Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Joegreenbeen
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Joegreenbeen Head to the Sky

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Will ran out of his house and slammed the rickety door. He had just gone through a long intense argument with his father, all over an old pile of wood. Will wanted to make a fort with his friends to hang out in, but his father was insistent on saving it for "later". "We never use it!" Will yelled before running out the door of his house. It may seem crazy that an argument so insignificant would lead to such a reaction, but because of the growing tension between Will and his father, this was a common occurrence. Will turned left into the woods from his cabin-house. His house was at the top of a circle of other cabin-like buildings, most of them were houses, but there was also a shop, school, and meeting house. The meeting house was a building much larger and nicer looking than the other huts in the circle. It was rectangular shaped and the long end reached into a cleared portion of the woods. The building was used for town meetings, events, and dinner for when the whole town ate together each week.
As Will began to head into the woods surrounding the village, to the spot where his friends usually met, a large red hand covered his mouth, while two others grabbed his arms. Before he realized what was happening, Will kicked out in anger at the thing behind him, connecting with its stomach. Soon, he felt a fourth hand hit his back, hard, and he realized that it was a monster from The Organization, which were red humanoid figures, with six arms. Others would soon gather up his friends and the other children, and take them to the meeting house for the Inspection Ceremony. The Ceremony, which happened randomly so the people in the settlements wouldn't hide their children that they knew had the ability, was where each child up to 16 was tested for the ability to create "imaginary friends", they used to be called.
Will soon entered the meeting house, which was filled with long tables, put short side to short side so 4 rows could reach end to end. At the far end of the building was a stage, usually used for performances and speeches, but today the ceremony was taking place. A short line of about 30 kids led to three chairs facing boards with pictures being projected onto it, each with kids sitting in them and with men dressed up like doctors examining them. Will was relieved to see his friends at the end of the line, waiting for their turn. After the monster holding him let him go at the line, Will cut in front of his friends, partly to show his superiority and partly to be funny, “Hey guys!” he exclaimed cheerily and soon joined the conversation. Finally, Will was lead up to a chair by another monster; he sat down and put on a bored expression. “A monster has never popped out of my head before, and I am sure it certainly won’t now,” he thought to himself as the man who had been examining the kids who had previously sat in Will’s chair.
“Okay,” the man began, talking to Will in an annoyingly monotone voice, “I am going to hold this metal device up to your head and show you a picture coming from this projector”. Will snorted when the man finished, he had been through this process plenty of times and he didn’t like that the man treated him like it was his first. The man did as he had said and put a long, shiny device that looked like a pen on the boy’s temple, then he pressed a button on a projector and a picture of a blue thing that looked like a hill with eyes appeared on the board. The man spoke again, “Now, I want you to look at this picture and think about it as much as you can, let it be natural”. Will did what the man said, and soon the devices began to hum, nothing that hadn’t happened before. Once Will thought he would be done, the device began to beep, that wasn’t normal.
“What’s going on,” Will said before he could stop himself. Soon, two of the monsters came towards him and grabbed him; they then carried him towards the entrance of the building. “Wait, wait, please,” Will cried as he was dragged towards the door. He tried to kick and lash out at the things carrying him, but he stopped as soon as their gripped tightened and he stopped, fearing his arms were going to be broken. Soon, he was taken out side, blind folded, and thrown onto some sort of metal surface, he was then stood up and he could feel himself being searched. “Sit,” a rough voice said and he obeyed fearing what would happen if he didn’t. He soon began to cry, he couldn’t help it, after his emotions spiked in his argument with his father and his latest ordeal. All he could do now was cry and wait.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Animelover_princess
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Animelover_princess Resident Astronaut

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Innocentia was confused, far too young to understand what was going on. she saw the older boy get dragged away,
she was scared, after the few boys that had been behind him, it would be her turn
she didn't even know what they were looking for.

the other boys went and nothing happened, they just walked right off the other side of the stage, like everything was normal.
it was her turn. She looked at her parents who gave her reassuring smiles and nodes. that calmed her down a bit.

she did as the monsters told her too, she sat down, he put the weird thing on her head, as they had everyone else and she stared at the funny picture, everything was fine and she was about to go when the machine started to make noise, and she got scared again, it had only done that for the boy they had taken.

before she knew it she was lifted and taken away, blind-folded and someone appeared to be searching her pockets and the like.

