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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Orsa Recusant
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Orsa Recusant Specificity Rewound

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Video games have been popular among various age groups for many decades. Even the elder generations can think back to the release of consoles such as the Nintendo, Sega or the original PlayStation. Those even older would recall game systems like the Atari that started the entire gamer movement in the early 70s. As the years passed a generational desire for gaming experiences that was to become even more innovative, would surpass each and every one of the predecessors. Eventually after some time, a very specific game genre called 'massively multi-player online role playing games', dubbed MMORPG for short, was introduced and rapidly became very popular among every age group interested in playing online with a large amount of other players. Such a genre gave many players the option to explore vast and varying different types of worlds or realms with their friends, families, or other random individuals. These experiences helped make bonds between individuals all over the world.

By the year 2013 the eighth generation consoles had all been released. The graphics available using the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One allowed players to experience even more heightened and realistic game play while playing MMORPG, yet even with these advancements there was something that the minds of both the players and gaming companies desired that had yet to be achieved and made available to the public; this was immersed reality gaming.

A company had been working on a way to advance technology far beyond normal means but also make it affordable and manageable for every type of gamer. This company was called Cyber Connect Corporation or CC Corp. By the year 2018 CC Corp had finalized production of the beta testing for a virtual reality game that was titled "Fragment". Within another 7 months beta testing was completed. CC Corp announced that a new type of game where players could literally immerse themselves in an amazing virtual world was going to be released. Various rumors about actual failures of the beta testing came up, including the supposed death of one of the beta testers. Cyber Connect Corporation denied these accusations. Within the next half year it was noted that the death was actually a suicide, clearing up any worries or suspicions future users might have about the game. "The World" was scheduled to be released on June 12th 2019 but had to be pushed back due to a mysterious virus being implanted into the servers made to house The World...

CC Corp took several more months to fix these problems. Instead of just trying to clear up and decode the virus, CC Corp instead rewrote the entire codec of their game to be released. Much to the joy of the 760,000 whom had pre-ordered the gaming package, "The World" was released on March 30th, 2020. In the first day alone 9,153,246 copies were sold. The World was an innovative MMORPG where gamers were able to create their own player-character, able to use a near endless combination of customization options to make an avatar that in essence was supposed to be an envision of the player's inner self that wasn't able to be displayed in the real world. Various races from elven characters to beast types could be used. There were even secret race options that could be unlocked via downloadable content or purchased. This alone made the game extremely popular, coupled with the fact that there were just as many different character class combinations available to give players a memorable and exciting experience.

To play the game users simply installed the game software directly to their desktop computers or laptops. The immersion experience was enabled by the use of a device called the M2D(micro-monicle display) which was an innovative device placed on a player's face that displays audio-visual output. The M2D offers a 1280 x 1024 full color projection display with a transparency option to provides high quality audio immersion via the Omnisphere System. The default setting is monocle mode, in which only one lens is activated, but it can be put into double-lens mode for a more immersive experience. Add-ons include the Automatic Broad Interpretation, which allows users to select objects in front of their face and see detailed information about them. The M2D cost $420 and is standard equipment for playing the world. Since the game's release different models and more expensive or alternate brands have come out. A hand held controller used with one hand came along with the M2D which made game play simple with easy functionality.


Within the game players are immersed into a fantasy world that was revealed to be named Alba, which is a ginormous floating landmass housing the fields, dungeons, root towns, lost grounds and other special areas that were often made accessible to players when certain events come up. An enormous statue of the Goddess whom legend has it created Alba, sits at the center of everything. The World is based upon an epic poem called the Epitaph of Twilight by the web author named Emma Wielant. The game's online story surrounds this poem and takes players on a tale where the world has come under siege by vicious monsters and entities whom were long sealed away by the Gods of Alba.

