Hidden 11 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Quick Disclaimer: Due to the long periods of time spent in real life some information will be ret-conned or mistakenly labeled. This is especially true for backstory events for people's histories, and numbered soldiers and non story important crew members. ====
=== The Start of Lieutenant Paul Lyons and Captain Jason Hiyan's story...Cosmic Era Alternate 1 [youtube]A1xbRNRKQ0k[/youtube] It started about two days ago for OMNI Enforcer Lieutenant Paul Lyons, and Captain Jason Hiyan when they received word to report to the HQ of the Special Operations Units. The two men had just gotten back from subduing rebels, former members of ORB and ZAFT Radicals, who had made a base on the moon. The orders to come back to base came unexpectedly and without warning as they were supposed to be on shore leave for a couple of days after this mission was completed. Regardless the crew made their way back to base. "Do you have any clue what is going on?" Paul asked Captain Jason who was wearing a fine gray and black uniform that was standard issue for most officers on it were two narrow yellow bands, and two blue tabs to identify him as a high ranking captain in the navy. Paul was also wearing one, the difference being that it had one narrow yellow band, two blue tabs showing that he was a lieutenant. it was rare for a man as young as Paul to be a Lieutenant in the army, But Paul was not just an ordinary soldier. He was the pilot of a Gundam. Though Paul's past remains classified for that very reason he himself carried himself just as well as most of the other twenty and thirty year olds around him. Paul and Jason walked down the sparkling clean hallway it was the middle of the day. Various staff and soldiers walked by and some saluted others went about their own business. The rebels on the moon were crushed without much effort thanks to the Raigo Gundam's amazing versatility in combat, Paul's natural talent and the skills of the pilots in the Daggers who fought in the battle were also great contributions. ZAFT was nowhere near as strong as they had been in previous years. It's own people didn't want to continue fighting for their cause now that Earth was more lenient towards coordinators with the hatred being condemned by the general masses. In all honesty the crew agreed that it was pathetic how easy their mission was and Paul Lyons himself found it rather more of annoyance than some plot to overthrow the government. Why would someone want to do it anyway? Was it that hard to live with an honest career? It (pirates, rebellions, ZAFT uprisings) hardly ever succeeded and when it did it nearly always crumbled in on itself. Even ZAFT was little more than an annoyance at this point with the gundams, they had captured back in London but they had not gotten Strike due to the fact that a man was responsible for gunning it down. He figured it was just a mindset of people and or their own personal choices however it was foolish of them to try anything in the first place. After the Four Month War which culminated in a ceasefire of ZAFT and OMNI Enforcer forces however it was an unsettling peace that woke up nastily in the Fractured Earth War which was solved when OMNI Rebels were defeated by Gundams Forbidden, and Duel. Regardless Jason Hiyan was deep in thought so he missed the question. Jason was like this at times stern and brutal but also a thinker and was surprisingly clever. Which Paul respected of him for however, Jason was a veteran of the wars before and after the Four Month war with a lot of experience under his belt. There were rumors of how he fought and where he fought but in the end it was all classified and hidden by Jason's own request. There were rumors here and there about him being a former high ace pilot having received a record of kills in the hundreds some say it was 189+ kills and many battles. However even Jason balked at the number saying that there was no possible way he could have gunned down nearly 190 people. Others say Jason was originally supposed to be a gundam pilot but was reassigned after he punched a commanding officer, which is the most likely false from what Paul knew of the man, and many other rumors were sparkling around the Sundown and the base they called home . However it also annoyed Lyons greatly because whenever he thought about Jason's past it normally didn't go anywhere because even knowing the man for whom he was he never actually knew the man behind the man so to speak. Jason tended to block everything else out regarding it and he didn't tell anyone about it including his friends and officers. Captain Jason Hiyan also had a tendency to ignore things when in thought like he was now. So Paul asked again slightly more louder and more sternly and then Captain Jason shook his head getting of his thoughts for the moment. He still was in his considering something as he looked down at his fellow colleague and sighed. Paul was always so impatient with things and it tired him to no end. The boy was a natural pilot without any doubt but in the end he was still a young man. Jason felt responsible for the guy and knew he was quite old for his age of twenty but that did not stop him from disliking the kid’s attitude at times. However after so many missions together and after meeting Miss Lacus, who he thought would even out Paul's darker attitude, he had learned to accept him for who he was. The two men had an older brother-younger brother relationship and he would hate to see Paul come into harm’s way even if Paul felt otherwise at times and insisted he got into danger. When Jason made a call that angered Paul for whatever reason he obeyed it but did so grudgingly which was rare as both of them got along notoriously well. "Yes...yes I'm sorry for being lost in thought. I was just trying to figure out what this mission is going to be and nothing came up in memory in terms of conflicts. So I would have to say no I don't, but it may have to do with the resurgence of ZAFT forces in the colonies. There also might be something down here on Earth that might need our attention." Jason said but it was more or less a mumble. Paul nodded agree with Jason's train of thought. Unless space had gotten riled up again in the time Paul and the crew left it meant Earth was the main target. Paul and Jason arrived at the meeting room at the end of the hallway and Paul opened it using a control pannel. As they walked in it was General Patrick Patton, Grand Commander of the EA (Earth Alliance) and OMNI Enforcer forces on the planet, who greeted them. He was wearing his full admiral suit and no one else was present in the room besides him. Strange indeed but not out of the norm for Patton whom generally kept to himself and was known for having private talks with people on a more person to person basis. Patton said it helped him pick out spies. Confused Paul wondered what could bring such a high ranking official out to greet them however. After all the group had done nothing worth noting as of late to warrant the need for him to come to them so to speak. Their last missions were mundane rebels crushing runs and tracking down George Kyleson with no luck. He was suspicious now and curious of what this mission really was. Jason on the other hand saluted and greeted the man in the way officers normally did. Paul followed in suit to Jason and apologized for not doing so earlier. As they sat down General Patrick told them about a recent signal that was being reported by various captains and forces in the region. The nearest squadron had also vanished in an attempt to find out what it was. The commanders and generals believed that it was ZAFT forces making some sort of space station and there were also reports of odd signals going around that were heavy in static and could not be interpreted. Jason breathed in heavily as Paul looked at the screen intently memorizing the details as quick as he could. "I see. So you want us to go and investigate this and report back to you on whatever we find correct? I will accept the mission." Paul said as he stood up and looked at the screen. Jason himself could only stare, brows furrowed, trying to get this whole thing in his head. There were also reports coming in from other captains