I normally don't post a thread for a specific 1x1 idea, however, this idea has been on my mind and I can't shake it.

The Paradox

"The Fox has escaped, sir." A nervous, 30 or so-year-old man announced as he wrang his hands together.

A man with salt and pepper hair looked up from the letter he was writing on his desk. "What do you mean she escaped? There is no way she could just disappear."

The young man got even more nervous as a figure came into view. "Well, she did, and worse yet, her tracker has been left behind. We can't even begin to think where she would go or what she would do," he admitted as the older man sat up and looked at the figure that came into the room.

"You were right. She was getting antsy. We should've kept her better under lock and key. Bring her back, Hound and your reward will be great," the older man ordered.

The idea is that my character is the Fox and yours will be the Hound. They were raised in an assassin/thief guild that prized themselves for ending wars before they began with their efficiency. The Guild picks orphans who seem to show promise for blindly following orders yet have the drive to finish their jobs. Our two characters are some of the best members of the Guild that the elder members have seen in a long time.

Growing up our characters were always in competition with one another. Constantly trying to one-up the other. As they got older, it was more of a teasing game and light flirting until my character came back from a job, completely shocked with the information she learned. This leads her to dig up information that your character advises her to stop. Their job is to complete the missions given, not to question the Elders. My character is put on house arrest, thinking that isolation will give her time to think but the scene above starts.

We will start after this scene and do flashbacks to fill in background details and whatnot.

This world setting is fantasy with a sprinkle of the Medieval era, a little DnD inspired.

Here are my thoughts on partners.

1.) Must be 19+
2.) Must post at a casual length (2-7 detailed paragraphs)
3.) Must be willing to have mature scenes from Low-core gore to heavily romantic.
4.) Be willing to help contribute to the world-building and development.
5.) Must have romance within the story.
6.) The story will be in PMs. I'm not the biggest fan of threads or Discord.