Hidden 6 mos ago Post by EchoWolff
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EchoWolff Keeper of Lost Memories

Member Seen 3 days ago

The world is in shambles, it always has been. Corporations rule everything, chief offenders include one of the most prosperous Genetic Research and Development companies based in the country of North Daimon; Xenotec Industries. Genetics as a science has changed from studying its intricacies to editing its very foundation, giving rise to new breeds of humanity...

The Supernaturals, strange powers were unlocked by adapting to external stimuli with more than a little help.
The Hybrids, a union of beast and man through advanced genome splicing.
The Strangers are seemingly normal at first glance, but secrets of human genetics lay deep within, giving more unique side effects.
These genetically altered persons comprise 15% of the population and are used as labor slaves for other corporations, often sold to the highest bidder, and the industry is only reaching higher in its ambition...

Genetic modifications are as widespread as smartphones, though not voluntarily, and it seems that the color of skin is not the only thing being discriminated against anymore. Humanity split, only a matter of time before the country goes downhill. That's what the North Daimon Peacekeeping Force is supposed to prevent, keep the mutts in their place and no civil war. It turns out that's only doing more damage than intended.

Enter the Resistance, a small group of Altereds going against Xenotec and their corporate military. That's where you come in.

STR4NG3RS is a campaign designed for 4-6 players, running on a 2d8/2d6 system of my creation. It will be gritty and dark, underlining corporate corruption, and discrimination, and a realistic view of the results and aftereffects of successful genetic modification. This setting is a midway point between cyberpunk and modern, meaning advanced technology exists but is only available for those who have the cash to access it. The continent of North Daimon will be the main area in which the story takes place, beginning in the megacity of Sion.

Hidden 6 mos ago Post by rush99999
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rush99999 Professional Oddball

Member Seen 44 min ago

Count me in.
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Hidden 6 mos ago 6 mos ago Post by EchoWolff
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EchoWolff Keeper of Lost Memories

Member Seen 3 days ago

Count me in.

If you would like to talk to me about character ideas, please don't hesitate to hit me up, I am happy to help out!
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by rush99999
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rush99999 Professional Oddball

Member Seen 44 min ago

I've settled on the Supernatural Classification. I've had a few ideas regarding Stigma, but I haven't fully settled on any of those ideas yet. Is there a set list of Stigmas or can it be anything I want it to be so long as it's within reason?
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by EchoWolff
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EchoWolff Keeper of Lost Memories

Member Seen 3 days ago

Anything within reason, as long as you run it by me first. Because you are thinking of Supernatural, the Stigma will also help me create a starter set of Paradigms for you.
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by rush99999
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rush99999 Professional Oddball

Member Seen 44 min ago

Ok then. Here are the ideas I had for a Stigma.

Hidden 6 mos ago Post by EchoWolff
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EchoWolff Keeper of Lost Memories

Member Seen 3 days ago

Interesting spread... I would say combine Madness and Horror, and that is a no to Power. Otherwise it's a pretty solid list.
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by rush99999
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rush99999 Professional Oddball

Member Seen 44 min ago

Madness/Horror combo it is.
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by EchoWolff
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EchoWolff Keeper of Lost Memories

Member Seen 3 days ago

I would advise renaming it to Phobia or something similar so it appeals to both aspects
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by rush99999
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rush99999 Professional Oddball

Member Seen 44 min ago

Phobia. Sounds good. I'll go with that.
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by EchoWolff
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EchoWolff Keeper of Lost Memories

Member Seen 3 days ago

Working on possible Paradigms for your current set, will send them to you once they are ready
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