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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Aisling
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Aisling The Creator of RPs and creating things for them!

Member Seen 9 mos ago

The PLTs is located here: roleplayerguild.com/topics/190455-plt…

In a workshop hidden somewhere in the world lives 2 old people who happened to be scientists. Some people say that they are mad as a Hatter and they have bats in the belfry. Maybe they are and maybe they have hit something completely ingenious. Let's call them Gus and Bess. Nice simple names for a simple childless couple.

"Gus, dear, are you ready for bed? I'm tired and going to head upstairs." Bess asks as she shuffles into Gus' workshop.
"Yes,sweetheart. Almost got my doppelganger hooked up. I'll start them up in the morning after breakfast.....Now they can rest and so can we." Gus says as he backs out of the front of the bus.
"You want to come with me in the morning?" Gus asks as he slides his arm around Bess' shoulders.
"I see no reason why not." Bess replies as she slides her arm around Gus' waist.

Together the old couple heads up to sleep together, talking about whether or not their scheme would work.

Early the next morning, the couple ate a big breakfast, washed the dishes and hurried to their life work. They had bought a lottery ticket a great many years ago and won millions of dollars which they used for the invention of their dreams. They had quit their well paying jobs as Scientific Engineering and AI Programing which paid even more then Gus' Scientific Engineering position at an elite private academy. They knew that soon their money would run out for they had dropped to a mere million to live on for the rest of their lives. But they didn't worry in spite of the accountant warnings. Noone wanted to fund their project. It was up to them and it was their 'baby' upon which they made it their number one project, often spending 12 even 18 hours working and twinking the various parts of their baby.

Now is the day of their test run. They applied for a special permit from the scientific community to drive the old bus on the roads if they can prove that their 'contraption' worked. Their fellow scientists would soon be their and they were anxiously waiting for their arrival.

Once everyone had arrived, Gus and Bess took their colleagues to the bus. The went for a drive with AI Gus driving while AI Bess gave a tour lecture and answered questions without a flaw. The colleagues were truly amazed at the bus, AI Gus' driving and AI Bess' lecture as well as the layout and the vending machines. To be truthful, the colleagues were flabbergasted with their project and offered to pay them an enormous sum of money to do the next project. An AI that takes care of the home and do things such as clean and cook. Which they did first so they could concentrate on the bus.

After a delicious meal cooked by the AI who did the cooking, shopping and cleaning, the colleagues gave them a challenge of making a female AI who could carry a pregnancy to term and a male who could impregnate a human female. The discussion went far into the night and the wee hours of the morning.

Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Aisling
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Aisling The Creator of RPs and creating things for them!

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Gus drove around about the Campass to post up

Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Jonisca
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Jonisca Long-winded Dillydally

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

RUN AND DON'T LOOK BACK! A sweetly familiar voice screamed amidst the fierce battlefield. Black swords clanged against silver ones, and armored bodies after armored bodies dropped onto the ground every now and then, looking very much like lifeless ragdolls on a playground.

Except where Ying was standing was no little children's playground. It was the Desert of Despair, the wide sandy expanse chosen as the stage for both the Black Clan and the Silver Clan to battle it all out once and for all. Nobody knew what fueled the war to such a large scale, but to the clansmen, there was never a win-win situation at the end of it. The clansmen were the ones to die a pointless death, leaving behind precious loved ones and beloved homes. The Clan Chiefs and their Clan Warriors and their families combined were the only ones who would benefit most, not them, the dispensable clansmen.

One would have thought there would be no more bodies left to be sacrificed, yet the war raged on, seemingly endless. Meaningless.

RUN AND DON'T LOOK BACK, YING! The voice screamed again with greater urgency. Ying bit her lip as she ran like her soul depended on it. Anywhere, as long as she was far, far away from the battlefield. Away from a place that reeked so much of death, the place where her Papa, Mama and Sissy died in vain trying to made way for her escape.

"Ugh!" Ying fell to the ground, causing a small scroll in her hand to fly a distance in front of her. She quickly picked herself up and grabbed the scroll, determined to see her family's will to the end. She could not afford to lose the scroll - the scroll was key to her survival and escape to a new beginning. Her family died to protect it. She will not fail them.

It had been days since she ran from the Desert of Despair, living off scraps and whatever fruits or plants or small creatures she could find and hunt with her small dagger. She was close to the magical portal her dearest sister had been telling her about, the one linked to the scroll that belonged to her now-dead sister. Ying wasn't too sure what to make of the words in the scroll, much less understood what sort of offer her sister had accepted. Now that she had no one but only herself to rely on, Ying was left with no choice but to take up the offer in her stead.

"Found you..." Ying breathed a sigh of relief. Her sister mentioned something about a cave entrance being the portal to another world or something, and here she was, standing in front of it. The entrance bore the same owl symbol as the one on the scroll, confirming its link. It looked like any other normal cave entrance, if not because she had seen the mark of the owl, she would have pass it off as a made-up tale to invoke curiosity in those who hear of it.

