Name : Khada Jhin

Age : appears to be somewhere around 37-39

Gender : male

Species : angel, though it's really hard to tell and most presume he's human

Height : 6 foot 4 inches

Weight : 170 lbs

Appearance : dark hair, brown eyes (when he's in angel form or filled with energy, his eyes are blue)

Weapons : his gun Whisper, which is a handgun that turns into a sniper rifle, imbued with dark energies

About : Jhin is a meticulous criminal psychopath that believes murder is art. He suffers from OCD, and is often doing things in strings of fours. He's tall, has dark hair, and appears to be rather elegant in nature. He suffers from body-dysmorphia, meaning that he hates his appearance. For two reasons in particular : The first reason is that he's very symmetrical in nature (he thinks that's boring) and looks rather "normal". The second reason, is due to his being an angel, with rotting wings whenever they appear. In person he comes across as intelligent, charming, and polite, though behind his eyes he's sadistic, manipulative and antisocial.

Khada Jhin is his stage name (he's a bit of a performer) and it means "Golden Excellence" though his other nickname in cities he's most wanted in, is "The Golden Demon". He isn't a demon at all however, it's just a name that was indirectly given to him. He often wears lavish garments containing gold, and those who have seen the masked killer (usually when he's escaping authorities), believed him something truly sinister. His "Golden Demon" side is known for hunting other angels, specifically due to their brilliant and perfect wings. However Khada Jhin, is just known to be an aesthetically pleasing performer on the city stage.

Jhin hates other performers, and often believes that they're stealing his light. This includes other serial killers, whenever their names hit the papers and his is lost to the 2nd or 3rd page. He will do violent things to keep everyone's attention, even hunting down other predators within the area. And, since he's a skilled marksmen, he doesn't often have to get too close to his enemies. When he kills them, he leaves behind roses, pedals or other beautiful flowers over their corpses. When he fires his fourth shot (his gun Whisper only has 4 bullets in it before he has to reload it), amazing magical flowers explode from the bodies of those he hunts down. It's truly quite a sight, though gruesome in nature.


Name : "Angel" (it is unknown if she has an actual name)

Age : unknown, presumably thousands of years

Gender : female (1st form), male (2nd form), and unknown (dragon form)

Species : she's a purebred angel, however she has draconian aspects due to her being an elder

Height : just about 5 feet

Weight : 90 lbs (without her tail and wings obviously)

Appearance : albino soft skin, pale blue eyes, long white hair

Weapons : her alternate form(s)

About : Angel is a young-looking albino. Most out in the world assume she's a child, though she's thousands of years older then everyone. She's often seen wearing a white dress that hangs just over her knees, and a black cloak of sorts to cover her. She has pointed ears, extremely pale skin and eyes, and comes across as shy in nature. Not much is known of her history, only that she loves cats, and people who have seen her- have caught her feeding the city strays. Angel has two alternate forms, her majestic male form, and then her extreme form which comes in the shape of a feather dragon. She can only transform for specific amounts of time, and if she runs out of energy for any reason, she goes "dormant" (sleeps) for several days. It can be 3-4 days if she's injured, sometimes a week if she's near-death. She can heal others, but that also saps her energy and will cause her to go into slumber mode if it's too much for her. The albino is fiercely protective of those she loves, and will do monstrous things to ensure their livelihood.


Cityscape & Locations (points of interest)

City Name : Lambda

About: A very busy city with lots of people. The city is often alive even at night, making several locations of interest. At the city's center, is a place called The Nexus, where big EDM concerts are held. Performers from all over the nation will pass through as well, getting the place a lot of protected attention. Lambda is home to multitudes of life forms, everything from humans and animals, to angels and demons. Since the humans out-populate the creatures in this society, they've learned to adapt and do things to keep the "creatures" from taking control of their setting. Many will resort to electrical weapons, and lazer rifles if they need to defend themselves. Those within the black market, have learned to capture some of these beings, selling them for entertainment purposes to make loads of illegal cash.

Location : The Nexus

About : The Nexus is a vast outdoor concert with lots of lights and gathering space. Since it's located at the centermost of the city, there are 4 huge skyscrapers that mark the city's square in perfect measurements. At the center of these four buildings, is the stage and hundreds of feet of standing/dancing space. There are speakers throughout the entire area, so that the music from the center stage, is carried out for everyone to hear.

Location : The Outskirts

About : This is essentially the "ghetto" of Lambda. The main point of interest for those involved with the black market. There are several bars which hold private entrances which go beneath the surface of the city. Though mostly poor folk live here, there are plenty of mercenaries that stroll through this area. The bars are their most common gathering place, to make exchanges or receive payment for completing their tasks (or killing their targets anyway).

Location : Jhin's cabin, outside the city, deep in the forest

About : Outside of Lambda, there is a large amount of forest. There are several long roads that lead out of the city, which is relatively private in comparison to most. There are houses and cabins along the way, and a very old rundown apartment complexes in some areas that are difficult to find. Jhin however, owns a cabin house; a second cabin behind it often used for storage. The inside of the cabin has a master bedroom, a very small guest room, a decent-sized living room with a fireplace, and a very clean kitchen. There is an attic upstairs, where he keeps his weapons and a lot of his personal paintings. His more formal work, can be found hanging on his walls in every room of the house however.