courtesy of Dlayeth, we have a site! Living In AincradSite
Table of Contents

Aincrad. The sword art online world
Welcome! You maybe wondering just what you are meant to do here, why, it's simple! Beat all 100 levels!
Simple, right?
Well, it's not so simple as that. There's quests, professions, skills weapons and more. You have a whole world to experience, and this guide will help you!
Continually check, because it's going to be updated regularly by a small group of betas!
A virtual world. A huge castle made of stone and steel floating in an endless sky. That was all this world was.
Within, there are 100 floors stacking straight upwards; its sheer size was unbelievable. It was impossible to even guess how much data it consisted of.
Inside, there are large cities along with countless small scale towns and villages, forests and plains, and even lakes. Only one stairway linked each floor to another, and the stairways existed in dungeons where large numbers of monsters roamed; so discovering and getting through is no easy matter. However, once someone made a breakthrough and arrived at a city of the upper floor, the «Teleport Gates» there and of every cities in the lower floors would be connected making it possible for anyone to move freely through these levels.
This is the world of Aincrad.
Everything to do with Aincrad is all about the player and how the player can reach the 100th floor. To do so, you do not only need to kill monsters. You need to make friends and band together to defeat bosses and work your way up. However, you cannot do this with just brute skill. You will need special weapons and armor that cannot be found. How about a Musician or Performer to cheer up your team’s spirits? Well these are what we call Professions.
The Town of Beginnings
The town of beginnings is the main settlement of the 1st floor of <>. It takes up about 20 percent of the 1st floor surface area. There is the Black Iron Palace, the Monument of Life There is a lot of inns, and there prices for items are very low here! Its a good home base!
How to Earn Money!
Money makes the world go round, doesn't it? Well, its the same here in <>,You can earn money from a variety of things, such as monster killing, item drops, selling to merchants, and quests!
So first up, you need to learn how to fight!
How to fight
There is no magic in this game. Simply its all about sword skills. So get yourself a good weapon. You can unlock sword skills, but at the moment, just focus on levelling! You can fight Frenzy Boar just outside the town of beginnings, that's a good way to level up.
The mechanics of fighting is simple:
Sword Skills are activated when a player performs the appropriate «Pre-Motion» for a skill (such as raising a sword atop one's shoulder) and then allowing the program to take over and automatically complete the movement and combo at a speed that is normally near impossible for a player to achieve and dealing much more damage than a regular sword swing. After a skill is completed, the user is temporarily rendered rigid in a state called a «Post-Motion», in which the user is made vulnerable to any counter-attacks. The higher level the Sword Skill used was, the longer the «Post-Motion» period is. After a Sword Skill has been used, the skill enters a «Cooling» period, which is displayed as a cooling icon at the bottom of the player's view. Until this period ends, the same category of Sword Skill cannot be used, however, any other learned skills that are not in a cooling period can still be used.
The player's weapon typically glows in a color specific to a Sword Skill when the skill is activated. The amount of available Sword Skills and their type depends on the Weapon Skills that the player has trained.
So you need to charge your skills, to fight. Sure, you can simply stab, but using what skills you have (You should have basic things like slash and horizontal or vertical). By charging, you enable powerful attacks. There's cool downs for these attacks, but once you get a variety of sword skills, you should have a lot of chances in fighting.
Armor Classes
Light-cloth or light leather armor, suitable for those focusing on speed, and flexibility. Cloth armor focuses on being able to move swiftly, and hide more easily then any other armor. While having more physical defense than cloth, leather armor increases the evasion abilities of a character.
Medium-Heavy leather, and light metal armor such as chain. With increased physical defense, chain armor focuses on defense, as well as speed and flexibility.
Heavy Armor-This is essentially plate. Having the highest defensive capabilities, plate armor allows the wearer more resilience to be in the front lines yet diminishes speed and flexibility.
How to Earn Experience
You need to fight monsters! On the first floor, there's Frenzy boars, which are actually similar to slime monsters on other games, so easy pikings! Then there is Direwolves, Nepents (little and Large), Koibold sententials and of course, the boss.
Here's the known amount of experience you need for levels:
Main Menu Window

Health System
Health at Level one-250. With each additional level, there will be a 175 health gain. Health obtained from equipments will be 10 per equip item.
Stat system
There are only two stats in SAO.
Strength and Agility
Each level you get 3 stat points.
We have set base stats as 5
So level 1
Strength: 5
Agility: 5
for leveling up ,three stats points to share between strength and Agility e.g
level 2
strength 8
Agility 5

