Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Green


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Green


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Nexus multiverse faction:

A planet inhabited entirely of the rich upper class of pureblood Paradisonian descent. Life is great. Heaven on earth. A tropical paradise! Protected by an armada of robots, they couldn't feel safer. The rest of the population, the not-so-privileged.. Well, they're living on the moon, and the vast asteroid field surrounding the planet.

Asteroid defense grid http://wallpaper-million.com/Wallpapers/f/3D%20and%20CG/CG-Space-city-wallpaper_7912.jpg
A collection of military bases scattered across the asteroid field around the planet. Most of the inhabited asteroids have been hollowed out, and can hold thousands of people, in addition to fighters, carriers, and other military equipment and ships. Ahead of these bases, are the planetary defense turrets. Massive cannons that was only possible to build due to the absence of gravity.

Gyron is Paradiso's moon. It is grossly overpopulated, it's size is one third of the planet it orbits. It has been terraformed, and is completely habitable, though ugly. Outside the walls of the great cities, there is nothing but miles upon miles of barren wasteland. There are two classes of people living here. "Granted", those who have served their mandatory 20 year military duration, and been allowed access into the major cities. And "Denied", those who have, for whatever reason, haven't served, or dropped out before their time was due. Children are sent off to academies at birth, and are likely to see combat before they're eight years old. Those who live through, have either been lucky and avoided combat entirely, or grown skilled enough to survive it.

Military branches:
Each branch is divided into new branches that each specialize on different aspects of their main branch. No branch holds any power over the other, but a supreme Commander is able to command any of the branches. Pure Paradisonians are the only ones who are allowed to reach this rank, and often start high up in the chain of command to begin with, regardless of competence or skill.

Protectors: An army of robots and AI-controlled battleships that protect Paradiso itself. They answer only to commanders of pure Paradisonian descent, and the AI they've been assigned to.

Defenders: These brave men and women man the turrets and battle stations of the asteroid defense grid. Their duties lie primarily in holding the line, and do whatever it takes to ensure that no outside entity ever gets past it without permission. Most battle stations are manned by roughly five hundred men, as they're only there to man the colossal cannons, and fighters. The smaller turrets are all automated.

Invaders: The main force of the Paradiso military. These range from everything to massive battleships, to deployable footsoldiers and vehicles.

Unit Null: A special elite unit created solely for the purpose of keeping their own forces at their best. Any Null unit automatically outranks anyone from the other branches, with the exception of the commanders, and is numbered from one to twenty, where one holds the highest authority. To gain ranks in this unit, one simply has to kill someone of a lower number. This can happen at any time, except during missions. It ensures that only the best of the best holds a spot in this unit. This branch has it's own asteroid base, fitted with any assets they might need. They're heavily funded, and can make high-priced requests. There are three sub-branches; Science, Assault, and Logistics. Each of them holds 20 ranks, but it is impossible to gain ranks in more than one branch. The chain of command works differently than the main branches. A member of any branch, can command lower ranking members of the other branches, but not those of equal or higher rank. A special perk of being a member of the unit, is the freedom given during downtime between missions. As long as it doesn't interfere with Paradiso, or it's interests, they're free to do whatever they desire. No matter the level of crime.

Long term goal: To find and conquer the Nexus, making sure they're the only ones who are able to use it's magic.
Actual goal: Paradiso's high command secretly intends to destroy the multiverse. Leaving every dimension dead but their own.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Green


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Edmund Bask.
Codename: Genocide
Renown: The beast of Paradiso
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Race: Human (Pureblood Paradisonian)

Random descriptors: Height: 5'9 Weight: 160 lbs. Hair: Black. Eyes: Brown

Character Tier: Low

Character Type: Critical Character- Active Multiverse Participant

Physical Description: He wears a slightly personified Null unit uniform. Black full-body protective mesh bodysuit underneath everything else, gray combat boots, and a gray unbuttoned uniform jacket that has wrapped it sleeves up to his elbows, and with the number eight written on it's shoulders in bright white. His hands find themselves graced by the awesome that is fingerless black leather gloves. While his legs are covered by bland black combat pants. A white cravat adorns his neck, hanging down loosely. His skin is pale from the lack of sunlight, and he has noticeable darkened eyelids. Paranoia and sleep deprivation has taken it's toll on his body and psyche, and it shows. His body is quick and shifty. Expecting every person he meets to stick a blade in his back, he unconsciously keeps himself at least an arms length away from everyone he meets. He often hunches over, and lets his arms hang loosely towards the ground. His head darting back and forth like an animal. When he feels in control, this changes drastically. He gains a more noble, controlled demeanor; standing upright and expressing a lot more presence. He speaks more softly as well. Where he normally speaks in an overly rough, very aggressive manner, once in control, he speaks gently. His words carrying a hint of charm, but only for a moment. Beneath the momentarily gentle exterior, hides a paranoid monster.