"i don't understand" she said, no answer.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Deyja would smile and nod whenever anything is said to him, and say nothing, almost ready to scream. He had been heading to the meeting spot after finishing a little project he had been working on, meaning to show it off. It had been dropped when he was grabbed, and he was afraid of what was going to happen to him. When he gets up to the chair, the device would beep again. He sucks in air sharply when it does, having seen what had happened to his friend Will. Just before the monsters grab him, he tries to make a run for it, but only succeeds in getting a few feet before being grabbed. Deyja lets out a yelp and starts to cry, going completely limp (Unless the monsters tell him to walk) and following every command they give him. When told to sit, he would do so, and bring his knees up to his chest, crying into them. He was afraid, he wasn't sure what was going to happen to him, and he didn't really wish to know. He hoped that his friends weren't like him. He wouldn't wish this on them for the world.

After a short time, his mind would start to wander. He wondered about The Imagination, he had heard a few things about them, and wondered what they were like. Maybe they’d come back, nah. That was impossible. They’d be put in prison as soon as they did. But, it would interesting to meet them. He wondered what kinds of things they did. He slowly stops crying, now caught up in his imagination.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lady Termott

Lady Termott

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Ryle was woken up rather rudely by her brothers, just like every morning. Not wanting to deal with them any longer, she got ready, and quickly left the house. She figured her friends would be at their usual meeting spot, but much like others, she was pushed and shoved by the creatures of the Organization. It didn’t take her long to figure out it was one of those random days when the children were taken to the meeting house for the Inspection Ceremony.

Ryle arrived inside the building, seeing her friends and others she recognized. Off to the side she noticed scientists which she warily avoided and headed towards her friends, giving a curt nod as a greeting, trying to stay calm. She never had problems before when tested for having creature come out of her head out of nowhere, why would today be different? Her brothers were just old enough to no longer go to the ceremonies, and they tested negative, so surely it was genetic and she wouldn’t either, right?
Soon enough, it was Ryle’s turn, and she went through the same drawn out explanation of what the man was going to do and how it worked. She didn’t really listen but winced slightly when the pen-like object touched her head. She stared at the image, much like others had before her, and much like she herself had before. Only this time, the device began to let off a beep. Ryle blinked in confusion, wondering if it’s batteries were dying or something, but before she knew it, she was grabbed by the monsters again and carried out the door. She noticed others were as well.

She squirmed as best she could, kicking and scratching, but her vision was obscured by a blindfold and fear began to set in. Ryle was roughly thrown unto a hard surface, and was pretty sure her leg was bruised from the impact. She could hear others in wherever they were as well, but the fear of the unknown overwhelmed her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Joegreenbeen
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Joegreenbeen Head to the Sky

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Will soon regained composure after he heard three more people enter wherever they were the same fashion he did. He almost felt sorry for them, but he didn’t, he thought grimly, because he was in their same situation. After a little bit longer wait he heard two sets of heavy footsteps on the metal floor then a door being slammed shut. Soon he felt heard a load roaring sound that made the whole place rumble, the sound quickly died, but the rumbling continued and it felt as if they were moving. After Will had gotten used to the rumbling, his blind fold was removed and he looked around the room, or wherever they were. He took a look a look around to see that they were in what looked to be a metal box, it had a rectangular shape to it, each long side looking to be about two meters long and the short side being one and a halve meters. Near the top of each long side were openings, with bars running top to bottom so even if you were tiny enough to get out, you wouldn’t have been able to make it out of the bars. Out of the openings he could see the green streaks of trees pass by at amazing speed, this spooked him a little. After Will was done watching, he looked to see that he was sitting on a bench running the entire length of the left wall, there was a slight raise in one of the seats in the center of the bench and Will soon realized he was in one of the vehicles that The Organization kept, he remembered his dad calling them “cars”. The seats on the bench only consisted of straps on the wall of the car and the bench, these were uncomfortable fastened around his legs and torso, but his arms were still free, Will assumed the straps were meant to keep the passengers from trying to escape. Though, he thought, that didn’t make a difference because also in the car were three of the red monsters from The Organization. Then he realized he hadn’t paid any attention to the others who had been taken too, he looked to see across the car where two girls, who were Ryle and Innocentia, then looked to his right to see Deyja too! Will had a sudden moment of happiness to see that his closest friends were with him, which quickly turned to grief as he realized that his friends were going to have to go through what he was sure was going to be horrible times ahead.
“Hey guys,” he ventured attracting menacing looks from the guards, his voice loud in the small space. Before his friends could respond, he continued with a sad smile on his face, “So, how has your day been?”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Animelover_princess
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Animelover_princess Resident Astronaut

