So. I was thinking about making a new generation of Air Treck riders. This can be set 10 years after The Sleep Forrest and Kogarasumaru disband. I figured that after the big teams came out into the open, more people would become interested and start riding.
More Info on Air Gear here!

What I need from you guys is

2-3 teams, a leader for each (I kind of want to be a leader. ^^; ), and a name for your teams. Once I have 2 - 3 people who offer to lead (First come first serve) and come up with gang names, I will make the OOC so people can join into your gang.

For the gang leaders, I will need a small write up on your gang, The name and other important info you would like for other people to know before CSing to join.

So let me know who is interested!