Welcome Recruit,
SCP artifacts pose a significant threat to global security. Various agencies from around the world operate to maintain human independence from extra-terrestrial, extra-dimensional, and extra-universal threat. In the past humankind has been at the whim of these bizarre artifacts and similar phenomena, but we have now reached a point in history where we can begin to control and contain these defiances of natural law.
You are now working for the SCP Foundation. You have no need to understand how or why we operate. What you do need to understand is how vital your mission is.
Our Goals-Observe preternatural phenomena and develop new theories of science based on their observable behavior.
-Contain potentially dangerous phenomena.
-Develop safety procedures for dealing with all future phenomena.
-Observe, detain, and destroy any one or any thing preventing us from accomplishing the above-stated goals.
SCP ReportsOne of the most essential functions of the Foundation is to compile and consolidate information about artifacts in our possession, or observed outside of our scope of influence.
Special Containment Procedures are required for each and every observed phenomenon. It is amongst your top priorities to assist the higher-level officers in the research required for the composition of these reports. These reports are the foundation of the Foundation.
Also, it is imperative that these documents never leak to the public. If they are verified and traced back to the source by a party not privy to this information, it could spell disaster for the Foundation and all SCP artifacts currently under our control.
- CLASSIFIED FILES / LEVEL 2 AND UP ONLY -Special Containment Procedures- Commonly known as 'SCPs,' these articles are overview reports of individual 'Items' in containment by SCP personnel and facilities. They quickly summarize threats and describe Items with only necessary details (as time might be short on hand in the event of a containment breach or other event).
Items can be an object, place, person, animal or even an occurance. They are given an Item# as SCP-XXX and categorized. SCPs are grouped as being 'Safe,' 'Euclid,' or 'Keter' which are
classifications that explain expected threat levels.
Mankind in its present state has been around for a quarter of a million years, yet only the last 4,000 have been of any significance. So, what did we do for nearly 250,000 years? We huddled in caves and around small fires, fearful of the things that we didn't understand. It was more than explaining why the sun came up, it was the mystery of enormous birds with heads of men, and rocks that came to life. So we called them 'gods' and 'demons,' and begged them to spare us and prayed for salvation.
In time, their numbers dwindled and our numbers rose. The world began to make more sense when there were less things to fear. Yet, the unexplained can never truly go away, as if the universe demands the absurd and impossible.
Mankind must not go back to hiding in fear. No one else will protect us, we must stand up for ourselves.
While the rest of mankind dwell in the light, we must stand in the darkness to combat it, contain it, and shield it from the eyes of the public, so that others may live in a sane, normal world.
We secure. We contain. We protect.
- SCP 231: Special Personnel Requirements -CHAPTER 1 - PART 1
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SITE: Bucklin, Kansas
ITEM #: SPC-231
DATE: █ █ - █ █ - █ █ █ █
TIME: █ █ : █ █
In a span of 5 months Ford County Police Department have received more then several missing person reports near the area of Bucklin, Kansas, all of which involving woman who had been showing signs of participating in what their friends and family described as "satanic activities."
A sudden spur of paranormal phenomena began to occur only months after the first disappearances around a warehouse on the outskirts of Bucklin, owned by an organization, or cult, known as "Children of the Scarlet King". Upon investigating the organizations background, and having a patchy turnout, the Foundation had no choice but to step into the matter due to protocol orders.
Assigning Field Agents, ██████, and ██████ to the Ford County Police("FCPD"), both agents went undercover as 'FBI' operatives who were currently investigating a report of 'human trafficking' taking place in the Bucklin area. Only two months into the investigation, Agents ██████, and ██████ have reported daily occurrences of paranormal phenomena around the warehouse which has lead to heavy suspicion of active SCP involvement. With this information alone the C5 Council Members have given the order to raid, and confiscate any and all SCP Items.
Due to possible SCP involvement, and unknown Object Class, the FCPD officers have been deemed Class D Personnel as of █ █ - █ █ - █ █ █ █.
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- Ford County Police Officers; 0/4
- Mobile Task Force Gamma-5 ("Red Herrings"); 0/4
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SITE: ████
ITEM #: SPC-231
DATE: █ █ - █ █ - █ █ █ █
TIME: █ █ : █ █
Addendum 231-a: Current Status of SCP-231 units.
