I'm looking for people who would like to RP with my character. I will share the character sheet to alleviate tons of questions. I will also include the location of a cityscape, if anyone would like to know about the setting. I'm open to changing the setting if needed but I am mostly a sci-fi / fantasy / horror writer.

Name : Khada Jhin

Age : appears to be somewhere around 37-39

Gender : male

Species : angel, though it's really hard to tell and most presume he's human

Height : 6 foot 4 inches

Weight : 170 lbs

Appearance : dark hair, brown eyes (when he's in angel form or filled with energy, his eyes are blue)

Weapons : his gun Whisper, which is a handgun that turns into a sniper rifle, imbued with dark energies

About : Jhin is a meticulous criminal psychopath that believes murder is art. He suffers from OCD, and is often doing things in strings of fours. He's tall, has dark hair, and appears to be rather elegant in nature. He suffers from body-dysmorphia, meaning that he hates his appearance. For two reasons in particular : The first reason is that he's very symmetrical in nature (he thinks that's boring) and looks rather "normal". The second reason, is due to his being an angel, with rotting wings whenever they appear. In person he comes across as intelligent, charming, and polite, though behind his eyes he's sadistic, manipulative and antisocial.

Khada Jhin is his stage name (he's a bit of a performer) and it means "Golden Excellence" though his other nickname in cities he's most wanted in, is "The Golden Demon". He isn't a demon at all however, it's just a name that was indirectly given to him. He often wears lavish garments containing gold, and those who have seen the masked killer (usually when he's escaping authorities), believed him something truly sinister. His "Golden Demon" side is known for hunting other angels, specifically due to their brilliant and perfect wings. However Khada Jhin, is just known to be an aesthetically pleasing performer on the city stage.

Jhin hates other performers, and often believes that they're stealing his light. This includes other serial killers, whenever their names hit the papers and his is lost to the 2nd or 3rd page. He will do violent things to keep everyone's attention, even hunting down other predators within the area. And, since he's a skilled marksmen, he doesn't often have to get too close to his enemies. When he kills them, he leaves behind roses, pedals or other beautiful flowers over their corpses. When he fires his fourth shot (his gun Whisper only has 4 bullets in it before he has to reload it), amazing magical flowers explode from the bodies of those he hunts down. It's truly quite a sight, though gruesome in nature.

Cityscape :

If this is something that would interest you, feel free to PM me or respond here. I will only write with people who are 18+ due to the mature themes (I mean, my character is literally a serial killer, that speaks enough for itself). RP can go on in PM or in another thread here. Just let me know. I will expect a character sheet from the other writer, some background about their character's personality, and obviously would like to know of their appearance.

Thanks for stopping by.
