Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Periodity
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Periodity Misfortunate adventurer

Member Seen 5 mos ago

The Ancient Depths

Legends speak of the Last Haven, a civilization lost to time far beneath the crust of the world. It is a culture shrouded in mystery and only remnants of its evident existence remain on the surface world in the form of ancient ruins with undecipherable runes. What became of this civilization and what remains in the world below?

The underworld is a deep and dark place filled with vast expanses of unexplored cavernous regions. It is a place where the treasure and wonders of Last Haven lie, as well as the unimaginable horrors of the deep. The divers, brave explorers set on the discovery of ancient artifacts left by Last Haven are the only ones capable, and mad enough of traversing the depths.

Greetings brave explorers! My name is Periodity, and this is my second 1x1 interest check. I've heard you should keep these short so I won't delve too deep into the lore. If there is anything you'd like to discuss, don't be afraid to send me a PM!

This is what I imagine will be the main things in this RP

  • -Adventure- This is going to be an RP focused on exploring a new world with all the wonders and dangers that follow. Therefore, it will hopefully be filled with exciting and life-threatening events where the main explorers have to commit or die! Whether that be taking that seemingly impossible leap of faith over the abyss, or fighting that creature of the depth in order to save their partner.
  • -Taking it one meal at a time- Of course, there will be a time for relaxation and the slower aspects of an adventurer's life. A little chat during an inventory check, or maybe some cooking under the stove in a peaceful part of a flora-ridden cavern. Essentially, it won't be all "We're going to die!".
  • -Ancient mysteries- A central part of this experience will be uncovering parts of an ancient civilization that ruled the earth in ages past. Therefore, worldbuilding is essential for this RP. What's that? You LOVE worldbuilding? I think I'm going to like you :]
  • -Light and heavy- This RP will sway a lot between a lighthearted fantasy adventure to the grim reality of such a world. One minute you might be petting the cute cavernous jellyfish, the next you're on the brink of death from the poison it just injected into your blood flow. The stakes are high, but that shouldn't stop one from being just a little carefree from time to time.

And these are the things I'm looking for in you!

  • Be nice :]
  • Try to keep grammar mistakes to a minimum. (They are however fine as we're both human[?] and make mistakes). I usually try to proofread my posts at least once before posting them!
  • Two paragraphs should be the standard, and anything more is just great! This is quite situational though, so don't feel bound to this if the situation really doesn't call for more than one. But no one-liners as this is a Casual RP after all!
  • I'd also like to ask for at least one or two posts per week.
  • Communicate! For me, one of the most important and essential qualities of my partner in writing is the ability to communicate. If there is doubt about what a character should do, or if you've simply forgotten or not understood something, ask! I understand it is difficult for some to talk to a stranger, even online, but this is a skill I need to know you're capable of in order for us to both have fun.
  • Communication (the sequel), is not only important for the cooperation of writing this story, but also to ensure we're both actually having fun. From my limited experience of roleplaying, ghosting usually happens when one of the team is losing interest. This is totally fine and there is no blame in that, but please give a heads up. It could be a quick, "Hey, I think I'm losing interest.". I'm very patient, and if you want to take a break or quit, that is fine. But please do not make me wait for weeks without giving a word. And in return, I promise to always give a heads-up if I'm losing interest!*
    *: Exceptions to this are: if I'm abducted by aliens, ravaged to pieces by a deep sea creature, or died by several lightning strikes.

As stated above, I'm always open to questions and discussions about this idea. Send me a PM if this sounds interesting to you at all! (This check will stay open until it is filled :])

[[This RP is closed until further notice!]]
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Tora
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Tora Swooping is bad.

Member Seen 1 yr ago

*Trying to send a message via COM* Do yoouuzzz reeeeezzd meeeee? *COM dies*....well that sucks

I'll send you a PM!
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