Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by Lighthouse
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Lighthouse A fool with a bag of letters.

Member Seen 1 mo ago

- Foreword -

Below you will find a collection of ideas, music, and images that within the confines of my mind weave together what one could define as stories.
Be warned Fellow Traveler, here there be monsters, dragons, and dreams.

What to expect of me.
-Distant light above another shore-

Thousand or more words per posts.
Multi-character interactions.
World building fraught with many attributes.
Characters who are shown to have flaws, issues, and directives of their own.
Story above all else.

What is expected.
-Digging seaglass from below grains of sand-

Honesty in the regards that if the story is not suitable to taste.
Polite OOC interactions, neither of us are punching bags.
The ability to write character/characters as they are, not as one would assume them to be.
If an idea strikes the back of mind with hot iron, write it.

Stories yet to be
-Folded paper inside glass bottles-

Dark Savior, Supernatural, Demons, Monsters, and a cat in a hat named Topper.

Modern, Low Magic/Fantasy, Romance, and Wolves.

A thousand more ideas, stories, songs, and melodies are on tap. I believe these two concepts give a good span of my worth, or lack there of in this dream, concept, nightmare, hope, or hobby of ours.

-As the waves fade to low tide-

I have but one last question Fellow Traveler.
One last request before this song trails to its conclusion.
A singular thing to the very purpose of me joining this site.

May I have this dance?

Hidden 2 mos ago Post by BunniesOfDoom
Avatar of BunniesOfDoom

BunniesOfDoom Just a bunch of bunnies in a trench coat

Member Seen 24 min ago

C-Can I be your dance partner? The werewolf one! Please!
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