills she feels superior in. Under criticism she can keep her temper, but it does affect her worth ethic into pushing harder. For those who can catch, it could lead to an advantage.
She can grow attached to those who have shown they are worth it. Under the stress of life or death for these individuals, her common sense becomes cloudy. Another issue is her self preservation tends to fall to the back of her mind. So far, this hasn't caused any issues and only time will tell when it does.
Dashara isn't the strongest individual. She hasn't been able to improve or enhanced that lacking trait. It doesn't mean she can't hold her own in a weapon's fight, but in a contest of pure strength against someone bigger... she is more likely to lose.
Her force is basic at best. With no proper education, any fight against a far more experienced force user is ill advised. She lacks in areas she finds little interest. Without motivation, there's not high hopes she will improve in them.
Major achievements and failures on record.
(Since I haven't checked with her crew, who have seemed to have vanished, it's hard to figure out what to put in this section.)
She is a decently known escort within Nar Shaddaa.
She failed to save her parents.
She failed to retrieve intel for the Exchange over the double spy which resulted in a bounty on her head.
Personal biography, as detailed by the subject for future record. Acquired shortly after last achievement of note.
Ashron Horizon was a well-known smuggler for the Hutt Cartel. After a decent pay off and a near brush with death, the veteran smuggler took some time off on Zeltros. The locals were friendly enough, but his eyes wander on a particular woman. Iella Marx, a full-blooded Zeltron. She was stuck in his head like a bad habit. He found himself unable to leave without her, so he used his silver tongue to convince her to join him.
Few people understood the thoughts that went through Iella's mind when she agreed. Some believed she lost a bet while others felt she had grown bored with her repetitive lifestyle. Only she could reveal the truth, but her lips were often sealed.
During their adventures, their wild spirits tangled nightly. Eventually, it resulted in Iella becoming pregnant. It was an unexpected turn in their lives, but they found themselves richer for it. They named the child Dashara. Of course, Iella insisted their daughter inherited her father's name.
Dashara had both combined positive and negative traits from both her parents. She was a curious youth, but she was heavily independent in nature. This led to serious mischief among the crew and developed mixed opinions about her. To those patient and tolerant of it, she was a harmless prankster learning about her lot in life. The rest felt she was a massive pest who added to their workload.
For most of her life, the ship was her home. Her mother was a daily interaction, but she found herself bonded tighter to her father. It was no surprise to Iella. They shared many qualities from their adventurous desire to their independence. If she didn't know better, she would've thought they cloned their child instead of natural birth.
Ashron wasn't ignorant when it came to teaching his child about the world. While he put it in a better light than most, he still taught her skills to survive. This included introducing her to vibro-rapier when she was seven. Iella frowned, but grudgingly allowed it.
At the age of ten, her father’s history eventually caught with their family. A sour business deal forced them to flee into Nar Shaddaa. While their ship was being repaired, Ashron waited for his contact. He had hoped to smooth things over and resume his work, or at least discover how bad the collateral damage was.
Instead, a bounty hunter managed to sneak into their bedroom and murder them both. Dash couldn't tell if her running was a good or bad thing. At first, she had no idea if the hunter would've killed her too. However, her instinct told her was it best not to wait and see. She darted into the streets of Nar Shadda and right on cue, she felt a blaster nick her shoulder.
After several hours of running, she fainted in a gutter. When she woke up, all Dash wanted was the events of last night to be a nightmare. Hunger gnawed at her causing the child to attempt to steal food from a random seller. He didn't take kindly to that.
She narrowly escaped the punishment when she crossed paths with an older child. Jebiz coaxed her to follow him, promising help and safety. It came at a price: her freedom. Before she knew it, Dash became sucked into a web of petty thieves.
She started off small under a man called Flix. He didn't bother giving the last name and made it clear what happens when you fail. She always made sure to avoid pissing the alien off whenever she could. Though small rumors and bits of information, she learned the head boss man was a human named Ikle Garix. He was connected to unsavory profit ventures from slavery to espionage. All to increase his creditably with a group called the Exchange. That was all she could find out.
For the next six years, Dash learned the ways of the street. She perfected her pickpocketing, stole valuable information, and located targets. Like most of the other children, she could parkour through the city and escape danger.
It was during this time, she met a half-Sephi named Neith. The pair was thick as thieves, their bond tight from mutual respect. Dash learned that Neith was a runaway Jedi padawan. This was how Neith could tell Dash was force sensitive too. Of course, the younger girl didn’t believe it fully and she even discouraged any use. If they were caught, their ‘friends’ wouldn’t hesitate in turning them in for a big reward.
Life took a dark turn when she finally hit puberty. Garix had been nothing but a name until Flix took her to meet him. He informed her that she would be moving up from street nerf to escorting service. Any refusal was ill-advised and the consequences were likely to end her up in slavery. It was enough to keep her in line for the years to come.
She went through a regiment of training that taught her even more skills. Reading, writing, and other higher education became available to her. On occasion, Dash was required to discover information on selective targets. The means justified the results as long as it didn't overrule her value.
It wasn’t a life without some perks. Ikle allowed her to explore and even revisit some old hobbies. On the condition, she didn't attempt to use them to escape.
Getting him to agree with glass art was simple. She logically told him he could sell them off to admirers, allowing her to keep only a few for herself. Her mother had a fondness for the art which brought some comfort in her prison. The second hobby was harder and took more energy to convince him it was a good idea. Virtually no escorts knew any form of defense, even with a vibro-rapier. She felt exhausted when she finally managed to change his mind about it.
Just when she became accustomed to her life, another turn mangled her future. Ikle tasked her with the responsibility to learn about Jenner, a man who worked for the Exchange. However, there was suspicion he had been cutting side deals with the Hutts. Her mission was simple: collect the information and leave without getting caught.
She failed.
When Dash excused herself to use the refresher, she crept back into Jenner’s hotel room. She sliced into his computer where she found the file. While she downloaded it, Jenner had gotten paranoid. He walked in and his expression changed into a furious one. He attacked her. During the struggle, Dash managed to get the advantage and kill him.
Finding no reason not to, she examined the data. Much to her horror, the man was a double agent, but he favored the Exchange over the Hutts. He had gotten close to the current leader and collected information most others couldn’t.
Dread filled her immediately. She had killed an asset who valued higher than herself. She was going to die or worse.
Unsure how to escape her fate, Dashara felt her will crumble. She huddled in the corner and fought back her tears. It was shortly afterward, Nimat’ualin walked in and find her. Empathizing with Dash’s fear, the pirate captain took her on as part of their crew. When they got back to the ship, Dash found her friend Neith had also joined. It gave her hope now that they both escaped their terrible fate.
For a year now, Dashara learned the ropes over what it meant to be a pirate. She continued to improve her vibro-rapier skills and learned hand to hand combat. She finally progressed to piloting the ship. Now she could drive the ship as well or better than the captain when things got hot. Neith began to teach her how to force throw and manage her abilities. Dash hated how there was little time to do some of her favorite things.
They felt like a true family, something she hadn’t had in a long time. Lately, she found herself feeling smothered by the protectiveness of the group. They seemed to think she would break any moment and she loathed it. It was time to prove she didn't need them to be a decent pirate.
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