Just gonna give the charries a little barracks to hang out in. Leading post, so will throw updates and stuff in this message I guess. Nothing too fancy here.
The list is in no particular order, just kind of who I can think of when they come around. Strikethroughs are those who are actively taken romantically. They're not off the table for rping, but I would feel a little weird about using them in a romantic fashion when they're already doing the same thing somewhere else.
Ayil - One of two, a hybrid of an angel and demon. Seeks out fun, adventure, power, and eventually got entangled in love. Married, has one daughter. Explorer, hunter, flirt, thrillseeker. Had trouble with her inner self and needed help to settle her soul and personal problems. The type to give a compliment then fight the person she just complimented. Ageless but not immortal.
Amitiel - Two of two, a hybrid of an angel and demon. Chases after her sister and tries to keep her out of trouble. Loves science and criminology. Typically has some kind of new experimental drug that may or may not cause mutations in other organic beings, or maybe the next zombie apocalypse, one never knows. Married, thinking about adoption. Scientist, agent, analyst, curious. Helped her twin through her problem phases then focused on her husband's detective work. The type of person to FAFO whatever she can, even if it threatens herself, others, or the general populace. Ageless but not immortal.
Riven Pan - Mutant thief from a steampunk and magically infused world. He was altered when his parents dabbled with Elder God tomes and accidentally ripped open a dimensional portal. Killed both of them but he was infused with that magic. Not only can he walk through walls and other surfaces, but he can also hop between dimensions. Has a spirit-like companion bound to him. He's a kid, but also an adult with heavy shoulders, carrying the weight of murdering someone when he didn't want to. He drowns his nightmares in exploring new dimensions and high energy chases. He's the type to steal your most precious item then dangle it in front of you before taunting and falling into the floor.
Yisbren Valaritaw - An apprentice mage who specializes in elemental magics. She wishes to journey and practice her casting, befriending most that come her way, including a dragon or two. Usually travels with her mentor, but she has to spread her wings sometime. She's fascinated by history, and would love to learn about the Old Ways alongside the New, especially when it comes to magic. She's the type to appear cool and collected, a court mage in training, but really, she just wants to experience the world and learn from it.
Jherek Connors - Bassist in a small time band who had his life turned upside down when a superhero who lived above him climbed into the wrong window after a night of defending the city. They grew to love one another, but then tragedy struck. Jherek gained superpowers, but he also lost his partner. Confused and broken, he left that city, and has been wandering since, running from that pain however he could. He's a little better now, but he dares not show off his abilities. If he's found out, next town it is. He always carries his favorite bass though, even if he can't bring himself to play. He's the type to make pancakes with soda pop instead of water or milk and top it off with ice cream.
Natalie Malak - A ship captain with stealth tech, Nat prides herself on a good ship, good crew, and a good reputation. She'll take most jobs that won't harm the lesser off people, but that doesn't mean she's a law abiding citizen either. Her ship is known to be one of the best smuggling ships out there, and she can handle herself pretty well in a fight. She's romantically involved with one of her alien crewmates, but that won't stop her from her promise to get the job done. She's the type to outwardly scold disobedience but cheer for it on the inside.
Basics Name: Talya Malak Age: 26 Race: Human Android Occupation: Mercenary Class/Role: Gunslinger Appearance: Talya has medium length ashy-black hair layered in a feathering fashion with golden cybernetic eyes and a large burn scar covering half of her face. She has several other scars adorning her face and body, remnants of knife, bullet, burn, surgical, and natural wounds. Talya stands at a fair 5'8" and appears to be in nearly prime health weight wise. She's got an average chest and rear size with an athletic body shape and a square shaped face. Brief History: Talya was the sister of Natasha, thought to be killed in a horrible explosives accident. She was dragged out of the rubble, near-death, and taken away to become a pet project in one of the many unofficial underground labs sanctioned by House (forgot the name, look up later). Forced through unbearable pain and experimentation, Talya was made whole again through the frowned upon "Living Models" program, bringing the best from cybernetics and organics into one being. With various organs kept and healed from her original body, Talya was upgraded to a cybernetic body, now immune to most hazards like radiation, gravity, and the need for oxygen. Her disposition for causing harm and feisty attitude towards her experimenters lined her up for a different program instead of the typical Living Model options available to the public. Talya was instead programmed and conditioned for combat, to which she took much pleasure in. After decades of development, Talya forgot her tormentors from before, instead reveling in the power she was gifted and the immunities she held now. Her attitude changed from a rebellious teen to an efficient machine, a woman who took her orders and had fun executing them. One day, the lab released her to a private auction site, offering her as an agent for the House to perform for the highest bidder. There she has stayed, taking entertaining jobs from those who could pay her prices, her House pocketing a good chunk of the money and further developing her abilities and arsenal, and Talya enjoying her tasks and freedom to complete them, programmed and loyal to her employers.
