Hidden 12 mos ago Post by Ojo chan 42
Avatar of Ojo chan 42

Ojo chan 42 The flower withers, as I walk by

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Hello there,

And welcome to my intrest check. First of all, thank you for coming here.

I am looking for someone willing to play a female love intrest of my own version of Vlad Tepesh, or better known as Dracula. This will be a slow burn, romance and adventure filled roleplay. I am not here for smut only, but like to work towards it, alongside a good plot to keep me and you both interested for a long term roleplay.

If you are looking for a anti hero with a big heart, that will tear the head off anyone that dares harm the woman he loves, or claps and encourages her when she does it herself, then you are at the right place.

The setting will be situated in modern times, and vampire's are very real. As are other supernatual beings. Though they prefer to keep themselves hidden from plain sight. Only a few know about their existence. Whether or not your char is aware of their existence is for you to decide. At some point or another, your char becomes involved with a group of not so friendly vampire's. They kidnapp you and hold you hostage. This group was planning to harm Vlad, and he is not having it at all. (Wheter or not your char was kidnapped for a reason or you just ended up at the wrong place at the wrong time is also open for discussion. Hell, if you want magic powers and that's why they kidnapped you, go for it)

Mercilessly he kills them all, when he finds their den. Only, he doesn't kill you. Because of certain risks involved with letting you go free, he drags you along with him to his castle in Romania.

The plot is still kinda vague, but I want it to fit y/c as well, so I wrote down in rough lines what I had in mind.

Ah, you are still here, great . Love you already.
Here is what I expect from you. Not much really, just some simple things.
-you have to be 18+
-you are fine with smut, gore and dark topics. Torture and blood are guaranteed in this RP.
-please post frequently. I lose my drive to write when I only get a post once every 2 weeks. So 2-3 replies a week would be nice.
-tell me if you have something going on or need a break. I get it, life gets busy, I'll do the same to you when I get a bit busy with whatever. I also have work and a life outside rp.
-i love ooc chatting, so I would prefer it if you did so as well.
-add your own things to the rp.
-have fun ,)

A little bit about myself.
I am a 27 y/o Dutch woman, with a love for mythology. I can research it for hours end. I work as a machine operator at a landscaping company. Big lawnmowers, CAT'S and tractors are my thing. Besides that I love to LARP and rp ofcourse.

I have discord if you prefer to communicate instead Oc there. I would prefer our rp in PM.

Hit me up if you ( want to get bitten) feel like starting this story with me.

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Hidden 12 mos ago Post by Ojo chan 42
Avatar of Ojo chan 42

Ojo chan 42 The flower withers, as I walk by

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Closed for now :)
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