Hello there, my Little Flowers. You can call me Khada Jhin. (I play too much League to be referred to as anything else at this point) I've come back to this site (I think it was like 8-9+ years ago the first time I ever joined it, maybe longer actually idk) seeking out others to write with once again. I'm a very detailed, literate writer. I could have taught AP English when I was in middle school (at least, that's what my teachers always told me). Though I can be rather creative and talented, I am also seeking out another that might hold my attention.

I would prefer someone that could reply with at least a paragraph. It doesn't have to be League-related but I will probably use Jhin as my character since I can relate to him with ease. I'm very much into horror/terror/serial killer stories. I don't really care about gender of the other person or their character. It can be MxM or MxF it's truly up to you. Your character must be enticing, or at the very least, cute and playful. I would prefer a big contrast between the two, since symmetry is boring and I don't want to write with a carbon copy of what I've turned my muse into.

Story ideas/starters can vary but it can be anything similar to this-

Two lab rats become allies after being captured by a scientist
Serial killer finds a new interest
Ect ect

I'm a big sci-fi fantasy writer. I'm extremely good with details that are very vivid in nature. And you'll probably get a good grasp on the character(s) involved with my side of the story. I normally write stories focused around Jhin and his most allied companion Angel, who is a playful type that is very small but has a 2nd form. She uses this 2nd form to protect him and is actually an Angelic Beast. If this is the type of thing you're into, then fantasy-horror/scifi-horror would definitely be an option.

You can DM me, reply here or ask for my Discord (I don't make it a habit of RPing there due to the character limit)

Also side note if you're a League of Legends player, you can always message me just for kicks. I'm NA, and in the NA East timezone. So it's like 6am while I'm writing this right now. I spend like 15+ hours a day gaming but I can take time out of my day to reply if the story is very interesting. If you don't reply after like 2 days though, I'm probably not going to bother.