Personality Faves: The feeling of completion, finishing something, or winning; Dopamine and adrenaline rushes Likes: Anything competitive Dislikes: Losing, being in a position of submission, begging Hates: Lies, sympathy, plays to emotion Hobbies: Sports, training, pushing people's buttons, pushing actual buttons Attracted To: Power, risk. Doesn't care about genders. Marital Status: Single Personality Type:
Skills Natural Talents: Tinkering and modding Learned Skills: Firearms mastery Traits: Void of Empathy Strengths: Focused, loyal, efficient Weaknesses: Electrical energy, reminded of childhood memories
Charlotte - A brilliant lass who specializes in underground augment and cybernetics work to help the little people who can't afford the newest upgrades. A neutral party to the political shenanigans of the world, she serves both the pinkies up nobility and the dangerous gangsters of the underworld. She lives in a junkyard, sorting through the various pieces for compatible parts and living a fairly lonely but appreciated life. Charlotte is the type of gal who goes over the top with her outward appearance to hide her inner insecurities.
Levyn - He's not quite sure how he has the life that he does, but Levyn lives fairly comfortably. Large house, nice cars, good looks, physical prowess, the works. The only thing he could complain about are these blackouts he has. One moment he's inside a local coffee shop, the next he's in a park across town seven hours later. Dixtors find nothing, and no medicine has helped him, so he just shrugs it off as some weird thing he has to live with. He hasn't yet found that secret cubby though, the one holding the protective gear, masks, and that blood stained knife that so itches to find a new canvas to carve into. Levyn is the type of guy to turn on cruise control whatever chance he can get.
Ceceila Rose Davenport-Rehwind - She's full of herself, knows she's good, and has creatures at her disposal; No one messes with this witch. A woman who seeks out the secrets of the natural world, Ceceila practices various forms of witchcraft, even able to summon beings from beyond. Many have tried to kill her, but she just keeps coming back sooner or later. She's the type to flip her hair to win a man's heart, then ditch him in the forest naked to watch the wolves pursue.
Pacelli - A desire demon who enjoys mischief and manipulation. He's been around for a while, and knows The Twins from some of their adventures. He even tried taming one of them once, but instead got his rear handed to him and forced to become a servant for a while. While they're friends now, he'd never try to cross them again for fear of his existence. Other creatures however, are fair game. He makes deals with whatever will supply him with entertainment, pleasure, or power, and sometimes he has to make protective deals with other, stronger, creatures to keep himself out of trouble. Many a soul have a bounty on his head, and just as many have a contract to protect him. Pacelli's the type to dig himself a deep hole and use others as a ladder to climb out of it.
Hayden - Self insert. Controls symbiotic micronanobots that act like a second skin, weapon, shield, or tool. Remote control and hacking of electrical devices, 'bee' swarms, shock therapy, the works. Just a fun little What If scenario.
Meiller Kristophf - Vampiric butler. He serves his family for generations, and is now at the service of his Lady. He has been assigned to classic duties such as cleaning, cooking, doorman, bodyguard, and supportive lover, though he has also seen work as an assassin, diplomat, and sacrifice to prove a point. The only thing he refuses to do is turn someone of the family, no matter how much he may be begged to do so. He's the type of guy to be a literal punching bag and never complain.
Neculai Flaviu - Vampire Lord of a fictional village in the Carpathian Mountains, eastern Romania. One of the few "good" vampires, he's been around for a long, long time and has both been a menace to the region and a savior of outcasts. Worshiped as a role model for many, this ancient man is adored to the point of near-cultism, when all he wanted was to be alone with his guilt.
Ulrich Hartmann - Supernatural creature hunter. Member of a fictional Order and has origins tied in Germany. A veteran at his work, this man is heartless to the beasts that plague the region, though protective of what and who is his. Specializes in revolvers and the blade.
