Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zitacamron95
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Status: The plot is still open

*I will warn you all before you get too far, I do prefer romance in my roleplays, sorry, I'm more interested in them and this plot is MxM.

*Be able to give back what I give you, I would like you to be able to post a minimum of two paragraphs.

*I am fine with blood, gore and swearing but I don’t go into detail about sex(this is more about inexperience than anything else), not saying that it can't happen between our characters.

*I don't mind OOC talk so if you are one of those people that like to talk to others outside the roleplay, I'm absolutely fine with that.

*I don’t want any love at first sight kind of things going on, there are times where characters already know each other and have hidden crushes, but I would like to bring out the hidden crush thing, instead of within the first few posts they've already decided to date.

*So I know you've read all these tell me your favorite flavor of cake or pie, I will not respond if you do not have this.

*If you have any ideas for the role-play or you want to say “Hey, how about we do this…” Tell me, I'd love to hear it! My favorite part of roleplaying is tossing around ideas.

*I am a college student with a job, but I will try and get a reply to you at least twice a week, and I will keep you updated if I do not have the time to post for a long time please return the favor

*If there is anything else you want to know please feel free to ask me, I don't bite.

Alright so onto the plot, this is all I have so far, but I would love to expand on this idea with whoever is interested!

I'm thinking about it taking place in a privately owned bookstore, owned by one guy who isn't really social in any way. Though, this store isn't normal, odd things happen in it every day and the only one who doesn't seem effected by it is the person that owns the bookstore. Somehow this owner hires a new worker. Well, saying that the store owner actually hired this man would be incorrect, this man just kind of decided to work for this man and refused to leave the shop. Now the two of them work in the bookstore and live together in the small apartment above the shop. This worker can either by some person just off the streets that was looking for a job or maybe a detective in disguise trying to figure out what is going on at this bookstore. (This will probably be more of a slice of life roleplay, with some plot to it)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zitacamron95
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aalakrys
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Member Seen 6 days ago

So, I actually really like this plot - but we're already doing another roleplay. I'm game to do two since I don't have any others going on atm, but understand if you want varied partners. :D
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