The Super real, extreme and stuff Ghost Busters: Episode 1: WHY THE SHIT IS THIS HOUSE SO BIG?

Sega? What could this game, which I have not told anyone at all, including in the title of this thread be?

His middle name is face half shadow.

Again with the face half in shadow thing, why?

Oh I get it, it's going to be the cover of the album, they all just posing.

See, just the cover of the Ghost Busters album

Oh yeah. We are playing ghost busters, and not the somewhat silly/shitty NES/(what ever else system it was on) one.

Ahh the wonder start menu, with the sounds of the ghost busters theme playing.

We are three setting of difficulty, now you may go " Oh I already know you just take more damage."
Nope, that a completely different system in this game. The "Game Level" system will tell you how aggressive the ghosts get, how tougher you want them, and effects how many shots some ghosts shoot.
Easy: red puffy ghosts does the animation of shooting, but doesn't shoot shit, and all normal ghosts die in 1-2 shots.
Normal: They now shoot 1 shot, and try to kind of go after you.
Hard: 2 shots, ghosts are extremely aggressive, and take the same amount of shots as a coffee mug on normal.

Here is the character Screen, and the three ghost busters, no idea why they left out Winston, or what ever his name was, so I guess feel free to call the game racist, or don't.
Those thing under there names Speed, and stamina, depict how much ghosts will hurt them, and how fast they walk.

I am playing on normal, so I am going normal,normal.
(Not pictured is him walking across the screen.)

I guess it's happening EVERYWHERE!

I would really love to know how a earthquake could cause ghosts, but seeing as Egon's actor is dead, we got to wait for a earthquake before we can ask his ghost.


No idea why there no face spite for this one, as there is for everyone else.

Has nothing to do the 2013, or the 80's movie.

Kind of odd don't you think, that all the building with ghosts, are in a circle.

It's going to be the kind of level you expect, when they say wood.

And the level a lot of people are going to like for the boss of it.

Doesn't sound too bad, just a poltergeist, which may or may not want your kid.

It doesn't sound too bad, it doesn't sound like anything is hitting you, or hurting you, just a simple poltergeist.

And peter, sounding like he doesn't give a shit in my headcannon.

He means Ghost Buster, because the other two we don't pick, stay at the fire house, and jerk off each other as we do all the hard work.

Middle ghost is a sub boss of the level, which when dead gives out a tiny green ghost we can catch for extra money, and a little HP, and energy.

Here our first little ghost, a red puff thing that floats, and shoots red balls at you.
I already thinking the women lied to us.

She didn't say anything about slimes. Wow this women is going to be over charged up the ass.

Safes are things we can break, don't feel too bad that we stealing, as the people who put these here, sometimes boobytrap them with bombs.
When blowing open a safe, you get a money bag for 300$ or a bomb. Also these re spawn when you leave the level. I really think the women is loaded with money, it would explain why her house is 70 feet high.

That what happens when you kill a ghost.

Also a bomb, but who cares.

Don't know why, but those candles hurt you if they touch you, and it never runs out of throwing them, also you can't kill it, I stand here looking atit in defeat before I move on.

Bedsheet ghost FEAR IT!

Fuck do fear it, fucker is trying to suffocate me.

But does no damage.

Oh hey another thing related to poltergeist, maybe the slimes are puff balls was a fluke ghost.

Slimer is here as well, how odd.

Uhhh, eye ball ghosts....Weird.

Ghost:Hey hey hey hey hey can't kill me.
Fun fact this ghost health gos back to full when it enters the wall, and it annoying to kill.

The room is also trapped with those chandlers falling.
I guess I was Chandelure(ed) into a trap.
And there gos the one person viewing this Let's play, driven away by a bad Pokemon pun.
Also it funny given that Chandelure is a ghost. Who steals spirits of people.

I left to go get some stuff, and she whines.

This is the item shop, you can buy pot stickers, to replenish your current HP, or buy that peeking duck or what ever the hell it was called as a kind of med pack.
*mean while*

So yeah back where I was, we have to go down this hole next to the door.

Who ever designed this place was crazy, or a ghost, or both.

The hardest to kill normal non sub/boss monster in the game, it takes upwards of 7 shots to kill.

Our inventory, and the map., we get more upgrades later.

I wonder where this door leads.

Why it's leads back, and to our good friendly ghost we shall never kill, bouncing buddy(that really is his name).

Sooo yeah, we jump on the fucker, rather then busting him. It must really hate the other ghosts to help us.
I bet someone could make a fanfiction filled with mary sues, and terrible jokes to explain the ghost.

When you die you turn into.....a mummy? I don't know, don't ask.
*mean while*

Oh hey crazy fucker that sells....our items? What the fuck ever.

This increase the amount of Orange bar we have for out sub-wapons.

buy something and he freaks out about it.

This means, we going to fight a sub boss, the first middle ghost.

A suit, with a cane and top hat.
How cute.

His name is Silk Hatton, and as the manual says, the real spooky is.

So anyway.. just shoot the head of this demented ghost of punching puppies.

He can sometimes separate his lower half, and come at you but you can jump then duck, and dodge easily.

Kick it's ass,and it get rid of the silk, and hat, and go full force flying around like this. Shoot the head or body, and once both are re-dead.

We can catcher the ghost.

Beam it, and

Catch the fucker in the trap.
(what not shown, is me repeating this boss 4 more times to catch the fucker)

The smell of wet dog ghost must be terrible.

We are not done, we go head up this latter to the very top of the house.

and we see whats behind this door.

Ahh fuck, no way out.

What the fuck is-

You know just busting ghosts, killing things, why how about you?

Well I am sorry, let's just go our different ways, and hope to never cros-

So that doesn't mean we can't just be friends.

Scalon: You are feeling sleepy
Scalon:fuck, fight then.

So we fight our first true boss, scalon, he is a leaf pokemon.

His main attack is using razor leaf, which also makes it so we can hurt him.

Once done, he roll like this.

As you hurt him, he change to blue.

To that.

Once he is dead he get a halo, and this happens.

His head...begins to float up.

And his eyes pop out and can hurt you, you don't expect this coming, it can kill, dick move game. Dick move.

This is me going gun happy American that I won, sclaon drops this thing.

Pick ti up, and peter do this little happy hop dance dace of joy.
It reminds me of.
Ghost Busters confirmed Captain Ginyu

It shows this, even if you don't catch the middle ghost, Which is kind of funny, as you killed the boss.

I am great.

Not sure if it show up, but if it says I have a lot more money then i should, I am over charging them viva cheats.
Now you may think that bad, buuut everything in the game is extremely over priced money sinks, so I am just making it easyer on myself to show off everything.


Haha let's party with my cheating self.

I hope this doesn't lead into a bigger mystery

Weird for that monster to have it, but what ever.

Egon must have been drunk or something, anyone could have spotted this.

Lovely, i go be in the corner jerking off then.

Later, I am busy looking at how sexy goodra is.

He means let's get to it Me.

And so ends episode 1 of the super ghost brothers super show. .