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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Animelover_princess
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Animelover_princess Resident Astronaut

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

where i'm keeping all my Characters so i don't lose them
happens some time
and if an rp ends my character doesn't disappear with it this way

i'll be going by RP so the more i join the larger this will get

kay, thanks
Hidden 10 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Animelover_princess
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Animelover_princess Resident Astronaut

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Athalia Academy -

[hider=appearence] [img=quizilla.teennick.com/user_images/R/RE.. [/hider]
Name: Oona Fredrick
Age: 16
Gender: female
Species/Race: Selkie
Powers: can change form into any water based life-form (within reason) mainly fish and the like, if she has a piece of the creature (for example if she wants to become a trout she needs a trout scale, or a sea turtle she needs a claw or something. Only water based life-forms! and she can only take on the form of magic sea creatures, mermaids, naiads, ext, with the help of one of those creatures (in other words she needs a live, and willing, mermaid there to take the form of a mermaid) but she doesn't have the powers of those creatures (control of water for Naiad or whatever) just the physical attributes, however can come in useful because she becomes the natural size of the creature as well. she doesn't require anything to turn back into herself
Weaknesses: fire of course, doesn't get the powers of magical creatures she becomes, has to have something of the creature to become it, poisons affect her more then they would a human, and anything that can kill a fish can kill her. She HAS to get into clean water (chlorinated doesn't work) every week or so or she begins to dry out and can lead to death very quickly, (can substitute short dips and sponge baths and the like but requires it far more frequently if she does so)
Personality: a generally very active and friendly girl, likes to show off her powers, but doesn't get much chance as anything worth showing off (like a whale) is either hard to find the object required to change, or she can't find a space big enough. She is also very protective of her friends, some times it appears clingy, which can turn people off from hanging out with her too much, She is a very happy-go-lucky kind of girl. she isn't very good with technology but would like to learn more about it (hence the reason she's taking computer class)
Background: Her mother was a selkie but her father wasn't (there are no male selkies) and her mother had 3 boys before her, none of which had powers. Her mother doted on her and she was her father's pride and joy, which caused her brothers to resent her, she didn't realize this till she was a teen and the boys started playing dangerous pranks on, After one particular prank landed her in the emergency room and there were too many questions about the girl that she couldn't answer the family moved and Oona was sent to Athalia, to protect her.
Study: the main 4 classes, computers, swim ;), and sculpting


[hider=wisp form] [img=img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb2013022503.. [/hider]
[hider=human/fairy appearance] [img=api.ning.com/files/NZciwN7Aovn8jVS4u17.. [/hider]

Name: Alistair (no last name)

Age: 90 (young for his people)

Gender: male

Species/Race: Will-o-wisp

Illusion – can create and control illusions of all sorts, however these illusions cannot actually affect the real world, though if someone believes that the illusion is real it will appear as if it affects it (basically if someone believes an illusion of a troll is real and it walks beside a tree then person could see the troll push the tree, when in reality it didn’t move)
Shape-shifting – has very minor shape-shifting abilities. Can only change into his 2 forms or smaller woodland creatures, like squirrels and bunnies. (hehe)
Charisma – basically the power of suggestion. can suggest something in such a way that the magic makes the person believe it was their idea in the first place. they are compelled to do/say/whatever it is, but it can only go so far. can't make people do things they truly don't want to do (what this is depends on the individual), can't cause the death of anyone, and more often then not cannot cause injury.

Weaknesses: iron, cold, water, can easily be controlled if caught in human form (but you have to be careful to not let him return to light form)

Personality: mischievous but not evil, likes unusual girls (AKA girls with unusual characteristics like Andromeda’s snake hair, or just like blue hair or exceptionally tall, all that)

Background: lived his first 30 years in a march but one day was tricked into human form by a human, the man used his daughter to tempt Alistair then when he transformed to ‘human’ form the man captured Alistair and kept him in a glass cage for over 20 years. At which point the man took a trip with his family to destiny island, bringing his will-o-wisp prisoner with him, some local fairies discovered him and released him, however he had no way to return home so the fairies allowed him to take refuge with them but his nature kicked in and he started luring tourists into the forests, where they got lost and many did not return. The fairies were forced to exile him and he went deep into the forest to hide from them, where he will still sometimes find lost travelers, and if he’s in a good mood will actually lead them out, but will more often lead them farther in.

Study: that’s just a silly human concept.


Name: Oliver Cohen

Age: 22
Gender: male
Species/Race: spirit warrior
height: sitting - roughly 4' | standing - 5'8"
weight: 150 lbs.
hair color: Dirty Blonde
eye color: Green
skin color: very lightly tanned
figure: kind of boney and thin but not unhealthily so
Job: (?)


