Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Travesty
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

Name: Nicholas Rigel

Gender: Male

Side: Marine

Crew: Marine G-5

Position: Rear Admiral


Type: Devil's Fruit user

Devil's Fruit: Hoshi Hoshi no Mi (Star Star Fruit)

Fruit Type: Paramecia

Abilities: He can shoot powerful plasma rays from various parts of his body (hands, fingers, feet, even from his eyes, and mouth, etc). He can also use energy blast to propel himself around granting him superspeed, temporary suspension in mid air, and also additional strength to his kicks and punches. His attacks are highly flammable and tends to explode upon contact. Supernova is his most powerful attack where his whole body ignites and then explodes, radiating a powerful wave of energy that scorches everything within a certain radius. But after the use of this technique, he becomes very exhausted and would not be able to fight again after a few hours.

Personality: At first glance, Nicholas appears to be pretty harmless. He is very energetic, while being enigmatic at the same time. He loves to give people funny names, and teases them a lot. Although he acts as happy-go-lucky, and is very carefree, Nicholas is also quite perceptive and a very skilled fighter. Which why his colleagues calls him the "Demon of Light" because when in battle, Nicholas appears to put on a calm yet a quite tougher (and fiercer) demeanor.

Bio: He came from the island of Pol in East Blue. The island was supposed to be the center of astrological studies, and for thousands of years, it was being inhabited by astronomers and scientist to study heavenly bodies. Both Nicholas's parents were scientists in this island. They were happy for a time, satisfied with what they do and the sense of peacefulness the island gives them, until all of that was taken away when a certain group of pirates invaded Pol. It was the longest night for little Nicholas, the slaughter was endless, and when he thought he couldnt take it all, the Marines came. The pirates were wiped out in minutes, but unfortunately, there were too many that were been killed, his parents included. With nowhere to go, one Marine accepted the responsibility of taking care of him. He was taken to base G-5 and was trained to be a Marine. He got his devils fruit ability back in Pol when he got hungry one day, he searched their house and then found a strange star shaped fruit with spiral markings on its skin. It looked tasty, so he ate it, only to found out that what he ate is a devils fruit, the Hoshi Hoshi no Mi.

Others: Its Show Time.
Name: Piko Yamanashi

Gender: Female

Side: Pirate

Crew: Black Scar

Position: ???


Type: Devil's Fruit user

Devil's Fruit: Peinto Peinto no Mi (Paint Paint Fruit)

Fruit Type: Paramecia

Abilities: She can produce a goo like substance in her body that she can freely change the color and uses it like a paint or ink. The substance has a very strong hypnotic effect to the brain that if the paint had made contact to a target, the effect will instantly overwrites all other actions the target may attempt. For example, she painted her target the color blue making her target to feel a sudden sense of intense sadness for no apparent reason that will deem them immobile as long as the paint/ink remains close or stuck to their body. Or she could paint a red circle in a wall, and no matter how hard her target try to attack her, as long as the red circle is visible to them, they would always end up hitting it, like a mad bull to a red cloth. Each color may vary in effect depending on what she would want her target to feel about it.

Personality: She has a very peculiar way of speaking. When she speak, she can only say one sentence at a time, never too long, just a brief but direct statement. She appears to have no knowledge of any punctuation mark as well, so when she speak, it always come out in a flat monotone, devoid of any expression whatsoever. Piko is almost passive most of the time, always staring in an empty space that gives one both the impression that she could be in deep thought, or thinking nothing at all.

Bio: WIP

Others: Its Show Time.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by samreaper
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samreaper Laughing Imp

Member Seen 6 days ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 17 min ago

Name: Lorenzo "bulls eye" Ortega
Gender: Male
Side: pirate
Crew: the silver skulls
Position: sharpshooter
Type: superhuman
Devils fruit:
Ability: can shoot his marks perfectly either from long or short range with whatever gun he has. even in a close combat confrontation he is still able to use pistols to avoid a swords strike and deliver the final blow but of course prefers using his rifle or the cannons
Personality: despite being a pirate he does have honor when it comes to women and children and doesn't hurt anyone as long as nobody tries to attack. He is always a smart ass to most people and its rare when he acts serious. Lorenzo doesn't bother with rules as long as he has his crew and he gets all the gold he could want.
Bio: while Lorenzo was born in a fishing town called "white creek" he and his father were fishermen going out to sea was always in Lorenzo's blood as he relaxed and caught fish everyday with his father which at the time Lorenzo was happy with. However when Lorenzo got older he started to get board doing the same routine everyday and opted for pickpocketing tourists and people coming to buy fish, if Lorenzo didn't like the price the people paid for his fish he would pickpocket the rest and Lorenzo felt a rush of excitement each time he tried. Eventually some marines came by his town and like usual he tried to get more but unlike normal tourists the captain commanding the ship was outraged by Lorenzo's attempt to steal from the government and got slapped across the face and when his father tried to smooth out the situation he got arrested because of Lorenzo's actions his father got killed when the captain tried to shot Lorenzo for being so disrespectful to the government official and they just walked away laughing. Lorenzo believed then and their the government was corrupt and he wasn't going to follow the rules anymore so he became a pirate. Lorenzo practiced everyday since then to fire guns of any kind and shoot them with precision always practicing and making sure to use only the bullet they pulled out of his father on the man that killed him, he would make sure the captain got his....
Others: always wears a gold cross necklace
Pirate Crew: the silver skulls
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by metagros

metagros shhhhhhh.... i don't exist.

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Rogelio Knight
Gender: male

Side: marine

Position: new captain


Type: devil fruit

Devils fruit: Hōseki Hōseki no MI -Logia type- a crystal shaped fruit with swirls covering it, and it is see through.

Ability:this fruit allows Rogelio to turn his body into crystals, with varying hardness and see through-ness (i cant really think of any other way to say it) most of his attacks are made up on the spot. one returning one is Sonneneruption (soler flare) in witch he captures light in his arm, increases its intensity, and releases it.

Personality: although he has a good sense of morality, he really just dose things on a whim with little to no reason for something. he tneds not to talk, and in combat he will randomly switch targets just for fun. Dose not like formalites

Bio: WIP

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Phobos
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Phobos Quack

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

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