"The World" makes use of a leveling system never seen before where the players don't actually level up. Instead, upon creating their character, players are able to add something called "Morgana Points" to a "Morgana Parameter Sheet." Depending on class choices and so on the outline of each players original sheet varies. While area words do combine to make leveled areas along with monsters, players receive morgana points depending on monster level, party size, and the abilities they use in battle. For instance a Flick Reaper+Shadow Warlock character would have a staggering skill level with their shadow warlock abilities if they used their staff and spells to attack quite frequently and so on. This makes for interesting combinations of character skills, abilities and functionality within the game over time.

Game play is based around servers which contain different types of filed data that is made accessible and manageable via the Root Town at a server's core. Root Towns are the basis of everything in the game that is not connected to the dungeons and fields outside of these areas. Players gather at these locations to perform actions such as forming parties, trading, buying and selling items, going on quests and upgrading guilds. A combination of three area words are used to travel to dungeon and field areas via the Chaos Gate. Each server has one, likewise each field or dungeon has one as well.

There are various servers based upon Greek characters to name the servers with specific uses and root towns. [Δ] Delta Server: Mac Anu; for beginners, [Θ] Theta Server: Dol Dona; for intermediate players, [Λ] Lambda Server: Carmina Gadelica; for the advanced, [Σ] Sigma Server: Breg Epona; for legendary PCs and dual [Α] Servers: Lia Fail and Lumina Cloth made for normal arena battles and the special quest reward shop.

Infection of the PKers
For four years after the release of "The World", things had been running smoothly with little to no problems within Alba that hadn't been tamed or settled with help of the admins or players themselves. Within the previous year and 3 months however certain problems involving player-killers(pks) for short,rapidly started to develop. It seemed that many players disliked the large gap between themselves and those of a higher class, choosing to resort to killing other players below their own Morgana Parameters or just to cause terror for the players whom might have more recently joined "The World". This caused a large scale problem in the servers, CC Corp even made an announcement that pking was allowed but was causing the glitching of player characters which could result in the permanent loss of data or even the complete reformatting of characters. Rumors that a previous event titled "The Twilight Bracelet" had overlaid a mass number characters with a virus developed in "The World" which was causing player characters to lose control of themselves and attack other players. Whether this was true or not, never came to light.

[Mutations of Olympus Event
June 12th, 2024 CC Corp released a new event called Mutations of Olympus in which players went on two daunting quests which delved further into the story behind Alba and how it got to be the present floating landmass it is. Originally two separate quests were required to be completed to finish the event but before it had been out 2 months a strange monologue was added to the participation requirements to even accept the 2 quests for the event. Players were required to use their microphones to recite the words below.

Shunning the field broken by Wave.
The shadowed girl whispers,
"Surely, I will return."
Alas, the truth unbeknownst.
Awaiting her at journey's end;
Eternal mourning for her land.

Afterward players were to go on the quest called "Artemis' Sorrow". at area words [Σ] Resonating False Grasslands. The quest consisted of a field map 10 times larger than normal fields where players were made to collect clues from over 30 different treasures chests to acquire the symbol fragments to enter the beast temple. Many of the boxes opened to display a video sequence that showed obscure images of the Goddess Artemis, both visiting unrecognizable Lost Grounds and text scrolls which explained bits and pieces of Artemis' purpose within the game and her disdain for wielders of dark magics and something about the coming curse of the Wave. The beast temple held a treasure that was a map with directions to start the secondary quest, "Artemis' Lamnent". The next set of area words were; [A] Resonating False Grassland. This led to a darker mirror field of the original. Monsters in this area were able to inflict a strange status effect on players called "waste" that tripled sp costs during battle and removed the option to Rengeki. Later in the field Artemis was revealed in full. Players got to battle her as the boss. Upon defeating her,Artemis claimed that another of her kind was coming to avenge her as the Chains of Olympus had been severed.

Outbreak of Olympus Event
On August 29th 2024 CC Corp released a continuation to the Mutations of Olympus Event. Like before players wishing to go on the quest were required to recite a monologue full of enigma to begin the two quests made for the event.