Genevieve Coorhagen - A woman who was turned vampire by an old nobleman, she has embraced her new life and became the center of every party after her rebirth. Speaks multiple languages, loves the glitz, glamor, and fame, and uses her suitors as feedbags. She's trained in some martial weapons, favoring the glaive, but much prefers to use her honed talents to lure her prey and suck them dry of all assets before discarding them like the trash they are. When she gets bored, she seeks interesting people to entertain her, sometimes even burning down her empire to start anew somewhere else. She's the type to waltz into a ballroom, throw her hands up, and announce her magnificent presence herself, then bask in the stares of everyone around her. Originally created from the world of Legacy of Kain.
Mufasa - Fire, fire, burn! This salarian has a love for all things aflame, and is a feisty piece of work. Being a mercenary, he and his brother-in-arms Kaiul were a near unstoppable force, until Kaiul met a sudden and unfortunate end. That nearly broke Mufasa, and his antics flew out of control. He always has something burning, and if it's not, then it will be in next minute or so. Reckless, sacrificial, suicidal, Mufasa takes his sadness out on the enemy, charring everything he can. He's the type that never needs caffeine, for he's always wired. Originally created from the Mass Effect universe, inspired by the multiplayer character of the salarian engineer.
Ranik Kent - Outcast, loner, and mercenary, this Ex-Jedi Knight travels the stars in his smuggling ship and doing those odd jobs to keep the credits rolling. He was never fully on board with the whole "defend the defenseless" type of thing the Jedi talked about, but he never hated to the point of being a Sith, so here he is, stuck in the middle. He's sarcastic, protective of his ship, and training constantly. He's the type to use whatever he can in a fight, including civilian meat shields. Originally inspired from the Star Wars universe, Old Republic era, around the times of Revan and Meetra Surik (KOTOR 1 + 2 versions).
Onhir Thylie Niar'Haanin - Drow trickster assassin, neutral evil and stealth master. 'Nuff said. She's in it for herself, whether that's gold, power, or infamy, and has been known as The Drenched. She will betray her party at any moment if it suits her needs, like the time she was used as a shield against a bear and she just disappeared, leaving the hider to face off against the bear alone. However, she does have respect for other skilled folk, and doesn't dive into fights half-thought out. She loves the stars and night sky, one of the only times she can be seen as "vulnerable" or personable, and she wishes to know more about the celestial bodies there. Due to this, she worships Oghma, and as she learns more about the world around her, she shifts her focus to not just the celestials, but to anything weird and strange she comes across. Originally from original player character for a 3.5 edition Dungeons and Dragons campaign, exported to Neverwinter (MMO) and another 5th edition campaign, then further exported to the Baldur's Gate series.
Riyel - Werewolf Breton Nightingale. Explorer and collector of powerful gear, to which she displays in her home. Exported from The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.
Mazii - Necromatic Breton conjurer. Mad God. Archer illusionist. Looks like death, smells like death, has seen and been part of some crazy stuff. Exported from The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion.
Mallory "Merikh" Liridon - Illusionist, enchanter, alchemist, Duskblade assassin. His home was raided by a nasty guild-cult due to drama between his father and another, and all but himself were murdered. Left on the doorstep of another guild, Merikh was trained and broken to be one of the most fearsome assassins in the land. His reputation speaks for itself as civilians and other guild members alike grow pale from the mere mention of his name, and many don't walk away from an encounter with him. Almost utterly loyal to his guild, the only thing that could stand in his way is his own feelings for another, a partner he's known all his life in the guild. Cool, playful, and brutal, Merikh is the type to disguise himself or break people in order to achieve his goals.
Liadan - Werewolves always get the love, but what about a rabbit? Liadan has power and control over elemental ice, and is a student to learn how to properly handle her ability. She's a punk, but easily excitable and startled. She's the type to prance about in joy then freeze when another watches her, embarrassed at her childish outburst.
Basics Name: Kailynn "Kay"/"Lynn" Porter Age: 24 Race: Pure Human, Fornax Constellation Occupation: Criminal Class/Role: Engineer Appearance: Tall for a pure human, Kailynn stands at a nice 5'10", has olive undertoned skin, and is lean in musculature. Her long limbs allow her to reach in to certain mechanical areas of vehicles and ships fairly easily, though she is still saddened by the lack of her younger, smaller frame to be able to crawl right in to the mechanisms. Her brown-black hair is usually tied up in a bun or wrapped tightly under an engineer's cap, and her gray-blue eyes always shine with either mischief or determination. She's of an athletic build, not too curvy with her rear and chest, and she usually wears loose-fitting clothing, one of her usual looks being a plain white short sleeve, brown overalls, and sturdy lace up brown boots. Sometimes she'll wear welding goggles or that classic orange engineering cap and black protective gloves, but that's usually when she's actively working on something. Kay has a few scars and burns on her body, mostly from chemicals, electrical shocks, or thermal damage from her specialized work. Brief History: Kay had always been a talented girl, but was thrown in to the wrong crowd at a young age. They never treated her badly, and they valued her size and knowledge of mechanical devices that they continued to invest in her grease monkey aptitude. However, she didn't fit in properly with the more overlooked aspects of her family, since she wanted to overthrow the oligarchy instead of become it. She's been seen and caught vandalizing signs, along with various counts of petty theft, vehicular sabotage, and grand theft spaceship, all aimed at the richer folks and never at the working classes. Unfortunately, the last one got her in a case of community service for a year, and that's when her most recent troubles started.