SCP-231-1 (deceased ██-██-████): Killed during initial recovery operations while giving birth to SCP-██. See Casualty Report for Event 231-Alpha for more details.
SCP-231-2 (deceased ██-██-████): Killed during attempt to remove fetus of second SCP-██ specimen, resulting in immediate ██████████ event. See Casualty Report for Event 231-Bravo for more details.
SCP-231-3 (deceased ██-██-████): Self-terminated following a prolonged period of distress caused by implementation of Procedure 110-Montauk. SCP-██ immediately underwent a ████████████ event. See Casualty Report for Event 231-Charlie more details.
SCP-231-4 (deceased ██-██-████): Attempted to administer SCP-500. Although successful in that all traces of SCP-██ were expelled from the system, expelled remains immediately underwent a █████████████ event, causing numerous casualties including SCP-231-4 herself. See Casualty Report for Event 231-Delta for more details.
SCP-231-5 (deceased ██-██-████): Botched application of Procedure 110-Montauk resulted in SCP-231-5 giving birth to SCP-██ one hour later, which then underwent a ██████████ event. See Casualty Report for Event 231-Echo, and Report on Destruction of Site 231-Aleph, for more details. Further recruitment of Class D Personnel is to take place among convicted sex offenders only, to minimize possibility of a second botched 110.
Addendum 231-b: Update on Containment Team of SCP 231-6 and 231-7.
- █ █ - █ █ - █ █ █ █: Apart of the initial containment mission as a Gamma-5 operative, Ex. Agent Malcolm ████ has been appointed head Security Guard of SCP-231's Containment Team. Retiring from the Mobile Task Force, and down ranking to a Security Guard position three months post the events of SCP-231's containment. Having undergone heavy psychological testing on █ █ - █ █ - █ █ █ █ to prove that he was fit for the position of Head Security Guard of SCP-231's containment team after the destruction of Site-231 Aleph. Having experience the SCP Malcolm ████, but despite seeming suitable for the job, he was faced with heavy scrutiny from his doctors due to passing the physiological evaluation test by a single point.
- █ █ - █ █ - █ █ █ █: Three Task Force Agents, and a new Researcher has been added to SCP-231-6 and SCP-231-7 Containment Team to carry out and continue procedure 110-Montauk.
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- Researchers; 0/1
- Tactical Response Officer; 0/3
- Mobile Task Force Beta-1 ("Cauterizers"); 0/4
Character Sheet:
Age: (22 and +)
Appearance: (Description only please.)
Bios: (Optional; Brief Bio's if so.)
Staff Title: (Occupation information if needed here.)
Weapons: (Only if your character is a Tactical Response Officer, Security Officers, Field Agent, or Mobile Task Force Operative)
- As GM's of this roleplay I, Rinnee, and my partner Brye_, have the final say to all decisions. However, we are open, and up to hearing any ideas you may have for this roleplay! Feel free to bring those up in the OOC when it is posted, or through Private Convo's.
-Three paragraph minimum please. We'd like to keep this roleplay at a High-Casual to Advanced level.
-Please make a character based off of open roles. If you wish to add any other characters to requested roles, please bring it up with either me, or Brye_.
-There will be NPCs within the roleplay who are characters affected by the main plot who can be playable at anytime, pending our approval.
-Don’t get attached to any characters, be prepared for death. You’re just humans and death is a common occurrence in this world.
-This is a horror based roleplay so don’t be afraid to get as gritty and gruesome as you can, but still be aware of site rules.
-We are only seeking four other players, and this is not first come first serve reservation. In order to participate you must apply, you can do so by sending in your character sheet through private message to either me, Rinnee, or Brye_, or here on the interest check!
-All characters in this roleplay must 18+ due to its graphic and explicit themes.
Additional Information:
- - This is a test roleplay and depending on the outcome we would be continuing on with a chapter two which would include a new cast of characters and plot. - -
- - It is HIGHLY recommended that you read some, or all of information in the linked pages. More information, and an easier reading format will be laid out in the OOC. Stay tuned for more! - -
- - Chapter 1 which is explained as a Report File is essentially the explanation of the current events and the plot we will be following. While we are using our own creativity to construct the story, this roleplay will be based on 're-enacting' the events that occurred during SCP-231's Retrieval, and Containment. - -
GM's: Rinnee, Brye_