LIVE WELL, YING. LIVE WELL AND DON'T LOOK BACK. The familiar voice spoke again, this time with a gentleness that indicated peace. Tears rolled down Ying's cheek as she closed her eyes briefly, trying to remember the familiar voice that grew up together with her and accompanied her all her childhood years. It was no use...her beloved sister, Qian Yun, was gone.

Goodbye, Papa, Mama, Sissy. Ying will live well for your sake. Clutching the scroll, Ying crossed the cave entrance without hesitation, determined to face the unknown ahead.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Aisling
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Aisling The Creator of RPs and creating things for them!

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Aisling packed everything that was valuable and that wasn't much. She 'borrowed' several credit cards for supplies. She was now free to do a quick bit of shopping at the mall in a favorite store. That was her first stop on her list. Gas was the second stop. Then it was shopping for food to eat on the trip. So much stuff in her SUV but she would be fine. She was driving away from where she lived towards a little known place called Rachel in Nevada. She was in no hurry for she was only 3 hours away and she had three days to get to The Alamo. She was hoping to get a job there and be able to support herself.

After a while, Aisling pulled over for she had to go to the bathroom and a small roadside cafe along the semi deserted highway was the ideal place to go. She looked off into the distance where Area 51 was. A bright swirling mass of light shone outside of the area. She began to wonder if her eyes were playing a trick on her. Someone probably misfired something so she got her travel bag and headed into the cafe.
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Jonisca
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Jonisca Long-winded Dillydally

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

At first, it was pure darkness.

Next, Ying found herself zooming forward at the speed of light, traveling through a passage of multicolored stars, as if she was in the middle of the heavenly galaxy that her parents once spoke of when she was a tiny seven-year-old child. The Celestial Path, they called it, and only the Destined Ones were able to ride on the stars and witness the magnificent starry space anytime they wish. The Celestial Path was said to be bright and colorful during the day, and millions of twinkling stars filled the sky when night falls. Oftentimes, the Destined Ones discover special abilities or level up their existing magical powers with time spent in the celestial realm.

Nobody knew where the Celestial Path started or ended, nor do they know how to get in. Most clanspeople, including her parents, considered the Celestial Path as a mere legend that served to inspire people to do good and cultivate spiritually for a chance to ascend to the heavenly realm upon their passing.

Somehow, Ying recognized the realm. For a second, Ying felt blessed that she was able to witness the legendary place that her people talked about but never had the chance to experience for themselves.

But wait...did that mean...she was a Destined One? Was she even dead or alive right now?

Ying had no time to figure out anyway as the unknown force continued to propel her forward. She couldn't tell how long she had been moving like this, time seemed to come to a standstill in this wondrous realm. It was as if time mattered and did not matter at all. How odd...

And suddenly, a split second of blinding light and Ying flew out onto the ground.

Wasting no more time, Ying quickly got up and observed her surroundings. Survival meant finding for a place to hide before determining the place she just landed was safe enough for roaming. She had suffered a number of sneak attacks back home, so experience taught her the importance of staying alert and vigilant wherever she go, be it familiar or foreign land.

But luck wasn't on her side - she was basically standing in the midst of an almost empty sandy expanse, painfully similar to the Desert of Despair - no trees, shrubs or big rocks that she could take cover. However, instead of black and silver clad soldiers fighting against one another, she was alone. Large buildings can be seen a few miles away, though she couldn't make out if there were people around. It was rather quiet save for the occasional breeze and some distant noises that seemed to come from where the large buildings were. On a bright note, it was a little over midday she presumed judging from the sun's position, which made it easier for her to navigate around rather than being lost in the dark without shelter.

Good that the scroll is still here, Ying noted as she patted the scroll that was still in her hand, then moved to pat her small dagger. It was a tiny reassurance to herself - at least she had the scroll to guide her to where she needed to be, and her dagger to defend or kill as necessary.

Ooooo...OooooOoooo...something seemed to be flying in circles high above her. Startled, Ying drew her dagger and looked up, mentally preparing for the worse. It was a mistake though, since the sun's rays were unrelentingly bright that her vision suffered for a brief moment. And it was at that precise moment that flying something decided to swoop down, and Ying could feel it closing the distance towards her.

With a panicked cry, Ying slashed at the air furiously above her. She cared not for whatever that something turned out to be, creature or demon or anything, as long as that something stayed out of her path. Weirdly, the flying something seemed to hover just out of her slashing range, as though waiting for her to calm down to her senses.

Curiosity got the better of her, so Ying took the liberty to study the flying something. It was...an owl? But how odd...it wasn't made of flesh and feathers like how owls should be. Sure, the flying something looked like an owl, but a real owl it was not. It looked like an intricate wooden mechanism, expertly crafted and pieced together to create the flying wooden owl that was almost lifelike. Ying thought it was a fascinating masterpiece and silently praised its creator. But boy, did it give her a good scare...

