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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Red Seelie
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The Red Seelie Eliminate the Impossible / What remains is Truth

Member Seen 20 days ago

Time 7:30 pm

The Observer Cleared the Desk his arm pushing everything not important onto the floor. Now laying on the table was a small book. a notebook. Filled inside was knowledge of events that the observer had witnessed. Recorded. all for his singular purposes of killing everyone. Now his eyes lay on a single page. He had gotten word of the So called Russian Sleep experiment and the gas they had used. But all canisters had been destroyed when it had been deemed a failure by the Russian government except one. Which was held by one of the scientists that defected. Encase it was ever needed in the future. The man died a couple of months ago.
The notebook was closed at the sound of a rat moving the corner. The observer disappeared from the room and reappeared on the roof Through the large crack that was in the rundown house. neither the Observer nor anyone else (hopefully) knew of the Scientist Whereabouts. So alias Today was looking to be a long nights work. The observer moved to the next house ready to frisk it and hopefully it would be over before That runt got to him.

Fenrir ripped the throat out of the middle aged man whose shotgun Fell to the floor with a clatter the senile fool thought it would be smart to Point the gun at him when all he asked 'Politely' for everything the old geezer had But no The stupid twat had to be over protective of his stuff. neither the less Fenrir helped himself to the old mans shotgun. It was a rusty old thing but it would do for killing. at least For now. Flexing his fingers Fenrir reached into the pocket of his coat where a phone lay. he stared at it for a moment It had one number. but he didn't need that bastards help. Not yet. anyway Fenrir pocketed the phone carefully. then Fenrir spoke in a raspy voice. when he had taken the last of the stuff "Tonight... The runner stops running anymore"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Esterdi


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Upon laying his black overcoat by the wall hanger, Wulfric couldn't shake the feeling that the people in the small restaurant of his motel were way too eerily boring. Even middle income, middle aged, barely sentient quasi-individuals such as these customarily had a bit more life in them. Now, Wulfric wasn't the paranoid type, as much as a two hundred year old vampire could avoid being paranoid; he just felt like the place was as good as any for murderers to hide (he WAS hiding there, after all). Well, only one way to find out...

One table in front of him, was a couple. Mid 20's, he wagered. Insofar as his mediocre lip reading could tell, the boyfriend just got a raise at work. Wulfric could feel mild excitement from his lady, washing over him like rose perfume. When the lady grabbed her glass of wine, the vampire ramped up her excitement abruptly, causing her to leap happily off her chair, spilling the contents of her drink onto her boyfriend. The man rose, and Wulfric could feel a mixture of mostly embarassment with a slight tang of anger. Focusing on the anger, he empowered it, and the man slapped his girlfriend over the face.

Now, everyone on the shop was more or less observing them, agitated. Wulfric pushed as hard as possible, blowing every little bit of tension between the people present to as large a proportion as his - admittedly drained, empathy with so many at a time was a real labour - Blur powers allowed. Then, in the ensuing chaos, he stopped Blur-ing and focused his Empathy singularily, looking for a specific mental signature within the room; this was sparsely known, but Wulfric learned from experience that in situations such as those, only killers could get excited. He found him shortly. Rising from his seat and narrowly avoiding a flying apple pie set course to his face, the vampire advanced slowly towards the source, who appeared to be a slightly overweight, bald man in his 40's. After a forceful bash from the handle of his umbrella, the man lay unconscious. Wulfric, as silently as he could, dragged the man out, lingering the suggestion that what he was doing wasn't important in the air (mental space) of the still messy motel diner.

"Who was it?" Wulfric finally asked the man, after he awoke, finding his legs and arms tied with thick rope.
"W-What do you..."
"Do not make me wait, pathetic human. WHO WAS IT?" he shouted, unsheathing the straight, narrow blade from his umbrella and stabbing the man in his abdomen. Blood started gushing out, as Wulfric entered the bald man's mind and tried to make him feel as much fear and as little pain (for now) as possible.
"I-I told her not to bother me after a-a long day's work. B-But she wouldn't listen. My daughter, Emily, y-you see, she wouldn't lis..."

