My Character is a teenage girl who has been kidnapped by a small nest of vampires to serve as their blood slave. She is still allowed to go to school but is bullied because she is pale and an outcast. She is bullied by one boy in particular until he accidently sees her wrists, which are covered in bitemarks and cuts. Sam and Dean are on a case to find the vampire's nest. Not knowing that My Character has a Supernatural blood type. Giving the vampires immunity from the sunlight and dead man's blood. The bully eventually becomes her lover after seeing her scars and follows her to the vampire nest and sees what is done to her.
Before Sam and Dean finds the nest, Crowly discovers My Character (drinking My Character's blood gives him power like Sam and Ruby and he wants to use her blood to rule Hell and kill Lucifer) and comes in and kills the vampires himself, taking her down to Hell. In his spare time he enjoys physically torturing her and her cries of pain reach Sam and he convinces Dean that they need to save her. Rescuing My Character from Crowley, they invite her to stay and live in the Bunker with them.

> I am NOT looking to write sexually erotic roleplays. Sexual content MUST be kept on the PG - PG13 level.
> I ask that this be written in THIRD person; first is awkward for me.
> I ONLY write M/F gender-paired-romances.
> Because of the dark and gritty nature of Supernatural, I would prefer my partner to be at least 21 in age. I am 32.


If interested in roleplaying together, please send me a Private Message instead of replying here to my Thread.