Then again, she wasn't sure if the wooden owl was friend or foe. She could ask but...could it even respond to her?

"Why are you here?" Ying spoke to the owl, her dagger still raised in front of her defensively. The wooden owl hovered for a few moments more, its wooden wings flapping continuously while its large shiny blue eyes stared at her. A few more flaps later, the wooden owl whistled before landing on her dagger, taking its own sweet time to groom its wing. Ying gave it a questioning look, before letting out a sigh. It seemed friendly despite appearing out of nowhere, though for whatever unknown reason, it seemed to want to stay with her.

"Alright, birdie, you and I, we're good as long as you don't try to kill me." The wooden owl looked up from its grooming and Ying could have sworn she just saw the bird rolled its eyes at her. Did it actually understand what she said then? So many questions, but no answers.

Birdie, she decided to call it, made its way to perch on her left shoulder. Ying sheathed her dagger, exhaustion slowly taking a toll on her. She needed food and a place to stay for the night that was approaching, yet the only thing she could do for now was to keep moving. She couldn't quite trust the large buildings - they looked cold and bleak. Her best course of action was to try look for plants or trees that she could scavenge or small creatures that she could hunt.

But Ying could walk no more. The barren sandy land, the scorching heat of the sun, the anxiety from her portal travel, the recent scare she had from Birdie...it was all too much for her at the moment.

"If only you could help me find something to eat, Birdie..." Ying said casually with a tired smile, before dropping to the ground unconscious, her body finally giving in to the slumber she needed but could not afford.
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Aisling
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Aisling The Creator of RPs and creating things for them!

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Aisling was finally finished in the bathroom. It took her a bit for she felt like changing into new clothes that were her very own and not hand me downs from her older sister. Even the hand me downs were carefully selected for her younger sister was close in size in spite of their age differences. Aisling was just petite and it was just that simple.

She went out to her SUV to put the travel bag away when she saw what she thought was a human laying on the ground with some sort of bird flying over her head. Quickly, fearing the worst scenario, she drove to where the lump was. She called out
"Hey! Are you ok? I am here to help you if you want help."

Cautiously, Aisling walked slowly forward for she knew that some people startled easily.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Jonisca
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Jonisca Long-winded Dillydally

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Faint mumbling. Random hooting and flapping noises in between.

If only they could all just stop disturbing her and leave her in peace.

Go away, she thought. Ying wants to sleep somemore...

There was a sharp pain at her lower abdomen, one that she couldn't ignore no matter how hard she tried to in favor of sleep. Her sluggish brain took a long while before it realized that she was hungry. Like, I-have-not-eaten-in-a-hundred-years hungry.

"Hey! Are you ok? I am here to help you if you want help." A voice spoke loudly. Ying slowly opened her eyes and turned her head towards the voice.

It was a lady, and she was peering over, wondering if Ying was alright. She sounded curious yet concerned, so Ying gathered her to be friend, not foe. Even if she's planning to kill Ying for whatever reason, Ying doubted she had any ounce of energy left to lift her dagger in defence, much less to fight.

Her wooden owl was flying midair when she woke, but soon landed next to her body, gave a few happy hoots before silently watching her with its large blue eyes. The corner of Ying's lips twitched in amusement. What a surprise to have a wooden owl as her loyal companion...seems like there's more to Birdie than the eyes meet.

Her stomach growled, disturbing her thoughts. Ying sighed, and slowly sat up. "Wo mei shi, xie xie gu niang de guan xin. Zhi bu guo...wo you yi dian dian er le..." she ended her reply with an embarrassed smile. Little did she know that whatever she had just spoken sounded like pure gibberish to her newfound acquaintance.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Aisling
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Aisling The Creator of RPs and creating things for them!

Member Seen 9 mos ago

~Wonderful. She speaks no English or American...... And she came through something that looked like blood on her skirt..... Dirt and a bit of grass? Never seen any grass like that before.....~ Aisling thought to herself.
"I speak a different language than you do. ..... I guess signing is the only way to speak at the moment." (Signing now)
"You Hungry? Want food to eat? .....(Pauses to think)... I (points at the Dodge Nitro then motions as she is driving then to the cafe) You Me Eat. "

Aisling hopes that she was able to get her message across to the girl. She would give her a new set of clothes as well .... why not split the clothes. Her father could afford the bill. Then they would go shopping together and..... it was then she noticed the scroll. she motions
"I see scroll one minute, please.... It.... Rats." Aisling sat on the ground and took out her phone and hunted for an ap to translate her words into..... Chinese? Or what...... Not Japanese the eyes are not right nor Korean though I might be wrong. Chinese comes first so lets try chinese. (Using a phone voice translator)
Hi. My name is Aisling. I will buy you food and you can get cleaned up at the cafe way over there."

