[ 22 | 5'10 ft | Mixed-American | He / Him | 192 lbs ]
{ “A picture is a moment of time preserved to remind us of our mortality so that it can be cherished and mourned." }
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"The secret is that a great smile can wrap up anything you forget to hide away"
On most mornings you can find Alex already in his morning routine before even the crack of dawn, it doesn't matter if he only went to sleep a few hours ago, he'll keep on continuing. That doesn't mean that every day is sunshine and lollipops for him, some days are definitely better than others like anyone else but this is why this is called a routine with his establish set of good habits.
His secret to taming his messy bed head? It's located in the shower with some water and a bit of soft handling, it can do wonders for anyone, isn't that amazing? Of course, that's the easy part before he has to the mop up his wet locks of dark brown hair with the blow dryer while simultaneously combing to shape it into shape. It not hard after a few years of ingraining it as his muscle memory since all the best things come after working for them, plus the countless amount of dollars spent but he doesn't talk about that. In the end though, he makes it look effortless when his wavy hair has been styled to the side yet still with volume that has strong sense of care for the way it has been handled.
Imagine all of that was just for his hair, now think about the rest of him. Just kidding. Or am I?
Continuing on for Alex, his closet of clothes has a little bit of everything that he can fit into any occasion which may come up so he could be called someone with a pretty solid foundation clothing wise. He generally doesn't fall into any category or style for the clothes he wears but overall would be considered as someone who was well dressed for the situation. It is a skill that is much harder than it sounds as having a solid understanding on what kind of event he is going to and fitting himself to match while still being tasteful is not something one just picks up without much experience and deliberation..
His secret to taming his messy bed head? It's located in the shower with some water and a bit of soft handling, it can do wonders for anyone, isn't that amazing? Of course, that's the easy part before he has to the mop up his wet locks of dark brown hair with the blow dryer while simultaneously combing to shape it into shape. It not hard after a few years of ingraining it as his muscle memory since all the best things come after working for them, plus the countless amount of dollars spent but he doesn't talk about that. In the end though, he makes it look effortless when his wavy hair has been styled to the side yet still with volume that has strong sense of care for the way it has been handled.
Imagine all of that was just for his hair, now think about the rest of him. Just kidding. Or am I?
Continuing on for Alex, his closet of clothes has a little bit of everything that he can fit into any occasion which may come up so he could be called someone with a pretty solid foundation clothing wise. He generally doesn't fall into any category or style for the clothes he wears but overall would be considered as someone who was well dressed for the situation. It is a skill that is much harder than it sounds as having a solid understanding on what kind of event he is going to and fitting himself to match while still being tasteful is not something one just picks up without much experience and deliberation..
"It's okay if you spill or crack, just not in front of others. Especially so if your going to break."
MAIN GOAL ⫻ Just like anyone, Alex doesn't think of himself as someone too special and just wants to make it out of life being as happy and content he can possibly be. Even then, it seems at times that he is just shooting himself in the foot, longing for something that is most assuredly beyond his reach.
PHILOSOPHY ⫻ It is always polite to talk and be on good terms be with anyone you meet but that doesn't meet that you have to consider them your friends. The ones who you call friends are people you are willing to throw yourself into the fray to ensure that they become the best they can be. No matter the hardship or difficulties you will face, when your backed into that corner alongside with them, that is when you know that a true bond is there.
SECRETS ⫻ From the outside, Alex looks like he's walking confidently on his two feet without any trouble, getting through each day without any care for the world. In truth, it is much different than the painted picture he puts outside for show as the machinery inside him tells a different story. It might not be today, the next week or even the next year but one day it'll happen and he wouldn't be surprised that it did.
SEXUALITY ⫻ A Bisexual with a troubled history, closeted with the key lost and hopefully never found.
FEARS ⫻ One of Alex's greatest fear is when the people that he calls as his friends will eventually slip through his fingers, whether it be from a dramatic separation or the eventual erosion of time, he despises that lost of a strong connection. The only other fear that he doesn't like addressing is a personal issue of the trouble brewing within his head as he knows that something is 'off' inside of there but nothing dramatic has happened with him that needs it brought to attention. For all he knows, he still a functioning and productive member of society.
REPUTATION ⫻ Once a local who spent their childhood in the backwaters of Araminta, the peace and quite was too much for a younger Alex who left to see what was outside of their small town. Getting his education and experiencing a taste of life from the diverse world they live in, he's bringing a small piece of the outside back to his hometown. While for a time there will be happy welcomes and warm hugs for a familiar face, that is only there until he establishes himself and the town realize why he's back in town for. A psychologist who will be digging into this town's traditional values.
QUIRKS ⫻ With a lot of bottled up energy within him, Alex likes to talk aloud to himself at times just to sort his thoughts out, finding it completely normal to do so. Other than a few practiced routines like he has to keep his mind and heart in check, there is not many other noticeable habits that makes him stand out.