Personality Description: Edmund is an overly aggressive, paranoid freak who doesn't know right from wrong. He solves most problems head on with violence or vile threats, while keeping himself at arms length from any emotional attachments that might occur. In his mind, everyone is out to get him. Even those without any motive to do so, believing them to be working with someone who does. He has severe abandonment issues, and nasty war traumas. He doesn't handle rejection well, and has no clue how to deal with his emotional problems. That being said, deep within his terrifying exterior, is a frightened little boy who was meant for a better life. His closest friend and companion is his trademark mecha, who he often speaks with, and can spend up to weeks locked up within it. It is, of course, not an actual living being, and is completely unable to hear him, or respond.

Skills, powers and abilities:

Body - (Low) He's fast, strong, and durable. Able to hold his own in a fight against his peers, but is easily outmatched by higher tiers. He's at the peak of what he can accomplish physically.

Close combat - (Low) While he haven't mastered any martial arts, he fights with a brutality that easily makes up for it. Pressing himself to shrug off pain and keep going until either he, or his enemy, is dead.

Pilot - (Intermediate) A natural talent at piloting mechas and aircraft, he is easily considered one of the best pilots in the fleet. Able to pilot such vehicles as if they were an extension of his own body. There is nowhere he is more at home, than in a cockpit.

Firearms - (Low) He has received basic training with most weaponry employed by the Paradiso military.

Mecha expertise - (Intermediate) He has spent years upon years of studies and practise, and knows his way around a Mecha like the back of his thumb. He is, due to this, able to build and design new Mechas, provided he has access to enough resources and a workforce of sufficient size. This does, however, not apply to the weaponry often installed in them, and requires a weapon expert of proficient skill to apply.

Character Equipment:

- Hell hound (High)
- Blood hound (Intermediate)
- Black hound (Intermediate)

Character History:
Edmund Bask was born on the tropical planet of Paradiso, into the line of James and Katherine Bask, killing the latter upon birth. His father took the loss heavily, and ultimately blamed his son for her death. He was reminded of her every time he laid his eyes upon the boy, and decided to send him off-world to serve in the military in hopes of never seeing him again. Once there, Edmund got no special treatment for being pureblood, and was ridiculed for it by his peers throughout his childhood. He was assigned to the 560th battalion, who at the time was fighting a war with the arachnids of the Yargan nebula for three years, which had long since degraded into a trench war stalemate. They had been trying to breach their last line of defense for months, and losses were great on both sides.

Edmund and the rest of his squad was sent down in by drop pod. Steel and fire rained down upon the battlefield that day, and less than half of their forces made it to the ground in one piece. It was hell. The squad's pod had taken a hit by a dud, and been knocked miles off course, landing deep behind the enemy lines. They lost their gunner, Grubs, the biggest and oldest of the group, upon impact. They buried him that same night. A terrible storm followed, and lightning struck their communication expert, frying both him and the invaluable equipment he carried. With nowhere to go, and essentially walking blind, their Sergeant made a decision. Activate the drop pod's emergency beacon, dig in, and sit tight until backup arrived. And so they did. It was a long wait, days had passed, and their supplies were running short. They could hear footsteps approaching in the distance. Help, at last. The Sergeant lit a torch, and stepped out of the trench; he waved it back and forth. "Friendly!" He shouted. Edmund still remember, in vivid detail, the broken bones and pieces of brain that hit him like a cold beef square in the face as the resulting firefight took place. Three arachnids, a scouting group, versus their squad of five. Edmund and two others were the only survivors. They left their trench behind, knowing that a much larger enemy force would soon come upon it, and headed for a series of underground caverns they had spotted a few days earlier.