Aisling stood up and held out her hand with her palm up so she could help the lady up.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Jonisca
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Jonisca Long-winded Dillydally

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The lady made many weird gestures at her, which was rather confusing for Ying at the start, no thanks to her sluggish brain having just woken up after Goddess knows how long she had been unconscious. It must have been just a short while, since the sun was still as unbearable as when she first came out from the magical portal.

She caught the lady making signs of putting food in mouth and pointing in a direction, which Ying assumed to be a place where food was available. Then she noticed the lady's eyes widening as though surprised, and Ying followed her gaze, which was on the scroll that Ying was still holding onto despite passing out from exhaustion earlier.

It would seem the lady knew a thing or two about the scroll. Any other person would only look curiously wondering what that item was about, and probably think of it as just some random piece of parchment. The lady then paused, before whipping out a gadget the size of her palm, furiously pressing on it before bringing it close to her. Ying wanted to ask questions but was startled by a voice speaking in Chinese. And it came from the lady's gadget.

"Hai, wo jiao Aisling. Wo hui mai shi wu gei ni chi, hai you ni ke yi xi xi ni de shen ti yi xia zai yi jian ka fei dian zai na er."

Ying thought the gadget to be magical - whoever knew such an odd device could speak her language? Sure, it wasn't perfect - she didn't understand what "ka fei dian" was, but from the lady's gestures about food and pointing at a location ahead, Ying surmised it meant a place where she could get meals. She made a mental note to learn that term up, it could come in handy in future. But it was already marvellous that the device could act as a middleman to lessen the almost impossible language barrier.

Still, she needed to follow the lady called Aisling, if she had heard right. There were many questions she needed answers to, and Aisling seemed to be a potential key to her chestful of confusion, doubts and uncertainties. Even if Aisling did not know all answers, Ying was sure she could gain a good amount of info to survive in this new world setting so unlike her original home. To top that, Ying would need to learn as much as she can, fast.

If only there was a quick way to absorb information, but Ying's brain ain't as magical as Aisling's gadget though. Then again, right now, nothing mattered as much as her hunger. She would die of embarrassment if she allowed her tummy to protest with a thunderous growl right in front of the lady.

I will follow you, Ying signalled to the lady. She stretched out an arm at Birdie, and her wooden owl obediently perched on it. Scroll still in hand, she walked in the direction which Aisling had gestured, while keeping an eye on where Aisling decided to bring her.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Aisling
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Aisling The Creator of RPs and creating things for them!

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Aisling walked slightly ahead of her and was trying to think of how she could best help this person out. She had to be careful for the way the female acted, she had not ever seen a phone before and each race had their own customs. Her mind ran over what she had learned so far.
1. The female was Chinese. She was lucky it was the first one in the alphabetical order.
2. Her style of clothing was old world. Not surprising since she came through a portal. Most portals lead from one place to another and since it takes a great amount of energy, usually it is from one world to another world or over long distances.
3. Chinese have been known to 'lose face' or in other words 'respect' in some ways. But she did not know the customs or ways to ask things.

They finally get to the cafe and Aisling's Nitro where she opened the door so she could get her own scroll out. She unrolled it and showed the emblem of the Owl to the female. The letter was evidently was magickal itself for the letters in American reformed to Chinese much to Aisling's surprise. She began to speak into the phone and it translated the message for her.

"See my scroll is like your scroll. They are full of Magick and will change to the looker's native language. We have been invited to the same Academy. That means that we will be school mates. I hope you know what school mates are..... They are like sisters in a family except they are school sisters, females going to the same school together.

If you walk to where you need to go, it will take many days to get there. But if you will be my school sister, I will help you get there and help you get some clothes as well as a cell phone of your own. I need an upgrade so I'll get one like yours. Then I can teach you how to use it. I will teach you the ways of my country and you can teach me about your country.

I also see that your clothes are dirty as you are so I'll give you a snack then we can look and decide what you want to wear. I have a lot of shirts and jeans. Spare shoes that you may have." Aisling spoke as she looked in the cooler and pulled out a Hershey bar. She unwrapped part of it then handed it to Ling. Once Ling took it, she pulled out a few pairs of jeans and shirts in colors that compliment her complexation. She figured 5 wouldn't be too overwhelming. Then got some toiletries and wash cloth plus a towel. A spare cologne and deodorant completed the wardrobe. Rest of the clothes went into one suitcase and the other stuff would go into in the other suitcase after Ling chooses what she was going to wear. The last item she pulled out was an identical school bag. She would help her fill it after a good meal.

Aisling's stomach growled loudly as she turned to look at the other female.
"Pardon me. I am very hungry too. Are you ready to get cleaned up? I have some spare clothes for you. Choose an outfit to change into. Then we will go inside and you can get cleaned up while I pick up a few things in the store,ok?"
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Jonisca
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Jonisca Long-winded Dillydally

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Ying couldn't believe her luck. To think that she unknowingly bumped into someone who knew what the scroll was about and was ready to offer her a means of traveling to the Academy mentioned in the scroll as a place of discovering and training Magick. For what exact purpose to be granted the opportunity to attend lessons and train at the Academy, neither her elder sister Yun nor her Papa and Mama were sure when they first read the letter.

