Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Srpv
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Srpv Phase-Scene/Shadow-Rave is the question!

Member Seen 1 hr ago

1} Name: Szef.
Gender: Male.
Age: 32.
Race: Vipegoggler.
Power Level: 1250.

Special Techniques: Plasma Scythe: Channels energy into the Arm, hyperleatheling it to a visible green plasma(ki) that eradicates and purges contact.

Venomsurge: Green honed Ki-Blast. Can be liberated power or overkilled like the Galick Guns|Kamehameha's do.

Venomnought: Green Ki-Blasts controlled that merge, if wanted, to better blasts. Usually the barrage is sufficient without merging ki-blasts.

Gear: Red Scouter, that Bardock type of Armor but Purple where Black, and sure I'll use the enforcer gauntlet blaster.

Appearance: Lean-muscular Brown Straight-Spotted Viperoid; The Head's Eyes have Viper Slit Irises not circular, with two Fangs protruding on the outside of the Snout, ample Fangs within too.
Torso has Arms and those have Hands with 3 Scaled Fingers each. The Belly Scales shape the Torso. And a Tail not Legs.

Hieght is 6"9.

Personality: Tactical, crude, but foreshadowy not primeval, so it's acceptable.

Backstory: I was a Space Mercenary whose Agency Frieza's elite killed. I was stealing a stardrive in a Ship Hangar when I saw those that didnt join die like marauders. I asked to join. When? A year before Planet Vegeta was eliminated.
Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by Srpv
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Srpv Phase-Scene/Shadow-Rave is the question!

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Name: Extreme Viper.
Age: 32.
Race: Human.
Fighting Class: Thief.
Gear: One-Piece polorized Goggle, a green camo neck gaiter, green camo uv arm sleeves, brown Camo cargo pants with fastnerbelt, brown urban assault boots.
Weapons: A double-edged Chromaticsword around the waighst. It wires out to 7Ft.
Appearance: 6"3 Male, Muscular peach skinned but not buff around the Neck and Shoulders - a Pushups jogging formal situps type. Brown Crown Hawk.
Backstory: Dad was a Guard, He retired to smith Armor, Mother saw Her marriage to retirement. Ranger Guild didnt accept me, so I learned agility stealing self teaching myself swordsmanship. I crafted this sword instead of armor, so went ranging not adventuring.
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Srpv
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Srpv Phase-Scene/Shadow-Rave is the question!

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Personality:Nice, broad, stalwart, instead.
Habitat:Hollows, Meadows, Towns.
Attacks: Shadow Ball, Thief, Pursuit, Moonlight.
Maturity:Has had battles with intermediates, steadily getting fiercer with integrity, because of no losses.
Size:3ft high, about 4ft long
Hidden 23 days ago Post by Srpv
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Srpv Phase-Scene/Shadow-Rave is the question!

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Pokemon Starter for Future Mystery Dungeon RP: Chaos the Spearow.
Hidden 5 days ago Post by Srpv
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Srpv Phase-Scene/Shadow-Rave is the question!

Member Seen 1 hr ago

An 18-21 Years Old Gambit at Xaviers Mutant Institute.
Hidden 5 days ago Post by Srpv
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Srpv Phase-Scene/Shadow-Rave is the question!

Member Seen 1 hr ago

e-Scene/Shadow-Rave is the question!
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146 posts in 69 days

Name: Xander Coolsvale.
Alias: Spade.
Age: 27.
Personality: Complacent, Sharp, Smug, Sane, Secular.
Powers: Swords Skill, Hand-To-Hand, Brawn, Agility.
Background Hero: Green Arrow.
Former Team Affiliation: JL Task Force.
Appearance: Green Tinted Goggles, Forehead to Toes Brown Bodysuit, Drab colored Torso Kevlar Body Armor that's pauldronless, Peach Handle|Hilt double-edged longsword that's 33in long in a Brown colored Scabbard straight on the Back, Drab colored aerodynamic pelvis and knee pads, Drab colored synthetic leather Assault Boots.
Potential Storylines: Antihero Girlfriend wants to be a Villain because its adverse or something. Call Her "Anarcard".
BRIEF Bio: Was a Noble Boy, not interested in being Adolescent (making Him such) from a Middle-Upperclass Family moving Homes for fun, local vacations always with the popculture car never exotic like with a plane or yacht. Had to do something to not be adolescent so I tried to be paragon. Making brawls on rooftops when on vacation got him no where, and the brash antagonistic effort for the nature was kept secret making Him blendvinbas intelligent among Family, so He stole at night when the idea came to atleast be out after Village Curfue. He stole from unlocked vehucles so well He thought to make it agility in a Suburban Setting where the vehicles were parked near Houses in a more silent night. Upon maturity having a Job He began Swordsmanship and using that night burgling to avenge Himself as Spade. He enterred Star City, confessing to Green Arrow His first real Hero gained from doing so. Green Arrow took Spade as a Prodidgy only during Street Trainings. With enough to be granted into the Justice League like He was; Through an Admission Certificate.
Notes: Spade doesn't normally visit the Watchtower.
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