Wave soars and shrouds the eyes.
No means to fight an omnipresent force,
The shadowless ones just grieve.
Why must it be a Wave?
Divide, if it would just...
Then retaliate, we may.

This time players were to go on the quest called "Athena's Tears" at area words [Θ] Cursed Despaired Paradise. In a large temple style dungeon, players had to search for monsters that dropped a special item, the Athena Tear. These items were needed to unseal barriers put in place around the temple which halted players from proceeding. Each barrier that came down activated a video sequence showing Athena arguing with a shadowed figure about the death of Artemis and related agenda to how she'd been corrupted by the Wave. Deep on the 10th floor of the dungeon where the Beast Statue was located, players can chase Athena to the end of the dungeon where she blames players for causing her beloved sister's death before reducing players HP to 1 and putting them in a battle with a giant cogwheel apparatus. Defeating this monster granted players the "Gear of Madness", enabling players to take the secondary quest, "Wrath of Two."

The area words were; [A] Cursed Despaired Paradise. In the second part of the quest. the dungeon was older looking, parts of it were falling apart or simply worn down with age exposing parties to the outside. Monsters in the dungeon had the ability to inflict another strange status on players. It was called "Sizzle". When attacking foes, players would randomly have fire damage inflicted on them and also receive double damage from fire based attacks. Three floors down players were met by Apollo whom became enraged, brutally murdering Athena before player's very eyes. Her body revives as a pale husk and players are forced to battle the two Greek Deities. After winning the dungeon collapses and players were sent back to the root town with a key item "Decree of Ares."

Quarantine of Olympus Event
It has been two months since the release of the Outbreak of Olympus Event. The next part of the series is due to be released later today. Any player that has completed The O3 Event will be able to participate in this next incredible event to further understand the history of The World of Alba.

This is where our story begins. We'll all be playing PCs that have finished all the previous events up to Quarantine of Olympus. Once the rp starts more information will be given to move the plot ahead...


Literacy: Seriously though, is it that hard to spell?? Make sure your posts are legible and neat. Grammar shouldn’t be a problem, this is in the advanced section for a reason.

Battles: This is a dot hack role play. As such, battles are going to happen a bit regularly. That being said, everyone post reasonably and accordingly.

Power Playing/Godmodding: In a game like this the possibilities of impossible things happening are high. Just don’t do it yourself without permission.

Post Length: Keep in mind that this is a role play where I want quality and quantity. The post length should be represented as such. From that, I ask at least 4-5 paragraphs of non-dialogue.

Details: Let’s give vivid details. There is a ton to talk about...its The World

Proof That you Have Read The Rules: To prove to me that you have read the rules, please put “We're all in too deep." in your character sheet.

Amount of characters: Every role player is allowed three characters.

Lastly: This is for our enjoyment, so make sure to have a wonderful rp experience.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Nevis
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Nevis The Aether Swordsman

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

That is a LONG post. I suggest you put sections in spoilers ([hider=name of spoiler here]text in spoiler here[hider]; put a / before the 'h' in the second [hider]) to shrink that down a bit.

I may join this (after I finish reading that entire thing). How able are Curse Knights to use swords? If I do join, I'm thinking either Twinblade, Blade Brandier or Curse Knight. I'm not familiar with all of these as I only got to play Infection and didn't read much of G.U. (I think all of the versions focusing on Kite/Black Rose and Legend of the Twilight).
Also-I wish there was a basic 'spellsword' class.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Todd Howard

Todd Howard States facts, makes fiction

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

So many ideas, so few characters I can have. I'm having a hard time figuring out what I want to do, though it's apparent we need a support PC. Hopefully I'll have something up in awhile.

EDIT: I'm not going to have anything up tonight, that's for sure. Poo.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Orsa Recusant
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Orsa Recusant Specificity Rewound

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"When creating a player character, two class spots are available for use in character creation. Note that Super Classes take up both slots."
Consider this when making a character.

Curse Knights use Axes. Maybe a combination of a Blade Brandier and Curse Knight would be a nifty idea for your character.

