Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kael Taiyou
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Kael Taiyou Guillotine

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Welcome to the Earth Cradle, where you can find some of my chil- i mean, newborn characters. Here's some bgm while you read through this thread.

The Hikari Brothers from 'The Chessboard Rebels'

CS Form

Name: Marta Hikari
Age(Between 14 and 19): 16
Element: Fire

Weapon(The weapon you will get in Chessia.): Double Edge Spear (A Spear that has one blades on each end.)
Personality: She's the hot headed and serious person of the Hikari Bros. She snaks a lot and Masaki has to keep her in check.
History(At least 3 sentences): She and Masaki travel around the world after their parents died from illness, they had to learn how to fight if they wanted better lives.
Crush: She doesn't want any crush for now.
Family: Her Brother Masaki
Other: Has to help her brother get back on track, since he have a bad sense of direction.

CS Form

Name: Masaki Hikari
Age(Between 14 and 19): 17
Element: Wind

Weapon(The weapon you will get in Chessia.): Discutter (A light sword for quick attacks)
Personality: Masaki is a Cool Guy, Determined and Courageous, always ready to fight for his sister and anyone who is his ally. He tends to joke sometimes
History(At least 3 sentences): He and her sister live by defending themselfes from any harm, since their parents died from illness, they search a place in this world
Crush: None at the moment
Family: His sister Marta Hikari
Other: Has a crappy sense of direction

Trivia on these two characters: Masaki's name and personality (And Weapon) came from Masaki Andoh from Super Robot Wars. Both of their appearences are customs of the character editor of Gods Eater Burst (yeah, was kinda lazy to search two people with red hair, so i made my own. :P )

My two characters from 'The Academy'

Name: Touya Shuren
Age: 17

Quiet, Serious, Polite, Thinks that he shouldn't butt on other peoples problems
Bio: His parents died with illness, but they left money for him to pay his studies, he doesn't know why he was chose to enter the academy, but he knows that it is the kind of place for someone like him.
Group: the Halcyon
Other (anything else you want to add): When possible, he likes to be alone reading a book or walk around or praticing.

Name: Khriz Maya
Age: 18

Personality: He's the more laidback and kind guy who is kinda rebelious too, he's prone to not obey orders, even if that will put him on dire straits.
Bio: He ran away because he was sick of being too much inside of it, he lives his life as a troublemaker around the city, but then, their parents found him and sent to The Academy to put some discipline on him, but that backfired when he saw that there was a faction specially for him. But he doesn't agree with the fact that he can't leave the academy.
Group: The Sedition
Other (anything else you want to add): While he's a troublemaker himself, he doesn't like cruel people.
He also likes to drive bikes

Trivia on these two characters: Touya, like Masaki, came from a from a character from Super Robot Wars J, his personality is as if the real Touya didn't developed his character to be a kind person instead of a lonely one. And Khriz, his name and appearence comes from...

Don't worry, he doesn't have the fire attacks in the roleplay he is, and he's on a diferent personality.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kael Taiyou
Avatar of Kael Taiyou

Kael Taiyou Guillotine

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

More CS, most of them are from characters from another series, the originals are not in Hiders.

Name: Lerafa Oliver
Nickname: Lerry
Age: 18
Gender: Male
The Azure Blade

The Interdimensional Codec, which he uses to comunicate with his bas.
Fighter of the Wind Monk Style, a way of fighting that consists of using the users own energy to bend the wind and increasing it's own strenght, it's an all round style that focues on quick attacks, Defense of Vital points, and to increase of the movement speed. Lerafa found this style the best for him, since it used manipulation of energy, he decided to use said energy to create weapons made of energy, thus, the Azure Blade was created, with this weapon, he can use it to create slashes made of energy, usually, usually, using such kind of style tires much who uses it, but Lerafa was born with a great reserve of energy, that threatened to kill him when he was a child, so all that power was sealed in a 'Heart Seal' so that he can live up a normal life. He can also temporally unleash that seal to increase his strenght and uses the his Signature attack Vanishing Wave.
Species: Human

From: Original
Backup: (does your character have a squad or some friends that support him? Godlike characters will not have backup) His Brother Fel Oliver, which he can make a temporary fusion into a more powerful form. Usually, a fusion between two persons is impossible, but Fel has a Fake Body that was modified to make fusion with his brother.
Other: Even if he can create his own blade, his organization made a request to another world to give him a Physical Azure Blade, with the Cartridge System on in. Of course, this was against his will.

Name: Thomas Millard
Nickname: Barrier Breaker, and T (just T)
Age: 17
Gender: Male
He posses great physical strenght too, rivalling Hibiki, he also use chi attacks and martial arts as well, he's known for being able to break barriers and spout: "There's nothing these fists cannot break!"
Species: Human with Demon powers (hence his great strenght.)

From: He's Original (don't steal *shot*)
Other: He still might posses some more hidden powers (Now you know why Kaguya is here), his moveset is a mix of Ieyasu Tokugawa from Sengoku Basara for the strenght, AND THE POWER OF BONDS! (sorry, can't show a video this time) Domon Kasshu from G Gundam (for the chi attacks, like the Sekiha Tenkyou ken and the Chokyuu Raoh Tengeda) and Folka Albark (Aledy Naash) For the fight style and use of Haki. His hidden powers...i still haven't decided yet.
Theme Song: Ask the wind where your destination lies
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