They were all puzzled by the scroll's appearance bird-delivered to Yun by an owl, but they all decided going to the Academy was Yun's best bet to live a more carefree life away from the neverending clan wars. If one of their daughters had such blessings, Papa and Mama would wholeheartedly support the idea even though it pained them knowing their beloved child will be living far, far away from them.

Sadly, Ying was all that was left of their family to carry out the will of her parents, and her sister's dream of escaping to a whole new world. Ying had never coveted her sister's Academy enrolment, but now with them all gone, she felt like it was her sole responsibility to see the new Academy life from start to end. For Papa, Mama and Sissy's sakes.

Ying only nodded as she listened to the words that came from the lady Aisling's device. She understood most of it - the fact that Aisling received the same offer as well to study at the Academy, that traveling to the Academy may take days on foot, so it'd be best for her to tag along with Aisling since they will be school sisters soon - but she didn't know what to reply. Her hand also moved without thinking as she graciously accepted a snack from Aisling. Normally, she wouldn't trust taking any food from strangers but Aisling had been nice to her from the start.

Whoa...the snack tastes sweet and delicious, Ying thought, happily munching. If only Sissy could eat this too...

Ying looked on curiously as her new acquaintance seemed determined to play the role of a good hostess towards her. Weird looking clothes for her, shoes, towel, small bottles of...fragrances?, a straight tool with soft bristles on one end, a few tubes. The lady did mentioned about her disheveled appearance with the help of her gadget, and Ying understood Aisling was just trying to make her fit in. After all, with dirt on her face and some streaks of blood on her clothes from all the hunting and running, Ying was sticking out like a sore thumb in this new world.

Many signs and gestures later in her attempt to communicate with Aisling, Ying managed to wipe her body a little and change into one of the available sets of clothing in the cafe's toilet - a light blue top and a pair of tight-fitting jeans. She ran a finger along her long black hair. The ribbon accessories were still intact, but she would have to wait until she could find a proper place to wash her hair and retie the ribbons. She didn't have the heart to throw all her clothes despite the dirt, stains and stench...after all, they were the only remnants left from her world. That and her trusty dagger. Perhaps there's a stream nearby or a way she could wash and mend her clothes? She would ask Aisling later.

Her dagger...it looked odd in the hand-sewn scabbard belt that she tied around her waist with her current modern clothing. Like it or not, the dagger meant life to her, so...ahh, whatever. She couldn't be bothered with a lot of things anymore.

Now, food. Aisling told her earlier that she was hungry too, which was good news. They can eat something together, and they can travel to the Academy together after. And Ying wouldn't ask for anything more but silently prayed that the Goddess grant her enough strength to survive the uncertain days ahead.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Aisling
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Aisling The Creator of RPs and creating things for them!

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Suddenly a soft hoooot and a small owl landed on her shoulder.
"Well, hello to you too. Have you come to say bye?" she asked the owl.
"Hoot oot oto ooo" Owl hooted.
"You are my owl and will travel with me? How can I understand you this well?" Aisling spoke in wonder.
"Because of the Magic that you can do. I will guide you when you need it. All you have to do is to believe that you have Magic and that is true that Magick once was here but now is disappearing fast. You need to leave when the bus arrives. “ The owl spoke,
“When is the bus leaving?” she asked.
“In a few days. It is hunting for people at other stops. Not everyone is willing to believe or to give up everything here on Earth.” Owl said politely.
“Do you have a name for me yet?”
“I get to name you?” Aisling spoke in surprise. “How about Archemedes?”
“That is a fine name. Thank you. I accept the name of Archemedes.” Archemedes spoke.
“I need to get these things paid for and see if my friend is done changing.” Aisling spoke as she headed towards the register.
“Part of the package for school. And there is more.” Archemedes hooted.
“Go get your friend and she can get a few things too.”
‘Ok.” She replied as she hurried off to get her friend.
Her friend was waiting for her and Aisling was glad for she was hungry. She motioned to come with her as well as she could with her arms full. She went to the cafe area and put everything on a large size table. She pulled out her phone and spoke into it.
"I got us some school supplies. Let's divide them up."Aisling said happily.

Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Jonisca
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Jonisca Long-winded Dillydally

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Ying raised her brow and only nodded when Aisling told her about dividing school supplies. Not that she knew what kind of supplies were necessary for the Academy she were to attend soon, but she would gladly listen to Aisling and do what Aisling does.

What peeked her interest more than the owl designed bags and school supplies would be Aisling's new companion - another owl similar to Birdie. Ying remembered there wasn't any other owl around them earlier save for Birdie, so that was new.

Ying was about to point at the new owl and give Aisling a questioning look, when Birdie hooted and spoke for the first time.