of odd mobile suits signals in the area of unusual design and varying strength and numbers. It seemed ZAFT was at its job again and making more units despite the agreement made at the end of the Four Month War which made a certain ceasefire between the Earth Alliance and the ZAFT Colonial Forces. "Will we be receiving reinforcements and will our suits be repaired? We just got back from a mission and our crew is tired. I will need fresh units and parts along with food, fuel, and munitions to cover the entire field General Patrick sir." Jason said formally but he knew Patrick did not get to be a general by dealing with political crap so he assumed that Patrick had indeed done so already. It was confirmed as the General informed him of the stolen ZAFT GINNs being all pulled out and replaced by the new modeled Slaughter Daggers designed after the Strike Gundam that was captured by ZAFT during the battle of London. They were also told of the ORB Union that was formed a year ago had finally made a deal with them. The Union had given them a handful of special units that were then mass produced in the short amount of time the Sundown had been gone and fighting at the moon. The Murasame was a special unit and had its own designated units and pilots. Indeed the general had thought of everything these were improvements over the GINNs but Jason requested that they leave a few on-board as auxiliaries just in case. Patrick was confused since the Sundown, an Arch-Angel Class ship that was made specifically for Jason's usage as a command ship, to which the General told them he would do what he could. He finished up by saying they would be receiving plenty of extra crew. Alpha Team led by Grant Nimitz a talented new cadet officer who had formerly served with Paul Lyons, Beta Team which would be staying with them, Omega Team which was Paul's personal team, and SIGMA team whom piloted the Murasame units sent by ORB. Paul thanked Patton and left with Jason after saluting the man. Paul and Jason than said goodbye to the general and sent messages to the officers and staff of the Sundown before going to where the Slaughter Daggers being stored and moved to the ship. The Murasame units were also being brought onboard. The Paul looked at them as they were brought aboard the ship. He was thinking why such a huge military force was being made to combat a bunch of ZAFT lackeys and fools. He swore he caught a glimpse of an odd looking mobile suit being stored in a giant crate and brung aboard but he was not sure maybe it was just some sort of prototype Murasame unit. Regardless he looked around and saw a group of pilots in dark green jump suits walk up to Jason and introduced themselves as SIGMA squad and were being transferred to his command. Jason saluted them and told them where to go and who to report to before they returned the salute and went aboard the ship. ========================= [youtube]9wcxvl378nI[/youtube] However he heard a familiar female voice calling out to him and knew a who it was by Jason's grin. A pink haro unit was also with her Lacus Clyne, daughter of the former Chairman of the PLANT Siegel Clyne (who had sided with the EA during the Four Months War). Lacus herself was an occasional singer whom supported communities ravanged by war or whatever misfortunes fell upon them. Lacus ran up to him and hugged him tightly and pulled him close. Paul smiled and chuckled as he hugged her back tightly. He figured that she'd arrive soon after all even though he was a soldier and she a peace loving girl who was two years younger than him, they had a strong relationship due to their own senses of morality. Lacus hated war but understood that Paul was doing what he was doing for his family and the people of Earth. It was a necessity of the times to have soldiers like Paul and Jason. It was needed in order to make the universe a safer place for naturals and coordinators alike. Paul however inside was a soldier, a person brought up with the expectations that he thrived in battle, He was indeed full of hate and bitterness inside but that was a side he kept hidden very well and it was only brought out when certain individuals were around. This side of Paul Lyons was a side of him Paul hoped he never would need to show Lacus. He keeps his emotions away hidden and he was a killer, a glorified killer in the eyes of his superiors and government, but he was a killer none the less. She cared for him deeply regardless and when she could be she was an outlet for the young man. "I was hoping you weren't hurt and I'm glad you and Jason both returned safely. I told you stop fighting these wars they are wrong! Self defense is one thing but...I know that you know nothing else but fighting and I know that the people you hunt are normally pirates... but... but still I'm sure you can do anything you put your mind to. In fact I know you can! I worry about you when you go off and fight! Despite the fact that you insist on doing this job you've had for so long and defending the weak and those unable to defend themselves but still you ever think what I'd do if you died out there. It is selfish but it's how I feel. You are my soldier and I won't let you just throw away your life like that." Lacus in quiet pride making her worry for her future husband clear said as Haro looked up at them both saying its name over and over again and then Captain Hiyan walked off hiding a smile and muffling a chuckle he'd let them be alone for a few moments. It would be good for Paul to do in the end. Lacus was a beautiful, kind, and sincerely caring young woman. He smiled at the fact that she was with Paul who he had seen ruthlessly cut down the enemy soldiers in his Force Impulse days before hand. "I told you Lacus I can't stop fighting like you said I know nothing else. There are very few people with my skills and I made a promise to my father to keep Earth safe...to keep you safe. I have to go to war Lacus if I don't who will protect those weaker or unable to protect themselves? If I don't who will? And don't say someone else will because you know that is not true. We, as humans, can't possibly stop fighting. I aim to change that or at the very least do something; so that others won't be crushed and that we can finally understand each other as hopelessly idealistic as that sounds." Paul said letting his gentle side sink out of him. However it was still bluntly honest of course he would never lie to Lacus but at this point in time he was still tired and he had to go back into the ship into space and fight again. It never seemed to end but he was glad she was here to help. But despite this he said it was a kind loving passion and let it show that he believed in what he said. It was a rare moment for the man as he was normally stern and cold around most people whom weren't from his usual routine. He was also sarcastic and cruel at times but when he was with his family and friends he let that go for a moment. Paul almost always slipped off his mask to show the boy lost and killed at adolescent by circumstances beyond his control and the man who was born of those circumstances in return. Lacus meant a lot to him she was kind and caring where he was a brutal killer when in the cockpit. Even then Paul sometimes let things go and he took risks. It was the best he could do even as pitiful as it sounded. Lacus...she gave him the confidence he needed to move on with his life otherwise he'd be much worse off than he is now and ever since George fought him in the Aegis, a gundam that was a part of his Father's G project. he did not know what to think anymore. Lacus gave him the love he needed even though it was a very thin line that would shatter it like glass if the truth of the matter reared it's ugly head. Love...romance....trust....what were those concepts to a man like Paul. Paul depended on many things and his family was one of them even his guilt ridden father who had rejected the military and went into living alone until Lacus's father convinced him to move in with Paul and Lacus. "I understand that Paul, I know you have your own battles to fight, but if I lose you...I...I don't know what I would do. I know about George, your friend from long ago who was with you up until a year ago. You may have forgotten but you