I upped the character limit by 1.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Todd Howard

Todd Howard States facts, makes fiction

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

I've not had the time to finish it, but I'll post everything I have so far here. I'll hopefully write out the bio tonight.

And don't worry, you're rule will be followed in my bio. I did read the rules, I just didn't want to put it anywhere else on the CS.


Aisake Hasin

PC Appearance:
Carlin of The Tu Tribe

Aisake Hasin


PC Persona:
"It's horrible how you find pleasure in tormenting others."

--- Carlin addressing a Player Killer.

Carlin is a generally friendly person, willing to join up with others for adventures or in-game quests whenever he's around, as well as helping out new players that are just starting out and don't understand the game quite yet. His friendly attitude towards people in general makes him an easy person to listen to, and an excellent guide to the game and it's mechanics, even though there are still things he doesn't understand himself. It's rather easy for him to make plenty of acquaintances in The World, but he has few people he actually refers to as friends.

He shows he has quite a competitive side, as he'll keep count of the amount of monsters slain when and by who, attempting to prove himself to be an over-all good player. Not to say he's a poor sport, as he accepts his losses even if they are a little disappointing, carrying right on with his enjoyment of the game, knowing there's plenty of more wins in store for him in the future to make up for any past failures. He never takes the game too seriously, knowing it's just an enjoyable past-time that he just so happens to spend too much time on. That being said, he does have a slight temper when it comes to events, especially when a failure is out of his control. This doesn't go much farther than a few words, as he doesn't snap at others under most circumstances, unless they intentionally work against him.

Carlin's dislikes about The World mostly have to do with Player Killers. He sees them as people that are just too scared to fight somebody their own level, and likes to bring the fight to them whenever possible. He also dislikes the fact they ruin the game for weaker players, and insists on helping the victims, having their backs, caring more about the general player-base than any event he might miss out on. As an average player, he cannot help out people much, but does what he can when trouble's around to ruin the fun of the community around him.

"Sorry if the place is a mess, I never was the tidiest of me and my sisters."

--- Aisake commenting on his mess of an apartment.

Aisake is rather laid back, and has a calm and thoughtful interior, with a voice to match. Where he'd take action instantly in-game, he spends a few hours pondering on the action to take in real life unless the situation requires him to think fast and act faster. He likes to think of the possibilities before making a decision, so he can make the choice he really believes he'll like best. He likes to live his life his way, and honestly could not easily adapt to a new lifestyle if his was ever forced to change from it's calm and mildly less troublesome than average state.

His attitude is still generally friendly towards people, treating those around him with respect. Though he finds himself getting much more annoyed at those in the real world than those in the game. His methods of showing anger are mostly through sarcasm, as he isn't one to really yell too often. He'll usually just try and be done with whoever he is dealing with and go home, to avoid conflict all-together. But that's not always the case, at least when he is unlucky.

Mostly not seen is his love for animals, which is only known by his family, and his cat, Ronso, and a few friends of his. His love for animals extends to Grunties that reside in The World as well. And though not many people see him around the creatures, he does occasionally seek out one in order to admire them, thinking they are, honestly, adorable.

Classes Classes:
Steam Gunner, Blade Brandier

Armaments of Choice:
Tu Armor
Carlin's main piece of equipment, protecting him from physical damage while not hindering his speed.
It's a necessary piece of equipment for any hasty adventurer!

Cape of Valor
Carlin's piece of support equipment, granting him an immunity to physical Status Effects.
A downside to this is that though he cannot be physically debuffed, he also cannot be physically buffed to become stronger.

Weapons of Choice:
Carlin's main and currently only weapon is a bayonet, it does high direct physical damage, serving as an effective close-combat tool for when enemies get too close, but has no accessible abilities that make the weapon additionally useful, making it quite a bland tool overall.

