Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Carnelian
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Carnelian Viscountess

Member Seen 18 days ago

Checking in again to see if there is a way my account can be merged with my original account. I am not sure why the previous thread was locked. I would like my account to show the original join date as 8 years ago, if it is possible. However I wouldn't want my original account to be banned or deleted until this change can take place.

Hidden 5 mos ago Post by LegendBegins
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Moderator Online

Hey, I haven't forgotten about the original request. It's not possible yet, but I still think it will be sooner rather than later.
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Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Carnelian
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Carnelian Viscountess

Member Seen 18 days ago


Great to hear! Be sure to keep in touch.
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