told me about him when we first met and I know you've fought him before at least once. Maybe you can stop fighting and work things out with him! Please he is the closest thing to a brother you ever had surely he will listen to reason and to you!" She pleaded tempting Paul with sad eyes and her natural charismatic nature. She always knew that Paul Lyons's soft spot was his old friend whom he had nearly killed once before. However that soft spot was buried under many other emotions including a passionate flaming hatred that burned Paul's soul like a fire. Paul got slightly angry at this but then was appalled at how he was about to react and calmed down. He loosened his tightening grip around her and sighed. He could never confront George again in civil terms unless he, George, truly wanted to make amends for their conflicts. However that was unlikely George was passionate man he (Paul) knew that he would have to fight him...and one of them would die otherwise the conflict would continue. However deep down in his heart Paul wished he could solve their problems and understood that it was a futile hope. The hatred was strong but...was the past stronger? "Look Lacus...Please understand I need you to go home and keep things going there while I go on a mission. I should be back soon. You need to take care of my father and everyone else in the neighborhood. You are their friend and you are family to the whole community. I'm truly sorry but that's what will happen and I have no choice to go on the mission otherwise I'd be court marshaled understand? Please Lacus, I don't like it either but it's for the best at the moment. What if I lose you? What if I lose Jason as well who will be there for me then?" he said pulling away slowly from her reluctant to leave her side and then patted Lacus on the shoulder she kept his head down for a moment composing herself then looked up fiercely at him. "Promise me you'll come home and I'll leave now." Lacus said stubbornly she did not want him to go away on another month long mission on some war torn and bleak area again. It was too much to ask of him or any soldier to make such a promise however Paul did indeed promise her he would but it was rather unconvincing. Despite that she seemed satisfied enough and decided to leave and said good bye before picking up Haro and holding it in her arms. She did so and looked behind her back once As Paul walked up the ramp and entered the Sundown. The crew members did whatever they could to hurry up the launch and many outside where still getting ready. OMNI Enforcer was doing everything they could to prepare themselves for the flight. He also learned that there were extra medical supplies and ammo stored onto the ship's cargo bay. Paul was pleased about the progress the crew was making and was prepared for anything that may happen on the mission. ========================= As he entered he saw the familiar and new faces and saluted those who did it to him, which was nearly everyone since he outranked the majority of them even at his age, and entered the bridge. Captain Jason was sitting in his chair and confirmed to Paul everything was green except they were waiting on some people and that they were launching soon as well. Paul nodded "Good the sooner we get there the better. We need but Jason grabbed Paul's shoulder gently. "Did she take it hard again? She is a stubborn girl that one. Don't keep ignoring her feelings." Jason said in the way a best friend would speak to another as Paul faced away from him. "It hurts I won't lie I'll make it up to her though. I'm going to go run checks on the Raigo before we go there. Thanks for the concern though." Paul said as he pulled away from him. As the ship lifted off all the crew could think about was the journey they were about to go on. Paul sat down modifying the GAT-FJ108 Raigo Gundam. Captain Jason left the control room to take a look his normal priorities and as the last of the creates were set aboard after come hindrance by the apparent ineptitude of the supply officers. The Murasames were being loaded and SIGMA squad was settling in, roughly, with the rest of the crew. A repair group also came aboard but Jason had the second commanding officer to clear them before they came in. As the last of the shipments where brought aboard the Sundown took off. Paul was in his room and he would remain there until the time came. The Gundam was already tuned into his specs but he was not sure how much he trusted this new ORB Union. The ship rumbled as it tumbled into orbit and went on its course. ____________________________________ Hitting the Signal and being Stranded... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-G7jQ...feature=relmfu As the Sundown approached the signal point two days later after they launched everything seemed fine. However they lost communications with Earth about an hour ago and were now on their own as far as they were concerned. There were no mysterious mobile suits or anything remotely suspicious however there were unknown communication lines surrounding it they were faint and unrecognizable but Jason was sure there was more to this place than meets the eye. SIGMA squad was convinced to enter into daggers meant for space flight instead of their Murasames who could not act properly in deep space yet. OMEGA squad, also set out as Paul got into his uniform and helmet. He walked into the meeting room and discussed the battle plans with SIGMA his wing men from OMEGA. They agreed, after some arguments, to go in slow and if any hostiles are there they are to be taken out. As the men launched in their Daggers, after rushing to the hanger, Paul entered his core splendor and put his helmet's face shield down and sealed it there. He turned on the Gundam and waited for the controls to become operation before launching. "This is Lieutenant Paul Lyons OMNI Enforcer launching in Raigo Gundam..." Paul said casually as the unit was cleared for launch by the captain's right hand girl Katherine Williams. However Jason himself contacted him after launching, "This is Jason, you and your men are clear to investigate the anomaly permission to kill granted if needed. Don't engage unless need be. Sundown out." Jason said as he sat back down on his chair. Paul went further ahead to investigate this strange occurrence and noticed his systems got a bit clunky as he approached it suddenly however one of his pilots complained about a head ache and SIGMA 3 told him to shut it and keep it clean. However soon after the dots on the radar vanished and before Paul understood what happened he was blacking out his last thought was of what was happening and of Sundown... Later.... Paul woke up suddenly like he just got hit on the side of the head or had drunk to much like a sailor of old. He felt woozy and not in control of himself he looked around and remembered he was in Raigo gundam...however something seemed odd....He panicked for a moment and looked on his radar and noticed he was no longer in space after checking his main camera...everything was intact nothing was different...The Sundown itself was....landed nearby completely unharmed...What was going on here. He was in the middle of a military base on the top eastern side of the area. North east was a gigantic citadel...Where in the name of god was he at? He pushed the communications button to call Captain Hiyan. "This is Paul come in Sundown are you ok? I repeat: This is Paul come in Sundown are you ok?" Jason woke up to the sound of Paul's voice calling out in a calm but slightly intense state as he inspected the cabin his crew was all unconscious he went over to the coms officer's chair and woke him up. Jason told him to go and tell everyone to wake up immediately. Paul's call came again and this time he was responded to. "This is Sundown please calm yourself my friend. "What is our situation?" We appear to be a fortress or citadel of some sort resembling ancient Japan." Jason said to Paul as he thought to himself Well then it seems we are also cut off from all OMNI forces and we're stranded somewhere as well...what is happening here? he said as he sat down and his crew started to wake up. Raigo gundam was now on its feet looking around.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sugihito


