At Large In the Guild- WOTM is on indefinite hiatus due to a lack of submissions for retooling.
- Recently, mahz doubled the server's capacity and fixed the various problems plaguing performance last week. Thanks for bearing with the Guild through last week's downtime.
In Their Words: Fox of SpadesGuild user and RP GM
Fox of Spades sits down with
AkiBlue to discuss how a GM can increase the intensity of scenes in an RP.
The interviewer and the interviewee shake hands and AkiBlue awkwardly looks at cue cards before starting the interview. She pretends to only know the interviewee vaguely.
AkiBlue: Good *doesn't know appropriate time*- Well, hello. Thank you for willingly giving up your soul- I mean being interviewed. *ahem*
FoxofSpades: My soul? Well, about that, there's nothing to sell.
AkiBlue : It appears you've already sold it I see. Well, no matter. So let's get started shall we?
FoxofSpades: Ready when you are, captain.
AkiBlue: As a GM, how do you create situations that result in intense emotions?
FoxofSpades: Hmm, that's an interesting question. Well, I read through the character's sheets and try to figure out what makes them tick. I ask their players about them and see how they react to posts in the IC. Sometimes, we have games on the OOC with questions for the characters and I make it a point to ask about what they fear. It's a useful piece of knowledge that will help me create obstacles for them in the future.
Whether or not these result in intense emotions is up to them, but personally, I love seeing characters with their backs pressed up against a wall. I love seeing them fall to their knees and enjoy it when they pick themselves up and come out of it a different and stronger person.
AkiBlue: Interesting, so it's sort of like creating angst, and using their Character Sheets against them? Do you let them know your plans, or do you surprise them?
FoxofSpades: Yup! Sometimes I give them hints, sometimes I don't. In my current RP, I've given the players a few clues here and there but for the most part, they don't know much about the future. At this point, things could go either way for their characters. My co-gms and I have a bad end and a worse end good end planned. What becomes of their characters is based on the choices their players end up making.
AkiBlue: So you have already pre-planned the RP itself from beginning to end? Or is it sort of a guideline to direct you through? If it is pre-planned how do you manage to get inspired in writer's block? And help the group from writer's block as well?
FoxofSpades: Parts of the RP have already been pre-planned but other parts are still open to change. As for the ending, we have that planned out as well but how it plays out depends on the things the characters do. Crescendo, Orpheus, and I have an outline of important events that we follow, it helps push the characters towards their final goal.
Writers block, hmm. The RP I'm running has a rule where players have to post at least once every three days. I do my best to follow the rule and sometimes force myself to write whether I feel like it or not. Sometimes waiting around for inspiration doesn't work because inspiration can be such a no show, though it does help to be inspired.
Usually, if a player hasn't posted in a while I send them a PM and ask them if anything's up. I try to see if I can help them out or if I can toss something interesting their way.
AkiBlue: It seems like you have things well thought out and carefully planned. Best of luck with the RP. One more question I have for you. In the midst of RPs, how do you deal with charactwrs that quit?
FoxofSpades: *Cough* They all die *cough*
I usually try to remove them from the RP since I'm not very fond of controlling other people's characters. I try to find ways to remove them. Once, a few players vanished during a sky pirate arc so I decided to kill them off by having them fall overboard when the ship was attacked.
AkiBlue: Er- They just- well *ahem* If that's how it works, that's how it works. Thank you for taking the time to be interviewed! *Random cue card floats down* Hm, it appears you have a fan question. It reads, "Are all GMs evil or is it just you?"
FoxofSpades: OwO what an interesting question.
I think all GMs enjoy seeing characters suffer. They might not say it but after all, it's a GMs job to throw obstacle after obstacle at the poor characters. I know an awesome GM (Pachamac) who appears nice but is one of the most evil people ever :P
Pfft, everyone has a sadistic side 8D and RPing is a great way to let it loose.
AkiBlue: Wonderful response. As I said before, thank you for taking the time out of your RPing to sit and be interviewed!
FoxofSpades: It's not a problem captain, that was fun. *Salutes*
And just as they entered, the two left the little interview area. Both content in the outcome.
The Conversation: No Guns or Ammo Warrior in the Shadows questions the logic behind GM's arbitrarily deciding that no guns will be used in a given setting, like post-apocalyptica, and others reply with their input.
Up and ComingInterest checks are often the first stage in recruiting players for an RP, and a really good one can net you a lot of applicants. These are some of the interest checks that caught our attention recently. Best of all, they're looking for players!
Free:Casual:Advanced:Tabletop Roleplay Interest ChecksNation Roleplay Interest Checks
Current and CoolRoleplays on this list have already started (but may still be recruiting, please consult the GM) and also caught our attention; the hard work the GM and players put in to setting up the RP, writing their sheets and hashing out the details have paid off and now they're writing their in-character (IC) posts.
Free:Casual:Advanced:Tabletop RoleplayNation Roleplay1x1Arena
On DisplayAbout RPGNRPGN is produced by a volunteer staff of Litchfield Federal Prison inmates with the goal of (besides smuggling in smokes and seducing guards) bringing Guild members current and useful information about goings-on in our community. We are always accepting suggestions on categories and content. We're particularly interested in displaying people's artwork as a banner (and will fully credit it and link your gallery -- woo). For more information, feel free to PM RPGN.
Get Involved!Do you make banners? Are you a circa-1995 big-haired news reporter with a 'SCOOP?' Here are some of the ways you can help with our next issue of RPGN:
RPGN banners - Be creative, do what you want! Get exposure (we credit banners). Submissions should be 700x200px, please!
Let us know if your RP has a birthday coming up or is successfully concluded -- We want to give credit to the committment that both players and GM are showing in keeping their RP's going strong in the long-term.
Player Questions - A user-submitted question will be answered on the Guild News, with the hope that it will inspire a larger discussion. Submit your question today in the
RPGN PM box!
We are Recruiting Staff - If you wish to be involved in the next edition of the RPGN, please hit up the
RPGN PM box! (Note: You will be cut into the loop for the issue after the upcoming one, so if you PM between today (6.20) and the next issue (7.4) you will be working on the issue after that (7.18) The way the PM system works, we need to have who is doing the work set a couple weeks in advance. In the event of a large number of applicants, we will establish a queue for subsequent issues.)
RPGN Staff (in order of time served)Combs, deodorant, drugs and banner smuggled in by:
Lillian Thorne