It soon became evident that their enemy was far greater at tracking them down than they had anticipated, and they took massive fire from two gunships and four arachnid squads at the mouth of the cavern. Their scout, got his leg torn clean off, and it was a miracle that the three of them managed to get into the cave and seal off the entrance with a few well-placed explosive charges. Still, it was only a temporary solution. Outside, they could hear the arachnids pull and tear at the rocks blocking their path, and it was only a matter of time before they could get through. It was Edmund's fateful decision to further explore the caverns that proved to be their salvation. Deep within the darkest depths of it, they came upon a long forgotten relic. A machine left there by an unknown civilization decades ago. Perhaps a trace of the species that had inhabited the planet before the foul arachnids came upon it. Wherever it came from, it saved their asses. Edmund inspected the massive metallic creation, and discovered a cockpit. The weapon had rusted limbs, and broken pieces of weaponry attached to it. It was some kind of mecha. An old one. If they were lucky, it still had enough juice to get them out of the pickle they were in. If they were lucky. Edmund climbed in, and searched for a power switch. He was well familiar with the interior of such a weapon. It was one of the few things he had learned by his own desire during his time at the academy. He flipped something he reckoned was the on-switch, it was labeled in some foreign language he didn't understand. There was an indescribable comforting vibration as the mech powered up. A mechanical voice emitted into the cockpit in jibberish. Edmund was more focused on it's controls. Luckily enough, they were pretty basic. No buttons needed to be pressed. He simply pulled the right stick to handle the right arm, and the left for the other. The legs had a similar control scheme, but were located beneath him. His feet were barely long enough to reach it. His squad mates climbed into the cockpit. It was big enough for the three of them, but their scout was bleeding all over the place. Edmund clumsily got the mech moving.

It is unknown how the arachnids reacted to the sudden turn of events, but some say that when the mech burst through the cavern wall, and tore one of the gunships in half, they were faced with an ancient enemy of such vastly vengeful proportions and familiarity, that they simply dropped their weapons and surrendered. That didn't stop Edmund, however, who continued his relentless assault until every single one of their scrawny little bodies were crushed beneath his feet. Even when the remaining gunship retreated, he gave chase, and hunted it down. All the way back to it's base, fifteen miles away. Demolishing it as well. Even when faced with the colors of the 560th, did he refuse to stop. His squad mates desperately tried to wrestle control of the vehicle, but he could not be halted. Only after tearing his way through half of the battalion, did his mech finally run out of juice. And he was forevermore known as the beast of Paradiso. This event caused so much chaos in the arachnid ranks, that the 560th battalion were able to breach their line of defense, wiping their species from the face of history.

It was at that point in time, at the age of thirteen, that he was contacted by the Null unit. During his rampage, he had unintentionally killed number thirteen of the assault branch, and was immediately recruited into their ranks. Given this new status, command saw fit to repair, and modify, the mech he had found on the arachnid homeworld. As the years passed, he built several different mechs, all based on the first one, and at the same time, fought his way up to becoming number eight. He had repelled several attempts on his own life, as well as gained the codename Genocide. He had become a weapon of mass destruction. A destroyer of worlds.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Green


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Hellhound (High tier)

Height: 280ft
Weight: 2500 ton

- Armor (High) Heavily armored, it's hull is able to withstand the force of a nuclear explosion. It's most heavily armored part is the head. The cockpit is located where the brain would be.

- Escape Pod (High) Inside it's head, lies a highly durable escape pod that can, once ejected, extend wings and blast of using it's thrusters. Doubling as a fighter jet, should all else go wrong. This is located at the back of the Hellhound's mouth, underneath the cockpit. It can fly at speeds up to 1500 mph. Travel through space, and is equipped with an emergency beacon. In addition to this, the main weapon of the Hellhound is mounted at it's front, allowing it's pilot to keep fighting even after losing his mecha. Needless to say, it is fully possible to eject from the escape pod itself, ejecting in a sturdy life-support pod that activates the emergency beacon and puts it's pilot into cryosleep after fifteen minutes.

- Thrusters (High) It takes a lot of force to move a mecha of such size. The thrusters located beneath and on the side it's feet, on the side of it's thighs, lower back, elbow, and on all sides of it's drill-arms takes care of that. Enabling it to hover short distances, increase it's running speed, fly straight up into space, and so on, and so on. On the ground, these thrusters can hover at 40mph, or fly at 120mph. If used in space, it gives the Hellhound a lot more mobility than it would normally have. In space, these thrusters allow it to fly at 600mph tops, unless aided. Doing so prevents the mech from moving much except at more or less a straight line, and slowing down will be difficult. Safe space maneuver speed, is down at 120mph.

