"Is there nobody in this freakin' town!?"
▶ Song 1
▶ Song 2
Hiya, thanks for clickin'. I'll give it to ya straight: I want to play a (preferably highschool age) delinquent. I like the rowdy, stubborn, hard-outside-soft-inside type of character, and I'd like to rp something according to this concept. And although I'm partial to the Japanese "yankee," obviously it doesn't have to be according to anime tropes. (I can link you to some very cute manga if you're interested, though.)
So, I'm looking for a girl that can break down some walls. That make sense? I know it's rather annoying to ask for a specific role, but I promise I'll give you room to improvise and create your own character. Really, I just want some good ol' romance. Give me a PM, or drop a message on this thread if you're interested. Thanks! :)