Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Light the Dark
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Light the Dark - space cat -

Member Seen 30 min ago

I have no idea if the emojis will work in the title. If you can't see them, they are dragons.

Here Be Dragons

The idea is simple - I've been wanting to RP something with dragons for a while now, with the dragon as a main character.

What form this dragon takes, or what way this RP goes, is up for discussion. Included below is one plot idea, but I am open for other plots and ideas related to dragons. Wanna be a dragon person? Send a plot my way, I might be interested!

Who I'm looking for:Anyone who is casual/high-casual who wants to RP with me is more than welcome to see if we click. ^^ I don't bite... hard. I'm looking for someone to play an any gender character to my female.
I'm much more interested in quality over quantity - I like depth in character development, and collaborative world building. A 5 paragraph post that rambles and isn't well written won't hold my attention like a couple paragraphs with insight into your character's thoughts and development. Right now, I myself am leaning towards a couple paragraphs per post, though I can go on much longer with the right motivation.

Types of RPs I'm interested in: While romance typically doesn't have to be the main point of the RP, it is an important part of an RP for me. Right now I am in the mood for something with heavy romance. I tend to be drawn to fantasy RPs - more 'traditional' ones rather than urban/modern fantasy.

Other information: I'm sure there are many things I am missing at the moment, but for now this will do until I update things. I'm a 30-ish female, for those who like to know the age of their partners.
As of March 2020 I've fallen into sudden free time, for reasons totally unknown... Sadly my current partners work in healthcare, and their free time has vanished.
Typically you can expect a reply once a week-ish. I need something to do that will distract me and keep my mind working and me not going down the anxiety/depression rabbit hole.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Light the Dark
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Light the Dark - space cat -

Member Seen 30 min ago


dragons bait idea is filled
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Light the Dark
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Light the Dark - space cat -

Member Seen 30 min ago

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