Olympus Event Upgrade:

A skill granted to Carlin after completing the quest "Artemis' Lament". The skill allows the user to see the stats, resistances, and weaknesses of whoever it is used on, and does calculations compared to the user's stats to determine the best course of dealing damage and defending against enemy attacks. This skill has only one drawback, and that is the fact that the user is vulnerable during the calculation phase. It can, however, be ended on a whim to dodge an attack, but the calculation loses all progress if cancelled, therefor making the user have to start over.

Carlin finds this extremely useful in figuring out the levels of PC's in order to figure out if a player is around in a lower server purely to torment others.

Bio: W.I.P

I'll put more work into it, but that's what is there so far. Apologies if my character seems... Average. :c
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Desperado
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Desperado Cuh

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Going to show my interest in this RP, just so you're aware. Going to make a CS for a Edge Punisher / Nemesis.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Orsa Recusant
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Orsa Recusant Specificity Rewound

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Nevis
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Nevis The Aether Swordsman

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Alright, NOW I've read the entire op. I'm quite interested.

That's an interesting redirect of Wavemasters (who were previously the spellcasters). You didn't say clearly like you did with the other classes, though-what weapons do they use?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Orsa Recusant
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Orsa Recusant Specificity Rewound

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Wavemaster said This super class is one that bonds a character to the essence of aether, a celestial force that is grafted into the very being of a character using an item called “waves” which act as runic markings which appear on the pc.

They manipulate aether via augmentation. Their weapons are the markings called "Waves."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Nevis
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Nevis The Aether Swordsman

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

So... okay, I am admittedly lost visualizing this. It says they have high physical attack and deal damage with 'strikes'; strikes with what, though? Do the waves create energy bursts, or augment bodily attacks (punching and/or kicking and such) with aether energy? Otherwise, the way you've worded it leaves me thinking the runes are flying off their bodies and hitting people like energy bombs-and I think that's not the case. I get that they 'augment' their attacks with aether-what, exactly, are they augmenting, though?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Orsa Recusant
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Orsa Recusant Specificity Rewound

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Considering this is a game...without Waves, a Wavemaster would be unable to channel aether into whatever effect their wave produces. As a weapon Waves can have various abilities etc as aether is a force found in cosmic, elemental, and spiritual phenomena etc. In general Wavemasters as a class, use aether to augment their physical capabilities by increasing strength, speed etc. When they attack "aether" is formed into the force given by the Waves which are attached to the PCs as a conduit.

Attacks by Wavemasters normally involve an aura being visible when they strike or that kind of thing. IE: Stardust flying all over or a thunderous roar of energy etc.

I'm working on my character as we speak, maybe as he is further edited you'll get an even better understanding.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Todd Howard

Todd Howard States facts, makes fiction

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

I apologize, as I still haven't found the time to sit down and finish my CS. I'm posting this right before I set off for work, that I think I'll just step out. I'll probably end up stalling you once the RP starts, and I don't want to be a burden. :s
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Nevis
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Nevis The Aether Swordsman

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

So they strike with energy attacks generated from the wave markings, then? You keep saying that they attach aether to themselves and their attacks-attacks with what, though? You still haven't said what they''re attaching that energy to-punches, other weapons, or just outright energy attacks. Or does it vary by the specific wave (one makes an aether weapon, a different one makes an energy blasts, a different one makes an aether-charged punch...)?

Also-we only have two other players (GM not included, and that's assuming Desperado ever posts again) besides you, though! D: By the way, I actually like your character. Having at least one 'normal' character around is good :<
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Orsa Recusant
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Orsa Recusant Specificity Rewound

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

You're like super confused...

Wavemasters wear Waves as weapons.

Their characters control/manipulate/wield aether using these Waves which are attached to the body.
"A class such as this favors the use of heightened physical combat to release ethereal force around themselves with every intended strike."

Basically meaning that this class is strong as hell, using physical battle(melee) to cause damage. This damage is increased by the emission of ethereal force(aether) which can be manifested in varying ways in conjunction with the equipped Wave. Wavemasters DO NOT use physical weapons such as swords, hammers etc. You keep asking about energy where as aether is a force that can generate a plethora of forces, which I already explained the Waves are used for.