Personality Faves: The hum of strong and healthy machinery, unpolluted night skies Likes: Sticking it to The Man, puzzles Dislikes: "Pretty Boys", oligarchs, authoritarianism Hates: How they can just keep getting away with it Fears: Unexpected gravity Hobbies: Tinkering, diagramming/designing, working out, upkeep and calibrations Attracted To: Feisty and adventurous types Marital Status: Single Personality Type:
Skills Natural Talents: Mechanical intelligence, improvisation Learned Skills: Grease monkey engineering, some hacking, lockpicking, brutal self defense tactics, parkour Traits: Intelligent, resourceful, impulsive, logical Strengths: Squirreling her way out of bad situations Weaknesses: Impulsive reactions to those who hold power place her into bad situations
Selma Aldine - College girl who is the lonesome but infamous "Miss Moody". She's snarky, judgemental, and a straight up bully, though she means well. Her harsh words are meant to trigger an emotional response, an egging guilt, and then hopefully change the path the target was on. She's been able to turn dumb jocks into smart and successful adults with a few simple sentences, and while everyone hates her attitude, no one dares to bring her harm. Currently and unwillingly a magical girl. Transforms into an emotionally charged and ruled fairy of the moon. Uses music as her weapon.
Codie Herman - A young college girl who is near deathly afraid of social situations. Even with those considered friends she's a stuttering and self conscious mess. Incredibly smart and intuitive. She unfortunately latches onto the highest perceived social queen/king to mimic and learn from them, but while alone, she can't enact what she's learned from them. Currently attached to Selma Aldine. Currently a magical girl. Transforms into a strong and tactically thoughtful leader, a military bunny with the power of the cosmos.
Temperance "Trish" - An angel embodying the reward after patience. She believes humanity can be better than it is, and can be guided to greater heights with time. Gains power from long term satisfaction or genuine love, especially when the action is beneficial to the situation as a whole. Specializes in using the blade.
Kalani Mane - Adrenaline junkie. This islander seeks out adventure in all of its forms, even that which would be dangerous to her well-being. Known for physical hobbies like surfing, rock climbing, and hiking.
Valère Mahaut - An aspiring mechanic. When he's working on his passions, he's calm, cool, collected. Outside of that, he's brash, impulsive, and somewhat rowdy. He's really just a confused young adult who had been pressured into being the best at what he did because of familial and societal expectations, but he really just wants to learn his passions and reflect on his own self. He's the type of guy who could be calendar supermodel, but never will be because of his near-bullying attitude.
Hadley Simmons - A space marine specializing in marksmanship and scouting. He's a bit of a loner, but that doesn't mean he's a bad person. He's an artist in his spare time, a mischief maker while off duty, and while he isn't the strongest out there, he's quite agile and sneaky. He enjoys exploring the area and getting into places he's not supposed to only to say that he could and did. Hadley has also picked up some mechanical skills, able to piece together simple to intermediate objects using scrap or junk harvested from other broken materials.
Basics Name: Aylindyan Ei'fasora Age: appears to be young adult Race: Lunar Elf Occupation: Princess Class/Role: Geisha Appearance: Dyan is a classical Lunar Elf, with long, bright white hair and molten silver eyes. The golden flecks in her irises resemble the constellation of the Dancer, and at times seem to sparkle when she's truly happy. Dyan is as pale as the bright moonlight, and her elven features, even the sharp ones, are soft as if she were sculpted by an artist. Her body is not the strongest, though her long and slender limbs are quite exercised and flexible. She is thin, and likes to wear dresses that give herself a mystical and royal aura. Brief History: A princess of one of the noble families, Aylindyan has been gifted with an education during wartime, not only focusing on her etiquette and duties of an heir to a noble house, but also trained to defend herself. While it's unorthodox, her preferred weapon of choice is dual fans, light and graceful while harboring the ability to deflect and redirect her opponent's blows. She was educated on politics, how to read people, observation, and how to easily get what she wants. Aylindyan was offered as an option for one of the many arranged marriages of this wartime, and against her will, she was accepted as that offering. This has left her bitter in her situation, though her pride for her people and duty has kept her in line... for now.
