Greetings! I am new here, but I figure maybe the best way for me to slide into RPing here would be to dip my toes into a pool of my own making. This is a RP based, at least loosely, on the manga/anime Platinum End. It is a story that I have been obsessed with over the years, but even I think there are parts where I wish it could have been different or better, and a lot of people think that as well. So why not try it for myself!

The premise of the original story is that angels come down from the celestial realm and choose a candidate to become the next God, and they have 999 days to do so, and frankly that can be as far as the source material is touched on. It takes place in our world--specifically in Japan but here we can widen the scope to encompase any place of origin the RPer wishes to begin. Whether we play original characters of our design, take in standard human characters from other stories, or simply RP as one of the characters in Platinum End, it is entirely up to you.

At the bare minimum there is what I have heard as "doubling up". You will need to play two characters, a God candidate, and the angel that chose them for the process.

In Platinum End, the chosen candidates were all people who had lost hope in living for one reason or another. However, this could be a difficult subject to discuss for many people, so one entirely simple change if the "players" like is to say that the angel intervenes in a human's incoming untimely death, changing their fate from the certain doom of an accident or murder. What people are comfortable with can be discussed in advance, which will be very important.

We can have as many God Candidates as we can get frankly, we don't need 13, nor does it really matter if we have more or even less. All that matters is that Players/RPers are respectful of others and do not "godmod" them, specifically, controlling them unilaterally without any collaboration or permission. This is an important point to touch on because in this story characters will have a power that can make others fall in love with them temporarily. THIS IS NOT TO BE USED TO ABUSE OTHER PLAYERS. On an individual basis players can talk about what they can accept and play along with, and coordinate when/how/if they are to be hit with this power to begin with. First and foremost this RP is meant for players to have fun, express themselves, and tell an interesting story for us all to enjoy. It isn't about manipulating others and "winning" and making everyone else a "loser". It is entirely fine for a player to have the aspirations to be God, I certainly hope to see some sort of conclusion to the God selection process at some point, but RP is a team effort and no one is the main character.

Here is a rundown of the "game".

God Candidates are chosen by angels sent from a celestial realm. God is at the end of his cycle and needs to be replaced. The angels come and grant "angelic" powers to the Candidates to use during the process. In the source material, there are angel ranks, with three specials, I think five firsts, and five seconds. Specials get all three powers, first don't get White Arrows, and seconds have to choose between Red Arrows and Angel Wings. We can alter this to make it so everyone has all three, or perhaps just the wings and red arrows.

There is only one criteria to become God, and that is for all living God Candidates to agree that it should be you. All at once, literally as simple as a collective choosing. In theory, if a player is the only surviving God Candidate, they win by default, but since RP is a collaborative effort, and everyone has angel wings to boot that allow them to move faster than the speed of light, well, it's not realistic to go down that route. Also, the more candidates we get, the harder it will be to get everyone on the same page on who is best for the job...

Each RPer like I said needs to come up with a human being that will be their candidate, along with their angel. The candidate would start out as a non-supernatural human before becoming a candidate, be it an OC, CC, or from some other media. Figure out their age, looks, what kind of person they are, where they are when the angel meets them and why that angel wants to choose them (to make them happy, or if they think they are likely to be chosen as God, or to save them from an incoming death, or suit their personality, etc.)

The angels often represent some sort of concept, and may have a power specific to themselves. For example, in Platinum End there is an angel of innocence, darkness, emotions, destruction, greed, knowledge, etc. One could tell by a person's face if they were lying, another had a supernatural Intuition.

My own personal suggestion is to think of an ideal that you think the world needs more of. For example, empathy, honesty, pacifism, temperance, piety, equality, utility, fitness, harmony with nature etc. Then, have them physically embody this feature.

In the manga/anime whoever becomes God simply earns the right to wipe everyone's memories of the "choosing" and then from the celestial realm they could use or give the angel tools without any restrictions onto the people of Earth (but cannot ever go to Earth personally again). Although I also have my own idea as to how the Celestial Realm works if we'd like a twist, and it'd involve the idea of the angels representing a specific, distinct ideal, if we do go that route.

Also, angels are not allowed to interfere in the process, or they will disqualify their candidate, which will kill them. Giving up one's candidacy prematurally kills the candidate. However, if God is chosen, everyone else's candidacy is harmlessly revoked, and they have the opportunity to resume their normal lives again (unless the new "God" intervenes of course).

If this seems likely to be happening, I can try and whip up a Character sheet for a candidate and angel for myself and edit it in here as an example.

I honestly do not know what to expect from this playing out, if it manages to happen. The process can last 999 days, in which case, the candidates could go off and enjoy their powers for a long time before even thinking about "ending it". And what if two or more candidates clash? How would this proceed? And considering this is my first time in forever RPing, and my first time period here, any advice here or in PMs about how to do this is deeply appreciated!