IE: A Wavemaster could be equipped with a Wave called, "Hurricane Notions" As they attack and combo a foe, maybe some kind of added effect such as triple wind damage, or bursts of wind magic are applied blah blah.

Wavemasters always have some display of "energy" or an aura involved in their attacks because aether flows directly from their PC. Also I mentioned that Wavemasters with higher experience may have access to "Heaven Waves." These are like normal waves, only the often grant the ability to use aether to do other effects such as summon forth giant weapons from themselves made from aether, or to use spells within the game that aren't classified in other categories.

I really have no idea how you have been so confused this entire time. the class is really pretty simple. You must be thinking too hard. You've over looked things I've said over and over again and even asked the same questions I've already answered...

I can't really explain it any more than I already have broski. If you're THAT confused, don't use the class. The last thing I could connect this idea too would be DBZ or something like that. You can witness many anime/video games etc where characters perform simple actions IE: punches, kicks, and so on that do immense damage or affect the environment in absurd ways.

Do as you will. I honestly expected more people to join this smh.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Nevis
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Nevis The Aether Swordsman

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Okay, that got it across. Basically a ki martial artist with magic and spells instead of ki, per se.

... aaand as cool as that is (while it doesn't use the term itself, my sig is all about the soul/ether), I'm too much a sword guy to not use one when they're amply available, and that one can't be hybridized. Ah well. :<

So Blade Brandier + something else... I'm thinking Sorcerer or Curse Knight, though a BB+ Archer or Tribal Grappler would be cool. So a spellsword or an anti-paladin/dark swordsman... hm.

And-yeah, rpgs based on these MMO manga/animes tend to get few members for whatever reason.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Orsa Recusant
Avatar of Orsa Recusant

Orsa Recusant Specificity Rewound

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Heh, good then.

In fact I'm building an rp involving magic, dragons and manifestations of mana. If you'd like, message me and we can discuss it if you're interested.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Nevis
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Nevis The Aether Swordsman

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

So... I seem to be the only person aside from the GM regularly posting in this. Is this even going to continue at this point? (though you may consider bumping the interest check)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Orsa Recusant
Avatar of Orsa Recusant

Orsa Recusant Specificity Rewound

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I dunno where you people have frequented but I feel like members of rpg give up way to easily. Yes I'm going to continue. If nobody joins there really isn't much I can do about it.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Nevis
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Nevis The Aether Swordsman

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Play-by-post rpgs fall apart really easily and really quickly.

Anyways, I'll have something up by the end of tomorrow for this.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Nevis
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Nevis The Aether Swordsman

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Arawn (of the Shadowlight). He is not a prominent member by any regards yet, and thus doesn't really have a title yet. When asked about it, Arawn 'of the Shadowlight' is what he usually gives, though.

Nen Lloyd

PC Appearance: (I will add a picture soon)Arawn is slightly short, thinly built, with medium/pale skin with a olive/yellow undertone. Bangs drop into his face just short of the tip of his nose from the part above his right eye, leaving his ears uncovered and going halfway down his neck in a mixture of dark brown and pale gold. Barely-present stubble dots his face.
Arawn himself has no set wave marks, though the Twilight Dragon's Wave Fragment head item he often wears makes it appear he does.

Nen's PC, Arawn, is actually styled after Nen himself; short of stature. thinly built and similar hairstyles. Nen dresses primarily in t-shirts with pants or jeans, often with black jacket and/or hoodie, occasionally with a long red scarf.

