In the grim near future, reality TV reaches new heights of violence and a new low...
"This is just satisfying the darkest parts of human nature with a daily dose of reality TV misery-- someone else's misery."
- Andrew Malleus, CEO Malleus Entertainment
- This is not a huge deal, just post the basics about your character (unless you want to write lots more, in which case have at it.)
- Characters are a bit disposable similar to the game Broforce.
- Please post only the sheet, using the template below, in this thread -- all other posts should go to the OOC thread. Thank you.
Character Sheet Format:
Appearance; (particularly identifying markers/abnormal traits)
Equipment: (Go wild, Malleus has a big budget for some BIG guns, but the catch is that you have to carry it and feed it ammunition.)
Bio: (This only needs to include the circumstances surrounding your presence in Baltimore - prior resident, criminal, thrill seeker, etc.)
Appearance; (particularly identifying markers/abnormal traits)
Equipment: (Go wild, Malleus has a big budget for some BIG guns, but the catch is that you have to carry it and feed it ammunition.)
Bio: (This only needs to include the circumstances surrounding your presence in Baltimore - prior resident, criminal, thrill seeker, etc.)