- Drill-arms (High) Two massive club-like appendages with powerful drills on their front designed to pierce the hull of heavily armored foes or enemy mechas. The middle drill can be ejected, and will thrust itself forward like a rocket, drilling through anything in it's path. Similarly, the entirety of the drill-arm can be detached, and launched forward in the same manner, revealing fully functioning hands in it's place. At the core of each drill arm, powering the entirety of it, is a powerful thermonuclear reactor, rigged in such a way that it can be detonated remotely to produce a massive explosion. If damaged in any other way, it will simply shut itself down, powering down the drills and it's thrusters.

- Rocket launchers (High) On it's back, four massive tubes reveal themselves. Each of these hold six hundred bunker-buster homing missiles. Either heat seeking, or towards any number of designated non-moving targets. Upon firing a single tube, all six hundred missiles will launch upwards, then spread out before crashing down upon their mark. The tubes themselves can be ejected, and if not yet emptied, remotely activated and fired. The missiles will never fire at the mecha itself unless specifically targeted.

- Energy cannon (High) It's primary and most destructive weapon. This weapon is attached to the front of it's escape pod at the back of it's mouth. Upon firing, the mouth will open, and a singular thick beam of pure destructive energy will blast out, destroying all but the most sturdy of foes. Requires 3 rounds of charging to use, but can go even further as long as it is attached to it's main body.

- Tail (High) This 400 feet long sleek ridged tail can be used to entangle foes, wrap around objects, and generally be a nuisance for anyone who doesn't know how to handle it.

- Sensors (High) It's pilot is unable to see out of the cockpit with his naked eyes, but he doesn't need to. All along the Hellhounds body, hundreds of sensors and camera's are attached, enabling him to see in all directions, as well as switching between different modes of vision. Night vision, thermal, 100x zoom, and so on.

- Joints (High) It's torso, legs, arms, elbows and head are all able to spin 360 degrees without hindrance.

- Self destruction (High) If it comes to it, the Hellhound can self-destruct itself upon command. Either remotely, or with it's pilot inside. To do so, the pilot must first verbally speak the password he/she has set. Then, the mecha detonates instantly, unleashing the full force of it's own thermonuclear reactor, as well as the backup reactor, and detonating whatever explosive weaponry still remains on it. Needless to say, you don't want to be next to it when this happens.

- Speed: (Intermediate) The mech is slow to pick up speed, walking at 40-60 mph. Once it gets up to running speed though, he'll max out at around 400mph. That would likely take at least 2-3 posts to accomplish, as well as 2-3 posts to slow back down, unless aided in some manner.

- Forcefield: (High) Five meter away from it's hull in all directions, is a force-field designed to stop projectiles, missiles, and other physical objects hurled towards it dead in their path. It is normally too weak to hinder any attacks of notable strength (charged attacks), but power can be re-routed to more effectively protect a specific area or bodypart (by charging)

*** Nuclear explosion: 1 megaton.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Green


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Bloodhound (Intermediate tier)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Green


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Blackhound (Intermediate tier)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by LeeRoy
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LeeRoy LeeRoy Brightmane

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If you're going for raw impact and imposing size and weight, solid boron steel skeleton with tungsten carbide plating. It'll take one hell of a beating before going down. The weight will actually go up, however, with the Tungsten Carbide plating because it's one of the heaviest metals out there. Depending on just how tall this thing is.

The joints themselves would require ridiculous amounts of strength, you'd need individual motors for every single joint. And I'm talking motors like in this thing:

However, once you could get that weight into movement it'd be hard to stop. You'd need some kind of electronic control system that takes into account any deviation. Allowing the user to overcome this massive weight issue.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Green


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Character name: Mordem
Aliases and/or titles: N/A

Age: 26
Height: 5'7
Weight: 160 pounds
Body type: Lean

Mordem has jet black hair with a slight ice white streak shooting backwards from the root at the top of his forehead, the rest of his semi-short slightly messy hair is sideways parted. His two blue eyes are surrounded by dark, tired eyelids, signs of years of sleep deprivation and excessive pill popping. His skin is pale and lifeless, a faint remnant of redish hue adorn his cheeks, nose, and lips. A vein portrudes visibly on his forehead, and his cheeks reveals a slight amount of wrinkles around the mouth upon frowning.