"Yes girl, our new bird friend Archemedes is Aisling's pet owl."

That startled Ying quite a bit, and she stared at Birdie for a few seconds, who returned to preening his wing on the cafe table where Aisling placed bags and supplies. Did her wooden owl just...talked?

"You can talk...?" Ying asked Birdie in her mother tongue. Birdie hooted again, before replying, "Why yes, we are made that way for the humans whom we were to be bound to. I can understand and speak your language too. Archemedes here can understand you as well. The Academy's owls are made to assist their human owners, a duty bestowed by the Academy upon the Owls."

Ying crossed her arms. "Why didn't you speak earlier when we first met? You could have saved me a lot of trouble trying to navigate around."

Birdie hooted, its head tilted. "Girl, you were like a scaredy cat, about to pass out anytime. You even nearly wanted to kill me with your dagger as I approached you, so I figured I better stay silent until you are ready to find out I can talk. Don't wanna get disfigured or dead for nothing."

"Hmm, makes sense. Sorry," Ying said apologetically. Birdie flew and perched on her shoulder. "No worries, all is good between you and I. Now, you better hurry along with your belongings and grab some food. Archemedes mentioned to Aisling earlier about the bus leaving in a few days' time..."

"What is a bus? And why is it leaving in a few day's time...what has that got to do with us? I don't understand."

"A bus is a big long vehicle that carries people from one place to another on the road, similar to horse carriages." Then Birdie turned to look at Archemedes and Aisling, and hooted at them for a while, before looking at Ying. "As for the rest of your questions, I think it's best for Archemedes or Aisling to explain what is going on."
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Aisling
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Aisling The Creator of RPs and creating things for them!

Member Seen 9 mos ago

A waitress came up and smiled at them.
"Hello, My Name is Runiaka. I'll be overseeing your stay. Would you like to have some food? It's free to the students." Runiaka spoke.

"Yes, we would. May we have a few minutes. My friend doesn't understand American. I think that she is from ancient china. I use my phone translator to communicate with her." Aisling spoke with a smile.

"Open your box and take out the owl pendant. Put it on because it a translator. I am speaking Gaelic but you hear me speak in your own language." Runiaka spoke as she showed hers.
"Here are your menus. And a buzzer for when you are ready to order. Also, the owls can translate as well. I'll come back with some soda. Which kind would you like?"

"Pepsi, please." Aisling spoke. She hurriedly opened her box and found a key that was labeled 10. A an owl necklace that the wings opened up to show a clock. It was exquisitely made and quite nice. She carely place it around her neck then looked at her friend.
"Can you understand what I am saying?" Aisling asked.
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Jonisca
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Jonisca Long-winded Dillydally

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

As if she didn't have enough surprises after surprises, Ying's eyes widened with curiosity at the new presence of a waitress in the cafe. She had been distracted with absorbing new information from Aisling, that she failed to notice the waitress Runiaka had been around since she entered the place with Aisling and Birdie, before being joined by the new owl Archimedes.

Runiaka was speaking to Aisling and her both about many things, but Ying could not quite grasped what was spoken. She noticed Aisling put on an owl necklace around her neck after opening a wooden trinket box that contained a key and said necklace. Aisling was speaking to her when Ying fumbled with another trinket box Runiaka placed on the table that was presumably meant for her. She frowned; she could not understand a single word Aisling said.

It was not until she copied Aisling's gesture by putting on her owl necklace, that she finally understood all conversations. She caught Aisling's question finally.

"Can you understand what I am saying?" she heard Aisling asked, and for the first time, Ying felt smart enough to understand her friend. It was a powerful feeling, to understand and be understood. At least now, she felt like she belonged a bit more.

"Yes...yes. I can understand now. I think it's because I'm wearing the necklace then everything starts to make more sense." Ying smiled. "By the way, I wanted to say thank you to you for everything you have given me earlier. It was difficult to tell you that when I don't know how to speak your language, but not anymore with this interesting necklace."

Ying looked at the buzzer and menu on the table, then her frown returned. As much as she felt glad for the translator device, she still couldn't read the squiggles on the menu nor could the translator device teach her the function of the small round device on the table Runiaka had placed along with the menu. She could only ask Aisling for help...again.

"Aisling, I'm sorry but I will need your help with the menu. I'm not sure how this round device works too, sorry." Ying smiled apologetically. She then shifted her attention to the key in her trinket box. "Also, what do we do with this key actually? Mine says number 2, what is this for?"
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Aisling
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Aisling The Creator of RPs and creating things for them!

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Aisling smiled. "It made me happy to give you what you needed. I am from a rich family that does not give to any charity but I have my money cards and I am spending money because I want to. It is time to share with others that do not have what they need. My parents don't understand that. Sharing is caring.

Now that button let the waitress know that we are ready to order. Hmmm..... Archemedes, is there a menu that my friend can read in her own language?"

