Hidden 2 yrs ago 1 yr ago Post by Sniblet
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Sniblet drinking problem

Member Seen 8 mos ago

"The Akashic Record (AKA Record of All Truths, Prison of the All-Knowing) suffers from being too often misunderstood. It does not contain every permutation of literature. It is not where gods go to review the history they have built. It is not intended for anyone's perusal. That its Keepers entertain visitors at all is merely an adaptation to the incessant curiosity of outsiders, and at the same time, a lethal deception..."
One Way To Find Out


It doesn't matter who you are, where or when you came from, or what you want, as long as it's an exceptional kind of knowledge.
The key to someone's heart? The solution to an ancient riddle? The formula to a forbidden creation? The strategy to win a war? The foresight to save your world?

There is a legendary library outside of all realities, where everything that is true is written. It is inaccessible to all but the most uniquely and divinely powerful beings, except during miniscule intervals ages apart, and most who go do not return.

That is the story of the Akashic Record.

In the span of seconds, untold numbers of worlds have just experienced a window of opportunity, when the Record could be reached with merely an idiosyncratic spell or complex machine. Most were not aware of this opportunity. Most did not have the means to take it. There were exceptions.
The Start Of Your Story

You are anyone, from any universe that the imagination can reach.

Whether it was a trip and fall into a portal built ages ago, a product of long personal research, or the culmination of all your world's efforts, you accessed the dangerous interversal plane that houses the Akashic Record in a moment of opportunity, and then the moment passed.

If you meant to come with a team, most did not make it fast enough. If you meant to come with a friend, they'd best have been close behind. If you needed more time to prepare or investigate, you did not access the Record, and this is not your story.

Whether or not you were the only person in your universe to leave, you were not the only one to arrive. There are others here, from places you have never known of.

The Record holds knowledge that you need. Eventually, you may want to read about how to get back home.

The rest of your story has yet to be recorded.
The Course Of Your Story

This will be an adventure. There will be dangers and trials between you and your goal, and the natures of both will be affected by the natures of you who seek the Akashic Record.

Expect to be challenged in ways you did not prepare for. Fear failure. Get as close to your companions as you dare. Hold your breath, breathe again, breathe your last.

Some of you will find what you came for, if you persevere. It is a rare accomplishment.

But of course, a story is only as heavy as its characters allow it to be. Maybe this'll be an easy ride after all.

(What I’m saying is I'll pick the tone based on who's interested)

Character Creation

I'm not an expert on character sheet layouts, and I won't pretend to be! I barely know how to use BBCode.
With that said, I do know what I want to know about your character, and I know what I want you to know so you can play them right. (These are separate things.)
Format your sheet any way you want as long as it tells me what I want to know:
-Appearance, pics are good and text is good
-Personality, in bullet points if you must
-Powers n stuff, all detail is appreciated
-What they want from this place

Since you'll probably want one anyway, here's the Official One Way To Find Out Character Submission Sheet™ in three flavors:
//Lines that are "commented out" like this should be replaced or removed upon submission. They're here to tell you what I want in ways that examples can't.

//Color, url, and img tags as used in the templates will be ugly and not function unless filled in properly


Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Sniblet
Avatar of Sniblet

Sniblet drinking problem

Member Seen 8 mos ago

//Lines that are "commented out" like this should be replaced or removed upon submission. They're here to tell you what I want in ways that examples can't.
//Color, url, and img tags as used in the templates will not function and be ugly unless filled in.

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