Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by iGeorge
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iGeorge Historical Superhero Enthusiast

Member Seen 9 days ago


Does anyone else love and remember the X-Men: Evolution series from the early 00s? I know I still love it, even after all of these years. I always wondered what happened in the future in the world of that show, besides Professor X’s visions, of course. To anyone who loved that show, I have an RP plot proposal. It involved the OG cast of the show, Some X-Men, Magneto and a number of the New Mutants, training 6 to 8 new mutant characters in their teens, from the comics, to become a version of X-Factor. The rules apply as follows:

1: Partner must be 19 or older.

2: Partner must be willing to write a long-term story.

3: Must be Literate or, at least, semi-literate.

4: Must be able and willing to play multiple canon characters at once.

5: Must be a fan of the series and have seen the ending.

6: Comic and Cartoon AU Canon characters only. Sorry. :(

With all that out of the way, let me show you the plot. Hope you like it. :)


This story takes place 11 years after the end of Evo. In other words, in 2014. Professor X and Jean Grey died 4 years ago during the event that came to be known as ''The Phoenix Saga.'' The old X-Mansion at Bayside, Massachusetts, has been closed ever since. During this time, Mutants, at least the more human-looking ones, are now more readily accepted by the population, thanks to Charles Xavier's sacrifice, the reformation of Magneto and the previous work of the X-Men themselves, making the need for the team's heroics seemingly un needed, leaving the team to break up and live the lives of celebrity superheroes.(All the former X-Men are now (mostly) in their late 20s/Early 30s now, obviously)

Nowadays, the Former members of the Brotherhood, now Working for S.H.I.E.L.D as their “Freedom Force” task-force and the New Mutants, now having gone their separate ways, are the closest things there are to them. (The former are mostly government wetwork agents and mercenaries rather than champions.) Then, one day, a month before the start of the new school year in Bayside, the long-reformed Magneto, along with several others from the old cast, decide to return to their old, teenage stomping grounds, to reopen the Old School for Gifted Youngsters in the Professor and Jean's honor. Why? In response to two new threats to mutantkind and the world!

Those threats are 1: The recently established and secret ''Hellfire Academy'', An underground school and boarding house, founded to train young mutants to use their powers for the overthrow of humanity and the conquest of Earth. Led by its headmistress, the Telepathic mutant Emma Frost aka The White Queen, with its main teacher being Mystique, seeking to finally claim her revenge on the X-Men and her former Master.

2: An anti-mutant hate group calling themselves "The Friends of Humanity", who, unable to accept the growing acceptance of mutantkind in society, have banded together in order to persecute, attack and kill the ''dirty muties;'' that they believe will one day enslave Homosapien kind.

In order to protect their new students, The OG X-men have bought the old Xavier Mansion in secret under pseudonyms, maintaining the pretense of preserving and restoring the old house for prosperity while keeping it, seemingly, uninhabited. With Cerebro back online, (no longer needing a telepathic link to function due to technological enhancements,) a new class of 6 to 8 teenage mutants, all with very comparatively peaceful and normal lives up to this point, save for the anti-mutant hate they may or may not endure, will soon find those lives put on indefinite hold as they find themselves lured, recruited and, inevitably, declared humanity and mutant-kind's new hope for a peaceful world.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by iGeorge
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iGeorge Historical Superhero Enthusiast

Member Seen 9 days ago

Just a reminder to anyone reading. Please read the rules carefully before contacting me. If you have an OC you want to use, this isn't the game for you. Sorry. :(
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