Spiritual release - he can send his spirit out of his body to do his bidding, it can fight with anything that has a soul (but not without, however if he uses it to throw objects or use other things to hurt it, it can still do that), his spirit is bound by all of the rules of normal ghosts, has to concentrate to affect inanimate objects, will go through walls, ext, except that to a being with a soul he is effectively a solid object, albeit a little harder to hit. he can still be harmed in spirit form, though it's harder and in general requires some kind of magical assistance (but considering literally everything at Athalia has some magic that doesn't change much XD)

Spiritual conversion - if someone's spirit is weak enough he can pull it from their body, this doesn't kill the person but renders their physical body immobile while their spirit is outside of it, at which point the spirit can fight him or try and flee back into it's own body. but for strong-willed people trying to do this might hurt but it won't be able to pull their spirit out (whether or not someone is strong or weak willed is up to gms)


Separation - when his spirit is outside of his body, he's immobile and can in no way defend himself, if he and his spirit are separated then he'll start getting sick and the longer they're apart the worse it gets until he dies.

Claustrophobia - he's claustrophobic, even as a spirit so if you can get him in a small enough area he'll get scared and won't know how to react.

mechanical legs - his legs are heavier then the rest of him and make him severally bottom heavy whenever he tries to move on his own or if people try to carry him. and even when they work they are very barely the same strength as a normal human's legs and can keep him up and allow him to walk but their only addition in strength comes from how heavy they are.


he has Intermittent explosive disorder, so he'll get angry over the smallest thing and over-react.
but otherwise he's a total sweet heart, a quiet and kind man, who tries not to get in anyone's way or be a bother, but he's fiercely loyal and when he finds someone that he is loyal to he'll put them above himself every time.
He is angered mainly by injustice, meaness, bullying, or disbelief due to his own experiences.
being a trauma survivor he has very mild PTSD and relies on Scillia to keep him from blowing up.

and here is Andro's

Name: Andromeda Barker (prefers Andro)
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Species/Race: Gorgan
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 135 lbs
Hair Color: emerald snakes
Eye Color: no one knows
Skin Color: ivory
Figure: hour-glass
Job: student


Medusa's Stare: Like Medusa, if someone looks directly into Andromeda's eyes they will turn to stone. She constantly wears either a veil or a pair of sunglasses so people won't be able to see her eyes.

Serpent Servants: Andromeda can speak to and exercise minor control over snakes (sort of more persuasion then control), and has complete control over the snakes on her head. If she doesn't specifically tell them to do something (telepathically) they pretty much just reflect her current mood.

Snake form: Andromeda has the Ability to turn her legs into a snake tail for short periods of time, however, it physically drains her to do so, if she goes in this form for too long she'll pass out and will have to wait hours before she can go into the form again. in this form she is much faster then on her legs and can exercise stronger (but still not complete) control over snakes being more like the creatures now.


Mortal: She is mortal, and as such mortal weapons can kill her, gun shot, sword through the gut, ext.

Cold-blooded: Andro is especially weak against cold (since she is in fact cold-blooded, since she's kind of part snake in a way)

trust issues: years of mental and emotional abuse from her mother have made it hard for her to trust people, she is still friendly, but hardly lets people close to her.


very shy, is friendly and wants to have friends but doesn't know how to go about it, socially awkward, kind, often returns to her Greek roots in appearance and actions as well as speech.


Andromeda is in fact Medusa descendant, the stoning powers skipped a generation so her mother thought she had been normal and when she had a baby that turned a nurse to stone when she finally opened her eyes, she shunned her and locked her up, home-schooling her and always teaching her there was something wrong with her. and as she was never allowed to look anyone, even her own mother in the eyes, she now has trouble doing that, seeing it as Taboo, despite the fact her gaze won't turn people to stone as long as she has her veil on. she was sent there when she got an invitation to study and her mother was happy to get rid of her. she started to open up a little before the school was attacked and now she has returned to much of her original reclusive habits.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Animelover_princess
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Animelover_princess Resident Astronaut

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Magical Academy - (dead, but hopefully will be revived)

Name: Innocentia August
age: 25
race: Naiad (water spirit)
gender: female
appearance: sometimes appears to be a normal girl, with long flowing blonde hair to nearly her feet, bright blue eyes and pale clear skin, also roughly 5'9", at other time she takes on the shape of a woman but is made of water (being a water spirit)
powers: has minor control over water in most forms (has a problem with ice), is still young so not all of her powers have developed yet, can talk to all sea creatures. can liquefy her body (doesn't not entirely become water but can definitely get places she couldn't before)
weakness: heat and cold (can handle cold better then heat), also weak against most poisons.
background: She was created in the heart of a river but after about a decade or 2 she decided it wasn't the life for her and went on land, where she found the academy.
personality: very wide-eyed and curious, also very nice but a bit awkward, it takes a bit longer for her to understand things.
classes: Art, magical history, mortal-magical politics, rock-climbing.
other: has a pet goldfish name Jeremy, and a mud puppy (that thing she's holding in the picture, but smaller) named Ninja
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Animelover_princess
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Animelover_princess Resident Astronaut