22. Arawn is styled to invoke a similar age.

PC Persona:
Arawn is kind and sincere player-and very, very conflicted. Lacking any clear goals, he tends to vacillate between different playstyles and objectives, though his general approach to the game and other players remains largely the same-curious, respectful and nearly always preferring to play alongside-or competing with-others, rather than playing on his own.
Arawn does not yet have any real friends in The World, having spent most of his time focusing on 'catching up' to the higher levels, planning to get involved with the various communities-player-versus-player, dungeon groups, guilds and roleplaying groups once he's opened up more of the game for himself by leveling. This, though, has lead him to have a comparatively empty and lonely experience for most of the game thus far, and he is not well known by any means. Arawn works diligently to be respectful, though, and always seeks to play in groups in preference to alone, and is reasonable, diligent and respectful as a player. The player's issues regarding his self-worth tend to bleed through (if not completely stain his character), which is reflected in his indecisiveness, which can sometimes seem like fickleness.

Nen, in truth, largely plays as himself The World, just minus a few inhibitors. In the real world, he is even more conflicted and obsessive about things, leading to him often not accomplishing much-irresponsible, in other words. He is empathic to problematic levels, friendly-though usually so quiet that people think exactly the opposite-, and quite spiritual, though not religious.
Nen has strong, far from ordinary viewpoints that further from people; anarchist, pacifist, vegan, and that's not to mention his metaphysical viewpoints. He feels things very deeply, and his lightning intelligence combined-with the added element of his self-loathing-create for constant self-doubt and review. As a result, though, his views are often extremely well-thought-out.
Nen has a profound lack of love for himself stemming from a powerful, buried malicious aspect of himself-a genuinely psychotic level of hate from seemingly nowhere, albeit that no one save him is aware of. As a result, he views himself a contained monster that can't act out its true nature, and his self-respect suffers for it.
Aside from The World, Nen enjoys several other video games and history and mythology. For the time being, the only thing he is involved in besides a job is a few online activities, most especially The World as of late.

Blade Brandier/Curse Knight-'Curse Brandier'

Armaments of Choice:
Faceless Mask-A white mask lacking any features except two eyeholes and a small triangle under the nostrils. While it has no effect, players say the appearance can be utterly terrifying in an ambush in the dark-when using a headset, at least.

Tattered Hadesson Cloak-An extremely rare long, utterly black hooded cloak with strange concave curves and rising spikes of tattered cloth at the hem. It provides weak, generalized defenses aside from a good defense from Darkness attacks. By constantly expending sp, while in regions with a strong Darkness elemental affinity, he can turn into a black mist or even invisible in specific areas, granting both a tactical advantage and increasing the numerical likelihood of attacks to miss slightly. The rate at which this ability costs SP is extremely high, though.

Ragged Witchcraft Gloves-A plain-looking pair of raggedy, fingerless black cloth gloves. They

Weapons of Choice:
Ruined Underworld Sword-Another extremely rare item. Pitted, notched and ragged, it is a cruciform sword with a thin blade of dark silver color, a long, thin handle with thorny guard and a single spike emitting from the pommel. It deals darkness damage and has Life Drain and inflicts a Darkness-damage-dealing poison debuff.

Ruined Underworld Mirror-A shield from the same item family as the Ruined Underworld Sword and comparably rare. It boasts extremely high resistance to both Light and Darkness element attacks and actually reflects a small amount of damage from those types back on the attacker.

Olympus Event Upgrade:
??? Twilight Dragon Wave Fragment-facial wave-markings that include lines under his eyes with a spike curving inward from the outside edges and a ring on his third eye, and similar markings on the back of his hands and feet; the designs seem to invoke both Light and Darkness wave types. They grant an apparently unique ability named 'Twilight Breath'. Exactly what this does he has not fully ascertained; it does seem to affect the amount-or even type-of damage he deals, enveloping him in a pale white-ish fire-like aura.
This item is seemingly unique. Arawn acquired it after clearing the Outbreak of Olympus Event-and seems to be the only player to do so. No other player forum goer or even moderator knows anything about it or its effects, indicating just how rare it is-assuming it isn't actually a one-of-a-kind drop. Arawn assumes that the ??? means it is incomplete somehow and that he'll need to continue in the Olympus Events to 'complete' it.

I'm out of time right now, so I'll put this part up later.
"We're in too deep."
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