Unit ID Number: 281327003037
Unit Make: Mitsubishi
Unit Model: Nagi v7.54 or N7
Unit purpose: The Nagi series units is designed to acted as an artificial medical unit. As the cybernetics industry grew, Misubishi took the Nagi series and updated them to design, program and, given the proper equipment and tools, build and install cybernetic limbs. This was the late model, the N7. As time went on, the U.S. too particular interest in the utilization of the N7. Though originally reluctant, Mitsubishi sold a few hundred to the U.S. military, to which they were modified to take incredible amount of damage while they move in to tend to wounded solders and civilians. The IHL and NATO both saw the danger in this so an agreement was struck that all N7 units were legal to use under the condition that they follow the Asimov's Laws of Robotics.
Unit Make: Mitsubishi
Unit Model: Nagi v7.54 or N7
Unit purpose: The Nagi series units is designed to acted as an artificial medical unit. As the cybernetics industry grew, Misubishi took the Nagi series and updated them to design, program and, given the proper equipment and tools, build and install cybernetic limbs. This was the late model, the N7. As time went on, the U.S. too particular interest in the utilization of the N7. Though originally reluctant, Mitsubishi sold a few hundred to the U.S. military, to which they were modified to take incredible amount of damage while they move in to tend to wounded solders and civilians. The IHL and NATO both saw the danger in this so an agreement was struck that all N7 units were legal to use under the condition that they follow the Asimov's Laws of Robotics.
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