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Innocentia let out a stifled sob when the rumbling sound and the bumping started, she drew her legs up to her chest as she realized she had to be on what was a bench as her legs barely fit but she was a little girl and therefore could still do it.
rough hands pulled the blindfold off and Innocentia blinked away the little dots that showed up from the sudden light on her eyes.
it took a second before she could make out who was around her. Ryle was sitting next to her, which calmed her a little, and Deyja and Will were across from her. she let her legs slide back down to the ground. she could see trees flashing by at unimaginable speeds outside the tiny window.
they were also in some kind of moving metal box.
Will spoke "Hey guys. So how has your day been?"
Rae laughed, she just couldn't help it "so so", she manages to say "what about yours?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

“Wha…?” Deyja opens his eyes and looks about, taking everything in quickly. After a few moments he’d look at Will and the two girls, confused. “Where?” He gestures to the rest of the room, completely confused. His brown eyes wide and scared. He looks at Will. "What did you s-say?" He was obviously off somewhere in his mind, and Will's voice had brought him out. He glances about the metal box, and swallows, afraid again, he can’t help the tears that begin to well up at the corners of his eyes just before he starts to cry again. He grabs Will and tries to pull him close, starting sobbing again. After a few moments of sobbing, he starts coughing, and then vomits into the floor of the metal box, the motion of the vehicle and the emotions of being abducted getting to him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Animelover_princess
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Animelover_princess Resident Astronaut

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Innocentia looked at Deyja when he started talking, he seemed very confused.
"deyja? are you ok?"
he said something, quietly, she couldn't quite make it out but then he started crying
"Deyja" Innocentia was the closest in age to him, but was a year older, she wanted to comfort him.
then he threw up.
Innocentia pulled herself out of her seat but a gruff noise from the monster guarding them scared her back into her seat
"Deyja? Hey, Deyja, look over here" she tried to catch his attention, maybe she could do something for him without being over there "Deyja?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lady Termott

Lady Termott

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

She blinked, looking around, having her blindfold shed and realized there were others, who she luckily happened to know. Will and Deyja were across from them and Innocentia was beside her. Being the second oldest in the group, she felt rather protective of the others. Thus shown when Ryle placed a comforting arm around Innocentia, glaring at one of the monsters.

Ryle rolled her eyes at Will’s attempt at throwing out some small talk. Of course he was trying to ease the tension but the monsters sitting in the same box as them concerned her. “Fantastic,” She said with obvious sarcasm, but couldn’t help but smile slightly.

Deyja seemed to react the most negative, and she wished she could comfort him. She gave Will a knowing look, hoping he’d do just that.

"Don't worry, Deyja, it'll be fine." Although Ryle couldn't say much else as she began to wonder where they were being taken and why them of all people. Then it hit her, the situation may have to do with the little device going off.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Joegreenbeen
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Joegreenbeen Head to the Sky