FLAWS ⫻ The thing for Alexander is that he is a very impulsive and emotional creature, shackled by society to be cautious and careful with anything he thinks of or any action that he does. When uninhibited or released from those bindings, he is a much different individual that uncorks his usually reserved demeanor and spills out his true thoughts. During this time he may do things he may later regret but where these impulses came from are truly things that he did want in the end.
PHILOSOPHY ⫻ It is always polite to talk and be on good terms be with anyone you meet but that doesn't meet that you have to consider them your friends. The ones who you call friends are people you are willing to throw yourself into the fray to ensure that they become the best they can be. No matter the hardship or difficulties you will face, when your backed into that corner alongside with them, that is when you know that a true bond is there.
SECRETS ⫻ From the outside, Alex looks like he's walking confidently on his two feet without any trouble, getting through each day without any care for the world. In truth, it is much different than the painted picture he puts outside for show as the machinery inside him tells a different story. It might not be today, the next week or even the next year but one day it'll happen and he wouldn't be surprised that it did.
SEXUALITY ⫻ A Bisexual with a troubled history, closeted with the key lost and hopefully never found.
FEARS ⫻ One of Alex's greatest fear is when the people that he calls as his friends will eventually slip through his fingers, whether it be from a dramatic separation or the eventual erosion of time, he despises that lost of a strong connection. The only other fear that he doesn't like addressing is a personal issue of the trouble brewing within his head as he knows that something is 'off' inside of there but nothing dramatic has happened with him that needs it brought to attention. For all he knows, he still a functioning and productive member of society.
REPUTATION ⫻ Once a local who spent their childhood in the backwaters of Araminta, the peace and quite was too much for a younger Alex who left to see what was outside of their small town. Getting his education and experiencing a taste of life from the diverse world they live in, he's bringing a small piece of the outside back to his hometown. While for a time there will be happy welcomes and warm hugs for a familiar face, that is only there until he establishes himself and the town realize why he's back in town for. A psychologist who will be digging into this town's traditional values.
QUIRKS ⫻ With a lot of bottled up energy within him, Alex likes to talk aloud to himself at times just to sort his thoughts out, finding it completely normal to do so. Other than a few practiced routines like he has to keep his mind and heart in check, there is not many other noticeable habits that makes him stand out.
FLAWS ⫻ The thing for Alexander is that he is a very impulsive and emotional creature, shackled by society to be cautious and careful with anything he thinks of or any action that he does. When uninhibited or released from those bindings, he is a much different individual that uncorks his usually reserved demeanor and spills out his true thoughts. During this time he may do things he may later regret but where these impulses came from are truly things that he did want in the end.
"Quote about past."
Beep Boop
"Quote about skills."
Compartmentalization ⫻ To tuck one's problems away for another day isn't a bad thing to do. Eventually, it turns into a art form of juggling and trying not to drop your baggage every where you go.
Dancin' & Singin' ⫻ A profession that involved not only a lot of dedication but considerable effort on his part as well to pursue as 12 years isn't something to scoff at. The very bare minimum of what he would get out of this would be that he is someone you could confidently say that he is a educated person. In depth of what he does though is focused more on how the brain processes, learns, stores, recognizes, and utilizes information.
Photography ⫻ A profession that involved not only a lot of dedication but considerable effort on his part as well to pursue as 12 years isn't something to scoff at. The very bare minimum of what he would get out of this would be that he is someone you could confidently say that he is a educated person. In depth of what he does though is focused more on how the brain processes, learns, stores, recognizes, and utilizes information.
Cookin' ⫻ A profession that involved not only a lot of dedication but considerable effort on his part as well to pursue as 12 years isn't something to scoff at. The very bare minimum of what he would get out of this would be that he is someone you could confidently say that he is a educated person. In depth of what he does though is focused more on how the brain processes, learns, stores, recognizes, and utilizes information.
Around 15 years of his life has been dedicated for school and at this point one could say that he has really been educated
Dancin' & Singin' ⫻ A profession that involved not only a lot of dedication but considerable effort on his part as well to pursue as 12 years isn't something to scoff at. The very bare minimum of what he would get out of this would be that he is someone you could confidently say that he is a educated person. In depth of what he does though is focused more on how the brain processes, learns, stores, recognizes, and utilizes information.
Photography ⫻ A profession that involved not only a lot of dedication but considerable effort on his part as well to pursue as 12 years isn't something to scoff at. The very bare minimum of what he would get out of this would be that he is someone you could confidently say that he is a educated person. In depth of what he does though is focused more on how the brain processes, learns, stores, recognizes, and utilizes information.
Cookin' ⫻ A profession that involved not only a lot of dedication but considerable effort on his part as well to pursue as 12 years isn't something to scoff at. The very bare minimum of what he would get out of this would be that he is someone you could confidently say that he is a educated person. In depth of what he does though is focused more on how the brain processes, learns, stores, recognizes, and utilizes information.
Around 15 years of his life has been dedicated for school and at this point one could say that he has really been educated
"Quote about supernatural here here."
For now, leave this part blank.
Anything else? Themesong? Random notes? Foreshadowing???