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

the selection


Name: Ana Lucia Foster
Age: 17
Province: wyoming
Personality: very charming, very outgoing, not afraid to fight for what she wants, is very tough but still caring.
Hobbies: horse-back riding, sword fighting (secretly, her father is a bit over-protective), drawing, singing
Father - Charles Allan Foster
Mother - Trista Nicole Foster
Brother - Jared Micheal Foster


Name: Chelsea Rain White
Age: 43
Province: was originally from Florida
Personality: very cunning and charming, suave, has a soft spot for her son but sees most people as potential enemies, doesn't even trust her husband fully though she does like him.
Hobbies: sword fighting, horseback riding, sewing,
Husband - King Flint White
Son - Prince Leonardo White
Adopted son - Sir Alexander Gildone

other: won the position of queen mostly through cunning and subterfuge, wants her son to marry someone like her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Animelover_princess
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Animelover_princess Resident Astronaut

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

'Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends' Dystopian

Name: Innocentia
Age: 10
Gender: female
History: an only child, has yet to actually create an imaginary friend but has the beginnings of one, no one yet knows she can. has had a good childhood
Personality: very friendly, always nice. she has lots of friends but is still kind of introverted, no one really notices though because she's always so friendly. she doesn't talk much.
Imaginary Friend: will be Rothbart but not yet

Name: Rothbart
Age:14-25 (depends on his mood)
Gender: male
Appearance: he appears human, but abnormally tall and thin (most of the time). he has black hair and green eyes as well as really pale kind of shiny skin
History: hasn't been created yet
Personality: suspicious of everyone except his child, of whom he is very protective and has a problem with anyone getting with in 5 feet of her. however if he is given reason to trust you he is very kind and nice.
Abilities: shape change (not into anything spectacular) can't get much bigger then his normal self and can't get much smaller then his normal self
Kid: Innocentia (but not yet)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Animelover_princess
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Animelover_princess Resident Astronaut

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

X-men -

Name: Oona Fredrick
Codename: Selkie
Age: 17
Place of Birth: Fort Campbell, Tennessee
Occupation: student, works part time at a local bookstore
Family: orphan
Relationship Status: single

Mutant Ability: She can change form into any water based life-form (within reason) mainly fish and the like, if she has a piece of the creature (for example if she wants to become a trout she needs a trout scale, or a sea turtle she needs a claw or something). Only water based life-forms! and she can only take on the form of magic sea creatures, mermaids, naiads, ext, with the help of one of those creatures (in other words she needs a live, and willing, mermaid there to take the form of a mermaid) but she doesn't have the full powers of those creatures (control of water for Naiad or whatever) only has a tiny fraction of the actual power of the creature, however can come in useful because she becomes the natural size of the creature as well. she doesn't require anything to turn back into herself, her clothes do not change with her.

Personality: a generally very active and friendly girl though shy as she didn't have many friends ... ever, She is very protective of her friends, some times it appears clingy, which can turn people off from hanging out with her too much, She is a very happy-go-lucky kind of girl. She is actually scared of water.

History: As a child she lived with her parents but there was an accident (when she was about 8), her parents car went off a bridge, she only survived because she frantically grabbed hold of a minnow when the car started flooding and she changed, both of her parents died and she was sent into the foster system, as none of her family would take a 'freak' like her. she was only a child when this happened and as so spent most of her life in the foster system, bouncing between homes, was kicked out a lot of times because she would get scared and end up transforming (as she keeps a small box of different fish scales on her at most times, in case of emergency). She was found by the school because she was in a mall being bully and got pushed into the fountain, her head went under and she panicked and turned into a trout in the middle of the mall and another student happened to be there and brought her to the institute.

Weaknesses: fire of course, doesn't get the powers of magical creatures she becomes, has to have something of the creature to become it, poisons affect her more then they would a human, and anything that can kill a fish can kill her. She HAS to get into clean water (chlorinated doesn't work) every week or so or she begins to dry out and can lead to death very quickly, (can substitute short dips and sponge baths and the like but requires it far more frequently if she does so)

(i gave her that codename because i play a character similar to her in another RP and that's her race, and i couldn't think of anything else)

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Animelover_princess
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Animelover_princess Resident Astronaut

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

1x1 This Little Light of mine

Name: Lux

age: newborn

personality: pretty clueless but very curious.very kind and has a deep connection to nature.

has no real history

She's barely as tall as Yato's hand. with long blonde hair that literally goes to the ground and generally pools there. her eyes are an icy blue. she was often wears a black dress on that hardly goes to her knees. her skin is an alabastor color.she weighs roughly 5 pounds.
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