Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KoalaTrevor


Member Offline since relaunch

Why, hello there!
Before anything else, I'm going to admit this: I suck at introductions. Really, let me do anything but introductions. Please bear with me, I'll try to introduce myself as legitimate as possible. Ehem.

I'm Koala Trevor (or Trevor [Trev works too]). Although I'm not new to RPing, this is my first time here. I didn't not like my previous RP site, in fact I loved the community like a second family. I just wanted a new environment, new faces, new roleplaying styles. Like a rebellious teen, I'm experimenting, so to speak. I'm very friendly, I don't bite (not hard anyway), and I try my best not to be rude or vulgar to anyone. You can treat me as a little brother or something like that, I'm only 16 for *beep* sake. Sorry.

Right, so RP genres. I'm up to anything, be it sci-fi, fantasy, anime, you name it. I'm also into weird stuff, if you're curious. Probably not. Out of no reason, I never RP as a woman. I'm not sexist, I just find it weird being another gender, when I have never been and will never be one. You know, having rack attacks, calm the calamity in your mammary, hakuna your tatas? Yeah... ignore that. Like I said, I'm trying to be as legit as possible.

Hm, what else? I like pets. Currently, I have none in our house, although I would love to have a cat or a dog, and name them Rubber. If you pet lovers out there pity me, I will not hesitate to adopt one. Promise, I'm gentle and loving and all that rainbow stuff. I also like gaming, just find me on PS3 and I'll gladly play with you! I love anime, I've watched more than I can remember, and my group of friends are anime lovers. You can call me nerd but that's what I am. Out of the nerd-closet!

Yeah, so I think this introduction is a little bit weird and all over the place. I told you, I'm not good at this! Oh, you love that Sasuke avatar and sig? I love you too <3

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Oasis
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Oasis Daydreamer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Welcome to the Guild! ^_^ I would invite you to join an RP, but I don't have any to invite you to. >.< I just thought I'd drop in and let you know you have one of the better intro posts I've read. Lots of people are very boring with theirs and don't say much about themselves. :/ I actually spontaneously greeted someone else because they had an interesting into and now he and I are in the best RP we've ever been in. So hopefully you find your place here soon as well. :) If you have trouble finding people (which I doubt will happen) or you're just bored, feel free to PM me! I don't bite too hard either. <3
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KoalaTrevor


Member Offline since relaunch

Hooray, the first person on this site to ever greet me! I feel so loved~
Let's get in touch, and once you have an RP then hopefully we can play together. Wouldn't that be fun~? I can't wait to start RPing here.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Oasis
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Oasis Daydreamer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

^_^ Sounds good to me! I have no idea how long it'll be though. :s I'm in 3 1x1 RPs at the moment, though 2 are going at a pretty leisurely pace (aka posting happens less than once a day). I want to get into a group RP, but I really don't think I should right now.

Oh, what writing level do you usually do? Like, about how much do you write?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KoalaTrevor


Member Offline since relaunch

I can write paragraphs, though I only do advanced roleplays when I am very motivated. When I'm not in the mood though, I barely pass two paragraphs. At the moment, a casual roleplay would be my limit.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Oasis
Avatar of Oasis

Oasis Daydreamer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Sounds perfect! I'm exactly the same way. I can do Advanced, but I really don't like the pressure to constantly post a certain amount. Also, it sounds so mean, but I don't like when other people write too much. >.>' It's just hard to maintain interest when it goes on forever but you have to read it all carefully to make sure you don't miss anything important. But I guess it's kinda hypocritical because when I'm in Causal sometimes I'm the one writing posts twice as long as everyone else's. >.< I never thought about that before.... Anyway, I'm totally rambling, that's a good sign I should get some sleep. I'll talk to you later!

Good luck finding an RP! <3
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KoalaTrevor


Member Offline since relaunch

Alright, thank you!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ishtar


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Welcome to the Guild. ^^ Don't worry about any weirdness, we're full of weird people, each with their own brand of weirdness. xD
I'm sure you'll find your niche in here soon enough. :3

Hopefully we can RP together sometime if we find a mutual interest. ^_~ And here's hoping you'll have tons of fun and stories in this place. ^__^
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KoalaTrevor


Member Offline since relaunch

D'aww, you are all so kind :'3 What have I ever done to deserve this? I'm so grateful.

I've been exploring here and there, and I got to say, the RPs here are interesting enough to pull my attention. In about a week, surely I'll be a running engine. :D What kind of RPs do you prefer? We might have something in common. :o
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