'All she has to do is to flip the menu until she gets to the right language. It's quite simple really. Anything else? If not I am going to go find some dinner.' Archemedes spoke as he stretched his wings.

"What do mechanical and wooden owls eat?" Aisling asked in surprise.

"Wooden mice and mechanical mice mostly. Today they are having rabbits." Archemedes smiled before he took off.

Aisling shuddered. "I couldn't eat a mouse or rabbit. Did you try flipping the menu over?" Aisling asked as she changed the subject.
"I'm debating between pizza and hamburger...."

Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Jonisca
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Jonisca Long-winded Dillydally

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Ying cocked her head, thoughtful. Here was a lady who had almost everything, money and things, while Ying came from a family where it's survival of the fittest and money was a scarce resource. Her lady friend was one blessed person indeed, but Ying was not one to be jealous of other's fortune. No, she was taught from young to make do with what she have and be content with whatever blessings or misfortunes that come her way. "The world will be more peaceful if only people learn to be contented, Ying," she remembered Mama said to her with a smile, a statement she had kept in her heart since childhood till now. She would never forget her roots, nor would she ever forget what Papa and Mama had taught her in life.

She was glad that her friend understood the meaning of sharing and being generous, and it was thanks to that she got some share from her friend's fortune. She couldn't ask for more really.

Ying smiled in amusement when Archemedes told Aisling that mechanical owls do eat. It was odd to know that the wooden owls do have to fill their tummy with food like humans do, but at this point, less and less things actually surprised her much now. Ying began to accept all the weird things and happenings as they were. They were probably part of the Magick after all.

"I see, thanks for explaining about the button device. And yes, I can understand the menu better now, thank you for the tip," Ying said to Aisling as she casually perused the menu. Even the food and drinks looked exotic - but since she wasn't a picky person to begin with, she decided to get something called chicken burger and a drink called hot latte. They appeared delicious on the menu despite their simplicity, and well, as long as the food did not contain seafood, she was good to go.

Not that it was a forbidden rule to take seafood - the fact that Ying descended from a clan that was half-human and half-mermaid made her naturally less inclined to consume seafood. She thought it a form of betrayal to eat her kin from the waters, but funnily, her parents and her elder sister did not feel the same. In their eyes, seafood was still part of a mermaid's diet, more so in a human's diet. Plus, they all looked more human than mermaid, so it did not feel wrong to them. Ying was the only odd one out, yet she chose to remain so.

"I think I will go with a chicken burger and this hot latte drink please." Ying paused for a moment, then looked at Aisling. "Come to think of it, I don't think I have properly introduced myself. I'm Qian...Yun, but err, you can just call me Ying." Ying almost made a blunder but managed to cover it up. She nearly forgot that the scroll she had belonged to her dearest sister who had gone to the heavens - she had to pretend to be her sister then. She wasn't sure if the Academy would take kindly upon an imposter but it was not as if she had much choice to begin with. Well, let her be Qian Yun then. At least, through her, her sister's dream still lived on even though she was no longer living.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Aisling
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Aisling The Creator of RPs and creating things for them!

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Aisling smiled at Ying. She was glad to know her friend's name at last. The simple fact of knowing her friend's name made her life more enjoyable.
"I'm glad that you are able to read the menu now. Makes ordering much better when a person can read a menu." Aisling spoke softly as she gazed at the menu.
I think that I will have pepperoni pizza and a Pepsi. Let's order than we can talk more."
Aisling presses the button and Runiaka was right there with a cart.

"I was on my way because it's starting to get late and if you want your stuff from your vehicle, you had best get it before you order. People take vehicles around nightfall for some odd reason. You won't need your vehicle anyways. Here is a cart and be sure not to leave even a penny in the vehicle."

"With a cart, I can get what I have very quickly. Why don't you take a look in the store and get what you like. It's free for students." Aisling spoke as she took the cart and went out of the door quickly for she didn't know that it was that late already.

Once she was outside, Aisling noticed that it was only noon for the sun was just overhead and shining down and leaving a glare around the area. She went to the back of the Nitro and got the suitcases and boxes of food. She then got her activity stuff on the cart when she saw her father drive by.

"SH****" she spat out as she slammed the door and began pushing the cart to the cafe door. She paused only a second when she saw the cafe beginning to waver and disappear. Aisling ran with the cart right into the open door. She was terrified that her father would find her. He would force her to go back home and police always sided with him not her.

"I have to hid quickly! " she said as she put everything on the cart.

"Come and I will do my best to stall everything until you get the cart upstairs." Runiaka spoke as she walked quickly towards the back of the cafe.

"Come, Ling! We have to catch up with Runiaka or lose our chance to go to the Academy!" She yelled and waited just barely a minute before heading after Runiaka.

Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Jonisca
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Jonisca Long-winded Dillydally

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

One moment all was calm, the next it was a flurry of activity and confusion. Not that it took Ying by surprise much, but her heart rate did speed up from the sudden rush to grab everything from the table and follow after Aisling and Runiaka. She heard Aisling mentioned something about her needing to hide - who she was running away from, that Ying wasn't sure about. It was none of her business anyway to pry into her affairs.