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

After Colony 225: Falson War

The convoy from Berlin contined through the European countryside with destination Warsaw for Operation Rising Himalayas. The war between the Earth-Sphere United Nations and the rebellious Falson Coalition spanned now for more than twenty years. The Coalition controlled most of the space colonies and a large portion of Earth with occaisional counters from the Earth-Sphere that managed to bring the war to the stalemate. The reappearance of the Gundams are bringing high expectations of an eventual Earth victory among officials but the confidence and the Gundams are kept a secret to the public.

Donna look out the window of the truck she was riding. Over the hours she saw the smooth transition between Prussia and Central Europe with changes visible. She turned to see Instructor W driving the truck. He wore his goggles like if he never took it off that Donna now thinks of the Instructor when she sees goggles. The truck had a navigation system to guide the convoy to Warsaw, courtesy of the Earth-Sphere government that really want the Gundam at Warsaw. "How many minutes do we have to Warsaw?" She asked her mentor.
The Mentor had a look at the time estimation. "Roughly two more hours." He answered and briefly brushed his platinum blonde hair. "We'll be there earlier than scheduled."
Donna felt like if the trip was going for days. "What can you tell me about the other Gundams?" She asked. "I never got any information on them."
Instructor W understood that 'Top Secret' can sometimes block those that need to know. "As far as I remember, we have two more Gundams." He recalled. "One of them is piloted by the son of an old friend."
Not knowing who the old friend is Donna was left to wonder. She moved to a new subject. "So this Sandrock is basically the copy of the original sandrock?" She questioned.
Instructor W got a lot of those questions before and knew how to answer them. "Kind of." He replied. "Most advancement in Mobile Suit technology's been lost during the Eve Wars, forcing us to start from scratch. You can say it's the original Sandrock's reincarnation."
The screen of the navigation system began to glitch. Series of errors began appearing with finally a large text with 'Location Unknown' in bold. "The navigation's going wrong." Donna informed the Instructor.
The glitch forced Instructor W to stop the truck with a break. The intention to break managed to pass on to the other trucks that also breaked behind them. "Strange." He said, concerned with the glitch. "I swear it was working fine as new."
Donna had an idea. "I should try to have a look to see if we can use the Sandrock's navigation." She went off to climb up the truck to get to her Gundam. She tore off the sheets that blocked the way to the cockpit and opened the cockpit itself up once all obstructions were thrown off. The pilot entered and turned on the systems. The Instructor followed to see if there are any results. They saw the operating system starting up but the map also showed a bar of 'Location Unknown'. "Did the Coalition develop some anti-GPS thing?" Donna asked. She closed the cockpit doors and got her Gundam up from the truck. "I think they might be ambushing us." She said with uncertainty, getting all her equipment.
Instructor W noticed the lights turning into an 'error' "Things are going wrong..." He remarked. The statement tempted the sudden blackout of the Gundam with both in the cockpit losing consciousness.