Member Seen 7 mos ago

After Deyja threw up on the ground, Will instinctively moved away, from him. Then, Ryle started giving him looks, and he scooted back over to his sick friend. "Hey, Deyja," he began awkwardly, "come on buddy, you've gotta snap out of it!" He finished stifling an angered yell. Realizing that probably wouldn't work, he took a deep breath and put his arm around the younger boy before he could respond if he chose to. After that he looked back at Ryle and mirrored her look, knowing that even though she probably wasn't that good with words, she would definitely do a better job at knowing how to speak to people than he was. Hmmph, he snorted grimly as he thought, this has turned out to be a bad day.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Deyja cried and pulled his knees up to his chest, crying. He hated vomiting, it’s nasty and gross and smells bad. He grabs onto Will’s side tightly, hoping he, as the oldest, can fix this. “Make it stop! Make it stop! I wanna go home!” He tries to pull himself into Will’s lap, but the restraints hold him in his chair. He wipes his face and mouth on Will’s shirt instead, crying more. After a few moments he begins screaming for them to let him go home and how he’s been a good little boy and never did anything wrong.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Joegreenbeen
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Joegreenbeen Head to the Sky

Member Seen 7 mos ago

To Will, the rest of the ride took a life time, but in reality the group had been traveling for only about an hour. Once they arrived, they were re-blindfolded, and led for a couple of meters, part of which they seemed to go through doors and led under a structure about a two meters wide. Once inside their blindfolds were removed. Will looked around to find, to his surprise, that he was surrounded by a large group of kids, in much the same state he and his friends were. After scanning faces for a while, he looked out at where they were. The thing he noticed was that they were surrounded by ceiling-less walls, about 10 meters high, each about 150 meters long and made of black stone. There were three walls, each connected to make a huge triangle. Will assumed that this was what they had walked under earlier. After examining the walls,he gazed out to see a variety of buildings, each in one of three groups of similar building. Were the children were, they were facing the top point of the triangle, facing west. To the right Will could see about 30, long, rectangular wooden buildings, in three rows of five and one story high, the group would eventually learn that these were the cabins they would sleep in. To the left, he could the same amount of larger, square buildings made of metal. There were two entrances to these building, one door in front, and a long opening jutting out of the side, this building is where they would create creatures, and learn how to do so. Finally, near the top point of the triangle, Will saw a large, triangular,metal, building, the side facing them 50 meters long.Unlike, the square buildings, which were a dull shade of green, this building was a splashed mix of a huge amount of colors. This was very foreign to Will, who had only seen the natural colors of the forest he lived in. To the sides of the large building,Will saw, to his amazement the largest play area he had ever seen. The equipment was made of some sleek material, and the ground was covered with wood chips, it was so large and colorful, he almost didn’t realize it served the same purpose at the ancient wooden rickety slide and swing set that they had at home.

After taking it all in, Will looked at the red monsters, who were surely surrounding the large group of children. Suddenly, they all of the creatures dropped to a knee as three more came up the side, surrounding a shortish man dressed in a luxurious black suit and nice pants. He walked to the front of the group of discontent children, and then dismissed the monsters. He then held to his mouth a very modern version of what looked like the same type of machine as the ancient, salvaged microphone they had at the meeting house at home. The man spoke and his voice loud voice came out of unseen speaker, “ Hello, my young colleagues,” he announced, attracting some angry, some confused, looks from the children, “ you are now apart of The Organization, this because you are all exceptional.” The man continued speaking, sometimes causing angry and violent outbursts from some groups and individuals of the crowd, each quickly discouraged by the monsters. The man spoke shortly why they were there, to uphold The Organization by creating “helpers”. Then, the man went on to explain the layout of the camp, when he came to the large building with the play area he said, “This large structure over here is where you will receive your three daily meals, the last meal of the day you shall eat there. This is also where the kind people and helpers (the monsters) who are taking care of you at this camp stay and hold meetings. After your last daily meal, you have an hour of free time before curfew, during which you can enjoy at the play areas or at your living areas. Now, before I have these helpers escort you to your assigned living space, where you will find you uniforms, I have a warning.” The mans face seem to darken as he announced, “Any attempt at escape will fail, and be severely punished.” After that, he turned and strolled casually to the large building, followed by his three escorts.