Personality Faves: Pearls, moonstone, night, silver and blue Likes: Flowers, beauty, romanticism, swimming Dislikes: 'Ugly' environments, stinging insects Hates: Being seen as inferior Hobbies: Painting, food and wine tasting, dancing, moonlit walks and outings Attracted To: (this doesn't matter) Marital Status: Engaged / Married Personality Type: ESFJ - The Consul
Skills Natural Talents: Most forms of magic, artistic talent Learned Skills: Deflection, martial prowess, dance, political strategy Traits: Stubborn, egotistical, prideful, loyal, intelligent, planner Strengths: Mind games, negotiation Weaknesses: Traditional pride, physical strength
Basics Name: Verđandi Age: Around 40 Race: Human (Ash-Risen, unbeknownst to her) Occupation: Warrior, Adventurer, Defender Class/Role: Valkyrie. A title given to those guardsmen who have faced tragedy and death, yet walk to see another day. Fierce in battle but loyal to their comrades, these warriors guide their people to victory or death, both outcomes deserving of honor and pride when fairly fought for. Valkyries prefer close quarters combat but don't shy away from using ranged options when it suits their cause. They were regarded highly, seen as guardians borne from the willow itself, years of memory and training bestowed upon them as a gift in their time of calling. Appearance: Verđandi is a proud and strong woman, having seen years of travel and battle. Her face holds an aura of experience and faith, her posture one of nobility and pride. Light blue eyes like pure ice judge others they look upon, and long, silver hair like wavy clouds cascade from her head, unless theyre pinned up in a haphazard bun. Various wrinkles mark her face originating from the sun, her age, or the stresses of battle. While mostly serious and typically wearing a neutral frown, there are lingering lines of laughter that have joined her other wrinkles. She's not the strongest person ever, but her muscles are notable and her body fit for her duty. She has wide hips and a pear-like figure, the skirt tails of her armor accentuating that fact. In battle, she prefers a full coverage platemail with blue and brown undercoat, though she foregoes the full helmet. Instead, she dons a headdress, fitting like a tight hood, with various hand-threaded sticks, vines, leaves, feathers, and fur, silver beads of various sizes adorning then like hair. This natural tapestry is a tribute of the sacred tree at her long lost home and of the long scattered critters that inhabited the place. When lounging or working, the woman prefers practical wear: pants to skirts, tunics to corsets, boots to slippers. In what little leisure time she gives herself, she seems a working but homely peasant, used to the rigors of homesteading and an earned life. She prefers to use a sword and shield, though has had some experience in using larger weapons. That signature shield is a classic spade-like shape, though the emblem of a long abandoned town gently marks the metal, a depiction of what could either be seen as a tree with sweeping, drooping branches, or a flow of water, falling from some larger origin. Her blade is simple in design, though similarly holds the naturalistic motif of her headdress and shield with the scabbard. Brief History: Verđandi was a woman who took care of her own. She was both a homesteader and guard, a mother to all, and a wisewoman without the witchcraft. She was hearty and self sufficient, never married since she could kick all the boys' butts, but highly respected. Hailing from the town of Moonvale, she was one of many who fell when the Darkness swept over her town and consumed everything. She fell at the landmark Willow, defending her hometown and fellow people as long as she could. She happily sacrificed herself for them, and in return, was given new life.
Personality Faves: The feeling of accomplishment, mutual aid Likes: Home-cooked meals, hearty beer, nature Dislikes: Arrogance, selfishness Hates: The Darkness, unbalance in the world Fears: Losing her life without making the most of it, not providing enough for those around her Hobbies: Gardening, supporting others, hunting/butchering Attracted To: A generally good person Marital Status: Single Personality Type:
Skills Natural Talents: Self-sufficiency Learned Skills: Homesteading, some woodsmanship, sword and shield fighting Traits: Caring, stubborn, resourceful, supportive, brave, encouraging, truthful Strengths: Working with others' skills and abilities, refocusing people Weaknesses: Absolute need to save as many as she can