He wears a white combat jacket with a popped collar; a lightweight gray reinforced ceramic vest underneath, and a black harness consisting of two suspenders connected to a waistline belt, on which four pockets and two gun holsters are connected. Two pockets (below), and the two holsters (above) on the suspenders, front. Two pockets on the belt, behind. A sword sheath, with a red handle, black hilt, silver bladed katana, is attatched to the behind of the harness, at a comfortable level for easy vertical retrieval. Both arms of the jacket, with a pocket on each side below shoulder level, are wrapped up just beneath the elbows, revealing skin between the jacket and a pair of black leather gloves. Over which black lightweight hard plastic elbow guards, going from the elbows to the wrists, and from the wrists to the knuckles, are attached separately. Complementary of the jacket, is the white combat pants, with two pockets running down each side, below the waist, and above the ankles. Black lightweight hard plastic leg guards, going from the knees down to the ankles, over a pair of black combat boots with reinforced steel tips serves as the finishing touch for the whole set. Another gun holster is wrapped around his right thigh.


Mordem has trained and studied extensively for most of his life to reach physical and mental perfection. He is well past the peak human condition. He has become an instrument of death, and he likes to show it. He has great aim. His close combat is such that he´s able to take down several human-leveled opponents with ease. His acrobatic skills are inspiring, parkouring near impossible angles and heights. He is, despite these talents, at heart, still human, and so does not boast much of a defense other than his equipment. His strength is nothing to brag about, he could kick down a door, but that's about it. In combat, he relies heavily on mobility, and would quickly find himself in a heap of trouble if he started getting hit, due to his noteworthy lack of sturdiness. His body is human after all.


- 1x lightweight ceramic body armor.
- 1x set of hard plastic elbow and wrist guards.
- 1x set of hard plastic leg guards.
- Reinforced leather gloves for steel wire handling.

Weapons and gadgets:
- 1x Custom black/white 45. Colt with a slim grip to fit Mordem's hands perfectly. It has a small, but potent flashlight attached to it's bottom. 8 bullets per clip.
(Attachable; Silencer. ) - Holstered in the left holster of his chest harness.
- 1x Mp5k black/white 9mm. 30 bullets per clip. - Holstered in the right holster on his thigh.
- 2x Combat knife; one in the back of his right boot, the other in his left, both have sheaths.
- 2x high explosive grenades, left back pocket.
- 1x Smoke grenade, upper left combat pants pocket.
- 1x C4 charge w/ detonator, right back pocket.
- 1x High-range frequency radio, attached to belt. Usually turned off.
- 1x High-powered gas powered grapple gun; 60m steel wire attached to harness. Right chest holster.
- 1x Mini-Re-Breather (1 minute): This small device fits over the users mouth and nose, it has a silver capsule attached to it's bottom, and allows them to breathe for a full minute before having to replace capsules, a process that takes too long to accomplish in combat.

- Katana: His katana, silver forged, is a story in itself. A priceless artifact he obtained after slaying it's previous owner, he has come to prize it as a most effective tool for his missions. It is a thing of magic, and will, as long as he wields it, deflect incoming projectiles (that he is physically capable of deflecting, boulders and skyscrapers are a no go) even if he is not aware of them. The sword has a will of it's own, and does this on it's own accord. However, If it is not able to see the projectiles coming, with it's 360 degree vision, it can do nothing about it. It has yet to attempt to communicate verbally to Mordem, and he is completely unaware that it is anything but a fancy magical gimmick. The katana is not unbreakable, but it's pretty damn close. If it ever were to break, shit would go down, and it would not be pretty, so it should not happen. Ever.

- Cellphone (Old Nokia)
- Cigarettes
- Lighter
- Pack of bandages
- Adrenaline shot
- Bottle of painkillers

Any relevant weaknesses: N/A

He's good, and he knows it. In fact, he kind of hates it. Things just aren't that fun anymore. He slings a bullet, guy drops dead, the end. Why can't they ever get up again!? It gets tiresome. Winning. Victory does not smell as sweet as it used to, but then again, back then, he wasn't numero uno. Fuck that shit. Mordem is a narcissist. A pretty big one at that. It does not help that he's also pretty pessimistic, at least he's grown to be lately. Prone to fits of anger, freaking out and getting into trouble. He's tired of being the best. He's tired of mediocrity. Easy victories. That shit just isn't good enough for him anymore. No, he needs bigger. Better. More explosions, grander entries. Nowadays, he tends to announce his arrival. Just to let the other guy know he's coming, you know? Make things fair. Doesn't fucking help, guy drops dead, crowd cheers. Woh fucking do. Tried doing it blindfolded once, almost killed him, no satisfaction. Everyone is a disappointment.
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