Will and his friends were luckily placed in the same cabin structure, among 12 other children of varying ages. The three friends soon went about their live getting acclimated. First they would travel to their assigned “workshop”, where they studied different types of “helpers” and how to create them with the desired attributes, every morning after breakfast. Then heading to the “big building”, as all the children called it, to get lunch. After a forty-five minute lunch, they went back to their workshop, which they shared with the children from their cabin, and continued until dinner. After that came the much anticipated free period. The whole experience was much like going to school and coming home, and the childrens lives were very comfortable, even with the monsters always watching them like hawks. During this time, there was very little talk of escape between any of the children, because whenever someone was even caught joking about it, they were carried away by the monsters, and taken to the big building. Once they came back, they were never the same again. They then always had a blank, statue-like expression on their face and they only responding to the camp staff. This was enough encouragement for everyone to keep to their comfortable routine.

Will and his friends spent the next three weeks staying out of trouble, until one night. The oldest boy, and the one who everyone believed had been in camp the longest without being “changed”, in the cabin woke everyone up in the middle of the night. “Be quiet,” he warned each individual he woke up. Soon everyone was sitting in a circle at the center of the cabin, the boy, whose name was Mark, stood in the center. “Okay,” he began in a whisper, standing and addressing the whole group,”by being placed in this cabin, you have agreed to take part in a plan that I have been making for years. We are going to try and escape.” Before anyone could respond, he shushed them, then he assured them, “I have found a way to make sure the surveillance in this building won’t work, we’re fine,” he then paused. Even though the large boy was given a few worried, some distasteful looks, by doing so, waited until he finally continued, “ I came from a settlement which was in contact with the resistance group called The Imagination,” before anyone could respond again, he shushed, making sure the guards outside the door couldn’t hear. “ I have came here with my self assigned mission, to get some of us with the ability to them, we are the start of a revolution. This has driven me and kept me in line all of these years, if any of you were wondering.” For a third time, he paused shushed anyone who tried to speak, or yawn, or sneeze, then he continued, “ I am going to give the plan to you simple. I am going to creating a huge, destructive, and angry monster to break a hole in the wall for us to escape. This will happen during break, and so it will be the one of the walls near the playground. Needless to say, you will want to stay out of its way.” Mark continued, talking quietly, but with the force of a leader, “ Your jobs are going to be, one, keep attention off of me while I do make the creature, and two, to help as many people as possible get out in time. To do so, you will have to make sure that you and whoever you are able to escape with take of your socks, they have trackers built in. Don’t ask how I know that. Then you’ll head east, which is the general direction to my home settlement. If you don’t know, east is the direction the side of the camp with the door is on, this means, once you get out, you will have to run along the sides of the outside of the camp to get out. Remember, not all of us will make it, and some might die. Now, I don’t care if you have any questions, because we all need a good night sleep. Oh, and one thing, if any of you snitch or tell anyone about this , I will personally kill you,” with that, he went to his bed. Will didn’t get a good sleep that night, and he doubted any of his cabin mates did either.

Now, it was “third meal” time, and the escape plan’s execution was drawing closer. Will, Deyja, Innocentia, and Ryle were eating under the stand of one of many slides on the play area, this one in the center. They chose to sit there because that was where the monsters surrounding the playground couldn’t hear them, and they would only have to make sure that they weren’t overheard by the ones patrolling the large area. Will had seen Mark go to the other side of the big building to eat, and eventually conjure the monster. The friends were eating silently, and Will couldn’t take it any longer. “ Are you guys ready?” he asked anxiously, trying hard to sound brave and come, but his voice probably betrayed him to his friends as he scanned to make sure there weren’t any monsters passing by. To his relief there wasn’t.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Deyja would look up at Will. “I don’t want to die,” he looks about ready to cry. When he had first arrived at the camp, he had spent his nights crying himself to sleep and trying to stay away from people. He would’ve started being more open to the group again just before the one kid revealed his plan, then would have hidden himself again. He didn’t want to do this, it was against the rules, they weren’t supposed to do this. He hid himself in the back corners of buildings during play time, playing games on paper that his parents had taught him. His was afraid of dying, afraid of the organization, afraid of everything. Everything was wrong. He should be at home. He needed to be at home.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Animelover_princess
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Animelover_princess Resident Astronaut

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Innocentia had hardly spoken the whole time they had been there.
when Deyja said "I don’t want to die,” Innocentia started to cry "i don't know if i can do this" she cried "i'm so scared Will"
she looked out at the wall, she didn't want to die either, she didn't know if she could handle this, the monsters scared her and she didn't know if she would be able to run when Mark broke the wall, she was afraid she would just freeze.
"if something happens, you ... you won't leave me ... will you?" she asked it in general to all 3 of the others, sniffling slightly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lady Termott

Lady Termott

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Ryle, like the others, had tried her best in fitting in and following the routine that was the camp. She found it to be no use in complaining, but she still wondered why she and her friends had to be chosen. She wondered if her family missed her or if they had forgotten her. Either way, she missed home.

