He - A gruff man in his mid forties, in a political \ militarily career he has been working his entire life for. After so many years pursuing that career' he is finally heading to the place which he was aiming for. Only had one serious, long term relationship in his twenties, which ended in a very, very bad, perhaps even violent way, and ever since then he didn't commit to anyone. Until he saw her.

She - A young beautiful woman in the beginning of her twenties, majoring in Children's Psychology and Education. She comes from a small suburban town and studies in a fancy, ivy league college after receiving a scholarship due to her great grades and voluntary work at high school. She was raised only by her mother, who was working all the time to bring food on their table, so basically, she raised herself.

The two of them meet at a party in the college she goes to and things between them begin to thrive from there.

I want this to be a slow burning romance love tory, I'm searching for someone to play the male in this pairing (by the way, I'm also open to do this MxM or FxF )