Lets make a fake religion and make it the biggest fucking thing in the world for no reason.
BrobyDDark said
Lets make a fake religion and make it the biggest fucking thing in the world for no reason.
Overwatch said
Wait, do you mean by fake, do you mean pretending that the religion is a real thing, or you're gonna make up some book and god in an elaborate joke, and then centuries down the line, foolish people will think it's so legit that they'll start wars over it? Cause I'd be so down for that./sarcasm
I've had my fill of false deities.
BrobyDDark said
I guess I probably should've put some context for this or an explanation. Ever heard of the Flying Spaghetti Monster? While I know this is a pretty old thing, you'd have to question the sanity of this to create a god-damn spaghetti monster as his argument that anything could be seen as a deity. However, instead of leaving it at that, he posted it to a website that eventually evolved it into a full-fledged religion. What I want to know is if we, Spam, could try this out ourselves to see if it gets similar results.However, it looks as if you or Blitzkrieg do not want to participate. That is fine.
Drakel said
Your user is Brobby, that guy's name is Brobby... You must be the same person...No... I'll create a religion without you.... You already had your turn. You don't need to create any more than one.
BrobyDDark said
No, my username is Broby (Broe-bee), his name is Bobby. We were never the same person, save for that crazy friday where we woke up in eachother's bodies. Pretty freaky day.
Drakel said
Your user is Brobby, that guy's name is Brobby... You must be the same person...No... I'll create a religion without you.... You already had your turn. You don't need to create any more than one.
Drakel said
Fuck... I need to sleep... this is the fifth time today where I misread something. Okay... never mind... fuck it.
Doivid said
can someone explain any of this to me