Donna woke up to find the systems of the Sandrock back online as if nothing off the line happened. However the GPS still failed to pin the location. She noticed that the Instructor was unconscious on her, forcing her to waking him up uncomfortably. "Instructor, please wake up." She asked politely and fortunately for her he woke up and returned to standing at the edge of the cockpit. She opened the door of the cockpit up to see if there had been an attack but she was given a different surprise.
Seeing the stunned pupil, the Instructor had a peek to find that they're no longer in the Polish countryside. "Where are we?" He asked, not expecting an answer.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Arthanus
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Arthanus Grey Jedi

Member Seen 23 days ago

AW 0015
Ruins of London
921 hours.
"Point A is clear, Send in the scavengers." Gabriel reported after scouting an old section of London his people had yet to search. It was a foggy day, but his scanners didn't pick up anything out of the ordinary and the area had been clear of bandits for about a month now, so Gabriel didn't have any significant worries. "Rodger that X, moving to Point A now, head to Point B and we will catch up soon." One of the Scavengers, Alfred by the voice, replied to Gabriel. "Copy that moving to Point B, find us something useful these old ruins are still depressing and I would like to spend a few days out of them.," Gabriel replied before sighing, "God I hate that nickname, X.... Just because I use a GX doesn't mean I need to be reminded...." He said to himself knowing the comn was off, and even if it wasn't it was something they hadn't heard before. But with the all clear Gabriel moved forward deeper into the ruins toward the second Scavenge point for the day.

Everything was playing out just like a regular day, useful materials were being salvaged to help the community, The bandits seemed to be chased out of the area for now, and if things kept on going as they were, Gabriel would be able to call it quits soon. But just as he made it half way to Point B a distress signal appeared on his radar. "Hay Salvage team heads up, I just picked up a distress beacon up north. I am going to go check it out, Keep an eye out." He relayed back to the scavenge team before redirecting his course to investigate the beacon. Gabriel didn't even register a response before things started to get fuzzy and he blacked out.

Unknown Location
Some time later

Gabriel awoke with a jump still inside his GX "What happened to me?" he asked out loud knowing no response would come. After shaking off the last remaining bits of drowsiness Gabriel's head started to clear up. It was then that he felt the presence of another Newtype somewhere near by. "Now that isn't good, I don't know of any Newtypes anywhere nearby us..." He continued talking to himself as he started to run a diagnostic check on his G-X. With everything still showing a green Gabriel readied himself before heading toward the other Newtype. Because Gabriel knew that the other Newtype could probably sense him as well. On the way to the other Newtype it was obvious he wasn't in England anymore the buildings looked Japanese, and even then everything looked to intact to be from the Earth Gabriel knew.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ionion
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Mars Surface

Today was going to be another day of testing out new systems for mobile suits. She was heading towards the hangar with her twin brother Milou and their best friend Katherine Oud Winner. They were chatting about mostly pointless things until they arrived. When they arrived they were approached by some people who explained to them what they would be testing. She had gotten a Tallgeese with an experimental G-Dampener. They had chosen a Tallgeese for it because of the normally extreme forces it put the pilot through. She quickly got in the suit and got ready to launch. "Sis don't hurry that much," she heard Milou say over the comm-link. In answer to that she just said that the faster she tested this the faster she could go back to training. With that she moved to the launch pad. "Naina Peacecraft, Tallgeese launching!"
She was now flying along the mars surface gradually testing out how well the dampeners worked when she noticed something odd. "Hmmm my radar is picking up a strange signal. I'm going to check it out," she said over the comm-link to Milou and Katherine. Both of them confirming and offering their assistance should anything happen. When she got closer to the signal her radar started to act up and she suddenly felt very tired. Before she knew it everything went black.
Unknown time
Unknown place

Naina woke up remembering following a weird signal and then blackness. She opened her eyes and saw everything in her cockpit working fine except for 1 thing. The monitors were showing a Japanese like environment. "That can't be right," Naina said to herself. After checking the readings and opening her cockpit hatch she discovered she was truly on earth. After standing still a bit looking around she got back inside and checked her radar to pinpoint her location. Only to get the words 'Unknown Location' back. "Just great," she mumbled to herself. She was completely and utterly lost. Figuring that maybe Katherine or Milou could be stranded out here too she decided to use her comm system and try to get in touch with them. After turning it on and searching for their frequencies without success she decided to just explore the area around her a bit and maybe find something useful.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sugihito


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"We're in... Japan?" Donna judged from everything around her. "How did we end up from Poland to Japan? Does the Sandrock have some teleportation or something?"
Instructor W scratched his head in disbelief. "There should be nothing like that in the Sandrock at all." He replied.
Donna made a guess. "Japan is under Coalition occupation right?" She asked. "Is this a trap?"
The Instructor tried to think for a rational answer but he didn't have any. "I don't know." He simply answered.
The Gundam made a quick search for other units. She moved her Sandrock around in a large circle for anything other than the Japanese scenery they're in. She can they that everything there is unusual that she can't tell the difference beween reality and fantasy. She noticed a number of other units in the area. "Looks like there are other people but they don't look like if they're Earth-Sphere or Coalition judging by their signals." She commented. "I should look to see if they're friend or foe."
The Instructor nodded with the decision. "Good idea." He simply said.
The Sandrock drew one of it's heat shotels for any enemy she might face and made it's way to the closest source of the unidentified signal.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