Welcome! You maybe wondering just what you are meant to do here, why, it's simple! Beat all 100 levels!
Simple, right?
Well, it's not so simple as that. There's quests, professions, skills weapons and more. You have a whole world to experience, and this guide will help you!
Continually check, because it's going to be updated regularly by a small group of betas!
A virtual world. A huge castle made of stone and steel floating in an endless sky. That was all this world was.
Within, there are 100 floors stacking straight upwards; its sheer size was unbelievable. It was impossible to even guess how much data it consisted of.
Inside, there are large cities along with countless small scale towns and villages, forests and plains, and even lakes. Only one stairway linked each floor to another, and the stairways existed in dungeons where large numbers of monsters roamed; so discovering and getting through is no easy matter. However, once someone made a breakthrough and arrived at a city of the upper floor, the «Teleport Gates» there and of every cities in the lower floors would be connected making it possible for anyone to move freely through these levels.
Everything to do with Aincrad is all about the player and how the player can reach the 100th floor. To do so, you do not only need to kill monsters. You need to make friends and band together to defeat bosses and work your way up. However, you cannot do this with just brute skill. You will need special weapons and armor that cannot be found. How about a Musician or Performer to cheer up your team’s spirits? Well these are what we call Professions.
The town of beginnings is the main settlement of the 1st floor of <>. It takes up about 20 percent of the 1st floor surface area. There is the Black Iron Palace, the Monument of Life There is a lot of inns, and there prices for items are very low here! Its a good home base!
Money makes the world go round, doesn't it? Well, its the same here in <>,You can earn money from a variety of things, such as monster killing, item drops, selling to merchants, and quests!
So first up, you need to learn how to fight!
There is no magic in this game. Simply its all about sword skills. So get yourself a good weapon. You can unlock sword skills, but at the moment, just focus on levelling! You can fight Frenzy Boar just outside the town of beginnings, that's a good way to level up.
The mechanics of fighting is simple:
Sword Skills are activated when a player performs the appropriate «Pre-Motion» for a skill (such as raising a sword atop one's shoulder) and then allowing the program to take over and automatically complete the movement and combo at a speed that is normally near impossible for a player to achieve and dealing much more damage than a regular sword swing. After a skill is completed, the user is temporarily rendered rigid in a state called a «Post-Motion», in which the user is made vulnerable to any counter-attacks. The higher level the Sword Skill used was, the longer the «Post-Motion» period is. After a Sword Skill has been used, the skill enters a «Cooling» period, which is displayed as a cooling icon at the bottom of the player's view. Until this period ends, the same category of Sword Skill cannot be used, however, any other learned skills that are not in a cooling period can still be used.
The player's weapon typically glows in a color specific to a Sword Skill when the skill is activated. The amount of available Sword Skills and their type depends on the Weapon Skills that the player has trained.
So you need to charge your skills, to fight. Sure, you can simply stab, but using what skills you have (You should have basic things like slash and horizontal or vertical). By charging, you enable powerful attacks. There's cool downs for these attacks, but once you get a variety of sword skills, you should have a lot of chances in fighting.
Light-cloth or light leather armor, suitable for those focusing on speed, and flexibility. Cloth armor focuses on being able to move swiftly, and hide more easily then any other armor. While having more physical defense than cloth, leather armor increases the evasion abilities of a character.
Medium-Heavy leather, and light metal armor such as chain. With increased physical defense, chain armor focuses on defense, as well as speed and flexibility.
Heavy Armor-This is essentially plate. Having the highest defensive capabilities, plate armor allows the wearer more resilience to be in the front lines yet diminishes speed and flexibility.
You need to fight monsters! On the first floor, there's Frenzy boars, which are actually similar to slime monsters on other games, so easy pikings! Then there is Direwolves, Nepents (little and Large), Koibold sententials and of course, the boss.
Here's the known amount of experience you need for levels:

Health at Level one-250. With each additional level, there will be a 175 health gain. Health obtained from equipments will be 10 per equip item.
There are only two stats in SAO.
Strength and Agility
Each level you get 3 stat points.
We have set base stats as 5
So level 1
Strength: 5
Agility: 5
for leveling up ,three stats points to share between strength and Agility e.g
level 2
strength 8
Agility 5