Closed, son. Back to your regularly scheduled programming.

The following is a convoluted idea I've been throwing around in my head the past few weeks. I currently only have one roleplay going on, so I figured I might get something else going. Take note that this advertisement is for one partner only. If I already have a partner, I may not respond to your request to do this idea -- it has nothing to do with me trying to be a jerk to you and everything to do with the limited time I have. Nothing personal ahead of time, a'ight, yo?

As such, the request for partner quality that I'm asking for is what I would consider to be substantial -- someone who can reliably understand most grammar and syntax laws. I'm not asking for you to write me novels, but I will ask that they be fairly free of obvious mistakes. Use your commas. Nothing perfect, but readable. I want to feel like you care. I also want you to take part in the story writing process. Have something you want to happen? Let me know! I love sharing ideas. Nothing warms the cockles of my heart quite like a partner who is engaged enough to share their ideas. Be still my beating heart.

On the other hand, I don't have a set rule for how quickly you need to respond to my posts. Can't get back to me in the next week? Cool beans. Life happens. We're cool. You don't even have to explain it to me. Just so long as you don't disappear into the ether of the interwebs without explanation.*

The roleplay itself will involve drama, intrigue, violence, action, violence, and more drama. As such, it will definitely be something only adults should read. This may be a roleplay to keep amongst ourselves in PM due to the age restrictions on the website. We can discuss that further. I am looking for someone to play a female opposite of my dashing rogue. (Slight sarcasm. He's not dashing.)

The Idea!

The roleplay would start a few years in the future. Sometime in the summer of 2015, a small comet landed in the Amazon rain forest. It caused some undue destruction deep in the wilderness, but killed very few people. Helicopters and airplanes were dispatched by the scientific community to study the site. These first scientists, showing up in street clothes and with little understanding of how deadly the comet actually was, never returned to their families.

The comet housed an extremely virus from a world far-off. The process of planet seeding (Watch some Cosmos, yo.) had sent planetary debris from the planet the virus had already conquered to our own. It readily infected the first human it came across, bringing with it fever and chills for the first few hours. Mr. Charles Decker, the first man to work at the comet site, had thought he had come under the influence of the flu. He perished some hours later, before once again rising like something out of a zombie film. Unfortunately, the virus did more than rewrite his brain -- it rewrote his body. Appendages were grown and bones were contorted into bludgeoning and cutting weapons. Incisors turned to fangs. Mr. Decker turned into a chilling creature, swift and deadly, that stalked the rest of his team. Each man that fell was infected.

It was impossible, even for the world's greatest nations, to track the infected team members as they raced through the jungle to infect the local populace. The World Health Organization gave platitudes, stating that it was simply a fever that was breaking out -- nothing more. When Rio de Janeiro fell, it was difficult to keep the secret from the world. Cellphones and Youtube displayed the truth for all to behold. Flights were shut down and borders were closed; it was too late. Pandora's box was opened -- and the world suffered.

The plague swept through South America. Little was done to protect the Panama Canal, which fell in the first few weeks. The plague raced upwards through Mexico, before eventually being stopped at the American border. The entire weight of the US Armed Forces, reinforced by the Canadian Army, threw bodies, bombs and tanks against the plague at the Rio Grande and the long deserts in the west. It bought the Americans time to build a wall over a hundred feet high. High enough to keep out the waves of 'victims' south of the border. It was one of the largest industrial works done in global history, done in the course of a few weeks. Over forty-thousand soldiers died protecting the border -- their tanks overrun and their foxholes infested. The creatures are evolving -- able to clamber up the walled fortifications and cunning enough to cut open the hatches on tanks to get at the crews inside.

The horror still grows. Satellite and aerial intelligence, though it is not shared with the public, shows conclusive proof that the infected are reproducing. Each week brings a new battle for the border. The United States, unable to face the threat alone, has called out for international military aid. Shockingly, the largest commitment of troops has come from the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics -- reborn in the economic downturn the 'alien' invasion has caused. Providing more than thirty-thousand professional soldiers, they have helped to secure the Arizona border behind the wall. Based out of Tulsa, many Americans grow embittered and ashamed at the fact that the Hammer & Scythe are protecting their homes.

Amongst them is a tank crew, commanded by a lieutenant, in a T90 MBT. [Psst. This is who I'd be playing!]


The above is open to interpretation. The aliens are based off of the ones from Dead Space. I'll let you Google that if you don't know what they look like. The idea of a tank crew taking a major part in the roleplay is based off the movie Fury -- the men and women who drive armored vehicles aren't given enough lead time. There's also the obvious cues drawn from the movie Monsters, which I highly recommend everyone see.

Who do I want you to roleplay? Well, most certainly not a crew member of the tank. That is a dynamic that will be displayed in the roleplay, but only through my writing I imagine. I would rather you not roleplay another Russian. Let us have some drama and divergence amongst our two characters. That leaves the ball in your court.

Interested? Send me a PM. I likely won't respond to queries here.