Wulfric snapped. With a sharp cleave, he opened his victim's abdomen wide, revealing partly damaged intestines. Blood was steadily dripping out. Using a handkerchief and some rope, Wulfric improvised a gag and left the man there, against the wall behind his motel, writhing in agony that his vampiric hunger saw as the next best thing to a feast. Exhausted from all the Bluring he had to do for this particular catch, Wulfric ascended to the small motel room he rented, cleaned himself up, and collapsed in his bed, hoping that the killer he left suffering outside could take at least 2 hours to die, which would leave the vampire completely invigorated for the following day. In his last waking moments before drifting off to sleep, Wulfric whispered a simple prayer, as he often did: "Your sorrows are over, your death avenged... sleep well, Emily..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rin Okumura

Rin Okumura Metalhead in-training

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Jeff the killer was wandering around the streets looking for someone he could kill. He was getting bored lately as he was able to kill more and more of his targets without opposition. He must have been getting better at this than he already was. Either that or Jane was no longer trying. While lost in his thought, he came across a young man. Jeff came up behind the man putting his knife to the persons throat. "Go to sleep," Jeff whispered to him before slicing his throat open. He then moved along, leaving a bloody corpse behind him.

Blade sat on the edge of a roof looking out over the city. "Why did Slender send me here? Apparently it was important." His master, the Slender Man, had sent him here without giving him a clear reason. He decided to start searching the town by running across the rooftops. That turned out to be a bad idea as when he jumped to a shorter building he lost his balance and hit the ground. He pulled himself up and sat leaning against the building he fell off of. "You'll be up in a minute," he told himself.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kitty
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Jane applied the last of the makeup and got dressed into her disguise. Her skin was now a light tan color, her skin and face clear of any scars left from Jeff. Her eyes were a brilliant blue due to contacts and her hair blonde and long. She now wore a cropped red tank top cut in a deep v-neck and cut just underneath her breasts. She had a black skin tight skirt that was pretty short, black fishnet tights and knee-high black boots. A black leather jacket was thrown over the outfit and on her stomach was a fake tattoo to add to her look. Finally her makeup was smokey with bright red lipstick.

Jane didn't just dress up for fun, she did it to kill. She had three types of victims; the victims who were meant to be Jeff's victims, the victims who suffer whenever Jane has blood lust, and the victims who Jane kills because they do bad things like drug girls or kidnap girls. Jane dressed up the way she did this night to attract the attention of the third victim type as she would be clubbing tonight.

Jane grabbed her clutch that had her knife in it and walked out the door of her rented cheap rundown motel room and headed straight across the street to the first club she would be going to tonight. The bouncer looked over her once and let her in immediately. She winked at him and walked into the club looking around once through the crowds of people who basically where having sex on the dance floor. Jane found the bar and walked to it and sat down. She looked around pretending to be clueless about the club.

A man who appeared to be in his late 20s walked over to her with a slight smirk on his face. "Hey babe. You look new. You must not be from around here." He said. Jane inwardly smirked before smiling flirtatiously and putting on her southern accent. "No I'm not. I'm up here visiting my friend who moved here. I came out to have some fun tonight before going back to Texas." Jane said fluttering her eyelashes. "Then you can spend some time with me at the club and I'll show you how to have a good time." He said offering her a hand, "care to dance?" He asked. Jane nodded and they went to the dance floor and danced.

(Splitting my post in to two parts so it isn't too long. This was the first part.)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Song Book
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Song Book First book off the shelf.

Member Seen 12 mos ago

A girl was wandering around following a killer. He wouldnt know she was their but the 'friends' he was making was great. She fallowed behind him gigling everynow and then. She was good at what she did watching everything, collecting souls.

Opening her jar as he said his ' catch phrase' she watched the soul drift to the jar she ful out gigled. Giving away her position if he bothered to look.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FoxFireOfDawn
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FoxFireOfDawn Back in business!