As Jason recovered Paul looked about and tapped his radar after the static started to crop up on it. He noticed that there was some interference going on and that his suit's electrical systems weren't operating at peak efficiency. What bugged him however was that his mobile suit was not offline but had charges still left. Who in their right mind would take out an entire ship using some unknown system and force them to a new location without taking them out of their bloody suit. In fact...well yeah it seemed the fools left them with a gun still in his suit as well. What the hell was going on? "Captain...what the hell..." Paul commented as he looked around at his surroundings in awe at first but then coming together shortly afterward. Paul seemed to be in front of a giant castle like structure...of Chinese make or Japanese? He wasn't to sure he had never been to Japan the closest he'd gotten there was in his trips to Hawaii with his family and fellow co-officers. To say Paul was confused to say the least was an understatement. His unit was running on power to low to sustain itself and yet it was still running with some charge left but it was clear he was out for quite a bit. He checked his radar and noted that he was missing OMEGA Team but Beta and SIGMA were nearby. "This is Jason we're fine but we won't be able to move to your location we're on a field just east of your location. Just make sure you gather the teams together Lieutenant. For now I'll work on getting this battleship of ours operational and then we will find Omega Team. I know how much of a boon they can be to us and we will need all our men to make sure our ship gets out of here. Jason stated plainly. "This is Beta leader I'm at some sort of base nearby and I have no idea what the hell is going on...we're missing some people! Lieutenant orders sir?" Beta leader asked as Paul looked about with his gundam. "Form on me top center field by the large citadel! Paul said over his communicator as he felt the a pricking sense on the back of his head like someone or something was nearby...but only newtypes gave off that sense. Well then...that is interesting...very interesting indeed. He quickly reached down for his beam saber and pulled it out as fast as his gundam would move. As he did he activated his suit's speakers. "Hey I know you're there come out. I got some questions for you the paramount of which is where the hell are we and did you bring us here?" Paul asked as he turned in the general direction of where he was sensing something. "I'm Lieutenant Black Star, OMNI Enforcer Earth Alliance tell me are you ZAFT or Junk Guild? I'm guessing ZAFT there's no reason for the junkers to try and capture us. Paul said plainly.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ionion
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Naina was really wondering what had happened to her. One moment she was chasing a weird signal in space and now she was suddenly in a Japanese looking region. At the moment she was scouting the area directly around her 'crash location'. Looking at her radar again she noticed she was getting quite close to one of the signals around her. Trying to search for specific signals didn't give anything so right now she was just scanning for any signal at all and the radar did pick up some signals in here direct vicinity. The annoying thing was that every single one of the signals her radar picked up were completely unknown. This did not make sense to her at all. No matter where she would end up there should be some recognizable signals, friend, foe or neutral.
She got as close to the signal as she could, but remained hidden behind a building. She had no idea if it was hostile or not so she drew her beam saber just in case. Moving the Tallgeese's head around the corner she saw it was apparently a Sandrock with a weird coloring scheme. Seeing that it was holding one of the heat blades she decided to act quick. She moved from behind the corner and aimed her Dober gun at the suit. She then sent a message to it, but decided to not use her real last name just to be safe. "This is the pilot of the Tallgeese, Naina Wind speaking. Pilot of the Sandrock gundam state your name and affiliation." She really hoped it wasn't an enemy.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sugihito


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

The Sandrock continued to move around where they are. The place looked completly real that the pilot and her mentor couldn't think of an explanation on how they end up here. The radar still showed a number of unidentified units with no indication of friend or foe.
Instructor W noticed there is a signal that seemed to be close to them. It was close that he realised there is a presence nearby."Donna! The corner!" He alarmed.
The pilot saw the Tallgeese leaping from the corner, aiming that dober gun at her. "Tallgeese?" Donna asked the Instructor. "It shouldn't be possible."
"There shouldn't be any more units of the Tallgeese surviving." The Instructor noted. "It's possible for the Coalition to create one but we'll see who this is first before getting into an unnecessary firefight." He didn't receive reports of a surviving Tallgeese either.
Donna took the advice and gave a reply. "This is Second Lieutenant Donna Lindemann of the Earth Sphere United Nations Gundam team." She responded. "Instructor W is also with me. I would like to know if you are with the Falson Coalition or anything else the Earth-Sphere considers as their enemy." The shotel slowly began to glow red in case things get messy between the two to call for a fight.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Arthanus
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Arthanus Grey Jedi

Member Seen 23 days ago

Gabriel was cautious as he approached the citadel taking note of anything he could. Wherever he was it was to pristine to be his world, even though the winter had ended seven years ago, Gabriel hadn't heard of any areas successfully restored to this magnitude. He checked his instruments several times to see if he was on some colony, but the gravity here wasn't artificial nor were the plants or soil. This was real an Earth that didn't seem his own, but how could that be possible.... He pushed the thought out of his mind as he neared the Citadel. The other Newtype was close now Gabriel could feel him clearly. He moved in close hiding behind a wall trying to get any information he could before confronting the Newtype.