Perhaps there was urgency after all in getting to the Academy. As much as she was looking forward to good food to rid of her hunger, Ying was more eager to discover the journey ahead of her. Now that she no longer had anywhere to call home, knowing that there was a place waiting for her in the Academy made her feel excited and more at ease.

Her chicken burger and hot latte can wait, but the Academy's bus cannot. Birdie was already off together with Runiaka and Aisling the moment it sensed the alarm in their words, Archemedes was yet to be seen since it took off in search of food. There were more questions she would like to ask Runiaka and Aisling, but those will have to wait until she caught up with them first.
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Aisling
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Aisling The Creator of RPs and creating things for them!

Member Seen 9 mos ago

"Warning! Father found car! Hide in fear for he is infuriated!" Archemedes flew into the cafe squawking and flying fast as he could. He went into the shop and grabbed a bag and knocked various items into it before he left wondering where his owner could be.

Aisling just shoved the cart in a chute which she hoped that it would go upstairs while she leaned out to yell
"Archemedes! Get your butt in here now!"

Archemedes flew into the doorway and into the stairway. Aisling closed the door and went upstairs as quick as she could. She could hear her father stomping around downstairs. He was overturning tables and throwing chairs about as he was yelling.

"Aisling! You are going to be the ruin of me yet. Where are you? If I find you, you better run for your effing life because you behind will be blistered for this trick. I warned you 3 months ago not to runaway again and what to do you? You ran off with those cards that I was foolish enough to put your name on. Now just how much of a bill have you run up, girl." the irate father yelled.

"Father, the officer is here and wondering what you are doing in here." William spoke as he ducked a flying chair.
"Jeez, you are making a grand mess in here."

"Mr. Smythe, settle down. I thought that you were a reasonable man. One of good judgement and sound mind. I am wondering about that thought now." Officer Jenkins spoke as he sidestepped a chair.

"Excuse me officer. That chair slipped out of my hand. Carpel tunnel, you know." father quickly calmed down when the Officer spoke.

"Uhuh. Just like all of the other chairs? I got a call that some crazy old man was wrecking up the old Ghost Cafe. The workers are cowering in fear from all the noise and yelling and breaking up of the chairs and tables." Officer spoke.

"I am hunting my daughter that ran away again. Just 3 months after I warned her not to do it again. 3 months, I tell you!" Father nearly yelled. "I ought to tear this cafe down. The sign is loose and about to fall off, looked at all of this dust in here. I am surprised that I'm not coughing from it. These menus are for the birds. Ridicules prices should be 2 maybe 3 times higher than what is on this menu.
Everything is so antique and might fall apart. Why hasn't the health inspector condemned this building yet? That is something that I would like to know." The father spoke heatedly.

"Father, just listen for a moment. You so totally lost Aisling when you didn't give her cake and ice cream for her 18th birthday like you promised her. You even sent her to her room by force and locked her inside. You never gave her one thing. Beside that..." William was interrupted by Father.

"You just shut your mouth up, boy. You have no right to speak against me and you should know it since you went to that fancy lawyer school." Father was speaking to William as he shook a finger at him who was a good 6 inches taller. William stared at Father and silenced him with a raised hand.

“I am leaving. I hope that Aisling keeps running fast and far because you are likely to make her into a slave. “ William walked out of the café. He had a set of keys to Aisling’s Nitro and was able to drive off.

“I suggest that you do the same, Mr. Smythe. “ Officer spoke as he walked back up to him from sitting the tables and chairs to their normal places.
“There was no need to sit everything to rights. This dump will be destroyed by the end of the week. I’ll personally see to that.” Father declared as an engine could be heard.
“I’m sure that your son and daughter will have a thing or two to say about that. This place belongs to them as well as the ghost town behind it. Your mall is part of the ghost town as well. So tread lightly. Try to remember their birthdays and ages. I believe that the 13 years are up and you have lost control to all of this ‘project’.” Officer Jenkins spoke as he looked at Father who was confused as to how this officer knew so much about him and his family.
By the time Mr. William Smythe arrived at his vehicle, he realized who the police officer was- the son of a prominent judge who dared to go against his case. He got in the fancy BMW and sped off.
~So William has stood up for me and now the family is slowly breaking apart with us three older ones gone. Now the two younger ones had to carry the brunt of Father’s uncontrollable rage which Mother will not allow against her ‘babies’. And she did leave Father once and most likely will again soon……
“That was quite an earful. Thanks for letting me listen in. I’m going to my room.” Aisling spoke.
“Your stuff is all ready in it. Please come down and have your dinner. It’s about time to go so we don’t cause any more trouble.” Aisling spoke.
Runiaka lead the way down to the main floor of the hidden bus where there was another dining room with vending machines.

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