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Alice floated down to the ground, stopping to hover gently just above it. She was in an old graveyard that spanned out for miles. She looked over the broken gravestones, both the ancient and the old ones. Nettles and thorns tangles around the edges of pathways. Too bad that she could just pass through. She was soon embraced in a warm, blue glow as she shifted to her human form. Then she took her time to read some of the gravestones and pay her respects, even if she didn't know the person. She gently stroked a lone, red rose that was surrounded by the different thorn bushes, before she went deeper into the graveyard. If lost, she could just shift forms again and be gone. Light rain drops followed as she walked, but they just affected her like a leaf. It would simply slide off.
Desdemona sighed, looking off into the distant blur of lights. She was currently inside her apartment, on the small balcony it had, looking out to see either the lights from this town, or the one in the distance. Humming, she turned and retreated inside to check on her equipment. After a few minuted of shuffling and searching, everything seemed to be intact. She locked the cabinets she had opened and went outside, deciding it would be better for her to take a quick walk, to separate her from the chaos, at least for a bit. She had no real goal, so she just walked the streets. The fresh air calmed her more than when people tried to, but she didn't really need anyone, did she? A pang struck her chest. Maybe the loneliness was finally getting to her, after these years.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Song Book
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Song Book First book off the shelf.

Member Seen 12 mos ago

A girl was wandering around following a killer. He wouldnt know she was their but the 'friends' he was making was great. She fallowed behind him gigling everynow and then. She was good at what she did watching everything, collecting souls.

Opening her jar as he said his ' catch phrase' she watched the soul drift to the jar she ful out gigled. Giving away her position if he bothered to look.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by 22xander


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Vincent wakes up in his old basement apartment tricked out since his parents moved out. Now he has a fully functioning supercomputer sitting downstairs under everything else. Of course you can't really go upstairs too often and I'll see might scare the current occupants of the building. So inside his computer he has several billion firewalls and a dozen or so spirits and telling he picks up his game boy and walks over. Plugging his Gameboy yang he downloads and good friend of his quote unquote Ben drowned. This was the most powerful mana battery he had, and he always liked it when Ben struggled. digitizing himself Vincent satin self out of his house and off into the World Wide Web. From there he decides on a town to collect from and he walks out of A coffeehouses home computer. Dusting himself off he can't stop make sure no ones around and just rolls outside. Happily grinning he can feel something about this town it might even have a Nexus.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kitty
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

After dancing the two went back to the bar and the guy ordered a drink for her. She watched as he slipped something into the drink and it dissolved quickly. 'What an idiot. I already have something in my system to stop that from working but what is acting for. Jane thought as she was handed the drink. She drank it quickly blaming it on thirst. She began to pretend feeling weak. "Can you come with me outside? I don't want to go alone when I feel so sick and weak like this." Jane asked the guy looking at him innocently. "Yeah sure anything for a beautiful girl like you." The guy said helping Jane outside. He held onto her arm and began to drag her away from the club.

"H-hey where are we going?" Jane stuttered as she held her clutch in hand itching to take her knife out. He just smirked and pulled her into an alley pushing her against the wall. He leaned in to kiss her at the same time she quickly got her knife out. She stabbed it into his side and pulled it out when he clutched his side in pain. "You bitch! Why isn't the roofie working." He growled as she backed away holding his bleeding side. "Because I'm smart and I have a motive that won't allow me to become a little toy for you." Jane said smirking and walking towards him. He swung a fist at her but she dodged and kicked him in the chest sending him stumbling backwards into the other wall. "Don't go to sleep. You won't wake up." Jane said as she stabbed the knife into his heart then slashed his throat.

Jane smirked down at the dead body and then looked around making sure no one saw so she knew she didn't have to kill the witnesses. Jane smirked in happiness and put her knife in the clutch before walking through the alley way to connect to a different one so she could look out for anyone else to kill. In one of the alley ways she saw none other than her nemesis Jeff. 'How should I play this one out. I don't look anything like myself and my knife isn't visible so why not lure him into a trap.' Jane thought with a smirk. She began running and looking back acting as if she was scared. "Someone please help my boyfriend was just killed by some maniac with black hair and white skin! I think they are after me." Jane screamed out scared. She pretended that she just noticed Jeff and ran over to him and stopped. She panted like she was out of breath and looked at him. "Please you have to help me. I'll do anything." Jane pleaded with fake fear in her voice.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rin Okumura