But as Gabriel expected he was found out and the other Newtype made its move drawing its saber and calling him out. Gabriel moved the GX out from behind the wall drawing his own Saber and raising his shield ready in case the other Newtype attacked. "Sorry, But I have no idea where here is, So I am not the one who did this." He responded to the first question keeping a ready stance, but not making any aggressive movements. "A Lieutenant ehh? I used to be a Major back in my day, but that was a while ago. The name is Gabriel, I used to work for the UNE before the drop, but now I am just working to survive. But I have no Idea what an OMNI Enforcer is or ZAFT, I can guess what Junkers are but we call them Vultures from where I am from." He said answering the other pilots questions before giving some of his own. "Well, Now I'll ask you something, you said us, just how many of you are there here? I would ask if you knew where here was, but you asked me so I'm going to guess you are as clueless as me on that one. And what is that suit? A new model they developed in the colonies? Because I have never seen it before." he asked not really expecting much of an answer, but asking anyway to see if there was anything useful he could learn from this pilot.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Paul was confused had this man hit his head or something? How in the several circle of hells did this guy think he was going to fool him. "So that's what ZAFT is calling themselves now of days? Why the hell do you think I am going to tell a complete stranger how many members are in my group. You have to be from ZAFT PLANT areas because the new generation of Earth's OMNI Gundams don't roll out until about a year from now and clearly no junker could possibly obtain tech as high as that unless they're really good thieves. However I feel....I feel confusion coming from you? I see you're like me I believe the scientists are phrasing the term Newtype now for people like us. Whatever I'll assume the UNE and Vulture come from some sort of splinter group from the PLANTS. However it seems that for now-" Paul stated before being interrupted rudely by BETA leader and SIGMA Teams members as they arrived from the western entrance that appeared to be of the only exits nearby. "Lieutenant sir we-What the blue bloody balls is that a....a gundam!? Sir that thing has to be a ZAFT make! Beta Leader proclaimed as SIGMA team's sniper told him that they were missing their number 4 and 2. Paul sighed as he wondered why the hell they had to appear just now..."No Beta Leader stand down. I don't need to get into an unneeded gun fight and if this guy was one of our captors he'd be stupid to try and kill us with the numbers on our side. Let's talk for now. Captain is the ship back in progress?" Paul asked as Communications Officer Williams replied to him but only somewhat because it was clear she was tired from just waking up, "Yes lieutenant but...it will take awhile for us to get over to you. Williams replied as she looked around the bridge. Axer and Calhone were just waking up now and were starting up the systems which had mysteriously powered down. Also it seemed that an extra crew member had arrived to take the place of Coms Officer Downey. The pink haired woman had identified herself as Cathy Baker but she looked familiar somehow. Maybe she was an old student at the academy like her. Meanwhile Paul turned back his attention to the 'major', "I apologize for the insistence but it seems I must ask you to wait here. My Captain is most likely going to want to talk to you however until then you can't leave this field. Before you ask no I just woke up in the middle of this god forsaken field only just now. If you're telling the truth, which is a bit of a stretch, it seems that we both fell victim to whatever brought us here. Paul stated rather bluntly. Why should he trust this guy he was not making a lick of sense anyway and Paul distrusted spacenoids greatly. It came with his background....
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Arthanus
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Arthanus Grey Jedi

Member Seen 23 days ago

Gabriel half laughed at the accusations of this Black Star. "First whatever this ZAFT thing is and now PLANT, And even the term Newtype seems new to you. The UNE, United Nations Earth, If you forgot I know it was 15 years but they did govern Earth there for a while. So whatever this ZAFT or PLANT things are they must of sprung up since then." Gabriel stated before the troops arrived. When they did he tightened his defenses expecting a fight. But as the other Newtype told his men to stand down Gabriel relaxed a bit, he even deactivated his Saber and sheathed it, but kept his shield ready just in case. "Well then if your commanding officer would like to talk instead of just throw meaningless names and accusations I will gladly speak to him. At least that way we can get somewhere." Gabriel said after Black Star's next statement. Whoever the pilot was it was starting to get on Gabriel's nerves, although if the pilot was in the same situation as Gabriel then he could understand the confusion and caution.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ionion
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Naina didn't really expect the pilot to respond, but when the pilot Donna did she was confused. She had not heard of any rumor that the ESUN was making Gundams, but she figured that if they did they would keep it top secret. The confusing part was this Falson coalition. If the ESUN considered it an enemy then why hadn't the Mars Federation heard of it. Seeing that the Sandrock's blade began to glow red she decided it was best to prevent fighting from happening, for the moment at least. Lowering the Dober gun she answered back. "I have no idea what this Falson Coalition you speak of is, but I am from the Mars federation and we are considered non-hostile towards the ESUN. I think it would be in our mutual interest to not start fighting at this moment." It was then that Naina thought back to the weird signal and decided it may be worth it to ask about that. She also wanted to see what this other pilot and instructor W looked like, but decided that meeting face to face was too dangerous. So she decided a video conversation would do and after sending the link over she said:"I thought it would be easier if we both saw who we are talking to. Also I would like to ask if it was you that sent out that weird signal a while ago?" Now to see how they would react.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sugihito


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

What Naina said brought more confusion to the current situation. "I haven't heard of the Mars Federation either." Donna scratched her head while responding. "From what I know, the Coalition also invaded Mars more than a decade ago and the planet should be under occupation."
Instructor W entered the conversation again. "If we're considered allies then we should work together to find out what exactly happened to us." He said. With the cease of hostility Donna deactivated the shotel from heating.
The video of Naina appeared on the interface of the Sandrock, prompting Donna turned on the video to allow the pilot to see who she is speaking to. While the Gundam pilot remained confused with what's going on, Instructor W thought that the pilot he saw resembled someone he vaguely knew to a degree but the Martian pilot he's seeing now is female and younger. What Naina should see now on her interface is a dark-haired, grey-eyed young woman with a blond man in a labcoat wearing goggles to cover his eyes next to her. "It wasn't us that sent the weird signal." She replied still in a puzzled state. "It must be someone else if you didn't either."
The Instructor gave a word. "We should continue looking for the answer together." He suggested. "There are more unknown signals nearby so there might be someone that can answer our questions."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Captain did this guy smack his head or something? Or has he been hiding under a rock for some years?" Beta 2 asked their leader as they rounded up on their lieutenant. Paul couldn't digest what the hell this guy was talking about so easily however. Was he being serious? It seemed so but still there was the nagging question on his mind: What the hell was going on and where were the people who brought him here? Whatever was going on here it was certainly nothing he could explain further. He kept his beam saber out, still inactivated, and grabbed his shield which was laying on the ground nearby. Beta Leader grunted and told the kid to pipe down and just do as the lieutenant asked, "Look pal I've spent quite a bit of time on Earth and I'm not a lieutenant at my age for being some mental case but I've never heard of this earth faction. There's the Southern American Coalition, The African Alliance, and The Asian Principality all under OMNI's jurisdiction but never has there been factions like that before. I got no clue why you're not referring to colonies as PLANTS but it hardly matters right now. My captain on the other hand is going to need some time to warm up in the mean time we're going to go and scout this god forsaken area. I'm marking this area down as special interest because of this giant ass citadel right here. Paul said as he looked at the citadel. He informed SIGMA Leader to try and get contact with anything nearby. Paul then looked up at the sky and put away at the beam saber and exchanged it for his beam rifle and then fired up into the sky. It hit nothing. "One things for certain this isn't no artificial sky. Paul commented to him as he turned down to go south intending on investigating this area before his battery ran dry and he'd have to go and charge back up.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ionion
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Naina wasn't sure what to think about what this Donna said. How could they not know about the Mars Federation? Also a coalition invading Mars a decade ago didn't make any sense at all. Another thing that seemed strange to her was this instructor W. For some reason he seemed somewhat familiar, but she just couldn't determine what exactly. His voice as well had a familiar tone to it. She figured that this wasn't really the time to think about these hunches and decided she would pursue them when the situation was less tense. From what Donna said she figured that they ended up here the same way she did and were as clueless as she was. She then heard instructor W suggest about checking out the other signals and that they could perhaps have an answer. "I agree with you instructor W that it would be a good idea, but if they arrived here the same way we did they will probably have the same amount of info we have." Naina figured that there could be info in a stronghold in the vicinity. Looking at her radar and her main camera she saw that there was in fact a citadel nearby. "I think we are more likely to find info in that citadel nearby," As she pointed towards it she saw a beam shot being fired near it. "We can even find some other people near it that may know something. Looking at that shot though they may be hostile."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sugihito