One day, when this Mark fellow had explained his plans, Ryle was more than eager to try to escape. She wasn’t too spooked at his threats as he was most likely trying to seem all big and bad, but she wouldn’t be a tattle-tell. As much as she wanted to leave, there were the others she couldn’t help but worry about. Od course she wouldn’t let them die, how could she live with herself if they did?

“We won’t die. I’ll make sure of it,” she comforted as best she could, but she still wasn’t great with words.

On the day when the plans loomed over, she could feel how tense it was. “The calm before the storm,” she thought dramatically, remember she heard that once somewhere. Her anxiety over the ordeal made it hard to eat, but she wanted to make sure the younger two ate. She wondered how hard it was to make one of those monsters as Mark was trying to do.

“As ready as I’ll ever be,” Ryle admitted.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Joegreenbeen
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Joegreenbeen Head to the Sky

Member Seen 7 mos ago

"Hey, guys," Will started at the younger to of the group, after acknowledging Ryle, "you probably won't die, Ryle and I will help you. If you do die we wouldn't be able...". Will decided to stop talking when he was probably making it worse for the scared little children. He had tried to it so he seemed strong and calm for Deyja and Innocentia, but he knew he was failing miserably. Will was having just of hard of a time trying to accept his fate as everyone else, no one was enjoying themselves despite The Organization's attempts to make them comfortable. Will looked around their area to check for any monsters passing by, then turned to the group, " I think we should make a plan to escape together. We don't want to get caught by any monsters, or get in anyone's way when it is time to go, right?" He then looked at each member of their small group hoping to get a reaction.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Animelover_princess
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Animelover_princess Resident Astronaut

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Innocentia tried to be brave when both Ryle and Will said they'd be fine but it was hard.
she was just a little kid, she didn't even know why there were there, they were just 'special' or something.
She perked up a little when Will said "I think we should make a plan to escape together. We don't want to get caught by any monsters, or get in anyone's way when it is time to go, right?"
"i ... i like that idea" she sniffled "i don't want to get separated from you guys"
she looked at the wall then back them "why are we even ... even here?" she asked, wiping tears from her cheeks "i don't understand any of this"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Deyja grabs his nearest friend. “I don’t want to risk it. If we don’t run we all survive, right? So let’s not run, let’s just stay here… Safe here. No one will hurt us too much here, so let’s just stay. Safe safe safe… Please? I don’t want anyone to get hurt.” He tears up more, and sobs slightly, very afraid.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Joegreenbeen
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Joegreenbeen Head to the Sky

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Will looked toward his young, very frightened friend, and said, "Are you sure? Don't you want to see your family again?" Will felt horrible about how his Deyja was handling their situation. "Well," he decided, "we will take a vote whether or not we should leave. If we deicide not to, we can head to the cabin and eat there while we wait this out. So, Ryle, Innocentia what do you guys think?" Will was thinking about this in his head, on problem with not leaving, he reasoned, was that there was a large chance that they might be caught having known that the plan was going to happen. On the other hand, it will be extremely dangerous once to try to get out, also, what will they do once they get out? How will they get food, water, and find their way to the village where the Imagination were supposed to be? Will weighed all these problems out in his head as he waited for his friends to respond.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Animelover_princess
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Animelover_princess Resident Astronaut

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Innocentia brought her knees up to her chest as she thought about what Will and Deyja had said.
"i don't want to stay here" she said "i don't like it here, the monsters are mean to me"
she looked out at the wall again "but can we make it out there? i've gone camping, but only once and my dad was there he did everything so i didn't have to worry about it"
she looked around again "i ... i say we go"
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