Rin Okumura Metalhead in-training

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Jeff laughed as he looked at the girl who came up to him. "I'm so sorry," he said with fake empathy. He then looked at her with psychotic smile before bringing his knife directly in front of her heart. "How can I help?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kitty
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

"By dying." Jane said as a smirk formed on her face and the desire to fight Jeff became apparent in her fake blue eyes. Jane grabbed the sharp part of his knife and held it tightly so he wouldn't be able to attack just yet. With her other hand she easily popped open the clutch and pulled out her bloody knife. She pointed it to his heart just like he had done to her letting go of Jeff's knife and putting her bloody hand on Jeff's white hoodie and leaning forward after moving out of the knife's path in order to whisper in his ear.

"Let's play a game Jeff. Oh how easy it would be to kill you right now but that wouldn't be fun now would it." She whispered in his ear before stepping back and smirking at him. "I want your death to be a spectacle. I want to hear you scream for mercy. Something you never gave your victims and something you will never get from me Jeff." Jane said before swing her leg up towards his hand that's gripping his knife so she can attempt to disarm him, but she knows this attack won't be successful. That's what makes there fights so interesting. They both are skilled fighters but they seem to be on the same level.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rin Okumura

Rin Okumura Metalhead in-training

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Jeff easily avoids the kick and steps back a bit. "You won't take me out as easily as you think," he smirked before preparing to attack. "And like hell you're gonna hear me beg!" As soon as he finished his statement, he ran forward and slashed at her horizontally.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kitty
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

"Oh you know you will Jeff." Jane said as she easily blocked his attack with her knife before flipping backwards out of his reach. She then smirked and ran towards the main street so she could get to the forest, the best place to fight. She winked back at him taunting him to attack her while they ran through a place with people. Taunting him was one of her favorite parts of fighting him, she was quite talented a taunting.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by 22xander


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Vincent looks around in the back ally he has sybled out into. Thair before him stood a odd looking pair, one of which was holding a knife to the others chest. He normally wouldn't care, but he had just gotten this outfit from a shop in China. Sadly he doesn't have much fighting skills so he sighs and let's Ben materialize.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rin Okumura

Rin Okumura Metalhead in-training

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Jeff recklessly followed her down the Main Street towards the forest. "Get back here so I can drive my knife into your chest!" Jeff was consumed by a bloodlust at this point, all he wanted to do was kill.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kitty
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Jane smirked as he followed into the main street. She could see people staring at them wide-eyed and some even dialing the police. Jane stopped after she gained some distance in the middle of the street. She turned towards Jeff and smirked at him. "Maybe I should play innocent, get you caught then I'll come pay you a visit in the slammer and kill you then." Jane said looking at him challengingly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Song Book
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Song Book First book off the shelf.

Member Seen 12 mos ago

She watched as the two fight. She wanted a new 'friend' and he wasn't delivering. Did she have to do everything herself. Walking in to the open she fixed the dark brown stained dress she was wearing. The girl was ruining all of her fun, distracting the killer she needed. Fine she would go find somebody, maybe another killer, or go kill someone herself.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by 22xander


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Ben! Your mine, stop those fellows. You know I can stop you always, so the better you behave the more I can do after this the green clad lad telaports in front of the pair and grins. "You shouldn't have done that, I almost never get a kill!" A sword materializes in his hand.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rin Okumura

Rin Okumura Metalhead in-training

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Oh yes, the poor innocent girl wielding a bloody knife!" He took a look around at all the gawking people. "Hey everyone! We are Jeff and Jane the killers! The infamous serial killers!" After his little announcement he turned back to Jane and held his knife up, ready to fight.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kitty
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

"Well I at least look the part, since my mask and normal attire are in my room and I'm wearing a lovely disguise with my black hair hidden."She said only loud enough for him to hear. Jane held her knife up ready to attack before BEN popped up out of nowhere. "Dammit BEN! You little twerp you know better than to get in between our fight." She said sending a glare his way while trying to focus on both so she could block their attacks.
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