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Donna saw that Naina has a point with the pointlessness of asking the same questions to anyone else around here but there is nothing else they can possibly do for now. She shifted Sandrock's main camera to the citadel, pointed by the Tallgeese. She caught a glancing view of the beam shot, implying someone is there and fired a shot. She zoomed in the camera to see where the beam came from but the camera could only show the exterior of the citadel. "I can't tell who fired the shot." She muttered.
Instructor W spoke again. "We might as well investigate this citadel." He replied. "We should get going now if we want answers from something or someone there." He signalled Donna to get Sandrock moving to the Citadel. He oversaw his pupil returning the camera back to default before she got the Gundam. She lead the way, walking slowly and carefully, staying vigilant for any potential ambushes from the Coalition. The pilot and her mentor also examined the scenery further on the way to see if their eyes or minds are playing tricks on them and this is all a dream caused by a bump to the head. They stopped close to the citadel to see who's also there in the area as seen on their radar. They are unable to see anything so far thanks to part of the building blocking their sight. Instructor contacted Naina again to make sure she followed them without getting separated by accident. "Naina, can you see anything yourself?" He asked. "We're blocked by the architecture and can't see that well."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Arthanus
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Arthanus Grey Jedi

Member Seen 23 days ago

Gabriel listened to the others as they talked. And how they talked concerned him how could they claim to be from earth yet they seemed to know nothing of the colony drops. And even this lieutenant who was a Newtype seemed to have little to no knowledge of what he was. The more he thought about it the less he liked this situation. And yet this Black Star continued to list off names that meant nothing to Gabriel, governments that couldn’t exist with how badly those areas had been decimated. But part of his comments did grab Gabriel’s attention. “Now being a Mental Case is yet to be proven, many young Newtypes went insane during the 7th Space War when forced into mental combat. But I think you’ll be able to handle it. And your little plan there didn’t exactly explain what you plan to do with me, unless you meant me in the “we’re going to scout” thing, in which case why should I follow your orders?” Gabriel said. “Although I would prefer not to start some sort of fight, I am not one of your men to order around, in fact I held a higher rank then you back when I was in the Military so it is a little insulting if you are just trying to order me around.” He continued and watched as the man shot into the sky. “True this may not be an artificial sky, but you did just signal out our position to anyone who would be in the surrounding area. So if any of those ZAFT people were out looking for you then you just gave them a beacon to find us. Not exactly the smart thing to do when you still have no idea where you are.” Gabriel added looking around to see if there would be any other movement.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

-Double post see below post-
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Fine then I'll make this clear now Mr. Gabriel. It doesn't matter what rank you once held now that you clearly identified yourself as a civie. Yeah you're coming with us or more specifically me and Beta 3 over there. Paul said as he made his mobile suit trump along the path crushing what could have been ancient stairs but at this point were clearly long abandoned or at least not in use anymore since there was literal no one within eye distance. As Paul listened to the man he grew steadily more and more annoyed. However something was starting to piss him off now..."We've said all but a few sentences to each other and you expect me to believe there was several wars in space? The only wars in recent history were The Four Months War which resulted in a curb stomp victory for Earth Forces due to the lack of organization of the PLANT Colonies prior to ZAFT'S formation and how they practically split the ones who didn't want war and those who did want war in half. The last was the Fractured Earth War which was more in ZAFT's favor but ended in cease fire not to long ago. There hasn't been a fifth war in space and these other newtypes...yeah there aren't many people like me and you. The young lieutenant said as he moved along. "What's a newtype again boss? Are they coordinators or something?" Beta 3 asked gruffly who Beta Leader ,over the com, said that they were special folk who had incredible reflex's and stuff like that. "Both of you shut it! As I was saying your not making any sense. As for why you should listen to me well for one I'm probably the only living person here who wouldn't shoot you in the face first after giving him an answer he doesn't believe and I have a SHIP. Do you fancy sleeping in your mobile suit junker? I wouldn't like sleeping in this gundam suit here. Paul stopped as they appeared down the hill and he looked around. Nothing it was stupidly eerie that they could be knocked out so easily and placed in an open field with nothing taken or effected...."As for enemies...good at least it's something I can pull a trigger at and blow apart. I'm not the guy who talks to others about how to solve a war peacefully. I'm the guy who goes in when those guys can't do their jobs. The closer I am to danger the more at home I am in this walking death machine. Paul said confidently as he looked about.
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